Boston Bomber's Mom: "They're innocent! It's a set-up!"

CaféAuLait;7150176 said:
I did not realize that Russia also warned the US about their Mom too.

Russia raised concerns to U.S. authorities about Zubeidat Tsarnaev, the mother of the Boston Marathon bombings' suspects, in 2011 at the same time they asked the U.S. about her son Tamerlan, several sources told CNN.

Latest developments in the Boston bombing investigation -

Personally? No surprise here. I honestly think it ran in that family. I also believe that is what the falling out with the father's brother was all about as well.

Ya know, that makes perfect sense.
Actually, she sounds like a typical mother, to me. Desperate for it not to be true, faithful to her sons against all adversity, unconditional love, deluding herself because it's so hard to believe they would do this.

Yep, typical mother.

Whereas you sound like a hatemonger.
Actually a typical mother would stay silent and consider that her sons just murdered and maimed all these innocent people for no reason. And maybe provide a written apology and ask for privacy to mourn all the dead including one of her own. That would be the civilized way of doing it, when your own flesh and blood has done such harm to others. Not going out in the media and making a fool of yourself with these lies and false accusations and making it even worse.

You sound like a moron.

Actually, my IQ is 138. What's yours? I can see by your posts that you're intelligent enough to have mastered the English language fairly well. No misspellings, typos, that sort of thing. Proper sentence structure. I must give credit where it is due.

However, that doesn't mean you're not an ignorant asshole. Full of hate. Spreader of hate. What do you think that accomplishes?

Which veterinarian clinic gave you the IQ test? Perhaps I can take my German Shepherd. I bet his IQ is greater than yours.

As if having high IQ or not means a person can't be FULL OF SHIT. :cuckoo:

You're dismissed, MORON. :clap2:
Roudy, you shouldn't smartmouth a guy with an IQ of 138. That's like defiling Muhommud. Better stay on his good side.
Supposedly the interviewed suspect said he and his brother's motivation was to protest against US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Even if you don't see a connection, they did.
BINGO! Then it is Islam that is at war with us, and the rest of Western civilization. And these guys are their soldiers aka Islamic Jihadists.

You win a seegar.

Listen, the point I'm making is that the United States has been bullying countries for decades and decades, killing leaders, installing puppet governments, conducting drone strikes that kill innocent civilians, ect, ect.

Whether or not 1,000,000+ died in Iraq is irrelevant. What is relevant is that A LOT of people DID die, needlessly (because Iraq never attacked the US).

Do you know how many little children we've killed in drone strikes in the last 5 years alone? Do you think those kids have parents? Wouldn't you want to take revenge if your little kid's legs got blown off from a flying death machine controlled by some college grad operator based out of Nevada (halfway around the world)?

Before simplifying the story and making it seem like the US is this righteous beacon of freedom and hope, you should probably investigate a bit into "reality", which is infinitely complex.



How many kids were killed in Chechnya by American drones or air strikes? I'll wait.
BINGO! Then it is Islam that is at war with us, and the rest of Western civilization. And these guys are their soldiers aka Islamic Jihadists.

You win a seegar.

Listen, the point I'm making is that the United States has been bullying countries for decades and decades, killing leaders, installing puppet governments, conducting drone strikes that kill innocent civilians, ect, ect.

Whether or not 1,000,000+ died in Iraq is irrelevant. What is relevant is that A LOT of people DID die, needlessly (because Iraq never attacked the US).

Do you know how many little children we've killed in drone strikes in the last 5 years alone? Do you think those kids have parents? Wouldn't you want to take revenge if your little kid's legs got blown off from a flying death machine controlled by some college grad operator based out of Nevada (halfway around the world)?

Before simplifying the story and making it seem like the US is this righteous beacon of freedom and hope, you should probably investigate a bit into "reality", which is infinitely complex.



How many kids were killed in Chechnya by American drones or air strikes? I'll wait.

Not sure why I have to answer that. I was responding to a post about Islam and Jihadists in general, and never made the claim that Chechnya was under fire from the US, ect.

Dig it?

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Listen, the point I'm making is that the United States has been bullying countries for decades and decades, killing leaders, installing puppet governments, conducting drone strikes that kill innocent civilians, ect, ect.

Whether or not 1,000,000+ died in Iraq is irrelevant. What is relevant is that A LOT of people DID die, needlessly (because Iraq never attacked the US).

Do you know how many little children we've killed in drone strikes in the last 5 years alone? Do you think those kids have parents? Wouldn't you want to take revenge if your little kid's legs got blown off from a flying death machine controlled by some college grad operator based out of Nevada (halfway around the world)?

