Boston bombing suspect charged, will not be treated as enemy combatant

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Boston bombing suspect charged, will not be treated as enemy combatant

Read more: Boston bombing suspect charged, will not be treated as enemy combatant | Fox News

will be tried in civilian courts...there you have it
In addition to murder, maiming, and mayhem, I hope he is tried for high treason.

I couldn't agree more. This scumbag should be faced with the most grievous charges and heinous punishments we have...

Surprisingly I agree with the bed wetters that he has the rights of a citizen. Holding out on "Miranda rights" for 48 hours doesn't bother me though. The feds had a plausible case that he had external help and that there were further dangers. Not only that but if he was on heavy pain meds anything he said can be ruled inadmissible even if he were mirandized and who's to say he would've understood it anyway.

I don't want the government having the arbitrary power to make people in this country disappear, especially when they're citizens.

Even more so when the left has control of the government.
Treason? Are you right wingers really this deluded or do you do this in order to entertain? :laugh2:

Some asshole bomber is not waging war against America. :eek:

how do you know? cite proof.

We are not at war with lone wolves who act alone or who may even seek direction and guidance form outside sources.

Stop spreading fear and anxiety.

You want the right to stop spreading fear and anxiety? LOL! That's their bread and butter. The recent Senate vote on failing to expand background checks for gun buyers should have proven once and for all that your request will never be heeded...on ANY issue.
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Treason? Are you right wingers really this deluded or do you do this in order to entertain? :laugh2:

Some asshole bomber is not waging war against America. :eek:

If the reports of yesterday are true, the two cocksucker Boston Marathon bombing brothers might have been part of a sleeper cell.; trained by others and possibly just a cog in a larger effort.

So, what's YOUR basis, you arrogant nitwit, to claim that they are not part of an effort to wage war against America?

Effort to wage war? Jesus Christ, you pussified right wingers see everything as a super duper threat

grow some balls

Geeeze, I guess just two students and a woman dying doesn't rise to a threat, huh Dante?
At what number does it become a threat?????
You do realize that the two bombers were hoping for more deaths, right?
Your ignorance is limitless and astounding, but I expect no better coming from you.
Boston bombing suspect charged, will not be treated as enemy combatant

Read more: Boston bombing suspect charged, will not be treated as enemy combatant | Fox News

will be tried in civilian courts...there you have it
In addition to murder, maiming, and mayhem, I hope he is tried for high treason.

I couldn't agree more. This scumbag should be faced with the most grievous charges and heinous punishments we have...


Except a charge of treason is as ridiculous as anything ever uttered by a wingnut @ usmb
Treason? Are you right wingers really this deluded or do you do this in order to entertain? :laugh2:

Some asshole bomber is not waging war against America. :eek:

how do you know? cite proof.

We are not at war with lone wolves who act alone or who may even seek direction and guidance form outside sources.

Stop spreading fear and anxiety.

1. you don't know if they were lone wolves

2. lone wolves can in fact be at war with the US

3. stop being so stupid and claiming i'm spreading fear when i said treason was unlikely
Dear Dante and OS and Company:

Gee, I must be totally off the map compared with your views of left and right.

I would propose for his citizenship to be revoked, and deporting him to China
to serve a lifetime sentence of labor for restitution over there.

I think that is worse than the death penalty, but would hold him accountable for his actions.

Not constitutional by the letter, but under "free exercise of religion" and the "right of the people to petition for redress of grievances" if people asked for that and agreed to it by consensus, I would support an executive order or some kind of UN resolution if that is what the victims of the bombings voted for. I would not exclude that from their right to ask.

Now what is THAT, by your spectrum: a far-leftist anarchist view where people are the govt?
or some right-wing belief in "divine right" of government to follow God first?

P.S. this is why I believe in constitutional decisions by consensus, to filter and weed out radical ideas like this, and go with what people agree to be in keeping with law and order.
I have my own ideas and opinions also, but that doesn't mean I impose them on others.

Yep, he wasn't read his miranda rights.

The underwear bomber and the Times Square guy were also not read their Miranda Rights as well.

I'm okay with that in the "public safety exception" cases where the guilt of the accused is a foregone conclusion but authorities want to get information from the accused that could be useful to help in other investigations, say.

