Boston Bomber's Mom: "They're innocent! It's a set-up!"

Moms are often like that. She was just a little louder than most. Forget about it.
Yeah, all moms raise little scumbag Islamic terrorists who enjoy blowing up innocent people who's only crime was they were Americans and they were present at a popular sporting event. And then turn around and claim it was a set-up and "they were framed because they were Muslim". What were we thinking?

The father was speaking from overseas, so I understand he has to be careful what he says.

I thought it was interesting the foreign leader's statement blaming the US for the social environment these men were brought up in.

Maybe for the Mom and Aunt, they are going to find themselves being set up.

If the clerical community will support the Uncle and Nephew in confessing openly and clearing all the doubts about responsibility for the attcks, then all the sympathizers and supporters pushing his innocence and blaming the govt for setting them up, those people can join the family in paying restitution. If they really don't believe the US and the bombing victims and survivors deserve restitution, they can go help build schools and clinics in Chechnya, Afghanistan, Iraq and other places the children would welcome their sympathy to be put into actions. not just empty words in the media to badmouth government.

I would hold all these people to their words.

And gladly help them organize fundraisers to rebuild schools and clinics in wartorn areas
as the US military is undercredited for doing as part of their service to these regions.

So these people, including the family, can say all they want, and I would just ask for them and other supporters and sympathizers to put their money where their mouths are.

I don't agree at all with any empty complaints, abused to criticize the govt, while not doing anything to change or help the situations in these countries where war is being protested.

I don't mind helping them organize donations from all these protestors, because I believe that is equally important in the recovery process. So if I am willing to help, when I don't even agree with their empty complaints against govt, but believe they should protest by helping these war-torn countries they sympathize so much with, certainly they can help!
any wonder why her boys turned out to be such bloodsucking terrorists? She talks like a typical islamic retard.

boston bombing suspects' mother: My sons are innocent, this is a set up - youtube

actually, she sounds like a typical mother, to me. Desperate for it not to be true, faithful to her sons against all adversity, unconditional love, deluding herself because it's so hard to believe they would do this.

Yep, typical mother.

Whereas you sound like a hatemonger.

yes, he is in fact a professional hate monger for the Israeli lobby.. This is his full time job
And you would be....ass licker of the IslamoTerrorists. As your behavior in this thread showed.
Moms are often like that. She was just a little louder than most. Forget about it.
Yeah, all moms raise little scumbag Islamic terrorists who enjoy blowing up innocent people who's only crime was they were Americans and they were present at a popular sporting event. And then turn around and claim it was a set-up and "they were framed because they were Muslim". What were we thinking?

The father was speaking from overseas, so I understand he has to be careful what he says.

I thought it was interesting the foreign leader's statement blaming the US for the social environment these men were brought up in.

Maybe for the Mom and Aunt, they are going to find themselves being set up.

If the clerical community will support the Uncle and Nephew in confessing openly and clearing all the doubts about responsibility for the attcks, then all the sympathizers and supporters pushing his innocence and blaming the govt for setting them up, those people can join the family in paying restitution. If they really don't believe the US and the bombing victims and survivors deserve restitution, they can go help build schools and clinics in Chechnya, Afghanistan, Iraq and other places the children would welcome their sympathy to be put into actions. not just empty words in the media to badmouth government.

I would hold all these people to their words.

And gladly help them organize fundraisers to rebuild schools and clinics in wartorn areas
as the US military is undercredited for doing as part of their service to these regions.

So these people, including the family, can say all they want, and I would just ask for them and other supporters and sympathizers to put their money where their mouths are.

I don't agree at all with any empty complaints, abused to criticize the govt, while not doing anything to change or help the situations in these countries where war is being protested.

I don't mind helping them organize donations from all these protestors, because I believe that is equally important in the recovery process. So if I am willing to help, when I don't even agree with their empty complaints against govt, but believe they should protest by helping these war-torn countries they sympathize so much with, certainly they can help!
The US is not to blame for the war between Russia and Islamists in Chechnya.

This is all smoke and mirrors trying to hide the obvious: We suffered anther attack by Islamic terrorists. Plain and simple.
BINGO! Then it is Islam that is at war with us, and the rest of Western civilization. And these guys are their soldiers aka Islamic Jihadists.

You win a seegar.

The Uncle and others at the Mosque who rejected these suspected bombers are not part of this war you speak of. So you'd have to use a more specific term than Islam.

Are you okay with identifying the "Jihadists" as the denomination or group causing the problem?

