Boycott Staples

a lot of it yea.....but that is one huge market.....thats what a lot of companies want a piece mail advertising is supposed to be just about the most effective way to advertise.....

I think bulk mail rates should be eliminated. Let them pay the full rate per ounce just like everyone else.
BTW, so called junk mail which is comprised of ads for stuff most people have no intention of buying is the origin of the phrase "circular file"...
So unless junk mail advertisers are selling their wares to trash cans, they are wasting their money.
your wrong....i have read quit a few articles saying direct mail is the most effective way to advertise,its a multi-billion dollar industry for a reason........and the biggest complaint i ever had on my route was when the Tuesday food ads were either late or someone did not get one...Advo pays the PO in excess of a Billion a year to deliver those things....Penny Saver about the people may not think anyone wants those things....guess again....

Yeah, I get upset when the ads come on Wed instead of Tue. I plan my shopping around the sales.
Neither workers nor our unions caused this crisis.

In 2006, Congress passed the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act. This law requires the Postal Service to do something that no other business or government agency has to do–pre-fund its FUTURE retiree health care benefits. This is a 75 year liability that has to be paid in 10 years. The Postal Service makes a payment of approximately $5.5 billion on September 30 at the end of every fiscal year to meet this obligation. The Post Office has been paying these benefits the past seven years into a trust fund for employees who have not even been born yet. This is the burden that is creating the “financial crisis” for the Post Office. The recession that has gripped America the past few years has undoubtedly affected the Postal Service, but even in the worst economic times since the great depression, the USPS has had a net profit of $611 million dollars. Unfortunately, the red ink associated with the post office is the mandated pre-funding since 2006.

What the ad doesn't mention is the payments are meant to fund health benefits for future Postal Service retirees. The law requires that the Postal Service pay about $5 billion a year toward future health benefits for 10 years, until 2017. A 2009 report from the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service determined that the payments were having a "considerable" impact on the post office's profitability.

The ad also mentions "billions" that the Postal Service is "forced to overpay" into federal accounts. This claim has to do with whether the Postal Service is required to pay more than needed for future pension benefits, and there's a lively debate over the issue. Inspectors general -- one from the U.S. Postal Service and another from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management -- have issued conflicting reports over the obligations and how they should be handled.

Finally, we found widespread agreement that the Postal Service's problems are greater than just the retirement rules. Here's what Donahoe, the postmaster general, told the PBS NewsHour on Sept. 6, 2011: "The problem is, when you start to look forward, even with the pre-funding money given back to us -- which there's not a lot of people coming forward telling us that they're going to give us that money -- the problem is, when you start to go forward, the volume and revenues continue to go down. We are losing first-class mail at the rate of 7.5 percent a year. That's not going to change."

The postal unions themselves acknowledge in their press materials for the ad that changes to the retirement rules alone would not solve the Postal Service's financial problems. But changing the rules would buy time to come up with other ideas and solutions. "This cannot be done in the current panic mode, with congressional inaction forcing management to throw every possible cut against the wall to see what sticks, while anti-government ideologues exploit the situation," said the unions in a written statement.
the EXCUSE the idiotic Left is using is that they are required to "overpay" for their own employees retirement benefits.
what you wont here from the idiotic Left here pretending they are letting you in on a big secret is that the issue of whether they are "overpaying" is highly debateable

think OBAMA'S HOMESTATE OF ILLINOIS; and the $100 BILLION HOLE the state is in for underfunded pensions
the EXCUSE the idiotic Left is using is that they are required to "overpay" for their own employees retirement benefits.
what you wont here from the idiotic Left here pretending they are letting you in on a big secret is that the issue of whether they are "overpaying" is highly debateable

think OBAMA'S HOMESTATE OF ILLINOIS; and the $100 BILLION HOLE the state is in for underfunded pensions

Actually, it's a 40 year accounting error. That information was already posted.
Neither workers nor our unions caused this crisis.

In 2006, Congress passed the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act. This law requires the Postal Service to do something that no other business or government agency has to do–pre-fund its FUTURE retiree health care benefits. This is a 75 year liability that has to be paid in 10 years. The Postal Service makes a payment of approximately $5.5 billion on September 30 at the end of every fiscal year to meet this obligation. The Post Office has been paying these benefits the past seven years into a trust fund for employees who have not even been born yet. This is the burden that is creating the “financial crisis” for the Post Office. The recession that has gripped America the past few years has undoubtedly affected the Postal Service, but even in the worst economic times since the great depression, the USPS has had a net profit of $611 million dollars. Unfortunately, the red ink associated with the post office is the mandated pre-funding since 2006.

