Boule: Black Conspiracy to Thwart Marcus Garvey?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I find this just entirely too incredible to buy, but I don't have direct knowledge of any of it nor can I find any other references to it.

They are a Black GREEK secret Society called the “Boule”, and can be pronounced as “Boolay”. They were formed from the secret society called “Skulls & Bones“, which was founded at Yale University in 1832. The secret society was originally founded by a Doctor named Henry McKee Minton, together with five other black men. They were Dr.’s Eugene T. Henson, Edwin Clarence Howard, Algernon Brashear Jackson, Robert Jones Abele, and Richard John Warrick. And all of these men were from Philadelphia. These men were referred to as the talented 10th“, by WEB DuBois who was among the Black men who founded the New York City chapter of the “Boule”.

The name WEB DuBois is not a new name to any student and follower of African-American history. He was one of those who were vocal about Black rights in America. But he was not being open about his motives. He was the major weapon used against Marcus Garvey in his campaign for a United Africa. The White-supremacists of America, in 1918, saw the over one million followership arcus Garvey had, and they systematically deployed WEB DuBois to dismantle his movement...

His affirmation to the goal of Boule, points annoyingly to the fact that some of our brightest elites in the Black community are used against the people, and most times, they are not ashamed to speak so boldly of their intentions, or the job which they have been sent to do.

To fully understand the impact of what Marcus Garvey was doing for Africans, home and abroad, this article of ours details his achievements and how his dream for a better Africa was cut short. Dubois was the strongest opponent of Garvey, and he, DuBois, had the full backing of the white- supremacist cooperations and secret societies who didn’t want to see Africa free.

Garvey’s plan was to convince and take as much Africans from the Americas (North and South America), and build new and buoyant resettlement in the African nation of Liberia. He had economic, social, and political plans for this African returnee to influence change and lead African into prosperity, away from the evils of slavery and colonialism. The new nation was to produce and control its own rubber crops, since rubber was a major cash crop at that era. But rubber was just one of the natural resources that the new nation would use in building wealth for itself and her neighbors.​

How does opposing McGarvey make one a White Supremacist?
Sigma Pi Phi - Wikipedia

Membership in Sigma Pi Phi is highly exclusive, numbering only about 5,000.[5] The organization is known as "the Boulé," which means "a council of noblemen".[6] Founded as an organization for professionals, Sigma Pi Phi never established college chapters, and eliminated undergraduate membership during its infant stages.[7] However, Sigma Pi Phi has historically had a congenial relationship with college Black Greek-letter organizations, as many members of Sigma Pi Phi are members of both. Sigma Pi Phi founder Henry McKee Minton and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. are both members of Alpha Phi Alpha, while Arthur Ashe is a member of Kappa Alpha Psi. Vernon Jordan and L. Douglas Wilder are members of Omega Psi Phi. James Weldon Johnson is a member of Phi Beta Sigma, as is civil rights leader and member of Congress John Lewis (D-GA). University of Massachusetts-Boston Chancellor, Dr. J. Keith Motley, and Hibernia Southcoast Capital CEO (Retired), Joseph Williams are members of Iota Phi Theta. Members of Sigma Pi Phi have provided leadership and service during the Great Depression, World War I, World War II, the Civil Rights Movement, and addressed social issues such as urban housing, and other economic, cultural, and political issues affecting people of African descent.

Notable members[edit]
Members of Sigma Pi Phi include[8] W. E. B. Du Bois, Civil Rights Leader and one of the founders of the NAACP, Rev. Martin Luther King, Civil right leader, Robert J. Abele, founder and brother of Julian Abele who served as the lead architect of Duke University, Former NAACP President Kweisi Mfume, former United Nations Ambassador Ralph Bunche, former Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young, former Atlanta Mayor Maynard Jackson, former Virginia Governor L. Douglas Wilder, American Express President Kenneth Chenault, Bobby Scott, C. O. Simpkins, Sr., Ken Blackwell, United States Attorney General Eric Holder,[9] Ron Brown, Vernon Jordan, Arthur Ashe, Mel Watt,[10] and John Baxter Taylor, Jr., the first African-American to win an Olympic Gold Medal.[11] Numerous other American leaders are among the men who have adopted the fraternity’s purpose of "creating a forum wherein they could pursue social and intellectual activities in the company of peers."[3] Sigma Pi Phi is open to members of all races, as can be demonstrated by its well-known Jewish member Jack Greenberg, who succeeded Thurgood Marshall as general counsel of the NAACP.[
WIDE AWAKE: The Truth In Black & White: Secret Society BLACK BOULE - aka - "The Talented Tenth": with a non-black reader in mind.

