Boston Bomber's Mom: "They're innocent! It's a set-up!"

Here it goes (3rd time). This was not a Chechnya/US issue, it was a Muslim/US issue.

This kids happened to identify as Muslim, and that community happens to be pissed off at the US in many respects.

If the US wants to stopped getting bombed (something I hope will happen) I simply suggested that we quit killing hundreds of thousands of Muslims needlessly in wars like the recent Iraq conflict. These things create more terrorists and more people that hate us.

So what did start this war my friend? Going to suggest 9/11?

Do you realize that we've been invading Muslim countries, installing puppet dictators, ect, for many many decades prior to the events on Sept 11th?

Thanks for calling me a D-bag, it's quite an intelligent way to engage...

Oh those poor retarded ass backwards Muslims. Please do continue to justify the last 1400 years of non stop violence and crimes against humanity. To bad they didn't have a microphone on these two chuckle heads before they planted the bombs,you missed the part where they said allahu akbar.

Why are you incapable of accepting the fact that we - the West - have done some pretty horrible things to the Muslim community in the past 100 years? Sure, we can reference 9/11 (3,000 dead), Boston (3 dead), but how about we start bringing up some of the numbers on the OTHER side?

We're literally going into the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Muslims dead.

And again, how do you categorize the Iraq War? What did we accomplish there and what were the reasons for invading a nation that never attacked us?

Iraq war doesn't mean a Muslim from Timbuktu attacks us. These assholes would have attacked us, Iraq war or no Iraq war, you fucking idiot.
There are behaviors that are unacceptable regardless who does them.

The mother of these terrorists is a thief subject to arrest in the US and is proving herself to be an effective terrorist. The skanky pig has figured out how to use US media against the United States. She is waving a bloody flag to every Islamist living a dead end life and the US media is helping her make the sale. Every third or fourth sentence the ignorant **** bleats blames the United States for her failure to raise decent children.

My thoughts exactly, meanwhile there are little kids who've lost entire limbs, as this selfish Islamist whore, blames America for everything and shows little or no concern or respect for the victims.

This is going to end badly. The potgutted flatfeet that fucked it up not killing this punk in the gunbattle, fucked it up later not killing him then. Now we have a gold star mother cheerleading other mothers to sacrifice their sons and half the politicians in both parties and all of the media are helping her cause.

What would be good is if some nurse, doctor, guard or other person with access to the punk takes him out before the show trial.
...and to make things worse, the morons read the terrorist his "rights" so that he can stop giving us information on other potential plots or terror cells. The incompetence of this Obama administration is truly astounding.
Oh those poor retarded ass backwards Muslims. Please do continue to justify the last 1400 years of non stop violence and crimes against humanity. To bad they didn't have a microphone on these two chuckle heads before they planted the bombs,you missed the part where they said allahu akbar.

Why are you incapable of accepting the fact that we - the West - have done some pretty horrible things to the Muslim community in the past 100 years? Sure, we can reference 9/11 (3,000 dead), Boston (3 dead), but how about we start bringing up some of the numbers on the OTHER side?

We're literally going into the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Muslims dead.

And again, how do you categorize the Iraq War? What did we accomplish there and what were the reasons for invading a nation that never attacked us?

Iraq war doesn't mean a Muslim from Timbuktu attacks us. These assholes would have attacked us, Iraq war or no Iraq war, you fucking idiot.

Thanks for the insult - I can see that you too have stooped to the level of our friend "Laughinreaper" and have demonstrated yourself to be incapable of respectfully engaging with other humans that don't think exactly like you (which by the way is not a sign of higher intelligence).

You seem to me (based on the way you engaged others in this thread) that you a poster-child of the worst of America right now (ie the egotistical, narcissistic, angry, ill informed, arrogant, "me" population). You should keep buying into that ideology and see where it gets you.

Moving on..

Given that the official story specifically has the kids saying that the Iraq war was motivation for the bombing, your claim is quite bizarre and baseless.

You guys are really something else..

Boston Bombing Suspects Motivated By Afghanistan, Iraq Wars: Report

I mean, the kid literally said "we did this because of Iraq"; you're making this very easy for me....

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Why are you incapable of accepting the fact that we - the West - have done some pretty horrible things to the Muslim community in the past 100 years? Sure, we can reference 9/11 (3,000 dead), Boston (3 dead), but how about we start bringing up some of the numbers on the OTHER side?