They know this. Lonestar, JC and Sayit know this. This is a game for them.
What's really creating this is the inability to not outsource earlier.
Do you understand that the mail is Federally protected after it hits the Post Office? Not through anyone else?

Do you understand that only the Post Office, due to the legislation that was provided for you, is the only organization required to pay 75 years in advance for retirement/benefits-by 2016?

Do you understand that $50billion was overpaid to CSRS and should be returned?

Do you understand that $6.9 billion was paid (overfunded) to FERS and should be returned and you will see the profit?
So? Let it fail and other businesses will pick up the business and hire many of those employees laid off at a hire rate. It'd sure be nice if lefties knew how business worked.

By intentionally destroying your competition through devious methods because you can't compete on your own? And screwing American workers?

Nice job there. Well done.
Nope, like I said, the business volume is too large, additional workers would be required and those eligible would get jobs. Those who are not would most likely be unemployed paid by tax payer money.
USPS is a money maker? :lol:

if it was run better believe it.....60-70 billion a year? many companies that the govt owns does that?.....ill give you as long as you need to give me an answer....

You changed your tune. You claimed that the USPS is "the only money making thing" the gov't owns. Now you claim it could make money. Big difference. I'd give more credence to your 2nd claim ($50-$60 bil/yr profit potential) if you'll admit the 1st was utter BS.

it makes 60 billion a year.....thats aint my fault congress micromanages the place and tells then they have to try and break even and throws shit in their paths to make things even harder....let them sink or swim by letting the people they pay to run the place....actually run it.....Marvin Runyon,the PMG from the 90's had this place in the black most of the years he ran year they grossed 90 Billion dollars....he thought it was kinda foolish to have to spend the profits on something because they are mandated by Congress to hopefully break even or have a very small he started buying new vehicles,the LLV's you see now.... and they were just in the black when he was done.......
So? Let it fail and other businesses will pick up the business and hire many of those employees laid off at a hire rate. It'd sure be nice if lefties knew how business worked.

By intentionally destroying your competition through devious methods because you can't compete on your own? And screwing American workers?

Nice job there. Well done.
Nope, like I said, the business volume is too large, additional workers would be required and those eligible would get jobs. Those who are not would most likely be unemployed paid by tax payer money.

Again. This:

is intentionally destroying your competition through devious methods because you can't compete on your own and screwing over American workers.

Under the above, the Post Office was required to pay 75 years in advance all health benefits and retirement. By 2016.

Manufactured crisis.

On top of this was the 40 year old accounting error. The federal Office of Personnel Management has overcharged the post office by as much as $80 billion for payments into the Civil Service Retirement System.

The rise of the Donahoe

Postmaster General: Postal Service 'On Brink of 5.5 Billion Payment Default' - The Five Towns - Far Rockaway - Jewish Community News Service - 5 Times More Value - TheFiveTowns.Info

Issa calls it a scandal and is totally shocked and demands cuts.
Postal Service prodded -- once again -- to do more with less - Oversight -

All of these scandals are nothing more than bread and circuses. Almost forgot, I don't think the PO has used tax dollars since the 1970s.

:blahblah: That argument ran out of steam long ago.
The fadct is the USPS employs too many people who are using archaic methods of getting the work done.
Hand sorting mail for carrier routes? Come on....All mail should be bar coded and sorted by machines.
The USPS is a bloated federal bureaucracy.

were the hell have you been hiding Spoon?....hand sorting?....they have been using bar codes and machines for about 35 years now for letters....and the new ones they are using now for flats are the most Sophisticated on the planet....they put the Magazines like the letters in route order.....when these new ones went on line...we had a group from Japan Post come in to look at sure they ordered one....the Machine is huge and 70-80 yards long....its the reason they dont need many clerks anymore...

On a side note, there's a set of stamps of Postal Workers that was put out in the 70's. My mom was in one of the pictures. She asked how much they would get paid so of course, they made them artist drawings instead of the actual pictures. There's my mom, with her red hair and the green pants she was wearing that day right there on the stamp. She was hand sorting the mail. I remember how much she practiced so she could get that job.

I think it's sad to see those old jobs go. Up to date computers may be great, but I miss the old fashioned switchboard that I used to operate. Times change, but not always for the better. I would rather see more people working and less automation.
Do you really believe the US gov't exists to provide middle class entitlement for those lucky enough to work for them (at the expense of the rest of us) and to compete with private biz? :lol:
what does any of that have to do with what i just said?.....if the US Govt OWNS the they not have the responsibility to maintain it and run it hopefully responsibly?...if they dont.....who the hell is responsible for its operation then?...if you own a business who is responsible for the well being of that business,you or some guy down the street?...

You keep saying the government owns the PO. Where the does the government get its money to own anything from?

so who owns it then?....

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