The ones who worship acts of "Jihad as WAR"

[instead of the true meaning which is more like "struggle for peace"
an internal spiritual struggle by CONSCIENCE to reconcile with God's will
such as Jesus went through at Gethsemane and Buddha went through
when he was tempted with evil thoughts]

Also I'd like your take on the idea of approaching the American Muslims
and asking to reach an agreed resolution that the Constitutional principles
were indeed given by God to the Founding Fathers, so these being
"sent by God" should be recognized in Islam along with Jewish and Christian
scriptures for the believers, whereas the natural laws are given by God to Gentiles.

If the Muslims accept this, I believe there will be no more confusion over loyalities to God and his laws, including Constitutional principles equally with Jewish/Christian teachings already recognized by Islam. And any conflicts can be resolved by respecting all these faiths and laws equally.

Please let me know, as I have already asked "American Jihad" about making
peace with American Muslim leaders so there is unity insetad of political dissension.
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Can you blame the middle easterners?

Take Iraq, for instance. Didn't attack the US, yet we went over there and started a $4 trillion dollar war, resulting in the deaths of over 1 million of their people. 1 million!

Just try - for a second - to imagine the scenario the other way around.


If such is the case then they should put on uniforms and come armed to occupy the US and they will be dealt with accordingly. There are ways to go about airing grievances and destroying those who had nothing to do with it is not the way to handle these assumed grievances.
Why would they be doing that anyhow, they aren't From the Middle East. Last I checked it was Russia that was at war with Chechen Muslims. So why aren't they living off Russians and then bombing them instead?

Unless, these guys are Islamic Jihadist animals then non of it matters, as long as its a non Muslim....they are ripe for terror and slaughter. Yup.

Sounds right to me. However, if they have a beef with the US declare war don't be sneaky bastards about it.
Very strange that she still protests their innocence. Her youngest son recently admitted also to the investigators that he and his brother had planned to bomb Times Square in New York. She should spend more time talking to her son. She also knew her oldest son was radicalized in 2011 and sent text messages to family members in Russia, saying he would die for Islam. Interesting video, Routy. :)

Just want to note though that the kid's throat had a bullet go through it and he can't talk. He's also on the fringe of death and hopped up on medications and drugs.

Think he's in a great position to give a solid, accurate confession?


It could make a difference, Kevin, but the judge found him "alert, mentally competent and lucid according to this CNN article from 3 days ago..

"The 19-year-old has been charged with using and conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction resulting in death, and one count of malicious destruction of property by means of an explosive device resulting in death. He was heavily sedated and on a ventilator at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital, but was "alert, mentally competent and lucid" during the brief initial court appearance at his bedside on Monday, U.S. Magistrate Judge Marianne Bowler found.

"Heavily sedated and on a ventilator"? Using common sense (not to be rude), does that sound like he's in an ideal position to give an accurate account on a very serious issue like this? When a person is "heavily sedated" is he or she more or less vulnerable to manipulation?

Also, is the Judge dependent or independent of the Gov't?

And that has exactly what to do with Chechnyan Muslims who aren't even Middle Eastern?

1,000,000! = Fake bullshit number.

Supposedly the interviewed suspect said he and his brother's motivation was to protest against US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Even if you don't see a connection, they did.
BINGO! Then it is Islam that is at war with us, and the rest of Western civilization. And these guys are their soldiers aka Islamic Jihadists.

You win a seegar.

Listen, the point I'm making is that the United States has been bullying countries for decades and decades, killing leaders, installing puppet governments, conducting drone strikes that kill innocent civilians, ect, ect.

Whether or not 1,000,000+ died in Iraq is irrelevant. What is relevant is that A LOT of people DID die, needlessly (because Iraq never attacked the US).

Do you know how many little children we've killed in drone strikes in the last 5 years alone? Do you think those kids have parents? Wouldn't you want to take revenge if your little kid's legs got blown off from a flying death machine controlled by some college grad operator based out of Nevada (halfway around the world)?

Before simplifying the story and making it seem like the US is this righteous beacon of freedom and hope, you should probably investigate a bit into "reality", which is infinitely complex.


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Very strange that she still protests their innocence. Her youngest son recently admitted also to the investigators that he and his brother had planned to bomb Times Square in New York. She should spend more time talking to her son. She also knew her oldest son was radicalized in 2011 and sent text messages to family members in Russia, saying he would die for Islam. Interesting video, Routy. :)

Just want to note though that the kid's throat had a bullet go through it and he can't talk. He's also on the fringe of death and hopped up on medications and drugs.

Think he's in a great position to give a solid, accurate confession?


Just read this from CNN, Kevin. Dr's can bring patients out of sedation to answer questions

Boston (CNN) -- Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings, lies in a hospital with a gunshot wound to the side of his neck, sedated and intubated, sources say.

But he could be brought out of sedation in minutes so he could answer questions from law enforcement officials, doctors tell CNN.

