Yeah. And you’re more critical of including gay me in their organization than you are of being responsible for sexual abuse.

didn’t you notice that?

Tell me about your "outrage" regarding sexual abuse when you stop ignoring the far, FAR more rampant child molestation rates in public schools, Chuckles.
I'm ignoring rampant child molestation in public schools?

Maybe you have me confused with Jim Jordan.

It always amuses me when leftists act shocked to learn that their own words actually reveal something about them.

But by all means, if you have an equal number of posts hidden somewhere which excoriate the public school system for aiding, abetting, and covering up for pedophiles to match those taking swipes at the Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts, point them out.

But until then, spare me your "outrage" at being recognized for what your words reveal about you.

What outrage are you talking about?

I was just demonstrating the crass hypocrisy of the postings here. The Boy Scouts are going bankrupt because they were responsible for sexual abuse, however the conservative posters here are being more critical of the Boy Scouts for their policy on gay rights.

So the pedophiles who created the problem were homosexual to combat that they made it possible for homosexuals to be the leaders ........? And that isn't part of the problem how?

Oh I see. So there were no sexual assaults on children before the allowed gay men to be leaders?

Obviously not.
Tell me about your "outrage" regarding sexual abuse when you stop ignoring the far, FAR more rampant child molestation rates in public schools, Chuckles.
I'm ignoring rampant child molestation in public schools?

Maybe you have me confused with Jim Jordan.

It always amuses me when leftists act shocked to learn that their own words actually reveal something about them.

But by all means, if you have an equal number of posts hidden somewhere which excoriate the public school system for aiding, abetting, and covering up for pedophiles to match those taking swipes at the Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts, point them out.

But until then, spare me your "outrage" at being recognized for what your words reveal about you.

What outrage are you talking about?

I was just demonstrating the crass hypocrisy of the postings here. The Boy Scouts are going bankrupt because they were responsible for sexual abuse, however the conservative posters here are being more critical of the Boy Scouts for their policy on gay rights.

So the pedophiles who created the problem were homosexual to combat that they made it possible for homosexuals to be the leaders ........? And that isn't part of the problem how?

Oh I see. So there were no sexual assaults on children before the allowed gay men to be leaders?

Obviously not.

No.......the ones who sexually assaulted male children before they allowed them to do it openly, were homosexual men. By allowing openly homosexual men into the boy scouts you essentially exposed those boys to homosexual pedophiles, openly, instead of the homosexual pedophiles having to lie about being homosexuals.......
I wonder if any of them walked in while the kids were dressing and said "don't worry, I've seen it all before"?
Maybe I'm crazy, but I just don't think its healthy for young boys to go out into the wood with a flaming homosexual adult leading them.


It's perversion and doesn't just apply to adults anymore.
Wow, you mean kids don’t want to waste time making fire with sticks? Hard to have seen that coming.

It has nothing to do with that, CC.

Kids just aren't as interested in Sodomy as the liberal establishment thought when they forced the Boy Scouts to accept alternate forms of sexuality.
Part of homosexuality is still hidden and this is the ugly part that has bit the BSA, as well as the RCC. We have the sin of homosexuality. It is a pervasive sin and I only learned last year that God's punishment for it more homosexual sex. The sin becomes its own punishment. The outcome is more homosexual sex per person. Even with gay marriage, it won't stop as the cheating will continue. These gays cannot help themselves and it leads to jail, disease, and their early deaths.

73% of all homosexuals have had sex with boys under 19 years of age (9).
(9) Jay and Young. The Gay Report. Summit Books, 1979, p. 275.

Facts and Statistics About Homosexuality
Facts and Statistics About Homosexuals
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What! They can't be going bankrupt!!!! They got $10 from me for a box of microwave popcorn just last summer.
What! They can't be going bankrupt!!!! They got $10 from me for a box of microwave popcorn just last summer.

Yeah...that popcorn thing was a mistake....they should have stuck with Candy Bars or cookies....
Just a couple of years after abandoning their mandate for Moral Straightness and capitulating to the libs.

I saw this one coming but I'm surprised to see how quickly it came down.

Boy Scouts Of America Files For Bankruptcy
No surprise here. Let perverts and females into the BOY SCOUTS trying to turn it into some cultural marxist social experiment and they are shocked to learn people don't want that shit. I lost count of how many splinter groups split from the Boy Scouts to make their own groups founded on traditional and morality.
The libs look like they've accomplished their goal of destroying the boy scouts.

For years after a big supreme court case in the 90's, Boy Scouts were attacked as "Nazis", "Racist", "homophobes" any time they went in public. The BSA finally decided to admit girls (in spite of the Girl Scouts not admitting boys) as well as Flaming Homosexuals. And that sealed their fate.
The libs look like they've accomplished their goal of destroying the boy scouts.

For years after a big supreme court case in the 90's, Boy Scouts were attacked as "Nazis", "Racist", "homophobes" any time they went in public. The BSA finally decided to admit girls (in spite of the Girl Scouts not admitting boys) as well as Flaming Homosexuals. And that sealed their fate.
But why did the BSA throw in the towel when they were in the clear from the courts?

Answer: because the homosexual militants infiltrated and took over the BSA from the inside. They only wanted to lose in court to have an excuse to do what they had already planned to do from the beginning.
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Has nothing to do with it
Agree. It was destroyed by homosexuals who gravitate toward these things

uh-huh - you mean like wrestling? or football?

Actually, there has never been a homosexual football player in the NFL. The one young homo, Mr. Sam I think his name was, washed out really quick without playing a single regular season game.

Wrestling has always allowed astounding gay wrestlers like Adorable Adrian Adonis and Goldust to compete, but they've never mandated it, and those "guys" were really not appreciated by normative fans.
Lombardi had a fag on his Packer team but it was in the closet
pedophiles that diddle boys aren't necessarily gay....

They're certainly not straight.

A heterosexual man, who was also a pedophile, would, by definition, only be interested in molesting little girls, and not little boys.

At most, a man who is interested in molesting little boys is demifaggot, if not a full faggot.

Was homosexuality the cause of the sexual abuse crisis? Despite the fact that 81 percent of the victims of clergy abuse in the United States were males, the report states that homosexuality was not the cause of the sexual abuse crisis. The John Jay College researchers and other researchers of the subject have found no data to indicate that homosexual orientation is a cause or risk factor for abuse of children. Clergy who exhibited homosexual behavior were not significantly more likely to abuse minors than those who did not. Sexual identity is different, of course, from sexual behavior, and the study did not identify the sexual orientation of all the offenders. The report suggests that one reason the majority of victims were male may be that boys were more accessible to the predators than girls. The data show that the percentage of girls who were victims increased after girls were allowed to become altar servers.
What caused the crisis? Key findings of the John Jay College study on clergy sexual abuse
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