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Boycott II

PatCat, why are you so *surprised* that people you've referred to as 'immoral and depraved', 'idiotic' and an assortment of other pejorative descriptors are less than delighted to be so addressed?

Have you lived so sheltered an existence that you haven't figured out yet that after you've been insulting them, people are apt to be a bit short of patience with you? Particularly after you've repeatedly made false accusations against them over and over, and also insisted they lack compassion.

It seems that, conrary to your perennial blustering, the one who's prancing about presuming to be 'better' than others would be YOU.

I will answer your question by simply stating that I will not engage in personal attacks untill the new violence in Gaza is over and the threads celebrating blood lust end. and even then I will avoid them. That is what the boycott is all about !!!
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We really need to support Seal on this otherwise he will feel like he has been hung out to dry. Look how they are attacking him for just the idea of a boycott. It is also revealing that none of them is really able to confront him face to face. These people are cowards and if we hold to our position and recruit others to our cause they will fold. They are all empty suits who have not had a new idea in years. So lets commit ourselves to only posting on the Boycott thread and on doing it as oftes as we can untill it sticks in their craw. Remember stay strong.

P.S. Also we are not doing any good posting on other threads because all they do is slander us, and feed on us.

This post was suppose to go on the original Boycott thread that Seal started but since that thread has ben deleated I will start it again

What a bunch of lame BOZOS. "We need to boycott this evil board with these evil Zionists!"
Simply speaking I refuse to be part of this board untill the new confrotation in Gaza is over. Seal is the one who first came up with the idea of a boycott and I and some others signed up for it. The original thread was deleted, I have no idea why. But I for one will not put up with the stench of BLOOD that has permeated this board in the last 3 days and I Invite anyone who feels the same to join me.

Wah, wah, waaaaaaah.
Would you like some cheese with that whine, Princess? How 'bout some music?
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is hoping the offensive in the Gaza Strip wins his Likud party more votes in January's election.

It just makes no sense. Bibi was already a lock to win big. He has no reason to rock the boat. In fact, if Israelis thought he did this for political gain it would cost him the election.
Opinions are like assholes ... everybody has one. :D

PatCat....stop that mealy-mouthed whining and have the balls to speak out against injustices such as Israel's latest Nazi siege of Gaza...its an election year, and Obama has Bibi's back....he is also on his knees when Bibi visits Washington to lay down the law and demand an escalation in U.S. aid...when did any discussion of this conflict not have "the stench of blood"???? This is exactly how Israel's critics are silenced in the media---they withdraw like timid sheep. Stop sobbing like a little girl whose birthday got rained out...you make me ill....

Skitt; you are neither my father nor my boss nor someone that I have a lot of respect for therefore in the future please refrain from talking to me in the manner that you have. If you had bothered to think before you flew off the handle maybe you would have been able to grasp the meaning of my posts. Simply speaking I think that the whole Zionist culture is sick and is rotten to the core. I think they have a massive inferiority complex and the only way they are able to maintain theit existance is to demean and degrade people so that they can attain a false and delusional sence of superiority. Usually I can handle that but over the past three days with their lust for blood manifestly obvious I have decided to stop feeding them my flesh as food. They are so stupid that they don't even have knowledge of what a boycott is. It is not a statement that you are leaving, it is a statment that you refuse to participate in something untill certain conditions are met. Untill the new conflict is over in Gaza I will boycott all other threads except this one unless it is deleated and if it is I will start up another one. I am with Jos on this one and maybe although it is doubtful ( sp ) we can convince Seal to come back and Join us on this thread. I think that could be arranged if we agreed to stop repplying to the assholes.

And this BOZO wonders why I call her PattyCatty.
We really need to support Seal on this otherwise he will feel like he has been hung out to dry. Look how they are attacking him for just the idea of a boycott. It is also revealing that none of them is really able to confront him face to face. These people are cowards and if we hold to our position and recruit others to our cause they will fold. They are all empty suits who have not had a new idea in years. So lets commit ourselves to only posting on the Boycott thread and on doing it as oftes as we can untill it sticks in their craw. Remember stay strong.

