Boston bombing suspect charged, will not be treated as enemy combatant

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Powerful!!! :clap2:

It was a different time. In the post 911 world McVeigh would have been initially treated as enemy combatant.

No, he would not have.

Can you name any terrorists captured on US soil post 9/11 who have not been tried in a US court?

Good point, but there is no legal justification for your theory that location is the determining factor.
It was a different time. In the post 911 world McVeigh would have been initially treated as enemy combatant.

No, he would not have.

Can you name any terrorists captured on US soil post 9/11 who have not been tried in a US court?

Good point, but there is no legal justification for your theory that location is the determining factor.

If I had plenipotentiary powers, I would put every detainee in Gitmo on trial in a US court. I would treat them like any other criminals, and I would build a prison in one of the more remote areas of Montana to put them in after their convictions.
Boston bombing suspect charged, will not be treated as enemy combatant

Read more: Boston bombing suspect charged, will not be treated as enemy combatant | Fox News

will be tried in civilian courts...there you have it

4. One of the differences between Bush's NDAA and Obama's NDAA is that under Obama's NDAA, the younger bomber cannot be sent to Gitmo and tried by a military tribunal as he could have been under Bush's NDAA. Since he is a US citizen, he must be tried as a criminal in a US court under Obama's NDAA.

do you have a cite for that?
He won't be transferred to the military tribunal system unless it is proven that he had links to AQ or other terrorist organizations.

Since he is an American citizen, the crime was committed in Boston against other Americans, he will be charged and tried in the federal court system.

that is what i have been saying, and yet you keep telling me i'm wrong.

i don't think you realize what you're talking about.

btw..."since" has nothing to do with your first paragraph. he could be both.
Boston bombing suspect charged, will not be treated as enemy combatant

Read more: Boston bombing suspect charged, will not be treated as enemy combatant | Fox News

will be tried in civilian courts...there you have it

4. One of the differences between Bush's NDAA and Obama's NDAA is that under Obama's NDAA, the younger bomber cannot be sent to Gitmo and tried by a military tribunal as he could have been under Bush's NDAA. Since he is a US citizen, he must be tried as a criminal in a US court under Obama's NDAA.

do you have a cite for that?

See Section 1029 of the 2013 NDAA.
To liberals he is a confused teenager suffering from what evil Americans did to him.

That lesson wasn't enough. The next will have to be harsher. Chechens have a particular interest in killing children. I am so sorry for what is going to happen.

so far, only far left loonies like ravi and TM have advocated that

No one has advocated that.

What do KatznDogz and Sarah Palin have in common: They just make shit up.
Nothing in the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public
Law 107–40; 50 U.S.C. 1541 note) or the National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (Public Law 112–81) shall
be construed to deny the availability of the writ of habeas corpus
or to deny any Constitutional rights in a court ordained or established
by or under Article III of the Constitution to any person
inside the United States who would be entitled to the availability
of such writ or to such rights in the absence of such laws.

You will not find that in any NDAAs of the Bush years.
I don't know if I want the Military handling it, Nadal Hassan has been sitting around for how many years now and has not went to trial?

I'm not arguing for or against either, just how one receives a different type of justice than the other.

Apples and organges, idiot. One was in Yemen. They don't have Boston police in Yemen. It is a military theater in a foreign country, not a police precinct.

Got it now?

Jesus H. Christ, there is a metric ton of dense heads around here.

No moron, you can't comprehend. I wasn't arguing for or against either type of justice. Flew right over your head.
He won't be transferred to the military tribunal system unless it is proven that he had links to AQ or other terrorist organizations.

Since he is an American citizen, the crime was committed in Boston against other Americans, he will be charged and tried in the federal court system.

Even if it is proven he had links to AQ or other terrorist organization, he will NOT be transferred to the military tribunal system, period.
I'm not arguing for or against either, just how one receives a different type of justice than the other.

Apples and organges, idiot. One was in Yemen. They don't have Boston police in Yemen. It is a military theater in a foreign country, not a police precinct.

Got it now?

Jesus H. Christ, there is a metric ton of dense heads around here.

No moron, you can't comprehend. I wasn't arguing for or against either type of justice. Flew right over your head.

You plainly stated your ignorance. You did not understand why one person in a military operating theater was treated differently than someone in the US.
They should have just tossed a few dozen hand grenades into the boat..............

And spared the time and embarrassment of a trial for this muslim pos


what? and made it look like a frame up and cover up?
do you have any idea what bigger mess that would have caused?

If the aunt and media in other countries are ALREADY going ape/hog wild over
this as a conspiracy to frame these men,
then getting solid evidence including statements is the best bet
for resolving this without inciting more violence or war.

Let's hope and pray this man is given the chance to cooperate with
authorities and follow his uncle's advice and come clean with everything.

let's hope nothing else goes awry to make this any worse for anyone!!!
Underwear bomber: Convicted in US federal court.

Shoe bomber: Convicted in US federal court.

Times Square bomber: Convicted in US federal court.

Portland Christmas Tree bomber: Convicted in US federal court.

Who knew our justice system was so full of anti-American terrorist sympathisers?
Underwear bomber: Convicted in US federal court.

Shoe bomber: Convicted in US federal court.

Times Square bomber: Convicted in US federal court.

Portland Christmas Tree bomber: Convicted in US federal court.

Who knew our justice system was so full of anti-American terrorist sympathisers?

Yup, hate it when the justice system is shown to work.
Let's review the facts.

1. Every terrorist captured in the US after 9/11 has been tried, or pled guilty, and convicted in US courts.

2. No US citizen captured in the US can have their constitutional rights to habeas corpus or right to trial violated, per Obama's NDAA.

3. The US citizen blown up by a drone was not in the US. He was in a military theater, not US civil jurisdiction.

The end.
Apples and organges, idiot. One was in Yemen. They don't have Boston police in Yemen. It is a military theater in a foreign country, not a police precinct.

Got it now?

Jesus H. Christ, there is a metric ton of dense heads around here.

No moron, you can't comprehend. I wasn't arguing for or against either type of justice. Flew right over your head.

You plainly stated your ignorance. You did not understand why one person in a military operating theater was treated differently than someone in the US.

And yet you still can't provide that there was collusion. Your level of absolute ignorance is truly astounding.


Nothing in the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40; 50 U.S.C. 1541 note) or the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (Public Law 112-81) shall be construed to deny the availability of the writ of habeas corpus or to deny any Constitutional rights in a court ordained or established by or under Article III of the Constitution to any person inside the United States who would be entitled to the availability of such writ or to such rights in the absence of such laws.

doesn't seem to support your claim
To liberals he is a confused teenager suffering from what evil Americans did to him.

That lesson wasn't enough. The next will have to be harsher. Chechens have a particular interest in killing children. I am so sorry for what is going to happen.

Says who?


Dear KND: what "liberals" are you citing here?

I think it's clear to everyone, left and right, that the older brother was influenced by "Jihadist"-type training or mentors, and more likely that the younger brother went along with him, as the mother confirmed he would likely do.

I don't see people blaming "America" except for that Aunt in Toronto
or maybe the Father overseas.

Do you mean conspiracy theorists are joining the aunt in blaming America?
who are you talking about? and is it from a source where this issue can be resolved?
He's a US citizen, he should be properly tried in court. It might be one time I'd side with the ACLU, which I normal think needs to get "A CLUe".

I just wonder what sort of jobs these assholes had, or how they funded their educations at these expensive schools, drove fancy cars, wore fancy clothes, took 6 month trips to Russia, and probably smoked expensive dope.
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