Boycott Staples

By intentionally destroying your competition through devious methods because you can't compete on your own? And screwing American workers?

Nice job there. Well done.
Nope, like I said, the business volume is too large, additional workers would be required and those eligible would get jobs. Those who are not would most likely be unemployed paid by tax payer money.

Again. This:

is intentionally destroying your competition through devious methods because you can't compete on your own and screwing over American workers.
Page not found from your link.
the EXCUSE the idiotic Left is using is that they are required to "overpay" for their own employees retirement benefits.
what you wont here from the idiotic Left here pretending they are letting you in on a big secret is that the issue of whether they are "overpaying" is highly debateable

think OBAMA'S HOMESTATE OF ILLINOIS; and the $100 BILLION HOLE the state is in for underfunded pensions

Actually, it's a 40 year accounting error. That information was already posted.

ACTUALLY you're regurgitating a talking point. that information was already posted
Nope, like I said, the business volume is too large, additional workers would be required and those eligible would get jobs. Those who are not would most likely be unemployed paid by tax payer money.

Again. This:

is intentionally destroying your competition through devious methods because you can't compete on your own and screwing over American workers.
Page not found from your link.
what does any of that have to do with what i just said?.....if the US Govt OWNS the they not have the responsibility to maintain it and run it hopefully responsibly?...if they dont.....who the hell is responsible for its operation then?...if you own a business who is responsible for the well being of that business,you or some guy down the street?...

You keep saying the government owns the PO. Where the does the government get its money to own anything from?

so who owns it then?....

The USPS is created as a government agency under Title 39, Section 101.1 of the United States Code which states, in part:

(a) The United States Postal Service shall be operated as a basic and fundamental service provided to the people by the Government of the United States, authorized by the Constitution, created by Act of Congress, and supported by the people. The Postal Service shall have as its basic function the obligation to provide postal services to bind the Nation together through the personal, educational, literary, and business correspondence of the people. It shall provide prompt, reliable, and efficient services to patrons in all areas and shall render postal services to all communities. The costs of establishing and maintaining the Postal Service shall not be apportioned to impair the overall value of such service to the people.

No, the USPS is a Business!
the Postal Service takes on some several very non-governmental attributes via the powers granted to it under Title 39, Section 401, which include:
•power to sue (and be sued) under its own name;
•power to adopt, amend and repeal its own regulations;
•power to "enter into and perform contracts, execute instruments, and determine the character of, and necessity for, its expenditures";
•power to buy, sell and lease private property; and,
•power to build, operate, lease and maintain buildings and facilities.

All of which are typical functions and powers of a private business. However, unlike other private businesses, the Postal Service is exempt from paying federal taxes. USPS can borrow money at discounted rates, and can condemn and acquire private property under governmental rights of eminent domain.

Under federal law, only the Postal Service can handle or charge postage for handling letters. Despite this virtual monopoly worth some $45 billion a year, the law merely requires the Postal Service to remain "revenue-neutral," neither making a profit or suffering a loss.

In simple terms, it's a branch of the federal government. It owns itself.
the EXCUSE the idiotic Left is using is that they are required to "overpay" for their own employees retirement benefits.
what you wont here from the idiotic Left here pretending they are letting you in on a big secret is that the issue of whether they are "overpaying" is highly debateable

think OBAMA'S HOMESTATE OF ILLINOIS; and the $100 BILLION HOLE the state is in for underfunded pensions

Actually, it's a 40 year accounting error. That information was already posted.

ACTUALLY you're regurgitating a talking point. that information was already posted

No. I already provided this information earlier. You must have been playing with your sock.
Because automation rduces the need for humans which decreases funding to the union. they'd be slitting their own throats if they agreed.

that would be true if the Unions in the PO did that.....they dont stand in the way of automation....they just want the people who actually touch the mail to have a say on how things are going to be set up because of that Automation.....
But automation takes away jobs. No different than outsourcing.

ever since i have worked there we were told that Automation will be coming.....the clerks who worked there knew this....they also knew that their jobs will be the ones mostly affected....on the carrier side my Union knew that someone still has to deliver the stuff,they were more concerned on how things would be set up,how we get the final product and how it effects the carriers....they just wanted input....they did not get it with the letters and things did not go so well when it was implemented...they had input with the Flat sorting machine and things went much doesnt make sense to Postal Management to ask for input from the people who actually touch the mail....
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No more so than your Chicken Little ("the sky is falling,") save the USPS arguments.