We're literally going into the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Muslims dead.

And again, how do you categorize the Iraq War? What did we accomplish there and what were the reasons for invading a nation that never attacked us?

Iraq war doesn't mean a Muslim from Timbuktu attacks us. These assholes would have attacked us, Iraq war or no Iraq war, you fucking idiot.

Thanks for the insult - I can see that you too have stooped to the level of our friend "Laughinreaper" and have demonstrated yourself to be incapable of respectfully engaging with other humans that don't think exactly like you (which by the way is not a sign of higher intelligence).

You seem to me (based on the way you engaged others in this thread) that you a poster-child of the worst of America right now (ie the egotistical, narcissistic, angry, ill informed, arrogant, "me" population). You should keep buying into that ideology and see where it gets you.

Moving on..

Given that the official story specifically has the kids saying that the Iraq war was motivation for the bombing, your claim is quite bizarre and baseless.

You guys are really something else..

Boston Bombing Suspects Motivated By Afghanistan, Iraq Wars: Report

I mean, the kid literally said "we did this because of Iraq"; you're making this very easy for me....

So they were motivated when we attacked Afghanistan after ISLAMIC TERRORISTS TOOK OVER AFGHANISTAN AND PLOTTED AND LAUNCHED 9-11? Okay, now I understand. You are mentally ill.

Maybe we should just sit here and not do anything, keep taking one attack after another, right on the chin. After all, we don't want to get any Muslims "angry" or should I say angrier. What do you say? Or was it our "lack of action" that caused 9-11? Our lack of action after the first attack on the WTC in 1993, and attacks on consulates, US forces, and other American targets. Maybe, just maybe, not doing anything EMBOLDENS THEM?

By the way, I am a naturalized American citizen, born and raised in a Muslim country, and my background is from several other Muslim countries. I suggest you take a trip to your Muslim shithole of choice to see the mentality we are up against.

You people are so hopelessly ignorant of the facts it's pathetic. You are worse than rednecks.
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Iraq war doesn't mean a Muslim from Timbuktu attacks us. These assholes would have attacked us, Iraq war or no Iraq war, you fucking idiot.

Thanks for the insult - I can see that you too have stooped to the level of our friend "Laughinreaper" and have demonstrated yourself to be incapable of respectfully engaging with other humans that don't think exactly like you (which by the way is not a sign of higher intelligence).

You seem to me (based on the way you engaged others in this thread) that you a poster-child of the worst of America right now (ie the egotistical, narcissistic, angry, ill informed, arrogant, "me" population). You should keep buying into that ideology and see where it gets you.

Moving on..

Given that the official story specifically has the kids saying that the Iraq war was motivation for the bombing, your claim is quite bizarre and baseless.

You guys are really something else..

Boston Bombing Suspects Motivated By Afghanistan, Iraq Wars: Report

I mean, the kid literally said "we did this because of Iraq"; you're making this very easy for me....

So they were motivated when we attacked Afghanistan after ISLAMIC TERRORISTS TOOK OVER THE COUNTRY AND PLOTTED 9-11? Okay. Maybe we should just sit here and not do anything, keep taking one attack after another right on the chin. After all, we don't want to get any Muslims "angry" or should I say angrier.

By the way, I am a naturalized American citizen, born and raised in a Muslim country, and my background is from several other Muslim countries. I suggest you take a trip to your Muslim shithole of choice to see the mentality we are up against.

You people are so hopelessly ignorant of the facts it's pathetic. You are worse than rednecks.

"Attack after attack"?

Help me out here:

How many have died from Muslim attacks on US soil in the past decade (I mean, "attack after attack" this number's probably pretty high right)?

How many Muslims have died from US attacks in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan in the past decade?

(really - I seriously would like you to answer this question)

I'm not upset we went into Afghanistan; our force was a bit excessive, but at least the premise made sense. But you failed to address Iraq - the BIG one - which was about 10x larger and completely unfounded. I'm not against using military force to take out a sect that attacked the US on 9/11, I just question the motives of our politicians when they start a gigantic trillion dollar war to supposedly eradicate a guy in a cave, with a country that the guy in a cave doesn't even live in. Smells of greed.

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Thanks for the insult - I can see that you too have stooped to the level of our friend "Laughinreaper" and have demonstrated yourself to be incapable of respectfully engaging with other humans that don't think exactly like you (which by the way is not a sign of higher intelligence).

