Boy Scouts Vote To End Ban On Gay Leaders Facing litigation, the Boy Scouts of America voted to end

Welcome to Fantasy Island

Why would you support child molesters?.... Thanks for showing up, and letting everyone know just who you do support, WingNut!

Practice what you preach, vig.

Listen Goat Fucker, now you want the children.....


Defending Rabbi pedophiles by ignoring what they do, eh? And by trying to change the subject.

How jewish.

Pedophile Jewish counselor convicted of 59 counts, sentenced to 103 years

Pedophile Jewish counselor convicted of 59 counts sentenced to 103 years - Detroit liberal


Those who violate young children often use manipulation, fear, and intimidation to silence their victims.

Same tactics they use online here at this forum.

Then get back to pedophiles in the Boy Scouts! Goat Fucker!

Jewish Scouts say lifting of ban on gays is ‘momentous’

NEW YORK (JTA) — Jewish Scouting leaders said they were “overjoyed” after the Boy Scouts of America passed a resolution lifting a ban on gay youth.

A.J. Kreimer, the outgoing chairman of the Nation Jewish Committee on Scouting, said Friday the decision reached at the BSA’s national convention in Dallas on Thursday was “momentous.”

“Anything we can do to get more young people, especially Jewish youth, involved is a great day for Judaism and for scouting,” he said.

Jewish Scouts say lifting of ban on gays is momentous Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Can we return to some sanity on this thread?

What exactly is the topic? Jewish Boy Scouts or Christian Boy Scouts?

Jewish Boy Scouts of America leaders support gay rights

Seems to me if the leaders of the jewish boy scouts of America want their bubelahs to grow up to be mincers swishing in the Gay Pride Parade every year, that what's the big dveal?

Just shows you that LIBERALISM has replaced being a Jew in NYC ... nothing new here, they would rather have there heads chopped off than disparage any liberal agenda!

LIBERALISM = Marxism = Jewish...everywhere you look, it is the marxist jewish liberals that are behind the homosexual / pedophile agenda in America.

Jewish Boy Scouts of America leaders support gay rights

NEW YORK- Jewish Scouting leaders are taking a vocal role in efforts to pass a historic resolution that would partially lift a ban on gays in the Boy Scouts of America.

In a meeting of the National Jewish Committee on Scouting in February, members voted overwhelmingly in favor of a resolution lifting the BSA’s longstanding ban on gay members. Now the Jewish Scouting group is working to shore up support for a resolution to be voted on at the Boy Scouts of America’s annual convention in Dallas later this month that would prevent the Scouts from denying membership to anyone younger than 18 on the basis of sexual orientation. The resolution would not change the BSA’s ban on gay adult leaders.

Jewish Boy Scouts of America leaders support gay rights
While it's logical that all homosexuals are not child molesters, some child child molesters are homosexual. Some child molesters are also straight. Not much to be done about it but wait and observe. If something happens to one of these kids at the hands of one of these dudes, maybe let's not let him survive to go to court. Just wondering what the latest repercussions to the latest progressively naive decisions made on America will be.

Actually the large majority of pedophiles are heterosexual.

While most pedophiles are heterosexual we don't see the boy scouts writing policy that excludes heterosexuals from being leaders.

Seems to me the logical thing to do would be to exclude the largest group that are pedophiles yet they allow the largest group to be leaders.

Why isn't there a campaign to prevent the largest group of pedophiles to be involved with young boys?

Oh that's right, they're heterosexual and it's ok for heterosexuals to be the largest group of pedophiles.
You're an idiot. There.
There is only 1 reason adult homosexual men want to be Boy Scout leaders........and it isn't a good thing. ..... :eek-52:
Actually the large majority of pedophiles are heterosexual.


Yep... but 30% of child molesters are homosexuals, while homosexuals represent LESS THAN 2% of the population.

If you're not bright enough to see how that means that being homosexual means that mathematically, you're certain to be a pedophile, then there's not much anyone hear can do for you.
Gays aren't born, they are made by older men and boys who molest them when they're boys.
Homosexual and pedophile, are synonymous.

If one is a homosexual, they are a pedophile. Those who claim to not be such are either liars, or the rare exceptions that make the rule.

It's not even a debatable point.

Good lord.