Before simplifying the story and making it seem like the US is this righteous beacon of freedom and hope, you should probably investigate a bit into "reality", which is infinitely complex.



How many kids were killed in Chechnya by American drones or air strikes? I'll wait.

Not sure why I have to answer that. I was responding to a post about Islam and Jihadists in general, and never made the claim that Chechnya was under fire from the US, ect.

Dig it?


Thats fine but why bring up Iraq when that has nothing to do with the Chechens? They got their own problems with Russia, attacking the US is stupid.
How many kids were killed in Chechnya by American drones or air strikes? I'll wait.

Not sure why I have to answer that. I was responding to a post about Islam and Jihadists in general, and never made the claim that Chechnya was under fire from the US, ect.

Dig it?


Thats fine but why bring up Iraq when that has nothing to do with the Chechens? They got their own problems with Russia, attacking the US is stupid.

But I don’t think this is a Chechen issue because I think these kids were alleged to be radicalized by Muslim extremism/ideology in general. The kid was only 19 and spent much of his adult life in the United States (please correct me if I’m wrong); it’s not like he was Chechen extremist that was part of a group over there and just came to the US a few months ago for the specific mission to kill Americans.

This kid – allegedly – identifies as a Muslim which is part of a larger, borderless Muslim community. This is where the Iraq War becomes extremely relevant, because that community has lost many, many individuals needlessly as the result of Aggressive United States Imperialism that has been taking place for decades. And (as the saying goes) for every action, there is a reaction...

So, in short:
We screw over Muslims, so (as a result) Muslims become pissed off.

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Not sure why I have to answer that. I was responding to a post about Islam and Jihadists in general, and never made the claim that Chechnya was under fire from the US, ect.

Dig it?


Thats fine but why bring up Iraq when that has nothing to do with the Chechens? They got their own problems with Russia, attacking the US is stupid.

But I don’t think this is a Chechen issue because I think these kids were alleged to be radicalized by Muslim extremism/ideology in general. The kid was only 19 and spent much of his adult life in the United States (please correct me if I’m wrong); it’s not like he was Chechen extremist that was part of a group over there and just came to the US a few months ago for the specific mission to kill Americans.

This kid – allegedly – identifies as a Muslim which is part of a larger, borderless Muslim community. This is where the Iraq War becomes extremely relevant, because that community has lost many, many individuals needlessly as the result of Aggressive United States Imperialism that has been taking place for decades. And (as the saying goes) for every action, there is a reaction...

So, in short:
We screw over Muslims, so (as a result) Muslims become pissed off.


Growing up in the States doesn't mean much, Nadal Hassan was born and raised here I believe and he went on a killing spree in Fort Hood. Anwar Al-Awlaki was born here, Adam Gadahn, John Walker Lindh etc etc, you can become radicalized by Islam regardless of where you were raised.
Thats fine but why bring up Iraq when that has nothing to do with the Chechens? They got their own problems with Russia, attacking the US is stupid.

But I don’t think this is a Chechen issue because I think these kids were alleged to be radicalized by Muslim extremism/ideology in general. The kid was only 19 and spent much of his adult life in the United States (please correct me if I’m wrong); it’s not like he was Chechen extremist that was part of a group over there and just came to the US a few months ago for the specific mission to kill Americans.

This kid – allegedly – identifies as a Muslim which is part of a larger, borderless Muslim community. This is where the Iraq War becomes extremely relevant, because that community has lost many, many individuals needlessly as the result of Aggressive United States Imperialism that has been taking place for decades. And (as the saying goes) for every action, there is a reaction...

So, in short:
We screw over Muslims, so (as a result) Muslims become pissed off.


Growing up in the States doesn't mean much, Nadal Hassan was born and raised here I believe and he went on a killing spree in Fort Hood. Anwar Al-Awlaki was born here, Adam Gadahn, John Walker Lindh etc etc, you can become radicalized by Islam regardless of where you were raised.

Yea, that's exactly my point. This isn't a Chechnya vs US issue. It's (if the story is true) a Muslim vs US issue.

But I don’t think this is a Chechen issue because I think these kids were alleged to be radicalized by Muslim extremism/ideology in general. The kid was only 19 and spent much of his adult life in the United States (please correct me if I’m wrong); it’s not like he was Chechen extremist that was part of a group over there and just came to the US a few months ago for the specific mission to kill Americans.

This kid – allegedly – identifies as a Muslim which is part of a larger, borderless Muslim community. This is where the Iraq War becomes extremely relevant, because that community has lost many, many individuals needlessly as the result of Aggressive United States Imperialism that has been taking place for decades. And (as the saying goes) for every action, there is a reaction...