You seem to me (based on the way you engaged others in this thread) that you a poster-child of the worst of America right now (ie the egotistical, narcissistic, angry, ill informed, arrogant, "me" population). You should keep buying into that ideology and see where it gets you.

Moving on..

Given that the official story specifically has the kids saying that the Iraq war was motivation for the bombing, your claim is quite bizarre and baseless.

You guys are really something else..

Boston Bombing Suspects Motivated By Afghanistan, Iraq Wars: Report

I mean, the kid literally said "we did this because of Iraq"; you're making this very easy for me....

So they were motivated when we attacked Afghanistan after ISLAMIC TERRORISTS TOOK OVER THE COUNTRY AND PLOTTED 9-11? Okay. Maybe we should just sit here and not do anything, keep taking one attack after another right on the chin. After all, we don't want to get any Muslims "angry" or should I say angrier.

By the way, I am a naturalized American citizen, born and raised in a Muslim country, and my background is from several other Muslim countries. I suggest you take a trip to your Muslim shithole of choice to see the mentality we are up against.

You people are so hopelessly ignorant of the facts it's pathetic. You are worse than rednecks.

"Attack after attack"?

Help me out here:

How many have died from Muslim attacks on US soil in the past decade (I mean, "attack after attack" this number's probably pretty high right)?

How many Muslims have died from US attacks in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan in the past decade?

(really - I seriously would like you to answer this question)

I'm not upset we went into Afghanistan; our force was a bit excessive, but at least the premise made sense. But you failed to address Iraq - the BIG one - which was about 10x larger and completely unfounded. I'm not against using military force to take out a sect that attacked the US on 9/11, I just question the motives of our politicians when they start a gigantic trillion dollar war to supposedly eradicate a guy in a cave, with a country that the guy in a cave doesn't even live in. Smells of greed.

The "how many" is irrelevant. The German Nazis lost 9 million lives vs America's 365,000 in WWII.

That didn't make them right nor did it mean we should not defend ourselves. Except, these guys are worse than the Germans, human life is meaningless to them.
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So they were motivated when we attacked Afghanistan after ISLAMIC TERRORISTS TOOK OVER THE COUNTRY AND PLOTTED 9-11? Okay. Maybe we should just sit here and not do anything, keep taking one attack after another right on the chin. After all, we don't want to get any Muslims "angry" or should I say angrier.

By the way, I am a naturalized American citizen, born and raised in a Muslim country, and my background is from several other Muslim countries. I suggest you take a trip to your Muslim shithole of choice to see the mentality we are up against.

You people are so hopelessly ignorant of the facts it's pathetic. You are worse than rednecks.

"Attack after attack"?

Help me out here:

How many have died from Muslim attacks on US soil in the past decade (I mean, "attack after attack" this number's probably pretty high right)?

How many Muslims have died from US attacks in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan in the past decade?

(really - I seriously would like you to answer this question)

I'm not upset we went into Afghanistan; our force was a bit excessive, but at least the premise made sense. But you failed to address Iraq - the BIG one - which was about 10x larger and completely unfounded. I'm not against using military force to take out a sect that attacked the US on 9/11, I just question the motives of our politicians when they start a gigantic trillion dollar war to supposedly eradicate a guy in a cave, with a country that the guy in a cave doesn't even live in. Smells of greed.

The "how many" is irrelevant. The German Nazis lost 9 million lives vs America's 365,000 in WWII.

That didn't make them right nor did it mean we should not defend ourselves. Except, these guys are worse than the Germans, human life is meaningless to them.

Defend ourselves?

Again, I said I was fine with the fact that we went into Afghanistan. The terrorists that conducted 9/11 were based out of that region.

But you keep skeetering around the elephant in the room - Iraq. What exactly were we "defending" ourselves from in that country? What did Iraq do to the United States to justify having us aggressively takeover their country and kill hundreds of thousands of their citizens?

Can't you admit that this war was likely started for some poor reasons (ie making $'s) and that this is pretty shitty of the United States?

"Attack after attack"?

Help me out here:

How many have died from Muslim attacks on US soil in the past decade (I mean, "attack after attack" this number's probably pretty high right)?

How many Muslims have died from US attacks in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan in the past decade?