This is not a precedent, and in this case, it was useful because the kid can provide information about his brother more freely than had they mirandized him right away.

Now, to the conservatives here, I want to know why the lot of you want things both ways. You want him designated as an enemy combatant so that we can just behead him or some such thing, but then you jump on Obama for not mirandizing him. Which one is it? You can't have both.

I have news for you...

I am a Conservative. I make most "Republicans" look like a liberal.

1 - I have already posted that he should be tried in a civilian court and why.

2 - I don't want him designated as an "enemy combatant".

3 - I believe he should have been given his Miranda warnings when he was arrested and not 48 hours later.

Now take that broadbrush of your and shove it where the son doesn't shine. Either call someone out by name or just shut up.
He is an American Citizen and has rights.

Right Wingers don't care, not when they can use the tragedy to score cheap political points for 2014 and 2016...or so they hope

they have no ideas

All Americans care that his rights are protected, but should he confess or evidence arises that he is waging war (and, Dante, that is not your determination but that of the law) against the nation, then, yes, treason is the correct charge.
I don't have time to bicker with you, go play with your Tonka trucks somewhere else, okay?

TK, if you would stop the reactionary goose step, and THINK about things, instead of playing Mr. Phantastic Phox Phanatic, this would be a good board.

Who died and made you king of the world, Jake? This is already a good board for me, I've stomped you numerous times already. You calling me names on a thread sure isn't reactionary. Oh wait, it is.

trea·son [tree-zuhn]
1. the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign.
2. a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state.
3. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.

Origin: 1175&#8211;1225; Middle English tre ( i ) so ( u ) n < Anglo-French; Old French traïson < Latin tr&#257;diti&#333;n- (stem of tr&#257;diti&#333; ) a handing over, betrayal. See tradition

Treason | Define Treason at
Why do righties only preach the Constitution when it's convenient? The bottom line is that it is unlawful to to not try him in civilian court.
I am quite well aware of my surroundings here, and of you--and your colossal stupidity. That is what you want, right? Attention whore?

Yep, Mr. Ad Hom TK arrives right on time.

Hey, it's my privilege. Seems to me you've already taken it by labeling me a "reactionary".

Go home Jake.

When guys like you and your ilk label the mainstream left of center to right of center as "liberals" every second or third word, then, yes, you are very likely reactionaries, far out of the mainstream, far to the right, living almost at the edge of the universe.

Don't like it, then stop it and grow up, and join the rest of us in trying to straighten up our nation.
Yep, Mr. Ad Hom TK arrives right on time.

Hey, it's my privilege. Seems to me you've already taken it by labeling me a "reactionary".

Go home Jake.

When guys like you and your ilk label the mainstream left of center to right of center as "liberals" every second or third word, then, yes, you are very likely reactionaries, far out of the mainstream, far to the right, living almost at the edge of the universe.

Don't like it, then stop it and grow up, and join the rest of us in trying to straighten up our nation.

You don't even know me, and you're already making baseless assumptions about me-- all purely off my political viewpoints. That is defined as ad hominem. I am actually a right leaning independent if you must know. You don't like being called out for your lack of neutrality, Jake, fess up. I'm more neutral than you are, and you cannot stand it one iota. "My ilk"? That's ad hom too by the way. That rant? Is reactionary.

You can't handle me. You go around this board tag teaming people with your liberal friends all the time. When I get you alone, you look like a deer in the headlights of a fully-laden 80,000 lb Peterbilt. This isn't my first rodeo, Jake. I have plenty of your kind running around this college town I live in, all claiming they're independents, all the meanwhile I sit here watching them with a smirk on my face as they attend the local OWS communes.

Grow up, grow a pair, and reexamine your "neutrality" at the door (cause that's where you are now headed).
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No sleeper cell. No Saudi suspect.

Lots of bs from right wing news sources.

If you know any right wingers, do not approach them without facts and truth. If you do, you do so at your own risk
TK, being mainstream is not neutral, it is trying to find the path through the shoals of the far right and far left, both of which would shipwreck our nation if we stuck to the far banks.

I have no trouble dropping you in your tracks on the board, cowboy.

Now if you want to grow up, act like an adult American concerned for the country, well and good. If not, OK, I will continue to stomp you in the mud.
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