To bring a clear understanding of who the Black Boule are, you first have to understand the terms, "field negroe","house negroe", and "Uncle Tom". The first two terms were coined because, although BOTH were slaves to the white man during slavery-times. One held himself above the other. The house negroe still had shitty living conditions and treatment however -- since they were typically half white or even the offspring of the plantaion owner they had better digs and food than the darkies. Yes, us "field negroes" kept it as real and endured torturous days in the field and ate pig scraps for dinner if we were lucky. "House negroes" spent their days and nights kissing ass and licking-up the dirt from the plantation owner's feet. Now, not all "house negroes" had a superiority complex over the "field negroes" but most did. It was the plan from the begining to pit black slave against black slave to maintin white supremacy. Where there is bickering; there is no unity. When there are class levels; there can be no unity. The white man knew this and controlled us with it. Is this begining to look or sound familiar? If you have time check out the Willie Lynch letter. This will give more insight to the psychological warefare waged against blacks since the begining of slavery....

In a modern sense, this is still very prevailant. You have to consider all venues in which a black person excells in the United States. The brainwashed black person is quick to say everything they have is due to hard-work and a good education, but it's not. It's due to a sucessful network of sell outs. That brings us to black fraternities...

There are nine historically Black Greek letter organizations (BGLOs) that make up the National Pan-Hellenic Council. Collectively, these organizations are referred to as "The Divine Nine." Each of these fraternities and sororities is rich in history - ties to one or more of these organizations may be found in many college-educated Black families in the United States.
info from: Black

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Founded 1906, Cornell University
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Founded 1908, Howard University
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Founded 1911, Indiana University
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Founded 1911, Howard University
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Founded 1913, Howard University
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Founded 1914, Howard University
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Founded 1920, Howard University
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Founded 1922, Butler University
Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Founded 1963, Morgan State University

Now you can see there is a web of black people that are essentially "Uncle Tom's"....obviously willing to go through the 'white' way to grab some spoils. They believe they are special and chosen. When in reality they are sell-outs. What do they sell? GARBAGE on all fronts...propoganda.

This is where you get your successful black politicians that don't care about black communities, black bussinessmen that don't support black bussiness, black actors that portray stereotypes and cross-dressers, black actresses that portray whores, black doctors that prescribe big buck PHARMACEUTICAL$, and black lawyers that lie to make a living etc...

First off, they don't have to be from a frat or sorority...that is just one branch of the network. These people do some despicable and homosexual acts in secret to seal the deal. That's how they prove they are in it for the long haul. The knowledge of their nasty deeds is the black-mail to keep their asses in check. That's why you see so many black actors/actresses/singers looking a bit on the fruity or butch side. They swing both ways. They are shrewd and ruthless. In the entertainment industry, these Boule members only produce material that degrades black people (their own). They undermine the black community from within like a cancer. This causes the young and impressionable to act in a predictable way (herd mentality) making them easy to control..Most black people are none the wiser of their real agenda....​

Secret Societies: The Boule – Skull and Bones Society

Fashioned after Yale’s Skull and Bones, the Boule historically takes pride in having provided leadership and service to Black Americans during the Great Depression, World Wars I and II, and the Civil Rights Movement.What could the Boule offer America’s Blacks in the early 20th century? Joining the exclusive secret society offered advancement and perks to select Blacks in return for loyalty to its objectives.

The Boule recruits top Blacks in American Society into its ranks. Today, 5000+ Archons, (male Boule members) and their wives, (Archousais), with 112 chapters, make up the wealthiest group of Black men and women on the planet. “Archon” means “demon” – the kind that like to keep hidden.