(really - I seriously would like you to answer this question)

I'm not upset we went into Afghanistan; our force was a bit excessive, but at least the premise made sense. But you failed to address Iraq - the BIG one - which was about 10x larger and completely unfounded. I'm not against using military force to take out a sect that attacked the US on 9/11, I just question the motives of our politicians when they start a gigantic trillion dollar war to supposedly eradicate a guy in a cave, with a country that the guy in a cave doesn't even live in. Smells of greed.

The "how many" is irrelevant. The German Nazis lost 9 million lives vs America's 365,000 in WWII.

That didn't make them right nor did it mean we should not defend ourselves. Except, these guys are worse than the Germans, human life is meaningless to them.

Defend ourselves?

Again, I said I was fine with the fact that we went into Afghanistan. The terrorists that conducted 9/11 were based out of that region.

But you keep skeetering around the elephant in the room - Iraq. What exactly were we "defending" ourselves from in that country? What did Iraq do to the United States to justify having us aggressively takeover their country and kill hundreds of thousands of their citizens?

Can't you admit that this war was likely started for some poor reasons (ie making $'s) and that this is pretty shitty of the United States?

Are you playing smart or confused? First you posted "they did it because of Afghanistan". Now you are talking about Iraq. So which is it?

Iraq happened after 9-11. 9-11 happened after many attacks on US to which we closed our eyes, and refused to confront the enemy. This is what emboldened them.

Look, this war started way before 9-11. It began with the Muslim brotherhood in the 50's and 60's, and gained steam after the Iranian revolution, when Sunnis found themselves facing radical Shi'ite Islamism growing in the region. Osama bin Laden and Zawahiri were students of the Muslim Brotherhood. Iran and Iraq lost over a million people fighting a religious sectarian war, basically.

Bottom line is you have no understanding of what we are really up against. They're gonna have a problem with you (as in the West in general) whether you killed people or not, whether you defend yourself or not, whether they started it or you did. This is an ideological war, you understand? It is about the SPREAD of Islamic dominance in order to drag the world back to 7th century medieval Islamic barbarism and Shariah law. And the West is in the way.

You have two choices, you either fight, or submit to the will of Allah. Making concessions isn't going to help, it would be akin to appeasing the Nazis. We saw how far that got us. Neither is "negotiating". They look at any negotiation and "let's talk" or "let's make a deal" as WEAKNESS and sign of desperation. The only thing they respond to, is strength, fear, and might. That is how their leaders have ruled for thousands of years, it's their culture. The biggest baddest dog gets his way and rules. That's how Mohammad became prophet. He was the most barbaric among a tribe of savage barbarians.
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The "how many" is irrelevant. The German Nazis lost 9 million lives vs America's 365,000 in WWII.

That didn't make them right nor did it mean we should not defend ourselves. Except, these guys are worse than the Germans, human life is meaningless to them.

Defend ourselves?

Again, I said I was fine with the fact that we went into Afghanistan. The terrorists that conducted 9/11 were based out of that region.

But you keep skeetering around the elephant in the room - Iraq. What exactly were we "defending" ourselves from in that country? What did Iraq do to the United States to justify having us aggressively takeover their country and kill hundreds of thousands of their citizens?

Can't you admit that this war was likely started for some poor reasons (ie making $'s) and that this is pretty shitty of the United States?

Are you playing smart or confused? First you posted "they did it because of Afghanistan". Now you are talking about Iraq. So which is it?

Iraq happened after 9-11. 9-11 happened after many attacks on US to which we closed our eyes, and refused to confront the enemy. This is what emboldened them.

Look, this war started way before 9-11. It began with the Muslim brotherhood in the 50's and 60's, and gained steam after the Iranian revolution, when Sunnis found themselves facing radical Shi'ite Islamism growing in the region. Osama bin Laden and Zawahiri were students of the Muslim Brotherhood. Iran and Iraq lost over a million people fighting a religious sectarian war, basically.

Bottom line is you have no understanding of what we are really up against. They're gonna have a problem with you (as in the West in general) whether you killed people or not, whether you defend yourself or not, whether they started it or you did. This is an ideological war, you understand? It is about the SPREAD of Islamic dominance in order to drag the world back to 7th century medieval Islamic barbarism and Shariah law. And the West is in the way.

