Boston bombing suspect charged, will not be treated as enemy combatant

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Anything he's said is inadmissible

Yep, he wasn't read his miranda rights.

The underwear bomber and the Times Square guy were also not read their Miranda Rights as well.

I'm okay with that in the "public safety exception" cases where the guilt of the accused is a foregone conclusion but authorities want to get information from the accused that could be useful to help in other investigations, say.

This is not a precedent, and in this case, it was useful because the kid can provide information about his brother more freely than had they mirandized him right away.

Now, to the conservatives here, I want to know why the lot of you want things both ways. You want him designated as an enemy combatant so that we can just behead him or some such thing, but then you jump on Obama for not mirandizing him. Which one is it? You can't have both.
Location, location, location.

That's not legal. They're both US citizens. So, we pick and choose whatever type of justice based on location?

It's sorta like this..

When you declare war on the US, go into hiding in a foreign country and continue plotting to destroy US citizens and open yourself to the US defending itself. That even goes for folks who don't hide in foreign countries.

Like Boston. In case you didn't know this, one of those guys is dead..and the other one was gravely wounded. He took a bullet to the neck.

i agree with that....
He won't be transferred to the military tribunal system unless it is proven that he had links to AQ or other terrorist organizations.

Since he is an American citizen, the crime was committed in Boston against other Americans, he will be charged and tried in the federal court system.
No, honey that's not how it work's...was in response to a "they have 48 hours to question him" comment

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Boston bombing suspect charged, will not be treated as enemy combatant

Read more: Boston bombing suspect charged, will not be treated as enemy combatant | Fox News

will be tried in civilian courts...there you have it

4. One of the differences between Bush's NDAA and Obama's NDAA is that under Obama's NDAA, the younger bomber cannot be sent to Gitmo and tried by a military tribunal as he could have been under Bush's NDAA. Since he is a US citizen, he must be tried as a criminal in a US court under Obama's NDAA.
OK, with that logic, the boston bombers brought the war zone here. Shouldn't they receive the same fate?

I don't know if I want the Military handling it, Nadal Hassan has been sitting around for how many years now and has not went to trial?

I'm not arguing for or against either, just how one receives a different type of justice than the other.

Apples and organges, idiot. One was in Yemen. They don't have Boston police in Yemen. It is a military theater in a foreign country, not a police precinct.

Got it now?

Jesus H. Christ, there is a metric ton of dense heads around here.
Was Timothy McVeigh treated as an enemy combatant? Or do you have to be a Muslim?
Powerful!!! :clap2:

It was a different time. In the post 911 world McVeigh would have been initially treated as enemy combatant.
RWers always find a way to explain and excuse it away when they want to.

"It was a different time back then...the Constitution wasn't the same."

Underwear bomber: Convicted in US federal court.

Shoe bomber: Convicted in US federal court.

Times Square bomber: Convicted in US federal court.

Portland Christmas Tree bomber: Convicted in US federal court.
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