But to who does the Boule really serve? The Satanic (mostly white) global elite! As long as the Black member conforms to the rules, the riches will be in abundance; if not, down comes the hatchet. Blackmail is part of the deal. This Masonic secret society has a pyramid style like all the rest. The lower ranks are kept from knowing what the upper ranks are doing. The early 20th century was a period of reconstruction....

The late conspiracy theorist and Futurologist Steve Cokely, had this to say: “Anywhere there are prominent professional Blacks, chances are they’re in the Boule”. Martin Luther King and Jesse Jackson are reported to have been Boule members, among many other high profile, successful and moneyed Blacks such as Barack Obama, Bill Cosby, Al Sharpton and Thurgood Marshall.The members of the Boule pose as Freedom Fighters or Civil Rights Activists on the surface. In truth, the elite members are operating for personal gain. The Boule works in concert with their masters in maintaining the grip of Illuminati supremacy on their people.The Boule is another arm of the nefarious secret societies that recruit, indoctrinate and cull for the dark forces. Therein are perks galore, power and notoriety all lying in wait for the easily compromised soul.In the Greek system, the Boule was the Lower House of Parliament. Charged with organizing the affairs of the city for the King. Let that sink in.This is an ancient story. The New World Order is The Old World Order. The elite Blacks of the Boule are culling and controlling their own for a slice of the elite white man’s pie.Like other secret societies, the Boule encourages homosexual trysts as initiation practices. This must be done to join the ranks. Bobby Hemmitt says, “Any kind of top-notch Negro gets together and they f*ck each other.”These perversions are then cataloged and stored on record. Later, if needed, these abuses may be used as bargaining tools in the ULTIMATE GAME. What is the Ultimate Game? Capturing human souls.The enemy may appear to have a white face but it goes much deeper than that. This is a force cloaked within many facades, personals, fictions and governing powers.​

This site is kind of goofy, especially the Global elites = Satanism thread, but I cannot find m,uch else that discusses the Black Boule.
Well, apparently most of the wealthy blacks in America are in the Black Boule according to these people, and that would include successful black politicians and academics as well.

I can buy the membership wealth thingy, but not all the evil assertions about it.

I had honestly never heard of them before today.
I find this just entirely too incredible to buy, but I don't have direct knowledge of any of it nor can I find any other references to it.

They are a Black GREEK secret Society called the “Boule”, and can be pronounced as “Boolay”. They were formed from the secret society called “Skulls & Bones“, which was founded at Yale University in 1832. The secret society was originally founded by a Doctor named Henry McKee Minton, together with five other black men. They were Dr.’s Eugene T. Henson, Edwin Clarence Howard, Algernon Brashear Jackson, Robert Jones Abele, and Richard John Warrick. And all of these men were from Philadelphia. These men were referred to as the talented 10th“, by WEB DuBois who was among the Black men who founded the New York City chapter of the “Boule”.

The name WEB DuBois is not a new name to any student and follower of African-American history. He was one of those who were vocal about Black rights in America. But he was not being open about his motives. He was the major weapon used against Marcus Garvey in his campaign for a United Africa. The White-supremacists of America, in 1918, saw the over one million followership arcus Garvey had, and they systematically deployed WEB DuBois to dismantle his movement...

His affirmation to the goal of Boule, points annoyingly to the fact that some of our brightest elites in the Black community are used against the people, and most times, they are not ashamed to speak so boldly of their intentions, or the job which they have been sent to do.

To fully understand the impact of what Marcus Garvey was doing for Africans, home and abroad, this article of ours details his achievements and how his dream for a better Africa was cut short. Dubois was the strongest opponent of Garvey, and he, DuBois, had the full backing of the white- supremacist cooperations and secret societies who didn’t want to see Africa free.

Garvey’s plan was to convince and take as much Africans from the Americas (North and South America), and build new and buoyant resettlement in the African nation of Liberia. He had economic, social, and political plans for this African returnee to influence change and lead African into prosperity, away from the evils of slavery and colonialism. The new nation was to produce and control its own rubber crops, since rubber was a major cash crop at that era. But rubber was just one of the natural resources that the new nation would use in building wealth for itself and her neighbors.​

How does opposing McGarvey make one a White Supremacist?
In LA they're called Crips.

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