Boy Scouts Vote To End Ban On Gay Leaders Facing litigation, the Boy Scouts of America voted to end

I see this as a twofer.

First, I'm glad that gay scout masters will no longer be discriminated against.

Second, I'm glad all you bigots are now planning on boycottin the Scouts. They'll be a lot better off without you assholes.

I'd be lot more comfortable sending my kids to the scouts under a gay scout master than under one of you. You guys do a lot more damage to kids by spreading your hatred.


Destroy one group, another will take its place.

The Scouts are a lot stronger than your hatred for gays is.

I don't hate gays. I do, however, have an extreme dislike of anyone forcing themselves into social situations where they are not wanted.

Seems somehow un-American to me.

You don't get to define who is "unwanted" for everyone else.

Would you support the BSA if they considered black kids "unwanted"?

I don't subscribe to "if". They do not, so it is not an issue.
I see this as a twofer.

First, I'm glad that gay scout masters will no longer be discriminated against.

Second, I'm glad all you bigots are now planning on boycottin the Scouts. They'll be a lot better off without you assholes.

I'd be lot more comfortable sending my kids to the scouts under a gay scout master than under one of you. You guys do a lot more damage to kids by spreading your hatred.


Destroy one group, another will take its place.

The Scouts are a lot stronger than your hatred for gays is.

I don't hate gays. I do, however, have an extreme dislike of anyone forcing themselves into social situations where they are not wanted.

Seems somehow un-American to me.
How do you tell an 11 year old boy that he is unwanted?

You say "I'm very sorry but you do not meet the criteria for membership."

I would mention that boys are not permitted to join the Girl Scouts, but - they are.

(Billy shakes his head ruefully)
I was in the Scouts growing up, and he scandals about gay men running Scout troops was a persistent rumor, and one day our troop found out that it wasn't just a rumor.

The son of the troop master and several of his friends tormented a young boy while we were out on a two week trip in the woods. They constantly insulted this kid and made fun of him. Then one day the kid was gone and the troop leaders son was in a very bad mood for the rest of the excursion. Found out later that he and his friends were in the kids tent with the flaps open and caused the kid to break down crying, and the kid begged them to tell him what he had to do to be their friend, to be accepted, and they told him that he would be 'in' if he gave them blow jobs. And so the kid did. I heard that he was brought to some of the adults for special counseling, but I don't know if that was just an excuse or what. maybe they got some too.

Turned out later that the troop leader was a closet fag, switch hitter. His son was too and they ha d a fag clique going on for years.

The parents of the boy that was abused sued and settled out of court with the BSA for a good amount of cash. The Troop leader had to give up his post, but his son did not have any punishment and the same clique elected another fag to take the place of the troop masters son. Everyone there that had any morals left the troop.

Now that there is no restraint on fag scout leaders, hell none of this will ever get out or be any kind of restraint on the BSA.

No way in hell would I let my kids anywhere near that nest of perverts and psychos. Nu-uh.

The scouts have always had gay leaders. They just wouldn't let them admit it

No, they haven't always had gay leaders. Although, it is true that marxists infiltrated into the Boy Scouts of America.

Just as marxist pedophiles infiltrated into the Catholic Church with the intent of causing chaos.

What does being a Marxist have to do with pedophilia?

There have always been gay scout leaders, you simply didn't know about it – just as at one time we didn't know about gay teachers, gay police officers, and gay firefighters.

And as correctly noted several times already, pedophiles are for the most part heterosexual, rendering prohibiting gay scout leaders irrational and without merit.
Always has been.

I called home from basic training and my mom was asking strange questions about my old Cub Scout leader.
Turns out he got sent up the river for molesting about a dozen boys in his troops.
Personally, I never saw anything out of the ordinary but I might have been too young to know if I was seeing anything too.
I know he never touched me.

I also know that there's no need for a grown gay man to be in the woods with a dozen or more teen (and younger) boys

Did his surname end in a "berg", a "stein", a "sky" or a "mann", by chance ?


No, but his first name was Muhammad!!!!

More likely his first name was made up.


