Bowe Bergdahl released !

This is the crap I was talking about...

Oh fuck off swallow.
That idiot walked off his post in FUCKING AFGHANISTAN with some locals in search of alcohol.

The retard is luck to be alive.

Now our moonbat messiah has made our lives negotiable.

I sure appreciate that.


Of course there were rumors he was gay too started by the right, of course.
Obama has been timing things lately to try to fool us into believing he's a good CIC! Nah, he's still lying scum!

I am sure His parents could care less why it happened. But hey, way to make something good political.
I blogged about this for quite a while. Congrats to Bowe and his family and screw FOX for claiming he was a traitor!

Fox never said he was a traitor. He obviously wasn't a traitor. He committed no act of treason. He just isn't a hero. The Pentagon (unfortunately) is going to begin an investigation of this matter so it is quite possible that the young man's misery could be extended by a military prosecution for a variety of charges.

The correct opinion would be to consider the young man's time in Taliban custody punishment enough for his wrongdoing and let it go at that. Maybe give him a dishonorable discharge.
Obama has been timing things lately to try to fool us into believing he's a good CIC! Nah, he's still lying scum!

He certainly can't fool the military. They know that by negotiating the release of terrorists the danger they are in has greatly increased.
I blogged about this for quite a while. Congrats to Bowe and his family and screw FOX for claiming he was a traitor!

Fox never said he was a traitor. He obviously wasn't a traitor. He committed no act of treason. He just isn't a hero. The Pentagon (unfortunately) is going to begin an investigation of this matter so it is quite possible that the young man's misery could be extended by a military prosecution for a variety of charges.

The correct opinion would be to consider the young man's time in Taliban custody punishment enough for his wrongdoing and let it go at that. Maybe give him a dishonorable discharge.

He volunteered to serve in the infantry in 2008 when soldiers were coming home blown apart and missing limbs or in boxes. He became a hero the day he volunteered to sacrifice his body parts or life for you.
I blogged about this for quite a while. Congrats to Bowe and his family and screw FOX for claiming he was a traitor!

Fox never said he was a traitor. He obviously wasn't a traitor. He committed no act of treason. He just isn't a hero. The Pentagon (unfortunately) is going to begin an investigation of this matter so it is quite possible that the young man's misery could be extended by a military prosecution for a variety of charges.

The correct opinion would be to consider the young man's time in Taliban custody punishment enough for his wrongdoing and let it go at that. Maybe give him a dishonorable discharge.

He volunteered to serve in the infantry in 2008 when soldiers were coming home blown apart and missing limbs or in boxes. He became a hero the day he volunteered to sacrifice his body parts or life for you.

He became not a hero when he went AWOL in the company of Afghans. Like it or not, the military is going to have their own investigation to determine Bowe's future. His heroism in joining the military won't be offered in his defense. To me, he's suffered enough. I would hate to see him go to prison after what he's been through. However, he did go AWOL and did deliberately disobey his orders so he will have some kind of punishment. Give him a dishonorable discharge and be done with it.
I blogged about this for quite a while. Congrats to Bowe and his family and screw FOX for claiming he was a traitor!

Fox never said he was a traitor. He obviously wasn't a traitor. He committed no act of treason. He just isn't a hero. The Pentagon (unfortunately) is going to begin an investigation of this matter so it is quite possible that the young man's misery could be extended by a military prosecution for a variety of charges.

The correct opinion would be to consider the young man's time in Taliban custody punishment enough for his wrongdoing and let it go at that. Maybe give him a dishonorable discharge.

Once again you're talking out of your ass.
Here's what I had to say....

A long time ago on my blog, we were discussing the right wing's hatred of PfC Bowe Bergdahl, who had been captured by the Taliban.

Fox News, of course, being the home of all hatred, led the charges that Bergdahl was a traitor and should be hung. From our very own demented lilMike:

“This soldier just couldn’t have walked off base, he would have had to sneak away. And now he gets to make videos? I’m not sure he is a prisoner.”

Here's Fox's LtCol Ralph Peters, claiming Bergdahl is a traitor:

[ame=]Fox News Military Pundit Calls Bowe Bergdahl "A Liar" - YouTube[/ame]

PJ Tobias, a right wing shill, joined in the condemnation, accusing Bergdahl of switching sides:

I’ve been reporting for over a week (along with the AP and WaPo) that Bowe Bergdahl, the US soldier who’s gone missing in eastern Afghanistan, walked off the base on his own accord.

Now, somebody close to the people searching for Bergdahl has repeated this assertion saying that the soldier left “a note behind that said he was going to the mountains to find himself. He took a journal and 4 or 5 knives with him.” My source tells me that Bergdahl arrived at a village and asked if anybody spoke English. That’s when he was captured.

My source tells me that there is no doubt Bergdahl deserted, which in a time of war is punishable by a court martial at the least, or even execution.