You have two choices, you either fight, or submit to the will of Allah. Making concessions isn't going to help, it would be akin to appeasing the Nazis. We saw how far that got us. Neither is "negotiating". They look at any negotiation and "let's talk" or "let's make a deal" as WEAKNESS and sign of desperation. The only thing they respond to, is strength, fear, and might. That is how their leaders have ruled for thousands of years, it's their culture. The biggest baddest dog gets his way and rules. That's how Mohammad became prophet. He was the most barbaric among a tribe of savage barbarians.

So many people want it to be just so simple. And i wish it were simple. As you stated and I have learned, it is not. There are those that just want to kill us due to their idealogies. Many believe that if only we were to pull out and leave that area of the world alone they would leave us alone. Then they will attack us even worse than we have ever seen.

It is good to believe the best of humanity but there are realities that must be faced that all humanity is not good and nothing anyone anywhere can do will change that.
The "how many" is irrelevant. The German Nazis lost 9 million lives vs America's 365,000 in WWII.

That didn't make them right nor did it mean we should not defend ourselves. Except, these guys are worse than the Germans, human life is meaningless to them.

Defend ourselves?

Again, I said I was fine with the fact that we went into Afghanistan. The terrorists that conducted 9/11 were based out of that region.

But you keep skeetering around the elephant in the room - Iraq. What exactly were we "defending" ourselves from in that country? What did Iraq do to the United States to justify having us aggressively takeover their country and kill hundreds of thousands of their citizens?

Can't you admit that this war was likely started for some poor reasons (ie making $'s) and that this is pretty shitty of the United States?

Are you playing smart or confused? First you posted "they did it because of Afghanistan". Now you are talking about Iraq. So which is it?

Iraq happened after 9-11. 9-11 happened after many attacks on US to which we closed our eyes, and refused to confront the enemy. This is what emboldened them.

Look, this war started way before 9-11. It began with the Muslim brotherhood in the 50's and 60's, and gained steam after the Iranian revolution, when Sunnis found themselves facing radical Shi'ite Islamism growing in the region. Osama bin Laden and Zawahiri were students of the Muslim Brotherhood. Iran and Iraq lost over a million people fighting a religious sectarian war, basically.

Bottom line is you have no understanding of what we are really up against. They're gonna have a problem with you (as in the West in general) whether you killed people or not, whether you defend yourself or not, whether they started it or you did. This is an ideological war, you understand? It is about the SPREAD of Islamic dominance in order to drag the world back to 7th century medieval Islamic barbarism and Shariah law. And the West is in the way.

You have two choices, you either fight, or submit to the will of Allah. Making concessions isn't going to help, it would be akin to appeasing the Nazis. We saw how far that got us. Neither is "negotiating". They look at any negotiation and "let's talk" or "let's make a deal" as WEAKNESS and sign of desperation. The only thing they respond to, is strength, fear, and might. That is how their leaders have ruled for thousands of years, it's their culture. The biggest baddest dog gets his way and rules. That's how Mohammad became prophet. He was the most barbaric among a tribe of savage barbarians.

On phone, so keeping it shortish.

First, I specifically said "they did it because of Iraq" from the beginning (just look at the quote above) so confused what you're talking about.

Secondly, I don't disagree that this is largely an ideological conflict, but (again - for maybe the fifth time) what good does starting wars like we did in Iraq do? How does this help to "end" the spread of Islamic radicalism? If anything, it serves as fuel to the fire to become Muslim, become anti American, ect.

What do you think the reason for going into that country was? Wasn't Saddam directly opposed to Al-Qaeda?

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Defend ourselves?

Again, I said I was fine with the fact that we went into Afghanistan. The terrorists that conducted 9/11 were based out of that region.

But you keep skeetering around the elephant in the room - Iraq. What exactly were we "defending" ourselves from in that country? What did Iraq do to the United States to justify having us aggressively takeover their country and kill hundreds of thousands of their citizens?

Can't you admit that this war was likely started for some poor reasons (ie making $'s) and that this is pretty shitty of the United States?

Are you playing smart or confused? First you posted "they did it because of Afghanistan". Now you are talking about Iraq. So which is it?

Iraq happened after 9-11. 9-11 happened after many attacks on US to which we closed our eyes, and refused to confront the enemy. This is what emboldened them.

Look, this war started way before 9-11. It began with the Muslim brotherhood in the 50's and 60's, and gained steam after the Iranian revolution, when Sunnis found themselves facing radical Shi'ite Islamism growing in the region. Osama bin Laden and Zawahiri were students of the Muslim Brotherhood. Iran and Iraq lost over a million people fighting a religious sectarian war, basically.