P.S. Also we are not doing any good posting on other threads because all they do is slander us, and feed on us. WE NEED TO CUT OFF THEIR FOOD SUPPLY !!!

This post was suppose to go on the original Boycott thread that Seal started but since that thread has ben deleated I will start it again

Oh dear.
How old are you?

It's not his age but rather his manhood I would question. He certainly posts like a little girl. Give Kvetch and Skit some credit for not playing Patty Cake with the boycotters.
People need to read the posts and at least try to comprehend them. I said that I was boycotting the board but I made an exception for this thread so all of you people who are suggesting that I leave will have to be disappointed and you can all Fuck off !!!

PatCat, why are you so *surprised* that people you've referred to as 'immoral and depraved', 'idiotic' and an assortment of other pejorative descriptors are less than delighted to be so addressed?

Have you lived so sheltered an existence that you haven't figured out yet that after you've been insulting them, people are apt to be a bit short of patience with you? Particularly after you've repeatedly made false accusations against them over and over, and also insisted they lack compassion.

It seems that, conrary to your perennial blustering, the one who's prancing about presuming to be 'better' than others would be YOU.

The naming is part of the rough and tumble here. I do have a prob with those who play the game while whining about it like ... uh ... PattyCatty? :D
I just don't see where that is any kind of a useful response, PatCat - but if that's what you think is right then that's what you should do.
"I...sob.... want my..............sniffle, sob.......my mommy..............sob!
So, which of the two critters in his avvie are we supposed to think is PatCat - and which one is supposed to be sealie?

Skitt; you are neither my father nor my boss nor someone that I have a lot of respect for therefore in the future please refrain from talking to me in the manner that you have. If you had bothered to think before you flew off the handle maybe you would have been able to grasp the meaning of my posts. Simply speaking I think that the whole Zionist culture is sick and is rotten to the core. I think they have a massive inferiority complex and the only way they are able to maintain theit existance is to demean and degrade people so that they can attain a false and delusional sence of superiority. Usually I can handle that but over the past three days with their lust for blood manifestly obvious I have decided to stop feeding them my flesh as food. They are so stupid that they don't even have knowledge of what a boycott is. It is not a statement that you are leaving, it is a statment that you refuse to participate in something untill certain conditions are met. Untill the new conflict is over in Gaza I will boycott all other threads except this one unless it is deleated and if it is I will start up another one. I am with Jos on this one and maybe although it is doubtful ( sp ) we can convince Seal to come back and Join us on this thread. I think that could be arranged if we agreed to stop repplying to the assholes.

Pat...two quick points: #1 Who the fk is this Skitt??? Why am I besieged with 'skitt' references? I'm a studious retiree and widower--my wife contracted the West Nile virus last year. I wholeheartedly agree with your conclusions about the Zionists, but why do you pretend this is a shock...whenever the Israeli leadership opts to turn the ruthless IDF loose on undefended civilians in Gaza, the Jews drool with glee and bloodlust....in light of this gruesome display any argument about their collective general character is clearly resolved...why permit them to dance and sing the praises of the post-Nazi state they worship?...that is what they want

I have already adressed this question but I will adress it again. You are right in your basic premises but you are wrong in your conclusions. They play this game and the way that they win is when we play along. I simply refuse to be a part of that game any longer. I am opting out, I will not be a part of the personal attacks , the degrading behavior, and the bloodlust that this board has become. IT REALLY IS THE ONLY WAY TO WIN... SANITY WILL PREVAIL IN THE LONG RUN. I would suggest that if you really beleive your own posts you join me.

