Boy Scouts Vote To End Ban On Gay Leaders Facing litigation, the Boy Scouts of America voted to end

What the truly perplexing mystery here is that the BSA knows it is committing suicide. How did so many progressives and faggots get control of it so that they are enabled to destroy it from the inside?
I was in the Scouts growing up, and he scandals about gay men running Scout troops was a persistent rumor, and one day our troop found out that it wasn't just a rumor.

The son of the troop master and several of his friends tormented a young boy while we were out on a two week trip in the woods. They constantly insulted this kid and made fun of him. Then one day the kid was gone and the troop leaders son was in a very bad mood for the rest of the excursion. Found out later that he and his friends were in the kids tent with the flaps open and caused the kid to break down crying, and the kid begged them to tell him what he had to do to be their friend, to be accepted, and they told him that he would be 'in' if he gave them blow jobs. And so the kid did. I heard that he was brought to some of the adults for special counseling, but I don't know if that was just an excuse or what. maybe they got some too.

Turned out later that the troop leader was a closet fag, switch hitter. His son was too and they ha d a fag clique going on for years.

The parents of the boy that was abused sued and settled out of court with the BSA for a good amount of cash. The Troop leader had to give up his post, but his son did not have any punishment and the same clique elected another fag to take the place of the troop masters son. Everyone there that had any morals left the troop.

Now that there is no restraint on fag scout leaders, hell none of this will ever get out or be any kind of restraint on the BSA.

No way in hell would I let my kids anywhere near that nest of perverts and psychos. Nu-uh.


Lol, so what is bullshit about what I told? It is every word true as best I can recall.

Do you think it is BS that there were gay members of the troop? There were all kinds of homos in the BSA back then.

You think it is BS that some kid got molested by other boy scouts? that happens all the time and the BSA has insurance to pay off parents so they will settle out of court and sign a contract for nondisclosure.

What element of what I said is just so impossible you declare it bullshit?

I think I know what it is; yuou just don't like it. You don't like the story and therefore it must not be true and merely made up.

That is what you idiot libtards are reduced to these days. Just lockstep group-thought and irrational gratuitous declarations that you are right and everyone else wrong.

The left today is little more than an ideological cult, if more than that at all.

And you are Exhibit number 128,547,334,976

I got about half way into your tale of woe before I realized you were making it up as you went along. You were OK up till the blowjob part and then it became obvious that you were making up a story to fit your twisted agenda

You have no basis for saying that other than your all mighty Fag ESP, I guess.

But that you respond tells me it had an effectiveness or you wouldn't waste your time with it.
I was in the Scouts growing up, and he scandals about gay men running Scout troops was a persistent rumor, and one day our troop found out that it wasn't just a rumor.

The son of the troop master and several of his friends tormented a young boy while we were out on a two week trip in the woods. They constantly insulted this kid and made fun of him. Then one day the kid was gone and the troop leaders son was in a very bad mood for the rest of the excursion. Found out later that he and his friends were in the kids tent with the flaps open and caused the kid to break down crying, and the kid begged them to tell him what he had to do to be their friend, to be accepted, and they told him that he would be 'in' if he gave them blow jobs. And so the kid did. I heard that he was brought to some of the adults for special counseling, but I don't know if that was just an excuse or what. maybe they got some too.

Turned out later that the troop leader was a closet fag, switch hitter. His son was too and they ha d a fag clique going on for years.

The parents of the boy that was abused sued and settled out of court with the BSA for a good amount of cash. The Troop leader had to give up his post, but his son did not have any punishment and the same clique elected another fag to take the place of the troop masters son. Everyone there that had any morals left the troop.

Now that there is no restraint on fag scout leaders, hell none of this will ever get out or be any kind of restraint on the BSA.

No way in hell would I let my kids anywhere near that nest of perverts and psychos. Nu-uh.


Lol, so what is bullshit about what I told? It is every word true as best I can recall.

Do you think it is BS that there were gay members of the troop? There were all kinds of homos in the BSA back then.

You think it is BS that some kid got molested by other boy scouts? that happens all the time and the BSA has insurance to pay off parents so they will settle out of court and sign a contract for nondisclosure.

What element of what I said is just so impossible you declare it bullshit?

I think I know what it is; yuou just don't like it. You don't like the story and therefore it must not be true and merely made up.

That is what you idiot libtards are reduced to these days. Just lockstep group-thought and irrational gratuitous declarations that you are right and everyone else wrong.

The left today is little more than an ideological cult, if more than that at all.