Bottom line is you have no understanding of what we are really up against. They're gonna have a problem with you (as in the West in general) whether you killed people or not, whether you defend yourself or not, whether they started it or you did. This is an ideological war, you understand? It is about the SPREAD of Islamic dominance in order to drag the world back to 7th century medieval Islamic barbarism and Shariah law. And the West is in the way.

You have two choices, you either fight, or submit to the will of Allah. Making concessions isn't going to help, it would be akin to appeasing the Nazis. We saw how far that got us. Neither is "negotiating". They look at any negotiation and "let's talk" or "let's make a deal" as WEAKNESS and sign of desperation. The only thing they respond to, is strength, fear, and might. That is how their leaders have ruled for thousands of years, it's their culture. The biggest baddest dog gets his way and rules. That's how Mohammad became prophet. He was the most barbaric among a tribe of savage barbarians.

On phone, so keeping it shortish.

First, I specifically said "they did it because of Iraq" from the beginning (just look at the quote above) so confused what you're talking about.

Secondly, I don't disagree that this is largely an ideological conflict, but (again - for maybe the fifth time) what good does starting wars like we did in Iraq do? How does this help to "end" the spread of Islamic radicalism? If anything, it serves as fuel to the fire to become Muslim, become anti American, ect.

What do you think the reason for going into that country was? Wasn't Saddam directly opposed to Al-Qaeda?

Well the answer would be to slowly but surely bring about the demise of Islamic govt.'s. But our Dear Leader president Obama hasn't helped much either, if not made things much worse. So far his record is atrocious. He closed his eyes to Iranians who protested in order to remove their Islamist govt. Then he brought about an Arab Spring which resulted in more radical and Islamist govt.'s rising to power. Way to go.
Thanks for the insult - I can see that you too have stooped to the level of our friend "Laughinreaper" and have demonstrated yourself to be incapable of respectfully engaging with other humans that don't think exactly like you (which by the way is not a sign of higher intelligence).

You seem to me (based on the way you engaged others in this thread) that you a poster-child of the worst of America right now (ie the egotistical, narcissistic, angry, ill informed, arrogant, "me" population). You should keep buying into that ideology and see where it gets you.

Moving on..

Given that the official story specifically has the kids saying that the Iraq war was motivation for the bombing, your claim is quite bizarre and baseless.

You guys are really something else..

Boston Bombing Suspects Motivated By Afghanistan, Iraq Wars: Report

I mean, the kid literally said "we did this because of Iraq"; you're making this very easy for me....

So they were motivated when we attacked Afghanistan after ISLAMIC TERRORISTS TOOK OVER THE COUNTRY AND PLOTTED 9-11? Okay. Maybe we should just sit here and not do anything, keep taking one attack after another right on the chin. After all, we don't want to get any Muslims "angry" or should I say angrier.

By the way, I am a naturalized American citizen, born and raised in a Muslim country, and my background is from several other Muslim countries. I suggest you take a trip to your Muslim shithole of choice to see the mentality we are up against.

You people are so hopelessly ignorant of the facts it's pathetic. You are worse than rednecks.

"Attack after attack"?

Help me out here:

How many have died from Muslim attacks on US soil in the past decade (I mean, "attack after attack" this number's probably pretty high right)?

How many Muslims have died from US attacks in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan in the past decade?

(really - I seriously would like you to answer this question)

I'm not upset we went into Afghanistan; our force was a bit excessive, but at least the premise made sense. But you failed to address Iraq - the BIG one - which was about 10x larger and completely unfounded. I'm not against using military force to take out a sect that attacked the US on 9/11, I just question the motives of our politicians when they start a gigantic trillion dollar war to supposedly eradicate a guy in a cave, with a country that the guy in a cave doesn't even live in. Smells of greed.


How Many Muslims have died from Terror Attacks in the Middle East?
Defend ourselves?

Again, I said I was fine with the fact that we went into Afghanistan. The terrorists that conducted 9/11 were based out of that region.

But you keep skeetering around the elephant in the room - Iraq. What exactly were we "defending" ourselves from in that country? What did Iraq do to the United States to justify having us aggressively takeover their country and kill hundreds of thousands of their citizens?

Can't you admit that this war was likely started for some poor reasons (ie making $'s) and that this is pretty shitty of the United States?

