Boy suspended for purse

The kid is a deviant weirdo, but I have a problem with dress codes in public schools. If a private school, then that's another story. When I was in school, they would make kids turn inside out bart simpson shirts. Then it progressed to sendig the home. The ironic thing was that the best students were the ones who were wearing them, so obviously wearing an "underachieve and proud" shirt impacted their learning experiences other than the cocksucker teachers crying and sending them home for it. The teachers were the ones who caused the problems.
The kid is a deviant weirdo, but I have a problem with dress codes in public schools. If a private school, then that's another story. When I was in school, they would make kids turn inside out bart simpson shirts. Then it progressed to sendig the home. The ironic thing was that the best students were the ones who were wearing them, so obviously wearing an "underachieve and proud" shirt impacted their learning experiences other than the cocksucker teachers crying and sending them home for it. The teachers were the ones who caused the problems.

That's the beauty of uniforms. There is no question as to what is considered appropriate,only the uniform is. All the kids no matter what grades they have are on equal ground. As I said before there is no gang or other type of social posturing. It's cheaper for the parents as most of the required clothing can be bought at Walmart. Mom and Dad don't have to keep up with the Jones'. It also put the focus of self expression back where it belongs,on school work. Expression through clothes can be done at the same time when Adults do it, on their own time.

Again School is to prepare the kids for the adult world and the adult world requires certain dress for certain jobs. Nobody would be wearing a dress and stiletto's to jack hammner concrete,they'd be sent home of lose their job. When I worked in a factory I had to wear work boots,shirt with sleeves even if it was 100 degrees outside,pants, no loose clothing,no jewlery and my hair had to be tied back and not hanging. If I broke those rules, I'd get written up or sent home. I looked like a grease monkey everyday, but hey tough shit rules are rules. It's the way the world works and the kids might as well get used to it now because they will be doing it the rest of their lives.
He deserved to be suspended. Look how bad it clashes with the rest of his ensemble.

Well now that you mention it he is wearing jeans and a boring blue screened t-shirt with a a blue hoodie? Too much blue dude. The hand bag does add a punch of color but it's not whats needed here. He needs to put on a structured jacket, Ditch the screened T and wear a shirt that will tie in the colors of the hang bag and for heaven sake change the Justin Bieber hair; it always looks like helmut head IMHO. Either that or if he wants to wear those clothes he needs to change that purse for something a little more masculine like canvas or leather, and put on a different colored hoodie. Gay dudes usually are on the ball when it comes to fashion sense, I have no Idea what happened with this kid.
are you kidding.... you have never heard of man bags? Men have been carrying purses for a very long time.


That ain't a man bag.

Fruitcake is asking to get the shit kicked out of him. Fairy.:cuckoo:

"If you like your ballet dancers built like NFL nose tackles, we have got the ballet dancer for you.

That would be Steelers nose tackle Steve McLendon, who says that he's been taking ballet dancing since his senior year of college...."
Steve McLendon: Ballet is 'harder than anything else I do' -
The school called it right. The boy would have been disciplined in the same manner if say he was wearing a dress to school. He was warned though.

He was allowed to carry it in August, September and October and is suddenly suspended for carrying it in November?
It likely was not a distraction back then. School officials probably realized that this "handbag" was somehow interfering with the school's learning environment. Any obstacle that poses a distraction to the school's learning environment needs to be removed.

It'd be nice if they concentrated on teaching.....
I wonder how many people are going to read the entire post before they comment.

A 13-year-old Kansas 8th grader says he was suspended from school for carrying a purse. Skylar Davis says the Vera Bradley purse is his form of expression. He adds that girls carry purses, so he should be able to do the same. Skylar’s vice-principal disagreed and told him to stop carrying the bag.

Boy suspended for wearing a purse to school |

Now is the chance for everyone who has me pegged as a homophobe that wants big government to interfere with personal choice to speak up and show everyone how stupid they are.

I think he should be able to keep the purse.

are you kidding.... you have never heard of man bags? Men have been carrying purses for a very long time.

A VERY long time:

Luke 22: 35, 36

35 Then Jesus asked them, “When I sent you without purse, bag or sandals, did you lack anything?”

“Nothing,” they answered.

36 He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. 37 It is written: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors’; and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written about me is reaching its fulfillment.”

King James Bible

Luke 10:4
Carry neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes: and salute no man by the way.

DEVIANT WEIRDO??? Oh come on. It's just a kid!!! Did you not die your hair purple? Have a mohawk? Get in trouble for stealing gum at a store? Flip someone off? Wear a tshirt that had a statement on it? Rolled around in your room while air guitaring? So fucking what if he wants to carry a bag. Chill out!!

This terror of someone being "gay" just because of what he or she does or wears or wants to express him or herself is going wayyyy overboard.

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