You're argument has been addressed multiple times. Is the USPS reliant on tax dollars beyond the election mail? No. That wasn't even a good try. This is you running a circle jerk.

Seven consecutive years of significant USPS losses mean they will either turn off their lights, raise their prices substantially, or require a gov't bailout to continue operating in the delivery biz (and it is a biz). What's your preference?

and it all started in 2007.....i wonder why?...
Again. This:

is intentionally destroying your competition through devious methods because you can't compete on your own and screwing over American workers.
Page not found from your link.

What section is it you'd like me to read? I ain't reading the whole document today. Looks like a contract. Maybe it is since the government owns them and use unionized labor.
Actually, it's a 40 year accounting error. That information was already posted.

ACTUALLY you're regurgitating a talking point. that information was already posted

No. I already provided this information earlier. You must have been playing with your sock.

NO; you posted your usual stupidity; talking points wallowing in dishonesty

you must have been playing with your sock
ACTUALLY you're regurgitating a talking point. that information was already posted

No. I already provided this information earlier. You must have been playing with your sock.

NO; you posted your usual stupidity; talking points wallowing in dishonesty

you must have been playing with your sock


this is the bullsh*t you are trying to pass off as an "accounting error". In reality it is a disguised taxpayer bailout for PROGRESSIVE FAILURE.....

Abstract: Calls to refund “overpayments” by the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) to the retirement of postal workers are misguided. The estimates of overpayments are inflated by overly optimistic assumptions, as recent years have demonstrated. A refund would leave taxpayers on the hook for future shortfalls in USPS retirement funding. The better choice is to follow the private-sector practice of using the current surplus—whatever it is—to defray future retirement payments. Instead of giving the USPS a questionable refund, Congress should require it to make comprehensive reforms that recognize new realities and enable it to restructure its operations accordingly.
In this day and age, do we really need a government run postal service?

The USPS has lost over 25 billion dollars since 2006. What private company would still be in business with that kind of record?

its not a private business. Govt is not a private business. Theres a ton of things USPS is not but that doesnt mean anything either

If it is run like a private business, and the government doesn't fund them, then what difference does it make?

how many private businesses have to get permission from 3 or 4 committees a board of governors and congress before they can do something major?....
With the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) nearly out of funds, a chorus of voices in Washington, including the USPS itself, are saying that the government-owned enterprise is owed a refund for the billions of dollars of supposed overpayments of its retirement obligations. Some even claim that these “accounting errors” are the primary cause of the USPS’s financial distress, rather than any fundamental change in the business of mail.

These arguments are fundamentally wrong. Providing refunds to the USPS would not only allow it to postpone vitally needed reforms, but leave taxpayers on the hook for future shortfalls in the USPS pension fund if it cannot meet its obligations.

■The USPS claims that it overfunded its share of the newer Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) by $11.4 billion. While some level of surplus exists, the estimate of $11.4 billion is based on overly optimistic assumptions. Rather than refunding the amount, FERS should retain that surplus and use it to offset future USPS payments. If the USPS receives the refund it wants as provided by postal reform bills pending in Congress, the retirement plan would likely become seriously underfunded when economic conditions change, and taxpayers would be forced to make up the difference.
the EXCUSE the idiotic Left is using is that they are required to "overpay" for their own employees retirement benefits.
what you wont here from the idiotic Left here pretending they are letting you in on a big secret is that the issue of whether they are "overpaying" is highly debateable

think OBAMA'S HOMESTATE OF ILLINOIS; and the $100 BILLION HOLE the state is in for underfunded pensions

Actually, it's a 40 year accounting error. That information was already posted.
Whose error?

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