BOTH Parties Need to Go!

If forced to choose between a giant douche or a feces sandwich, which would you vote for?

  • Giant Douche

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Feces Sandwich

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Wouldn't Vote at All

    Votes: 5 71.4%

  • Total voters


Aug 13, 2019
The Republicans have lost their minds and the Democrats are right behind them! It is so flipping depressing! "DT" is a complete embarrassment, lies every time he opens his mouth, couldn't find China or Russia on a globe of the world, and is apparently exactly what Americans think can fix and drain the "Swamp." Then there's the Democrats, arguing among themselves, so worried about getting re-elected, keeping control of the House, trying to figure out how to get the seats they need in the Senate to actually some legislation heard let alone passed. So worried about being called socialists, liberals, human beings, that they run from the things that will actually make a difference in the lives of most working families. It's pathetic, sad, and beyond frustrating!

Something is wrong when people like Mitch McConnel and Dianne Feinstein have campaigned basically unopposed because the "Parties" refused to fund challengers. Every House and Senate member goes in on day one and begins planning to get re-elected. They begin amassing the war chest needed to keep ..their asses in their seats. Here a novel about spending days 1 to 365 getting down to the business you were sent there to do? REPRESENTING THE INTERESTS OF THE VOTERS WHO PUT YOU THERE!
I'm beginning to believe we are too far gone as a Country, we are being divided along racial and socio economic lines more everyday, people with money resent people who don't, poor people know the rich are getting richer at their expense, we are destroying our environment, raising generation after generation of "it's all about me" people, we are on the verge of getting exactly what we deserve and it sure doesn't seem like it's going to be good!
President Trump should get a pass for being attacked by douchebag idiots like the OP for years and be allowed 3 terms.
The Republicans have lost their minds and the Democrats are right behind them! It is so flipping depressing! "DT" is a complete embarrassment, lies every time he opens his mouth, couldn't find China or Russia on a globe of the world, and is apparently exactly what Americans think can fix and drain the "Swamp." Then there's the Democrats, arguing among themselves, so worried about getting re-elected, keeping control of the House, trying to figure out how to get the seats they need in the Senate to actually some legislation heard let alone passed. So worried about being called socialists, liberals, human beings, that they run from the things that will actually make a difference in the lives of most working families. It's pathetic, sad, and beyond frustrating!

Something is wrong when people like Mitch McConnel and Dianne Feinstein have campaigned basically unopposed because the "Parties" refused to fund challengers. Every House and Senate member goes in on day one and begins planning to get re-elected. They begin amassing the war chest needed to keep ..their asses in their seats. Here a novel about spending days 1 to 365 getting down to the business you were sent there to do? REPRESENTING THE INTERESTS OF THE VOTERS WHO PUT YOU THERE!
I'm beginning to believe we are too far gone as a Country, we are being divided along racial and socio economic lines more everyday, people with money resent people who don't, poor people know the rich are getting richer at their expense, we are destroying our environment, raising generation after generation of "it's all about me" people, we are on the verge of getting exactly what we deserve and it sure doesn't seem like it's going to be good!

Ahhh, another who doesn't believe in free association.
The Republicans have lost their minds and the Democrats are right behind them! It is so flipping depressing! "DT" is a complete embarrassment, lies every time he opens his mouth, couldn't find China or Russia on a globe of the world, and is apparently exactly what Americans think can fix and drain the "Swamp." Then there's the Democrats, arguing among themselves, so worried about getting re-elected, keeping control of the House, trying to figure out how to get the seats they need in the Senate to actually some legislation heard let alone passed. So worried about being called socialists, liberals, human beings, that they run from the things that will actually make a difference in the lives of most working families. It's pathetic, sad, and beyond frustrating!

Something is wrong when people like Mitch McConnel and Dianne Feinstein have campaigned basically unopposed because the "Parties" refused to fund challengers. Every House and Senate member goes in on day one and begins planning to get re-elected. They begin amassing the war chest needed to keep ..their asses in their seats. Here a novel about spending days 1 to 365 getting down to the business you were sent there to do? REPRESENTING THE INTERESTS OF THE VOTERS WHO PUT YOU THERE!
I'm beginning to believe we are too far gone as a Country, we are being divided along racial and socio economic lines more everyday, people with money resent people who don't, poor people know the rich are getting richer at their expense, we are destroying our environment, raising generation after generation of "it's all about me" people, we are on the verge of getting exactly what we deserve and it sure doesn't seem like it's going to be good!
This fails as a false dilemma fallacy.
President Trump should get a pass for being attacked by douchebag idiots like the OP for years and be allowed 3 terms.
You can shove that right up your nazi ass.
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Trump gets two terms.
There will be no third.
In fact, as a supporter, what happened to his push for term limits anyway? He can't make it happen, but he could sure bludgeon Congress with the language of it.
President Trump should get a pass for being attacked by douchebag idiots like the OP for years and be allowed 3 terms.
You can shove that right up your nazi ass.
View attachment 276804

Trump gets two terms.
There will be no third.
In fact, as a supporter, what happened to his push for term limits anyway? He can't make it happen, but he could sure bludgeon Congress with the language of it.
Anyone who even suggests Trump should attempt to seize power after his term(s) is up is a nazi unless you can suggest a better term to use for such an un-American piece of shit.
I broke off the slave chains of the duopoly long ago b/c it painfully clear that neither party really has our best interest at heart. It's all about feathering their own nests and the nests of their cronies.

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