Intubated and sedated patients are often put on "sedation holidays."

What we know about the suspects

Under normal circumstances, doctors use these holidays, which last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, so they can ask patients questions to assess neurological and cognitive functioning.

Either way, the kid is on the brink of death (from what I've read), he just had a bullet go through his freaking neck a week or so ago, is heavily sedated and in and out of consciousness, and has no access to a lawyer.

In summary, I'm skeptical of anything this guy says at this point. I think that's a pretty rational statement given the circumstance.
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She should come over and fight to prove it....oh wait...she's wanted by the law here.
I hope she comes over, maybe they'll throw her ass in jail for shoplifting.
Just want to note though that the kid's throat had a bullet go through it and he can't talk. He's also on the fringe of death and hopped up on medications and drugs.

Think he's in a great position to give a solid, accurate confession?


It could make a difference, Kevin, but the judge found him "alert, mentally competent and lucid according to this CNN article from 3 days ago..

"The 19-year-old has been charged with using and conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction resulting in death, and one count of malicious destruction of property by means of an explosive device resulting in death. He was heavily sedated and on a ventilator at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital, but was "alert, mentally competent and lucid" during the brief initial court appearance at his bedside on Monday, U.S. Magistrate Judge Marianne Bowler found.

"Heavily sedated and on a ventilator"? Using common sense (not to be rude), does that sound like he's in an ideal position to give an accurate account on a very serious issue like this? When a person is "heavily sedated" is he or she more or less vulnerable to manipulation?

Also, is the Judge dependent or independent of the Gov't?


Yeah, I know if I was in that situation and they implied they might back off my pain meds if I didn't talk...well, I could imagine myself being manipulated. Probably say whatever they wanted me to.
Any wonder why her boys turned out to be such bloodsucking terrorists? She talks like a typical Islamic retard.

Boston bombing suspects' mother: My sons are innocent, this is a set up - YouTube

Actually, she sounds like a typical mother, to me. Desperate for it not to be true, faithful to her sons against all adversity, unconditional love, deluding herself because it's so hard to believe they would do this.

Yep, typical mother.

Whereas you sound like a hatemonger.
Actually a typical mother would stay silent and consider that her sons just murdered and maimed all these innocent people for no reason. And maybe provide a written apology and ask for privacy to mourn all the dead including one of her own. That would be the civilized way of doing it, when your own flesh and blood has done such harm to others. Not going out in the media and making a fool of yourself with these lies and false accusations and making it even worse.

You sound like a moron.

Actually, my IQ is 138. What's yours? I can see by your posts that you're intelligent enough to have mastered the English language fairly well. No misspellings, typos, that sort of thing. Proper sentence structure. I must give credit where it is due.

However, that doesn't mean you're not an ignorant asshole. Full of hate. Spreader of hate. What do you think that accomplishes?
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Muslims always play the victim card. Maybe we should supply them with a form to fill out before they carry out their murderous acts:

"If it weren't for this (fill in bullshit excuse in this space)_________ or that (fill in any additional conspiracy or bullshit excuses in this space)_________ then maybe Muslims would be slaughtering innocent people there (fill in country where Muslims have blown up and slaughtered innocent people in the name of Islam in this space)___________.

Can you blame the middle easterners?

Take Iraq, for instance. Didn't attack the US, yet we went over there and started a $4 trillion dollar war, resulting in the deaths of over 1 million of their people. 1 million!

Just try - for a second - to imagine the scenario the other way around.


If such is the case then they should put on uniforms and come armed to occupy the US and they will be dealt with accordingly. There are ways to go about airing grievances and destroying those who had nothing to do with it is not the way to handle these assumed grievances.

Yes, the whole issue that this Jihadist/militant attack tactics were CHALLENGING to begin with is this democratic idea of due process, and Constitutional rule of law, which they seek to bypass by claiming direct authority to be judge/jury/executioner in one fell swoop.

If the US could not identify a particular "nation" behind the attacks, then if the rules don't apply, the attackers are basically trying to push the US to play the same game of militant attacks without a formal declaration of war, and undermine the system of order.

The problem is when there is too much retribution clogging the system, then we don't have justice where due process is too slow and bogged down in bureaucracy.

so people lose faith in the system, and they resort to these drastic measures of
"taking the law into their own hands"

If we had more restorative justice going on, then corrections and resources for solutions would flow as they should. So to address this, you can either take the higher ground of forgiving the injsutice in teh meantime and DOING the RIGHT thing, even though justice takes longer by CIVIL means of respecting law and order and consent.