And you are Exhibit number 128,547,334,976

I got about half way into your tale of woe before I realized you were making it up as you went along. You were OK up till the blowjob part and then it became obvious that you were making up a story to fit your twisted agenda

You have no basis for saying that other than your all mighty Fag ESP, I guess.

But that you respond tells me it had an effectiveness or you wouldn't waste your time with it.

Your little fairy tale started out believable. Then when you twisted it into a "gays are recruiting boys to be homosexual" it became obvious what your agenda is
Hard trying to find a stable middleground here.

We've got fascist leftists like Clayton and jasonnfree always bending backwards to never, ever put any blame on homosexuals, homosexuality, and leftist agendas. And we've also got fascist rightists like jknowgood and Sunni Man always trying to condemn it with the worst accusations out there. And then you've got all the snark, bile, craziness, arrogance, and ideological droning that just makes you want to mow all this stupid crap down.

You guys lack tact. I mean... what happened? Did your brains fall out? Whatever happened to reason and respect?

You're trying to find middle ground? Insinuating that gays are pedophiles isn't middle ground, amigo.

What blame would you like to "put on homosexuals" regarding the BSA? You'd like to blame gay kids for wanting to be a part of it? You want to blame gay kids for not wanting to be kicked out of the Scouts when they turn 18? So I'll ask again, what would you like to "blame" on "homosexuals" regarding the BSA?
What the truly perplexing mystery here is that the BSA knows it is committing suicide. How did so many progressives and faggots get control of it so that they are enabled to destroy it from the inside?

The BSA has been allowing scouts to admit to being gay for years now. It was predicted to be the end of scouting back then and it didn't materialize

Our society is much more tolerant and understanding of gays than it was ten years ago. Scouts are just catching up with the times
My question is - and this is no reflection on gay kids - why don't straight kids have their straight Boy Scouts and happy parents, and gay kids go have their gay Boy Scouts and happy parents?

Why is it necessary to force these two disparate elements together?
What the truly perplexing mystery here is that the BSA knows it is committing suicide. How did so many progressives and faggots get control of it so that they are enabled to destroy it from the inside?
It's truly perplexing after seeing what happened to the girl scouts. It's not like no one knew.
My question is - and this is no reflection on gay kids - why don't straight kids have their straight Boy Scouts and happy parents, and gay kids go have their gay Boy Scouts and happy parents?

Why is it necessary to force these two disparate elements together?

Hmmmmm....I'd have to go with the fact that they aren't disparate elements. Kids are kids. Boy Scouts has nothing to do with the boy's sexual orientation. Why separate?
My question is - and this is no reflection on gay kids - why don't straight kids have their straight Boy Scouts and happy parents, and gay kids go have their gay Boy Scouts and happy parents?

Why is it necessary to force these two disparate elements together?

Why shouldn't kids experience scouting together?
My question is - and this is no reflection on gay kids - why don't straight kids have their straight Boy Scouts and happy parents, and gay kids go have their gay Boy Scouts and happy parents?

Why is it necessary to force these two disparate elements together?

Why shouldn't kids experience scouting together?

(Billy wonders why rightwinger represents himself with a picture of young Will Robinson):wtf:
My question is - and this is no reflection on gay kids - why don't straight kids have their straight Boy Scouts and happy parents, and gay kids go have their gay Boy Scouts and happy parents?

Why is it necessary to force these two disparate elements together?

Why shouldn't kids experience scouting together?

(Billy wonders why rightwinger represents himself with a picture of young Will Robinson):wtf:

That does not compute
This thread clearly illustrates the idiocy of the social right, they're truly the bane of the American Nation.
My question is - and this is no reflection on gay kids - why don't straight kids have their straight Boy Scouts and happy parents, and gay kids go have their gay Boy Scouts and happy parents?

Why is it necessary to force these two disparate elements together?

Why shouldn't kids experience scouting together?
Because some of them are harmful perverts.
While it's logical that all homosexuals are not child molesters, some child child molesters are homosexual. Some child molesters are also straight. Not much to be done about it but wait and observe. If something happens to one of these kids at the hands of one of these dudes, maybe let's not let him survive to go to court. Just wondering what the latest repercussions to the latest progressively naive decisions made on America will be.

Lest we forget, the overwhelming number of molestation cases have straight men as the molesters and that includes incest.
All molestation is wrong, but your own kids? Yukola!

What are the percentages as a function of population of a group (as a part of the whole).
This thread clearly illustrates the idiocy of the social right, they're truly the bane of the American Nation.

"blah blah blah, I have to demonize people who disagree with me, blah blah blah"

The true "bane" of the Nation is currently the progressive left, who want to end debate in general.
The bane of the nation is forcing antagonistic groups to continue living in proximity to one another and grow only in antagonism.

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