Boycott the Pope's Visit to USA

the rcc is a false religion, period. HUNDREDS of examples of it proving it is opposite of what Jesus taught.

the only information you have on that which Jesus "taught" is the "new" testament---written by the RCC
God did not give us His word in order that the RCC can add over a thousand "canons" to it with new rules and regulations to follow!
If they were a true church, they would seek to expound on Scripture. Instead they have given us "infallible" statements, encylicals, some catechisms and a truckload of canons----leaving Scripture for the laity to figure out for themselves.
And theyyyyy claim God assigned them to be "custodians" of the Bible??????
God did not give us His word in order that the RCC can add over a thousand "canons" to it with new rules and regulations to follow!
If they were a true church, they would seek to expound on Scripture. Instead they have given us "infallible" statements, encylicals, some catechisms and a truckload of canons----leaving Scripture for the laity to figure out for themselves.
And theyyyyy claim God assigned them to be "custodians" of the Bible??????
From my perspective ---

You have an annoying habit of making 5 or more posts in a row to the same thread with a sentence or two on each one. And none of them are in response to another poster --- just you grandstanding. It is a minor matter, yet, annoying just the same.

And by the way --- the way you try to separate the Bible from the Catholic Church is both stupid and amusing. Neither you nor Jeremiah show any signs of any possible change of heart, if there is one.
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why do people have to shit on the faith, or lack thereof of others? For fuck's sakes, believe whatever you want, or don't believe anything, and mind your own business.
I am not Catholic but I think the present pope is the most Christ-like pope ever.
True Christianity, vested in altruism and love for each other, has evoked comparisons to "communism" or socialism. Pope Francis embodies the ideal of true Christianity and has made a radical departure from the capitalistic evils that saturate the world.

Despite two earlier visits by Catholic popes, many thought communist Cuba was a Godless paramilitary enclave.The local responses to Pope Francis' two masses laid those misconceptions to rest. Benny Hinn, Oral Roberts or Billy Graham could not have had the social, religious or political impact the visit of Pope Francis had. Even Raul Castro's faith was strengthened as he contemplated returning to the Catholic church in the wake of the pope's visit.
God did not give us His word in order that the RCC can add over a thousand "canons" to it with new rules and regulations to follow!
If they were a true church, they would seek to expound on Scripture. Instead they have given us "infallible" statements, encylicals, some catechisms and a truckload of canons----leaving Scripture for the laity to figure out for themselves.
And theyyyyy claim God assigned them to be "custodians" of the Bible??????
The RCC didn't give us the Bible. That is a total myth.
I am watching it now on television. Pope Francis is about to disembark his plane. Only the fourth Pope to visit the United States. How exciting!
Today (September 22, 2015) is the Day of Atonement,Yom Kippur, and it is a most holy day, historic day, wonderful day every year. This year is not different. I hope my Jewish friends are blessed today, May G-d hear their every prayer, give them peace, joy, and unity with all their brethren today and throughout the year. Amen!

For my Jewish Brethren today. This is your day. Be blessed!

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