Boycott the Pope's Visit to USA

The voice on this video is an intercessor whom God gave visions to of people in hell. She saw a catholic pope in hell among other people - graphic information - warning - graphic descriptions of what she saw in hell - on the audio tape.

I can't wait to watch The Papal Parade along the Ellipse and the National Mall.
You have made it very clear what a shameful, bitter person you are

No true Christian would have anything to do with you

Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. That is the promise. Does the truth about this false prophet upset you this badly? It's hard to tell because your usual diatribe of 4 letter words mocking Scripture and Christians who quote from it is missing from this post of yours. As for what any true Christian would do? You'll have to read the Bible to find out.
No, seriously Jeri

Real Christians are repulsed by you and they say it often

You are not what Jesus intended for a Christian.....I think he is cool with the Pope
Your problem is you are thinking with a reprobate mind. You need a mind renewed by Jesus Christ. You need to be born again. What is born of the flesh is flesh. What is born of the Spirit is spirit.

I'm sorry Jeri...but you need to be reborn

This time without all the hate

I hate evil. I hate Satan and his kingdom. I do not hate human beings - I pray for them to be saved and their names written in the Lambs Book of Life. You are the self confessed atheist who hates God and his followers. You have made it clear more than once your hatred of Christians - specifically me - and your vile language although missing on this thread - is evidence of the condition of your heart. You need Jesus, Rightwinger. If you die in your sleep without repenting of your sins and calling on the Lord for salvation, you'll be in hell. It isn't worth the meager pay and accolades from evil men that you've sold your soul for.

No Jeri

You hate anyone who does not adhere to the bizarre fundamentalist views you hold. You even hate other Christians.

Even worse, you are judgemental and vindictive....everything Jesus hated

If Jesus had a choice between your brand of Christianity and my atheism.....he would choose me
The voice on this video is an intercessor whom God gave visions to of people in hell. She saw a catholic pope in hell among other people - graphic information - warning - graphic descriptions of what she saw in hell - on the audio tape.

So you have no problem that the ones that gave you birth are there in your mind? Roasting and screaming for eternity

I think it's obvious.....

You've proven here very clearly that you are incapable of "thinking" rationally, so any product of your diseased melon is not worth taking seriously.

Rational is realizing that a man dressed in white with a beanie on his head riding a bat mobile who claims to be speaking for God is not speaking for God, neither is he God, neither does he have the power to absolve you of any sin or buy anyone's family out of purgatory! Which does not exist by the way!

Rational would be acknowledging God is the Holy God of Israel and He isn't sharing His throne or His authority with the anti-Christ Bachelor of Rome! That is what is rational!
The voice on this video is an intercessor whom God gave visions to of people in hell. She saw a catholic pope in hell among other people - graphic information - warning - graphic descriptions of what she saw in hell - on the audio tape.

Jeri Mental institutions are filled with people who have "visions" and are convinced they see devils gods etc, unfortunately not all who have that going through their brain are insitutionailzed
Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. That is the promise. Does the truth about this false prophet upset you this badly? It's hard to tell because your usual diatribe of 4 letter words mocking Scripture and Christians who quote from it is missing from this post of yours. As for what any true Christian would do? You'll have to read the Bible to find out.
No, seriously Jeri

Real Christians are repulsed by you and they say it often

You are not what Jesus intended for a Christian.....I think he is cool with the Pope
Your problem is you are thinking with a reprobate mind. You need a mind renewed by Jesus Christ. You need to be born again. What is born of the flesh is flesh. What is born of the Spirit is spirit.

I'm sorry Jeri...but you need to be reborn

This time without all the hate

I hate evil. I hate Satan and his kingdom. I do not hate human beings - I pray for them to be saved and their names written in the Lambs Book of Life. You are the self confessed atheist who hates God and his followers. You have made it clear more than once your hatred of Christians - specifically me - and your vile language although missing on this thread - is evidence of the condition of your heart. You need Jesus, Rightwinger. If you die in your sleep without repenting of your sins and calling on the Lord for salvation, you'll be in hell. It isn't worth the meager pay and accolades from evil men that you've sold your soul for.

No Jeri

You hate anyone who does not adhere to the bizarre fundamentalist views you hold. You even hate other Christians.