Ok, it was Hussein!
The scouts have always had gay leaders. They just wouldn't let them admit it

No, they haven't always had gay leaders. Although, it is true that marxists infiltrated into the Boy Scouts of America.

Just as marxist pedophiles infiltrated into the Catholic Church with the intent of causing chaos.

What does being a Marxist have to do with pedophilia?

Before I answer that question, first I have to ask you if you are aware of who is behind the pedo / homosexual agenda in America? Who controls it? Who finances it?
Before I answer that question, first I have to ask you if you are aware of who is behind the pedo / homosexual agenda in America? Who controls it? Who finances it?

Oh! I bet I can guess! Could it be????

Inciting an online riot now?


If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Do you come here for lively topic debate or to shut it down?

I come here for a lively debate...but oddly enough, when I debate I get called a muzzie or a nazi or an anti-semite, etc.

Name calling isn't part of debating. Name calling is trolling, period.

It's also called argumentum ad hominem (attack the messenger). Debaters don't do that, but trolls always do.
Inciting an online riot now?


If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Do you come here for lively topic debate or to shut it down?

I come here for a lively debate...but oddly enough, when I debate I get called a muzzie or a nazi or an anti-semite, etc.

Name calling isn't part of debating. Name calling is trolling, period.

It's also called argumentum ad hominem (attack the messenger). Debaters don't do that, but trolls always do.

Perhaps your message has become tiresome through repetition.
Back on topic. Those who would destroy Christianity in America have achieved another victory for their agenda.
Trail Life USA: It’s Like the Boy Scouts, But Without the Anal Sex


Straight and proud. Deal with it. Or sue us, as you are obviously going to do.

In the wake of the Boy Scouts of America’s decision to allow openly homosexual boys to join the organization, a new Christian organization, Trail Life USA, has been launched, with a vow to disallow degenerate perverts into their ranks.

On Saturday, the group released a press statement which states that it was founded to “counter the ‘moral free fall’ of the nation, and raise a generation of faithful husbands, fathers, citizens and leaders. […] The genesis of the new group was the [Boy Scouts of America] leadership’s closely watched decision in May to change its membership policy and admit youth regardless of their sexual orientation or sexual preference.”

As the decision to allow homosexuals into the Boy Scouts was so overwhelmingly unpopular, given that the organization’s membership base is very traditionally-minded, the organization is likely to garner wide-spread support quite rapidly.

Let me make myself clear:

This thread is about the BSA's decision. It is not about how evil the Joos are, or how much of a moron the anti-smite is.

Zone 2 rules are in effect. Bans and infractions will follow any further trolling in this thread.
What I don't like is this obsessive need by some on the Left to try and bully people into thinking homosexuality is completely ok and that you have to accept it fully, and that you can't have any room for indifference. And, god forbid, if you don't agree with it these certain fuckers try to ruin your life and baselessly slander you with vile names.

It's a bit scary, and it needs to be beaten back, especially by those more reasonable liberals on the Left. But, I don't have my hopes up, because in the end, the majority of liberals follow the call from their liberals, and march in lock-step for fear of being violently castigated in the media. They have to march to that beat. This isn't praise of the Right, either: they have their own shitty problems in they're splintered into factions from both the religious and secular extremes of the spectrum, among other things I can list off the top of my head.

Quit whining. Nobody told you that you had to like it. You just have to afford them minimal legal treatment. You can still be a jerk as much as you want. Hopefully, one day you will realize that most gays aren't really as bad as you have been told, but I'm sure there are more than enough ass holes in both groups. You can either do the mature thing and deal with it, or whine. It's up to you.
Trail Life USA: It’s Like the Boy Scouts, But Without the Anal Sex


Straight and proud. Deal with it. Or sue us, as you are obviously going to do.

In the wake of the Boy Scouts of America’s decision to allow openly homosexual boys to join the organization, a new Christian organization, Trail Life USA, has been launched, with a vow to disallow degenerate perverts into their ranks.

