Boston bombing suspect charged, will not be treated as enemy combatant

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That's not legal. They're both US citizens. So, we pick and choose whatever type of justice based on location?

According to whom? Case citation?

The Constitution requires due process, it neither requires due process to be judicial nor prohibits administrative due process – just due process, which is afforded all citizens regardless of location.

Citations? Based on location and not the law? Perhaps you could cite where it's ok to drone a us citizen in yemen but not france? I know of none.

You stated that killing US citizens outside of the US was ‘not legal.’

I requested the Federal court ruling that determined such actions illegal.

Absent such a ruling your statement is incorrect and subjective opinion only, predicated likely on partisanism rather than the law.
I'm a little puzzled. Why would you righties want it to be so that a citizen, not in the military, could be tried in a military tribunal when the crime they committed was within the US?

I don't....

And it's largely because I don't want you bed wetters to EVER have the power to drag off a member of all the categories of people you hate to a military tribunal.

Even though leftists have committed almost all of the domestic terrorism on our soil that wasn't the actions of muzbots, I imagine a country where you imbeciles have that power terrifying.
According to whom? Case citation?

The Constitution requires due process, it neither requires due process to be judicial nor prohibits administrative due process – just due process, which is afforded all citizens regardless of location.

Citations? Based on location and not the law? Perhaps you could cite where it's ok to drone a us citizen in yemen but not france? I know of none.

You stated that killing US citizens outside of the US was ‘not legal.’

I requested the Federal court ruling that determined such actions illegal.

Absent such a ruling your statement is incorrect and subjective opinion only, predicated likely on partisanism rather than the law.

Due process based on evidence, correct? I stated, or implied, should have noted that, it wasn't legal to have two forms of justice for a us citizen unless evidence was provided. I'm not arguing for or against either, just the rules that apply to making such a determination.
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The notion that the NDAA ‘authorizes’ the military to ‘disappear’ US citizens and hold them indefinitely in some undisclosed location, cut off from family, friends, and legal representation is ignorant, paranoid, partisan idiocy.
The reactionaries are reversing position.

I have noticed it since January that things they would have praised under the right wing statist Bush are the same things they attack under the centrist right wing statist Obama.
To liberals he is a confused teenager suffering from what evil Americans did to him.

That lesson wasn't enough. The next will have to be harsher. Chechens have a particular interest in killing children. I am so sorry for what is going to happen.

The next? :evil: To this liberal he is not as confused about reality as you are.

Americans did not evil. The young man is as American as Lee Harvey Oswald, Tim McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, and other misfits
Anything he's said is inadmissible

Yep, he wasn't read his miranda rights.

The underwear bomber and the Times Square guy were also not read their Miranda Rights as well.

I'm okay with that in the "public safety exception" cases where the guilt of the accused is a foregone conclusion but authorities want to get information from the accused that could be useful to help in other investigations, say.

This is not a precedent, and in this case, it was useful because the kid can provide information about his brother more freely than had they mirandized him right away.

Now, to the conservatives here, I want to know why the lot of you want things both ways. You want him designated as an enemy combatant so that we can just behead him or some such thing, but then you jump on Obama for not mirandizing him. Which one is it? You can't have both.

I have news for you...

I am a Conservative. I make most "Republicans" look like a liberal.

1 - I have already posted that he should be tried in a civilian court and why.

2 - I don't want him designated as an "enemy combatant".

3 - I believe he should have been given his Miranda warnings when he was arrested and not 48 hours later.

Now take that broadbrush of your and shove it where the son doesn't shine. Either call someone out by name or just shut up.
No, he would not have.

Can you name any terrorists captured on US soil post 9/11 who have not been tried in a US court?

Good point, but there is no legal justification for your theory that location is the determining factor.

If I had plenipotentiary powers, I would put every detainee in Gitmo on trial in a US court. I would treat them like any other criminals, and I would build a prison in one of the more remote areas of Montana to put them in after their convictions.

And weigh down our court system with men who need to be tried in a military tribunal? Why burden our civilian court system with that? They aren't like any other criminal, they are mass murderers and do not deserve the same protections as an ordinary criminal in the United States. They all need to be tried and shot between the eyes, in an area not within the lower (contiguous) 48 states, including the outlying states of Alaska and Hawaii.
As for the rest of this, if it cannot be proven that this guy had any connection to terrorist groups or religious extremists, then he should be afforded his 14th Amendment right to Due Process. However, Obama didn't seem to mind when he took out Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen, in 2011. So that there is a pretty selective on who does or doesn't deserve their due process rights. Alrighty then.
Boston bombing suspect charged, will not be treated as enemy combatant

Read more: Boston bombing suspect charged, will not be treated as enemy combatant | Fox News

will be tried in civilian courts...there you have it
In addition to murder, maiming, and mayhem, I hope he is tried for high treason.

That would be good but it is going to depend either on a confession of his or outside evidence.

Treason? Are you right wingers really this deluded or do you do this in order to entertain? :laugh2:

Some asshole bomber is not waging war against America. :eek:
In addition to murder, maiming, and mayhem, I hope he is tried for high treason.

That would be good but it is going to depend either on a confession of his or outside evidence.

Treason? Are you right wingers really this deluded or do you do this in order to entertain? :laugh2:

Some asshole bomber is not waging war against America. :eek:

If the reports of yesterday are true, the two cocksucker Boston Marathon bombing brothers might have been part of a sleeper cell; trained by others and possibly just a cog in a larger effort.

So, what's YOUR basis, you arrogant nitwit, to claim that they are not part of an effort to wage war against America?
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That would be good but it is going to depend either on a confession of his or outside evidence.

Treason? Are you right wingers really this deluded or do you do this in order to entertain? :laugh2:

Some asshole bomber is not waging war against America. :eek:

how do you know? cite proof.

We are not at war with lone wolves who act alone or who may even seek direction and guidance form outside sources.

Stop spreading fear and anxiety.
That would be good but it is going to depend either on a confession of his or outside evidence.

Treason? Are you right wingers really this deluded or do you do this in order to entertain? :laugh2:

Some asshole bomber is not waging war against America. :eek:

If the reports of yesterday are true, the two cocksucker Boston Marathon bombing brothers might have been part of a sleeper cell.; trained by others and possibly just a cog in a larger effort.

So, what's YOUR basis, you arrogant nitwit, to claim that they are not part of an effort to wage war against America?

Effort to wage war? Jesus Christ, you pussified right wingers see everything as a super duper threat

grow some balls
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