Even worse, you are judgemental and vindictive....everything Jesus hated

If Jesus had a choice between your brand of Christianity and my atheism.....he would choose me

No, I don't. You are not only dishonest with others. You don't seem to be able to be honest with your own self, RW. I feel sad for you. You must be a very bitter person.
No, seriously Jeri

Real Christians are repulsed by you and they say it often

You are not what Jesus intended for a Christian.....I think he is cool with the Pope
Your problem is you are thinking with a reprobate mind. You need a mind renewed by Jesus Christ. You need to be born again. What is born of the flesh is flesh. What is born of the Spirit is spirit.

I'm sorry Jeri...but you need to be reborn

This time without all the hate

I hate evil. I hate Satan and his kingdom. I do not hate human beings - I pray for them to be saved and their names written in the Lambs Book of Life. You are the self confessed atheist who hates God and his followers. You have made it clear more than once your hatred of Christians - specifically me - and your vile language although missing on this thread - is evidence of the condition of your heart. You need Jesus, Rightwinger. If you die in your sleep without repenting of your sins and calling on the Lord for salvation, you'll be in hell. It isn't worth the meager pay and accolades from evil men that you've sold your soul for.

No Jeri

You hate anyone who does not adhere to the bizarre fundamentalist views you hold. You even hate other Christians.

Even worse, you are judgemental and vindictive....everything Jesus hated

If Jesus had a choice between your brand of Christianity and my atheism.....he would choose me

No, I don't. You are not only dishonest with others. You don't seem to be able to be honest with your own self, RW. I feel sad for you. You must be a very bitter person.
Your wishing death on Jimmy Carter says it all
Your problem is you are thinking with a reprobate mind. You need a mind renewed by Jesus Christ. You need to be born again. What is born of the flesh is flesh. What is born of the Spirit is spirit.

I'm sorry Jeri...but you need to be reborn

This time without all the hate

I hate evil. I hate Satan and his kingdom. I do not hate human beings - I pray for them to be saved and their names written in the Lambs Book of Life. You are the self confessed atheist who hates God and his followers. You have made it clear more than once your hatred of Christians - specifically me - and your vile language although missing on this thread - is evidence of the condition of your heart. You need Jesus, Rightwinger. If you die in your sleep without repenting of your sins and calling on the Lord for salvation, you'll be in hell. It isn't worth the meager pay and accolades from evil men that you've sold your soul for.

No Jeri

You hate anyone who does not adhere to the bizarre fundamentalist views you hold. You even hate other Christians.

Even worse, you are judgemental and vindictive....everything Jesus hated

If Jesus had a choice between your brand of Christianity and my atheism.....he would choose me

No, I don't. You are not only dishonest with others. You don't seem to be able to be honest with your own self, RW. I feel sad for you. You must be a very bitter person.
Your wishing death on Jimmy Carter says it all

Where did she mention Jimmy Carter?
I'm sorry Jeri...but you need to be reborn

This time without all the hate

I hate evil. I hate Satan and his kingdom. I do not hate human beings - I pray for them to be saved and their names written in the Lambs Book of Life. You are the self confessed atheist who hates God and his followers. You have made it clear more than once your hatred of Christians - specifically me - and your vile language although missing on this thread - is evidence of the condition of your heart. You need Jesus, Rightwinger. If you die in your sleep without repenting of your sins and calling on the Lord for salvation, you'll be in hell. It isn't worth the meager pay and accolades from evil men that you've sold your soul for.

No Jeri

You hate anyone who does not adhere to the bizarre fundamentalist views you hold. You even hate other Christians.

Even worse, you are judgemental and vindictive....everything Jesus hated

If Jesus had a choice between your brand of Christianity and my atheism.....he would choose me

No, I don't. You are not only dishonest with others. You don't seem to be able to be honest with your own self, RW. I feel sad for you. You must be a very bitter person.
Your wishing death on Jimmy Carter says it all

Where did she mention Jimmy Carter?

Do you really want to know?

Jimmy Carter got cancer because he said Jesus would be OK with gay marriage
I hate evil. I hate Satan and his kingdom. I do not hate human beings - I pray for them to be saved and their names written in the Lambs Book of Life. You are the self confessed atheist who hates God and his followers. You have made it clear more than once your hatred of Christians - specifically me - and your vile language although missing on this thread - is evidence of the condition of your heart. You need Jesus, Rightwinger. If you die in your sleep without repenting of your sins and calling on the Lord for salvation, you'll be in hell. It isn't worth the meager pay and accolades from evil men that you've sold your soul for.