On Saturday, the group released a press statement which states that it was founded to “counter the ‘moral free fall’ of the nation, and raise a generation of faithful husbands, fathers, citizens and leaders. […] The genesis of the new group was the [Boy Scouts of America] leadership’s closely watched decision in May to change its membership policy and admit youth regardless of their sexual orientation or sexual preference.”

As the decision to allow homosexuals into the Boy Scouts was so overwhelmingly unpopular, given that the organization’s membership base is very traditionally-minded, the organization is likely to garner wide-spread support quite rapidly.

Christians have a long history of molestation.
If you have to personally attack me it shows that you have no logical or honest reply.
You are an idiot. ... :cool:
While it's logical that all homosexuals are not child molesters, some child child molesters are homosexual. Some child molesters are also straight. Not much to be done about it but wait and observe. If something happens to one of these kids at the hands of one of these dudes, maybe let's not let him survive to go to court. Just wondering what the latest repercussions to the latest progressively naive decisions made on America will be.

What IS Logical, is that those who show a propensity to disregard soundly reasoned sexual boundaries, are prone to disregard soundly reasoned sexual boundaries.

Thus where a person defines themselves by their degeneracy, it's a sure bet that you can EXPECT THEM TO ENGAGE IN DEGENERACY... ; meaning that whatever sexual need flitters through their head, is MUCH MORE LIKELY TO BE PURSUED.

THAT is an axiomatic certainty.

What part of 'homosexuals ≠ pedophiles' escapes your understanding?

Homosexual and pedophile, are synonymous.

If one is a homosexual, they are a pedophile. Those who claim to not be such are either liars, or the rare exceptions that make the rule.

It's not even a debatable point.

Not debatable? You mean the fact that you're conflating two unrelated things?

Most pedophiles are heterosexual and most gays are not pedophiles.

There, now you know. Not that you still won't continue to spew your ignorance all over the board.

Trail Life USA: It’s Like the Boy Scouts, But Without the Anal Sex


Straight and proud. Deal with it. Or sue us, as you are obviously going to do.

In the wake of the Boy Scouts of America’s decision to allow openly homosexual boys to join the organization, a new Christian organization, Trail Life USA, has been launched, with a vow to disallow degenerate perverts into their ranks.

On Saturday, the group released a press statement which states that it was founded to “counter the ‘moral free fall’ of the nation, and raise a generation of faithful husbands, fathers, citizens and leaders. […] The genesis of the new group was the [Boy Scouts of America] leadership’s closely watched decision in May to change its membership policy and admit youth regardless of their sexual orientation or sexual preference.”

As the decision to allow homosexuals into the Boy Scouts was so overwhelmingly unpopular, given that the organization’s membership base is very traditionally-minded, the organization is likely to garner wide-spread support quite rapidly.

Christians have a long history of molestation.

Silly why concern yourself with actual reality. :D

Mark the Calendar...

This is the day the Boy Scouts of America: DIED!

Now... what can we expect as a consequence of this?

We can expect a marked increase in lawsuits against the BSA subsequent from Molestation by degenerate Scout Master...s and older homosexual "Scouts", who molest the younger Scouts.

Whereupon the Cult of Degeneracy will BLAME THE SCOUTS... .

Anyone who needs to see the blueprint, need look no farther than the Catholic Church to see how it works.

1- The Cult chastises the institution DEMANDING to be included.

2- They're included...

3- Children are molested.

4- The Cult Attacks the Institution, rejecting any responsibility for the rapes of children, denying that the sexual deviancy of homosexuality is TOTALLY different from the sexual deviancy of Homosexuality, where the homosexual prefers young, tight-skinned boys.

SO LONG SCOUTS! Ya had a nice run. But your current leadership has sold you out.

poor rightwingnut loon

So in the face of obvious efforts to destroy the Boy Scouts from the inside with this pro-fag nonsense, you only response is to call us loons?

lol, pathetic.

When you libtards lose your institutional power, you know you are toast, right? Thats all you've got left. Once that is gone, *poof* its over for you nit wits.

Americans will hate your bilge for the next seven generations.
I was in the Scouts growing up, and he scandals about gay men running Scout troops was a persistent rumor, and one day our troop found out that it wasn't just a rumor.