I’m not the only one saying this. Lt. Col. *Ralph Peters (Ret.) told Fox News that Bergdahl is *“an apparent deserter,” and intimates that he wouldn’t feel badly if the Taliban killed Bergdahl. At the end of the segment he does say that we should wait until all the facts come in to pass judgement, but even Michelle Malkin smells something fishy.

Some idiot on a neocon blog had this to say:

“Bergdahl willingly left his FOB with some Afghani “friends”. He’s a strange young man who made very few friends in his unit, thus his Afghani “friends” he hung out with from the local guard force. He left with them to go do some drinking and smoke some hash. His “friends” turned him over to the local Taliban. This is not rumor. I was actively involved in this situation during my last trip over. He is basically AWOL. While I too want him back because he is one of ours, the thought of even one of our guys getting killed or seriously injured trying to recover him makes me want to vomit.

Today, it's being reported that Bergdahl has attempted to escape from his captors.

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl made a bold escape from his Taliban captors while imprisoned in Pakistan, avoiding them for three days before they recaptured him, according to a report published by The Daily Beast on Wednesday.

The news website's account - compiled by two correspondents for Newsweek, which the site is affiliated with - offers a window into the Hailey soldier's life of captivity in the hands of he Taliban.

The story is hard to corroborate - even that Bergdahl was confirmed still alive was news to U.S. Central Command, according to The Daily Beast. But the website appeared confident in its report, based on interviews with "three reliable militant source"who heard the details from fighters present when Bergdahl made the escape attempt.

Bergdahl, 25, has been a prisoner of the Taliban since his capture on June 30, 2009, in Afghanistan. Since then, he has appeared in a least five Taliban propoganda videos, one of which was released in May. He is the only known U.S. soldier to be captive of the Taliban.

The Daily Beast reports that Bergdahl made his escape in late August or early September, after several months when his jailers became more trusting of him. He reportedly jumped from a first-floor window of a mud-brick house in Pakistan where he was held, and went into underbrush and forested mountains.

His captors found him three days later hiding in a trench, covered with leaves, according to the report. The sources described Bergdahl fighting "like a boxer"when found.

As pointed out in the blog, the silence is deafening from those who labeled Bergdahl a traitor and deserter. Will they apologize to his family now?

the part that strikes me is, the details of his capture are finally known and the scumbags who said this kid should be beheaded for desertion are nowhere in sight begging forgiveness for making statements like that about a POW who was beaten,stripped and kidnapped at gun point.. They should rot in hell for being such spineless Fox/GOP sycophants…who aren’t even man enough to admit they were tragical wrong in their delusional assumption..
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First off, most people know that I am a conservative, so please put down the broad brushes.

I have heard nothing about any official explanation of Bowes capture, I await eagerly.

I have heard him called a PFC and a Sergeant. If he was a PFC when captured and was promoted twice the Army did not consider him as AWOL.....I'll wait and see what is released.

I am happy for the release and Bowe's freedom. I am not happy with the trade....

And for those who claim Conservatives don't care....Here I am, Where were you?

First off, most people know that I am a conservative, so please put down the broad brushes.

I have heard nothing about any official explanation of Bowes capture, I await eagerly.

I have heard him called a PFC and a Sergeant. If he was a PFC when captured and was promoted twice the Army did not consider him as AWOL.....I'll wait and see what is released.

I am happy for the release and Bowe's freedom. I am not happy with the trade....

And for those who claim Conservatives don't care....Here I am, Where were you?

Who criticized you?

I believe I thanked your post.
After all the torture at the hands of the Taliban, the poor kid looks 20 years older than his father.

Now he has to endure further torture from the American Taliban.

Moderation Note:

Thread merged starting here.
Comments below are all from the new thread.

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Although Abdullah Bergdahl claimed to be tortured, there is not a single bit of physical evidence to prove it. He's in good health and uninjured.

Of more curiosity is the fact that Abdullah is refusing to speak to his parents, even on the phone. Perhaps he blames them for their encouragement in his desertion.

I dunno what is so dangerous and threatening about the exchanged Gitmo POWs. I have seen pix of them and not one of 'em was wearing a hoodie.

Regards from Rosie
I love how all of your arm chair observers know every single detail about who Bergdahl is or is not. The government should hire you all on as consultants since they can't seem to come to a conclusion themselves.
The fact is that Bergdahl twice tried to escape the Taliban, which is what a POW is supposed to do.

Report: Bergdahl Tried Twice To Escape His Taliban Captors « CBS DC

It is no surprise that he would be tortured for trying to escape.

The RW spin doctors cannot spin THIS as Bergdahl being un-American, which causes frustration, which makes them make up shit.

Regards from Rosie

He tried to escape his base too. He might just be the kind of person who wanders off. He deserved to be punished for wandering off. We didn't do it. The Taliban did. After he was corrected he enjoyed his stay very much. More than he enjoyed his own unit.

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