Boston bombing suspect charged, will not be treated as enemy combatant

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Like my broken clock, Shroom is correct twice aday

You may say that, but I base my position on the Constitution. What it actually says, not what I wished it said or what others say it says.

This country would be a lot better off if we the people would read the Constitution for ourselves instead of relying on what a bunch of lawyers say it says.
Boston bombing suspect charged, will not be treated as enemy combatant

Read more: Boston bombing suspect charged, will not be treated as enemy combatant | Fox News

will be tried in civilian courts...there you have it
In addition to murder, maiming, and mayhem, I hope he is tried for high treason.

I couldn't agree more. This scumbag should be faced with the most grievous charges and heinous punishments we have...

Surprisingly I agree with the bed wetters that he has the rights of a citizen. Holding out on "Miranda rights" for 48 hours doesn't bother me though. The feds had a plausible case that he had external help and that there were further dangers. Not only that but if he was on heavy pain meds anything he said can be ruled inadmissible even if he were mirandized and who's to say he would've understood it anyway.

I don't want the government having the arbitrary power to make people in this country disappear, especially when they're citizens.

Even more so when the left has control of the government.
I agree. If you think about it. The Miranda law applies when you intend to ask questions for the purpose of prosecution. Since they need to consider national security, I have no problem with them holding off until some information can be obtained about the enemies of the United States, if he has such information. However, when they begin to ask questions regarding his criminal acts, his Miranda rights MUST be read to him.
I'm a little puzzled. Why would you righties want it to be so that a citizen, not in the military, could be tried in a military tribunal when the crime they committed was within the US?

I don't....

And it's largely because I don't want you bed wetters to EVER have the power to drag off a member of all the categories of people you hate to a military tribunal.

Even though leftists have committed almost all of the domestic terrorism on our soil that wasn't the actions of muzbots, I imagine a country where you imbeciles have that power terrifying.

If you substitute leftists for rightists I'll totally agree with you.
I'm a little puzzled. Why would you righties want it to be so that a citizen, not in the military, could be tried in a military tribunal when the crime they committed was within the US?

I don't....

And it's largely because I don't want you bed wetters to EVER have the power to drag off a member of all the categories of people you hate to a military tribunal.

Even though leftists have committed almost all of the domestic terrorism on our soil that wasn't the actions of muzbots, I imagine a country where you imbeciles have that power terrifying.

If you substitute leftists for rightists I'll totally agree with you.

I can't make that substitution, because that would be a lie. Since the 1890's leftist groups have been firebombing public/private property, killed President McKinley, and trash the place every time they have a protest or even a dope smoking "event".

You can count on one hand all the terrorism of "right wingers" during the same period.
I don't....

And it's largely because I don't want you bed wetters to EVER have the power to drag off a member of all the categories of people you hate to a military tribunal.

Even though leftists have committed almost all of the domestic terrorism on our soil that wasn't the actions of muzbots, I imagine a country where you imbeciles have that power terrifying.

If you substitute leftists for rightists I'll totally agree with you.

I can't make that substitution, because that would be a lie. Since the 1890's leftist groups have been firebombing public/private property, killed President McKinley, and trash the place every time they have a protest or even a dope smoking "event".

You can count on one hand all the terrorism of "right wingers" during the same period.

You ignoring the conservative KKK, the white caps, the regulators, hmmm?

You are evidence of defective reactionary reasoning.
Why do righties only preach the Constitution when it's convenient?

They don't. You idiot uber-liberals do that.

The bottom line is that it is unlawful to to not try him in civilian court.


The MCA of 2009 as AmyNation noted (correctly) is limited to just alien enemy combatants. HOWEVER, ShittingBull, you idiot, you cannot cite ANY "law" that prohibits compelling an enemy U.S. citizen combatant to be put before a military commission.
After deleting a shit-load of posts in this thread for trolling and flaming, it's my conclusion that a bit of instruction may be in order...

If the post a Monkey is about to post is all about another Monkey posting on USMB and has little to do with the subject being discussed, it's most likely a troll post.

Carry on.
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