Or you can try to take shortcuts and protest by nonconsensual acts such as violence to try to push the change faster. The spiritual war has always been between the people trying to change things the right way BEFORE the people FU it up by forcing change and rebelling the wrong way. Trying to get the good news and support out and multiply those faithful efforts FASTER than the destructive forces that feed off the conflicts not yet resolved.

sorry to preach to the converted!

But I'd seriously like to challenge these people putting statements out in the media
either sympathizing with the bombers, accusing the govt, American culture or both:

to compare a single creative art or peace project by ONE of these kids in America,
trying to use our freedoms the RIGHT way to reach out make a better world
vs. the acts of adults who believe this type of violence is necessary for change

and see WHO deserves the media time, and support of the public.
I'd LOVE to see the kids with their art, compete against the adults with their wars,
and see who wins the hearts and minds of people around the world watching.

I will bet on the kids, and will even offer to volunteer helping the losers raise funds to clean up after the wars in their cities as a consolation prize so they don't feel bad when they get their behinds handed to them.

Would love to put that challenge out in the media. See who wins that contest!
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Can you blame the middle easterners?

Take Iraq, for instance. Didn't attack the US, yet we went over there and started a $4 trillion dollar war, resulting in the deaths of over 1 million of their people. 1 million!

Just try - for a second - to imagine the scenario the other way around.


If such is the case then they should put on uniforms and come armed to occupy the US and they will be dealt with accordingly. There are ways to go about airing grievances and destroying those who had nothing to do with it is not the way to handle these assumed grievances.

Yes, the whole issue that this Jihadist/militant attack tactics were CHALLENGING to begin with is this democratic idea of due process, and Constitutional rule of law, which they seek to bypass by claiming direct authority to be judge/jury/executioner in one fell swoop.

If the US could not identify a particular "nation" behind the attacks, then if the rules don't apply, the attackers are basically trying to push the US to play the same game of militant attacks without a formal declaration of war, and undermine the system of order.

The problem is when there is too much retribution clogging the system, then we don't have justice where due process is too slow and bogged down in bureaucracy.

so people lose faith in the system, and they resort to these drastic measures of
"taking the law into their own hands"

If we had more restorative justice going on, then corrections and resources for solutions would flow as they should. So to address this, you can either take the higher ground of forgiving the injsutice in teh meantime and DOING the RIGHT thing, even though justice takes longer by CIVIL means of respecting law and order and consent.

Or you can try to take shortcuts and protest by nonconsensual acts such as violence to try to push the change faster. The spiritual war has always been between the people trying to change things the right way BEFORE the people FU it up by forcing change and rebelling the wrong way. Trying to get the good news and support out and multiply those faithful efforts FASTER than the destructive forces that feed off the conflicts not yet resolved.

sorry to preach to the converted!

But I'd seriously like to challenge these people putting statements out in the media
either sympathizing with the bombers, accusing the govt, American culture or both:

to compare a single creative art or peace project by ONE of these kids in America,
trying to use our freedoms the RIGHT way to reach out make a better world
vs. the acts of adults who believe this type of violence is necessary for change

and see WHO deserves the media time, and support of the public.
I'd LOVE to see the kids with their art, compete against the adults with their wars,
and see who wins the hearts and minds of people around the world watching.

I will bet on the kids, and will even offer to volunteer helping the losers raise funds to clean up after the wars in their cities as a consolation prize so they don't feel bad when they get their behinds handed to them.

Would love to put that challenge out in the media. See who wins that contest!

I think we just need to give it time. No one yet has been shown to be guilty of the bombing. All we have is a heavily sedated 19 year old who was conveniently shot in the neck and can't talk for himself, and half of Boston recovering from PTSD after their home was turned into a militarized zone over a missing wounded kid who may or may not have had a gun. Little ridiculous if you ask me, especially given that the FBI and CIA had at least one of these kids on their watch list to begin with.


Common sense tells me that it was odd the 19 year old was out partying the night of the bombing (after his first crime killing humans ever), and it was odd there was absolutely no plan of hiding or escape despite just conducting a bomb attack in person (with no sunglasses or anything for the 19 year old) at one of the most heavily photographed US events this year.

Now, I'm not implying that it couldn't have been these two working alone, I'm just saying that there are a lot of things right now that don't add up, and before people start going on simplified Islamaphobic rants to make him/herself feel better (not talking about you), we should wait and see how things play out.


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CaféAuLait;7150176 said:
I did not realize that Russia also warned the US about their Mom too.

Russia raised concerns to U.S. authorities about Zubeidat Tsarnaev, the mother of the Boston Marathon bombings' suspects, in 2011 at the same time they asked the U.S. about her son Tamerlan, several sources told CNN.

Latest developments in the Boston bombing investigation -

Personally? No surprise here. I honestly think it ran in that family. I also believe that is what the falling out with the father's brother was all about as well.

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