No Jeri

You hate anyone who does not adhere to the bizarre fundamentalist views you hold. You even hate other Christians.

Even worse, you are judgemental and vindictive....everything Jesus hated

If Jesus had a choice between your brand of Christianity and my atheism.....he would choose me

No, I don't. You are not only dishonest with others. You don't seem to be able to be honest with your own self, RW. I feel sad for you. You must be a very bitter person.
Your wishing death on Jimmy Carter says it all

Where did she mention Jimmy Carter?

Do you really want to know?

Jimmy Carter got cancer because he said Jesus would be OK with gay marriage

That doesn't really answer my question.
No Jeri

You hate anyone who does not adhere to the bizarre fundamentalist views you hold. You even hate other Christians.

Even worse, you are judgemental and vindictive....everything Jesus hated

If Jesus had a choice between your brand of Christianity and my atheism.....he would choose me

No, I don't. You are not only dishonest with others. You don't seem to be able to be honest with your own self, RW. I feel sad for you. You must be a very bitter person.
Your wishing death on Jimmy Carter says it all

Where did she mention Jimmy Carter?

Do you really want to know?

Jimmy Carter got cancer because he said Jesus would be OK with gay marriage

That doesn't really answer my question.
Yes it did
No, I don't. You are not only dishonest with others. You don't seem to be able to be honest with your own self, RW. I feel sad for you. You must be a very bitter person.
Your wishing death on Jimmy Carter says it all

Where did she mention Jimmy Carter?

Do you really want to know?

Jimmy Carter got cancer because he said Jesus would be OK with gay marriage

That doesn't really answer my question.
Yes it did

How does you saying that tell me where Jeremiah mentioned Jimmy Carter?

You're not even making a quote.
Boycott the Bible thumpers. There's a reason why the Bible was de-emphasized by the RCC. It was assembled by committee and it's widely known that parts of the canon are sketchy, e.g. Revelations. They didn't want untrained and self-trained Bible "scholars", e.g. David Koresh, leading the people astray. Jesus gave the leadership of his Church to Peter, NOT a book.
This Jewish Rabbi reveals some disturbing news from the Vatican website. This is what he found. It does appear the Jewish Rabbis in Israel do not trust this Pope either. Interesting report:

Published on Jul 25, 2015
Stunning evidence has been uncovered in a Papal Decree that Pope Francis signed in September 2013 giving him supreme power over everyone.

For any who have not viewed Rabbi Steven DeNoon's video - he shares some important information that I don't believe has been discussed (to my knowledge) on mainstream media news. For Christians reading this thread -make sure to be praying against the powers of darkness that are trying to take over in the United States and pray against the demonic influence this man will be trying to usher in while he is visiting here - that the people will not be persuaded by his lies and deception. America is facing some very perilous times and for the remainder of this month and the month of October there should be a great emphasis on prayer, spiritual warfare. Thanks for reading and sharing in the discussion.
Boycott the Bible thumpers. There's a reason why the Bible was de-emphasized by the RCC. It was assembled by committee and it's widely known that parts of the canon are sketchy, e.g. Revelations. They didn't want untrained and self-trained Bible "scholars", e.g. David Koresh, leading the people astray. Jesus gave the leadership of his Church to Peter, NOT a book.
The reason the King James Bible was "de-emphasized by the RCC" as you admit here - is because the truth found in Scripture exposed their Doctrine and religion as a false Doctrine, false Church. That is why they forbid their own people from reading the KJV Bible and they still forbid it - demanding that everyone read their own book - a false Bible created by the Catholic church, called The Way. There is no salvation in the Roman Catholic Church. It is the Church that worships Lucifer but unfortunately most Catholics do not understand or realize that. You'll notice that people who admit to being in the occult, witches and satanists will defend this Pope and Catholicism. There is reason for that. They know the history of Catholicism and that it is based on Paganism and lifts up Lucifer. They are laughing at those who are so gullible as to believe this church is about preaching Jesus Christ of the Bible. It's not. Even their Masses in Latin lift up Lucifer.

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