P.S. By the way I think that Seal and some others are posting on the CLEAN DEBATE ZONE, and if past experience is any indication the Zionist posters would not have their favorite weapons and thus would not be able to argue effectively. the name of the thread is " Mexican Terrorists: a Bad Analogy. " I invite all who are interested to join him there.
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Skitt; you are neither my father nor my boss nor someone that I have a lot of respect for therefore in the future please refrain from talking to me in the manner that you have. If you had bothered to think before you flew off the handle maybe you would have been able to grasp the meaning of my posts. Simply speaking I think that the whole Zionist culture is sick and is rotten to the core. I think they have a massive inferiority complex and the only way they are able to maintain theit existance is to demean and degrade people so that they can attain a false and delusional sence of superiority. Usually I can handle that but over the past three days with their lust for blood manifestly obvious I have decided to stop feeding them my flesh as food. They are so stupid that they don't even have knowledge of what a boycott is. It is not a statement that you are leaving, it is a statment that you refuse to participate in something untill certain conditions are met. Untill the new conflict is over in Gaza I will boycott all other threads except this one unless it is deleated and if it is I will start up another one. I am with Jos on this one and maybe although it is doubtful ( sp ) we can convince Seal to come back and Join us on this thread. I think that could be arranged if we agreed to stop repplying to the assholes.

Pat...two quick points: #1 Who the fk is this Skitt??? Why am I besieged with 'skitt' references? I'm a studious retiree and widower--my wife contracted the West Nile virus last year. I wholeheartedly agree with your conclusions about the Zionists, but why do you pretend this is a shock...whenever the Israeli leadership opts to turn the ruthless IDF loose on undefended civilians in Gaza, the Jews drool with glee and bloodlust....in light of this gruesome display any argument about their collective general character is clearly resolved...why permit them to dance and sing the praises of the post-Nazi state they worship?...that is what they want
Very good, very good. :clap: You have a future in Hollywood, if not then Ballywood, worse case I can definitely get you a part in Pallywood.

I have already adressed this question but I will adress it again. You are right in your basic premises but you are wrong in your conclusions. They play this game and the way that they win is when we play along. I simply refuse to be a part of that game any longer. I am opting out, I will not be a part of the personal attacks , the degrading behavior, and the bloodlust that this board has become. IT REALLY IS THE ONLY WAY TO WIN... SANITY WILL PREVAIL IN THE LONG RUN. I would suggest that if you really beleive your own posts you join me.

I don't believe that you have the entire picture Pat...here's why: you do us a disservice by assuming that "they" win through the argument we press---just the opposite, we remind them of their collective moral depravity and hypocrisy, and their predictable reaction is not to abandon the empty rattle-chamber of names and lies that they employ, but rather to adjust the volume up...my take is that we win because the truth resides with us---not them, and perhaps the brighter one's among them know this, but damn!!!! There are some blue-ribbon dummies among them...no names mentioned...Roudy...Skye...Hoss-face.........doooohhhhhhhhh!!!! my bad:D

It doesn't get any better than this.
Two consistently outgunned and outmanned fools commiserating while discussing how they can win something here.
You both win the booby prize, ladies, but thanks for playing. :D
On the bright side: This thread is a good example of why these boycott and divestiture movements against Israel fail miserably.
On the bright side: This thread is a good example of why these boycott and divestiture movements against Israel fail miserably.

don't bet the farm on it smegma...Apartheid South Africa had some hefty supporters, but a boycott brough them to their fkg knees...if you assume that lying, terroristic Jews are invincible---stay tuned rube:D
No I don't assume that lying terroristic Arabs are invincible. In fact quite the opposite. As far as the boycott they've been yapping for decades now, the only ones that seem to be for it are Muslim shitholes that Israel doesn't trade with anyhow. Not that the animals have anything other than oil, hate, terrorism, intolerance, chauvinism, oppression, persecution, corruption and violence to offer the modern world. LOL

To paraphrase; People who don't remember their history are doomed to repeat it.

I have seen on several threads suggestions that if the Gazans wish to spare their children from the Israeli Bombing they should flee to Egypt. Simple question if this was done and the conflict came to an end would the Israelis allow them to return to Gaza or would they become permanent refugees like the 700,000 Palestinians who were ethnically cleansed in 48 and 49

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