Boy Scouts Vote To End Ban On Gay Leaders Facing litigation, the Boy Scouts of America voted to end

Sickening, disgusting, perverted, deviant, mentally ill, sexual weirdos.

Can't stop thinking of that dirty, dirty gay sex can you Sheriff?

Oh gee... now, you're a homo, but now insinuating I'm a homo is supposed to be an insult?

Are you trying to say you think of yourself as a dirty, dirty faggot?

I'm not insinuating that you're're way too classless to be gay.

I'm stating you're obsessed with gay male sex.

Answering the Gay Mafia's EVERYBODYMUSTLIKEFAGOTRY does not make *us* sexually obsessed, shit-for-brains.
yes it does. you asshats think about "gay sex" far more than gay people do!
[ əbˈses ]
past tense: obsessed · past participle: obsessed

  1. preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent:
Most on the social right have an unwarranted fear and hatred of gay Americans, and seek to disadvantage them solely for those reasons.

Most on the social left have an unwarranted fear and hatred of Christian Americans, and seek to disadvantage them solely for those reasons.
To be fair, there were social conservatives back in the day that tried legislating morality as well, and they were rightly sent packing. Progressive coat their persecution in terms of "fairness" which ends up being anything but fair.

What is not "fair" about the scouts allowing gays in their ranks?

You know as well as I do is that this won't stop with "allow", it will become required for any scout troop or cub pack to accept gays as volunteer leaders, even troops sponsored by religious organization.

Progressives such as yourself just don't know when to stop.

That is what "allow" means

it won't end at allow, and you know it.

You mean they will force everyone to be gay?

Damned gay agenda

No they will force troops sponsored by religious organizations to accept gay volunteer leaders, even if that goes against the religious tenets of said organization.

Deny it all you like, make light of it all you like, but you know it's going to happen.
Most on the social right have an unwarranted fear and hatred of gay Americans, and seek to disadvantage them solely for those reasons.

Most on the social left have an unwarranted fear and hatred of Christian Americans, and seek to disadvantage them solely for those reasons.

yep and claiming people are afraid of homosexuals are the bigots. but that's how they try to beat people down
I won't be forced and I don't think the millions of people who doesn't see homosexuality as a normal lifestyle into accepting it, if they don't want to. the only way they can do it, is by FORCE, bully and using a Fascist government to force it on people

really need to wake up to their tactics. They done went and DESTROYED a Christian group like the GS and BS. It won't stop there
What is not "fair" about the scouts allowing gays in their ranks?

You know as well as I do is that this won't stop with "allow", it will become required for any scout troop or cub pack to accept gays as volunteer leaders, even troops sponsored by religious organization.

Progressives such as yourself just don't know when to stop.

That is what "allow" means

it won't end at allow, and you know it.

You mean they will force everyone to be gay?

Damned gay agenda

No they will force troops sponsored by religious organizations to accept gay volunteer leaders, even if that goes against the religious tenets of said organization.

Deny it all you like, make light of it all you like, but you know it's going to happen.

They are free to drop their sponsorship if they no longer want to run a scouting program. I expect many will.
Nobody is being forced to do anything
You know as well as I do is that this won't stop with "allow", it will become required for any scout troop or cub pack to accept gays as volunteer leaders, even troops sponsored by religious organization.

Progressives such as yourself just don't know when to stop.

That is what "allow" means

it won't end at allow, and you know it.

You mean they will force everyone to be gay?

Damned gay agenda

No they will force troops sponsored by religious organizations to accept gay volunteer leaders, even if that goes against the religious tenets of said organization.

Deny it all you like, make light of it all you like, but you know it's going to happen.

They are free to drop their sponsorship if they no longer want to run a scouting program. I expect many will.
Nobody is being forced to do anything

That's the same "freedom" you assholes want to give to bakers, photographers, and anyone else who disagrees with you.

And it is force, or it will become so when the lawsuits start flying.

You assholes can't accept anyone different than you, and you use government to make it that way. You are all miserable excuses for human beings.
Most on the social right have an unwarranted fear and hatred of gay Americans, and seek to disadvantage them solely for those reasons.

Most on the social left have an unwarranted fear and hatred of Christian Americans, and seek to disadvantage them solely for those reasons.

Most on the social left are Christians!

So your claim makes no sense whatsoever.
That is what "allow" means

it won't end at allow, and you know it.

You mean they will force everyone to be gay?

Damned gay agenda

No they will force troops sponsored by religious organizations to accept gay volunteer leaders, even if that goes against the religious tenets of said organization.

Deny it all you like, make light of it all you like, but you know it's going to happen.

They are free to drop their sponsorship if they no longer want to run a scouting program. I expect many will.
Nobody is being forced to do anything

That's the same "freedom" you assholes want to give to bakers, photographers, and anyone else who disagrees with you.

And it is force, or it will become so when the lawsuits start flying.

You assholes can't accept anyone different than you, and you use government to make it that way. You are all miserable excuses for human beings.

That is the way things work with public accommodation

"We don't serve negroes here " is no longer acceptable regardless of your personal beliefs or hatreds
it won't end at allow, and you know it.

You mean they will force everyone to be gay?

Damned gay agenda

No they will force troops sponsored by religious organizations to accept gay volunteer leaders, even if that goes against the religious tenets of said organization.

Deny it all you like, make light of it all you like, but you know it's going to happen.

They are free to drop their sponsorship if they no longer want to run a scouting program. I expect many will.
Nobody is being forced to do anything

That's the same "freedom" you assholes want to give to bakers, photographers, and anyone else who disagrees with you.

And it is force, or it will become so when the lawsuits start flying.

You assholes can't accept anyone different than you, and you use government to make it that way. You are all miserable excuses for human beings.

That is the way things work with public accommodation

"We don't serve negroes here " is no longer acceptable regardless of your personal beliefs or hatreds

Boy Scouts are not a public accommodation, and neither is a contracted baker or photographer.
Most on the social right have an unwarranted fear and hatred of gay Americans, and seek to disadvantage them solely for those reasons.

Most on the social left have an unwarranted fear and hatred of Christian Americans, and seek to disadvantage them solely for those reasons.

Most on the social left are Christians!

So your claim makes no sense whatsoever.

So all those black churches are running out to allow gay marriages to happen in their halls?
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It's a waste of time arguing with these so called liberals. they are red boned Fascist to the core.

all I can is people BETTER wake up and fast
Most on the social right have an unwarranted fear and hatred of gay Americans, and seek to disadvantage them solely for those reasons.

Most on the social left have an unwarranted fear and hatred of Christian Americans, and seek to disadvantage them solely for those reasons.

Most on the social left are Christians!

So your claim makes no sense whatsoever.

So all those black churches are running out to allow gay marriages to happen in their halls?

Non sequitur!
I wonder how many of the so called righteous Americans were scouts? I was and this will be almost impossible for consevofacists to believe but I was an eagle scout.
take it from first hand experience the scouts are not even close to being as virtuous as you wish they were or as you remember They were.

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