Are you playing smart or confused? First you posted "they did it because of Afghanistan". Now you are talking about Iraq. So which is it?

Iraq happened after 9-11. 9-11 happened after many attacks on US to which we closed our eyes, and refused to confront the enemy. This is what emboldened them.

Look, this war started way before 9-11. It began with the Muslim brotherhood in the 50's and 60's, and gained steam after the Iranian revolution, when Sunnis found themselves facing radical Shi'ite Islamism growing in the region. Osama bin Laden and Zawahiri were students of the Muslim Brotherhood. Iran and Iraq lost over a million people fighting a religious sectarian war, basically.

Bottom line is you have no understanding of what we are really up against. They're gonna have a problem with you (as in the West in general) whether you killed people or not, whether you defend yourself or not, whether they started it or you did. This is an ideological war, you understand? It is about the SPREAD of Islamic dominance in order to drag the world back to 7th century medieval Islamic barbarism and Shariah law. And the West is in the way.

You have two choices, you either fight, or submit to the will of Allah. Making concessions isn't going to help, it would be akin to appeasing the Nazis. We saw how far that got us. Neither is "negotiating". They look at any negotiation and "let's talk" or "let's make a deal" as WEAKNESS and sign of desperation. The only thing they respond to, is strength, fear, and might. That is how their leaders have ruled for thousands of years, it's their culture. The biggest baddest dog gets his way and rules. That's how Mohammad became prophet. He was the most barbaric among a tribe of savage barbarians.

So many people want it to be just so simple. And i wish it were simple. As you stated and I have learned, it is not. There are those that just want to kill us due to their idealogies. Many believe that if only we were to pull out and leave that area of the world alone they would leave us alone. Then they will attack us even worse than we have ever seen.

It is good to believe the best of humanity but there are realities that must be faced that all humanity is not good and nothing anyone anywhere can do will change that.
Sometimes there is no solution but to fight.

Humanity is now involved in an ideological religious war, and it's only heating up, from the looks of it. Will the stronger, more advanced Western nations wake up and realize that they are at war whether they like it or not? Or will their systems of govt. be used against them as a weakness, bringing about their eventual demise and defeat, in the face of essentially barbarians with a medieval mentality?

Stay tuned, it might take generations.
So they were motivated when we attacked Afghanistan after ISLAMIC TERRORISTS TOOK OVER THE COUNTRY AND PLOTTED 9-11? Okay. Maybe we should just sit here and not do anything, keep taking one attack after another right on the chin. After all, we don't want to get any Muslims "angry" or should I say angrier.

By the way, I am a naturalized American citizen, born and raised in a Muslim country, and my background is from several other Muslim countries. I suggest you take a trip to your Muslim shithole of choice to see the mentality we are up against.

You people are so hopelessly ignorant of the facts it's pathetic. You are worse than rednecks.

"Attack after attack"?

Help me out here:

How many have died from Muslim attacks on US soil in the past decade (I mean, "attack after attack" this number's probably pretty high right)?

How many Muslims have died from US attacks in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan in the past decade?

(really - I seriously would like you to answer this question)

I'm not upset we went into Afghanistan; our force was a bit excessive, but at least the premise made sense. But you failed to address Iraq - the BIG one - which was about 10x larger and completely unfounded. I'm not against using military force to take out a sect that attacked the US on 9/11, I just question the motives of our politicians when they start a gigantic trillion dollar war to supposedly eradicate a guy in a cave, with a country that the guy in a cave doesn't even live in. Smells of greed.


How Many Muslims have died from Terror Attacks in the Middle East?

I don't have that number. Would imagine it to be quite a lot. Would also imagine it to be much higher after (vs before) destabilizing countries like Iraq.

Thanks for the insult - I can see that you too have stooped to the level of our friend "Laughinreaper" and have demonstrated yourself to be incapable of respectfully engaging with other humans that don't think exactly like you (which by the way is not a sign of higher intelligence).

You seem to me (based on the way you engaged others in this thread) that you a poster-child of the worst of America right now (ie the egotistical, narcissistic, angry, ill informed, arrogant, "me" population). You should keep buying into that ideology and see where it gets you.

Moving on..

Given that the official story specifically has the kids saying that the Iraq war was motivation for the bombing, your claim is quite bizarre and baseless.

You guys are really something else..