So, in short:
We screw over Muslims, so (as a result) Muslims become pissed off.


Growing up in the States doesn't mean much, Nadal Hassan was born and raised here I believe and he went on a killing spree in Fort Hood. Anwar Al-Awlaki was born here, Adam Gadahn, John Walker Lindh etc etc, you can become radicalized by Islam regardless of where you were raised.

Yea, that's exactly my point. This isn't a Chechnya vs US issue. It's (if the story is true) a Muslim vs US issue.


I agree with you there, it definently is.
She also says that the FBI had visited there home 3 or 4 times before. Watch the whole video! Its online somewhere.
Actually, she sounds like a typical mother, to me. Desperate for it not to be true, faithful to her sons against all adversity, unconditional love, deluding herself because it's so hard to believe they would do this.

Yep, typical mother.

Whereas you sound like a hatemonger.
Actually a typical mother would stay silent and consider that her sons just murdered and maimed all these innocent people for no reason. And maybe provide a written apology and ask for privacy to mourn all the dead including one of her own. That would be the civilized way of doing it, when your own flesh and blood has done such harm to others. Not going out in the media and making a fool of yourself with these lies and false accusations and making it even worse.

You sound like a moron.

Actually, my IQ is 138. What's yours? I can see by your posts that you're intelligent enough to have mastered the English language fairly well. No misspellings, typos, that sort of thing. Proper sentence structure. I must give credit where it is due.

However, that doesn't mean you're not an ignorant asshole. Full of hate. Spreader of hate. What do you think that accomplishes?

What's IQ got to do with anything? Mine is also 138 and I agree with Roudy. How many times does the West have to get blown up by the same nut jobs to realize Islam is the problem.
Actually a typical mother would stay silent and consider that her sons just murdered and maimed all these innocent people for no reason. And maybe provide a written apology and ask for privacy to mourn all the dead including one of her own. That would be the civilized way of doing it, when your own flesh and blood has done such harm to others. Not going out in the media and making a fool of yourself with these lies and false accusations and making it even worse.

You sound like a moron.

Actually, my IQ is 138. What's yours? I can see by your posts that you're intelligent enough to have mastered the English language fairly well. No misspellings, typos, that sort of thing. Proper sentence structure. I must give credit where it is due.

However, that doesn't mean you're not an ignorant asshole. Full of hate. Spreader of hate. What do you think that accomplishes?

What's IQ got to do with anything? Mine is also 138 and I agree with Roudy. How many times does the West have to get blown up by the same nut jobs to realize Islam is the problem.

Let’s talk this through a bit shall we? What has the West been doing for the past 30-40 years in the middle east?

We have have been aggressively forcing our way into those countries, taking over militarily (while killing hundreds of thousands of people) and have been installing puppet governments to benefit our own strategic goals. The reason for doing this largely comes down to money. The Iraq War cost taxpayers close to $3 trillion and counting; this money is making someone very, very rich. Filthy f'ing rich, in fact.

As a result, these Muslims are extraordinarily pissed off. If a foreign force was exploiting our gov't, and killing hundreds of thousands of Americans while occupying our country... I'd be pissed off too. Wouldn't you?

All the while they tell us the Muslims are doing it because "they hate our liberty". I dunno know about you, but I'm not 7 years old and simply do not accept this dumbed-down explanation.

So (in short) the BETTER question to ask is when is the West going to stop trampling over Muslim nations and treating them like they're dirt/less than human? Because when we quit doing that, the bombings will stop.

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Actually, she sounds like a typical mother, to me. Desperate for it not to be true, faithful to her sons against all adversity, unconditional love, deluding herself because it's so hard to believe they would do this.

Yep, typical mother.

Whereas you sound like a hatemonger.
Actually a typical mother would stay silent and consider that her sons just murdered and maimed all these innocent people for no reason. And maybe provide a written apology and ask for privacy to mourn all the dead including one of her own. That would be the civilized way of doing it, when your own flesh and blood has done such harm to others. Not going out in the media and making a fool of yourself with these lies and false accusations and making it even worse.

You sound like a moron.

Actually, my IQ is 138. What's yours? I can see by your posts that you're intelligent enough to have mastered the English language fairly well. No misspellings, typos, that sort of thing. Proper sentence structure. I must give credit where it is due.

However, that doesn't mean you're not an ignorant asshole. Full of hate. Spreader of hate. What do you think that accomplishes?
His grammar is good, too. You know that grammar is the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit. Your grammar is shitty.

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