The son of the troop master and several of his friends tormented a young boy while we were out on a two week trip in the woods. They constantly insulted this kid and made fun of him. Then one day the kid was gone and the troop leaders son was in a very bad mood for the rest of the excursion. Found out later that he and his friends were in the kids tent with the flaps open and caused the kid to break down crying, and the kid begged them to tell him what he had to do to be their friend, to be accepted, and they told him that he would be 'in' if he gave them blow jobs. And so the kid did. I heard that he was brought to some of the adults for special counseling, but I don't know if that was just an excuse or what. maybe they got some too.

Turned out later that the troop leader was a closet fag, switch hitter. His son was too and they ha d a fag clique going on for years.

The parents of the boy that was abused sued and settled out of court with the BSA for a good amount of cash. The Troop leader had to give up his post, but his son did not have any punishment and the same clique elected another fag to take the place of the troop masters son. Everyone there that had any morals left the troop.

Now that there is no restraint on fag scout leaders, hell none of this will ever get out or be any kind of restraint on the BSA.

No way in hell would I let my kids anywhere near that nest of perverts and psychos. Nu-uh.


Lol, so what is bullshit about what I told? It is every word true as best I can recall.

Do you think it is BS that there were gay members of the troop? There were all kinds of homos in the BSA back then.

You think it is BS that some kid got molested by other boy scouts? that happens all the time and the BSA has insurance to pay off parents so they will settle out of court and sign a contract for nondisclosure.

What element of what I said is just so impossible you declare it bullshit?

I think I know what it is; yuou just don't like it. You don't like the story and therefore it must not be true and merely made up.

That is what you idiot libtards are reduced to these days. Just lockstep group-thought and irrational gratuitous declarations that you are right and everyone else wrong.

The left today is little more than an ideological cult, if more than that at all.

And you are Exhibit number 128,547,334,976
I was in the Scouts growing up, and he scandals about gay men running Scout troops was a persistent rumor, and one day our troop found out that it wasn't just a rumor.

The son of the troop master and several of his friends tormented a young boy while we were out on a two week trip in the woods. They constantly insulted this kid and made fun of him. Then one day the kid was gone and the troop leaders son was in a very bad mood for the rest of the excursion. Found out later that he and his friends were in the kids tent with the flaps open and caused the kid to break down crying, and the kid begged them to tell him what he had to do to be their friend, to be accepted, and they told him that he would be 'in' if he gave them blow jobs. And so the kid did. I heard that he was brought to some of the adults for special counseling, but I don't know if that was just an excuse or what. maybe they got some too.

Turned out later that the troop leader was a closet fag, switch hitter. His son was too and they ha d a fag clique going on for years.

The parents of the boy that was abused sued and settled out of court with the BSA for a good amount of cash. The Troop leader had to give up his post, but his son did not have any punishment and the same clique elected another fag to take the place of the troop masters son. Everyone there that had any morals left the troop.

Now that there is no restraint on fag scout leaders, hell none of this will ever get out or be any kind of restraint on the BSA.

No way in hell would I let my kids anywhere near that nest of perverts and psychos. Nu-uh.


Lol, so what is bullshit about what I told? It is every word true as best I can recall.

Do you think it is BS that there were gay members of the troop? There were all kinds of homos in the BSA back then.

You think it is BS that some kid got molested by other boy scouts? that happens all the time and the BSA has insurance to pay off parents so they will settle out of court and sign a contract for nondisclosure.

What element of what I said is just so impossible you declare it bullshit?

I think I know what it is; yuou just don't like it. You don't like the story and therefore it must not be true and merely made up.

That is what you idiot libtards are reduced to these days. Just lockstep group-thought and irrational gratuitous declarations that you are right and everyone else wrong.

The left today is little more than an ideological cult, if more than that at all.

And you are Exhibit number 128,547,334,976

I got about half way into your tale of woe before I realized you were making it up as you went along. You were OK up till the blowjob part and then it became obvious that you were making up a story to fit your twisted agenda

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