Boston Bombing Suspects Motivated By Afghanistan, Iraq Wars: Report

I mean, the kid literally said "we did this because of Iraq"; you're making this very easy for me....

So they were motivated when we attacked Afghanistan after ISLAMIC TERRORISTS TOOK OVER THE COUNTRY AND PLOTTED 9-11? Okay. Maybe we should just sit here and not do anything, keep taking one attack after another right on the chin. After all, we don't want to get any Muslims "angry" or should I say angrier.

By the way, I am a naturalized American citizen, born and raised in a Muslim country, and my background is from several other Muslim countries. I suggest you take a trip to your Muslim shithole of choice to see the mentality we are up against.

You people are so hopelessly ignorant of the facts it's pathetic. You are worse than rednecks.

"Attack after attack"?

Help me out here:

How many have died from Muslim attacks on US soil in the past decade (I mean, "attack after attack" this number's probably pretty high right)?

How many Muslims have died from US attacks in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan in the past decade?

(really - I seriously would like you to answer this question)

I'm not upset we went into Afghanistan; our force was a bit excessive, but at least the premise made sense. But you failed to address Iraq - the BIG one - which was about 10x larger and completely unfounded. I'm not against using military force to take out a sect that attacked the US on 9/11, I just question the motives of our politicians when they start a gigantic trillion dollar war to supposedly eradicate a guy in a cave, with a country that the guy in a cave doesn't even live in. Smells of greed.


so you're a muslim sympathizer and would be much happier if Saddam was alive and running his wood chippers, and what the hell we lost 3000 in one day just 3000 little bumps in the road. We go it.
The goal of Islam terrorists and the Muslim Brotherhood it to take down Western Civilizations.

Muslim terrorists is using violence to do this.
The Muslim Brotherhood is doing it peacefully through occupation from within western countries. They also use and fund the violent jihadists.

The goal is the same by both, eliminating and destroying Western Civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house (their words) by their hands and the hands of deliverers so that it is eliminated and Allah's religion is made victorious over all other religions.

I would suggest that you read this starting on page 15. Read especially page 21 and their goal.
All of you.
The Goal of the Muslim Brotherhood here in America.
They have been doing this since 1991.

They are making a Global religious war to make Islam the rule of religion throughout the whole world.
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So they were motivated when we attacked Afghanistan after ISLAMIC TERRORISTS TOOK OVER THE COUNTRY AND PLOTTED 9-11? Okay. Maybe we should just sit here and not do anything, keep taking one attack after another right on the chin. After all, we don't want to get any Muslims "angry" or should I say angrier.

By the way, I am a naturalized American citizen, born and raised in a Muslim country, and my background is from several other Muslim countries. I suggest you take a trip to your Muslim shithole of choice to see the mentality we are up against.

You people are so hopelessly ignorant of the facts it's pathetic. You are worse than rednecks.

"Attack after attack"?

Help me out here:

How many have died from Muslim attacks on US soil in the past decade (I mean, "attack after attack" this number's probably pretty high right)?

How many Muslims have died from US attacks in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan in the past decade?

(really - I seriously would like you to answer this question)

I'm not upset we went into Afghanistan; our force was a bit excessive, but at least the premise made sense. But you failed to address Iraq - the BIG one - which was about 10x larger and completely unfounded. I'm not against using military force to take out a sect that attacked the US on 9/11, I just question the motives of our politicians when they start a gigantic trillion dollar war to supposedly eradicate a guy in a cave, with a country that the guy in a cave doesn't even live in. Smells of greed.


so you're a muslim sympathizer and would be much happier if Saddam was alive and running his wood chippers, and what the hell we lost 3000 in one day just 3000 little bumps in the road. We go it.

No - Please don't be silly and oversimplify things to demonize me. That's a shallow tactic and doesn't add anything to the discussion.

I just don't think it was worth sacrificing the lives of six thousand and a half United States men and women to remove someone from power that never attacked or posed any immediate threat to our country. I don't think it was worth taking $4 trillion of the United State's taxpayer money (again) to invade a country that never attacked the United States.

READ CAREFULLY: Saddam was not an ally to Al-Qaeda. He was in no way connected to the 9/11 attacks.

So what's your justification for all that was lost during Iraq? 6,000+ United States men and women sent to their graves; that's literally 2,000x the carnage of the Boston Marathon Bombing in terms of US lives lost.

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