You're just as crazy as some of the Left here. You need help.
Boys are introduced to the gay lifestyle by older gays. It's foolish to deny that.
Hard trying to find a stable middleground here.

We've got fascist leftists like Clayton and jasonnfree always bending backwards to never, ever put any blame on homosexuals, homosexuality, and leftist agendas. And we've also got fascist rightists like jknowgood and Sunni Man always trying to condemn it with the worst accusations out there. And then you've got all the snark, bile, craziness, arrogance, and ideological droning that just makes you want to mow all this stupid crap down.

You guys lack tact. I mean... what happened? Did your brains fall out? Whatever happened to reason and respect?
Always has been.

I called home from basic training and my mom was asking strange questions about my old Cub Scout leader.
Turns out he got sent up the river for molesting about a dozen boys in his troops.
Personally, I never saw anything out of the ordinary but I might have been too young to know if I was seeing anything too.
I know he never touched me.

I also know that there's no need for a grown gay man to be in the woods with a dozen or more teen (and younger) boys

Did his surname end in a "berg", a "stein", a "sky" or a "mann", by chance ?


No, but his first name was Muhammad!!!!

More likely his first name was made up.

I enjoy racists who post on this board. It shows everyone that we have not progressed as far as we think

As much as you enjoy defending the marxist pedophiles, no doubt.
There was a time when this board had standards
Its a no brainer

The rest of the country has moved on....time for the scouts to catch up

Why should they be forced to 'catch up' if they don't want to? I don't force people to wear the latest fashions.
Mostly because it is the right thing to do

If there has always been gay scout leaders, whats the big deal?
There have always been axe murderers as scout leaders . Should we Encourage it?
The scouts have always had gay leaders. They just wouldn't let them admit it

No, they haven't always had gay leaders. Although, it is true that marxists infiltrated into the Boy Scouts of America.

Just as marxist pedophiles infiltrated into the Catholic Church with the intent of causing chaos.

There have always been gay scout leaders, you simply didn't know about it – just as at one time we didn't know about gay teachers, gay police officers, and gay firefighters.

And as correctly noted several times already, pedophiles are for the most part heterosexual, rendering prohibiting gay scout leaders irrational and without merit.
Always has been.

I called home from basic training and my mom was asking strange questions about my old Cub Scout leader.
Turns out he got sent up the river for molesting about a dozen boys in his troops.
Personally, I never saw anything out of the ordinary but I might have been too young to know if I was seeing anything too.
I know he never touched me.

I also know that there's no need for a grown gay man to be in the woods with a dozen or more teen (and younger) boys

Did his surname end in a "berg", a "stein", a "sky" or a "mann", by chance ?

He was also a Methodist minister
I see this as a twofer.

First, I'm glad that gay scout masters will no longer be discriminated against.

Second, I'm glad all you bigots are now planning on boycottin the Scouts. They'll be a lot better off without you assholes.

I'd be lot more comfortable sending my kids to the scouts under a gay scout master than under one of you. You guys do a lot more damage to kids by spreading your hatred.
Hating gays is not part of Boy Scout training. Your argument and accusation of bigotry in the BSA is baseless nonsense.
Boy scouts won't be around much longer.
That was their ultimate goal.

If anything allowing gay members will help the BSA survive.
They already allowed gay members.
Now they're allowing gay leaders.

No. The BSA will collapse.
Membership was already fading.

Do you think that we've become so desensitized that parents will be okay with dropping their sons off with Adam and Steve to go camping?

Mark the Calendar...

This is the day the Boy Scouts of America: DIED!

Now... what can we expect as a consequence of this?

We can expect a marked increase in lawsuits against the BSA subsequent from Molestation by degenerate Scout Master...s and older homosexual "Scouts", who molest the younger Scouts.

Whereupon the Cult of Degeneracy will BLAME THE SCOUTS... .

Anyone who needs to see the blueprint, need look no farther than the Catholic Church to see how it works.

1- The Cult chastises the institution DEMANDING to be included.

2- They're included...

3- Children are molested.

4- The Cult Attacks the Institution, rejecting any responsibility for the rapes of children, denying that the sexual deviancy of homosexuality is TOTALLY different from the sexual deviancy of Homosexuality, where the homosexual prefers young, tight-skinned boys.

SO LONG SCOUTS! Ya had a nice run. But your current leadership has sold you out.

poor rightwingnut loon

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