Boycott the Pope's Visit to USA

Pope's toilet is worth 50 million dollars? Who knew?

Every once in a while a Pope emerges whose conscience is bothered by the extravagance of his church's wealth. One such pope was John Paul the First, who once revealed in a public audience in 1978:

“. . . this morning, I flushed my toilet with a solid gold lever edged with diamonds and at this very moment, bishops and cardinals are using a bathroom on the second floor of the papal palace which trappings, I am told, would draw more than fifty million dollars at auction . . . Believe me, one day, we who live in opulence, while so many are dying because they have nothing, will have to answer to Jesus as to why we have not carried out His instruction, ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself.’ We, the clergy of the Church together with our congregations, who substitute gold and pomp and ceremony in place of Christ’s instruction, who judge our masquerade of singing His praises to be more precious than human life, will have the most to explain.”
"Avoiding the pomp and pageantry that traditionally surrounded the installation of a pontiff, he took his office in a small private setting witnessed by the minimum number of Church prelates required and by his family and close friends, including the housekeeper who had served him so faithfully at Vittorio Veneto. Outside, a huge crowd, which had filled St. Peter's Square, kept its eyes watchfully on the balcony anxiously awaiting his first blessing as pontiff. But no one appeared; Luciani had chosen not to display himself from the royal balcony as all the others had done before him. Rather, he had chosen to walk among them.
In taking his place as the leader of the Roman Catholic Church with far less ceremony than that which had accompanied his installation as a common bishop twenty years earlier, he had begun to demolish the majestic image of the papacy. He refused to be crowned with the gold and jewel encrusted St. Stephen's Crown, which had been the focal point of previous coronations. In fact, there was no coronation at all. . . His peers, the cardinals, the crown princes of the Church, felt much of their own regency endangered. Whereas the rank-and-file and the hierarchy of the Church saw in the St. Stephen Crown a symbol of royalty, Luciani saw something much different. He saw in it the right to a good and healthy life for a thousand children who would otherwise starve to death, and that's exactly what he intended to do with it.
In his first executive action, he ordered a complete review of the Church's finances, including a tally of all of its worldwide liquid assets. In fact John Paul, who had a background in finance, participated in the internal audit of the Vatican Bank himself. . . About this same time, Luciani invited a number of art dealers to Rome for the purpose of obtaining appraisals of some of the art treasures of the Vatican Museum and the Sistine Chapel. It is also known that during his short reign he permitted a large real estate firm from Milan to survey the sprawling papal estate at the Castel Gandolfo on the outskirts of Rome. The Castel Gandolfo housed not only the papal summer residence but included four other majestic palaces and gardens that were enjoyed by European cardinals and bishops when vacationing there. Actually it was a luxury resort city in itself. "the Vatican Palace

It is a shame that he didn't realize what God was showing him. The Roman Catholic religion is a false religion. He should have left and never looked back.
So they ones that gave birth to you (according to your beliefs) are being sodomized by demons in hell?

What a very sick person
The museums of the Vatican are filled with artwork by Giotto, Caravaggio, Michaelangelo, Leonardo, and Raphael among others. The libraries of the Vatican hold ancient manuscripts of the Bible and other literature – in some cases the only copy of a certain work. The buildings of the Vatican, especially St. Peter’s Basilica are ornamented with gold, silver, precious stones, and fine marble.What would be the value of these treasures? According to its official books, all of the artwork and the ornate, grand buildings (including the Sistine Chapel) are valued at 1 euro (which has gone up in a value slightly since it began as 1 U.S. dollar). That's the Vatican's way of saying "priceless", "mind-boggling" and "not for sale".



How could anyone doubt that the "Supreme Pontiffs" who were carried around in this sumptuous carriage, were the authentic representatives of Jesus of Nazareth, who (according to Matthew and Luke) said: "Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head."
John the Baptist explained that in order to be saved, "Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do likewise" (Luke 3:11)

the Vatican Palace
The new pope has tried to shame the church away from those trappings of wealth

You should love him Jeri
60 pounds of specially blended coffee for a one week visit in the USA? You don't think that is a bit excessive? I'd call it MAJOR EXCESS. AND a waste of money! How many cases of wine did he order to be sent here for his one week stay? Specially made cakes? Etc? He's living like a King. Stop with the poor man story. You sound utterly ridiculous. The man is a deceiver. Open your eyes.
First of bullshit detector is going off.
No way one man can drink through 60 lbs of coffee.

Secondly, that is about $600.
Not much to whine about

Read the article. I posted the link. The Vatican ordered 60 POUNDS OF SPECIAL BLENDED COFFEE FOR HIS TRIP. Excess? You betcha! You're right. No way he could drink 60 pounds worth of coffee. How wasteful. Right?

That is not what it said
It was a story about a company that prepared a special blend for the popes visit. Not who ordered it

The pope is a guest in our country, I expect he would be wined and dined

I'm still waiting Jeri...

What has the pope said or done that you consider non Christian?
Save the coffee bullshit

We're finished. I've made my point very well and you know it. Choose to ignore the facts if you will but I have presented them already, RW.
You have made it very clear what a shameful, bitter person you are

No true Christian would have anything to do with you
Sixtus IV built the (Sistine) chapel named after himself and in which all popes are now elected. It has seen pomp and ignominy. . .

Sixtus was the first pope to license the brothels of Rome; they brought him in thirty thousand ducats a year. He also gained considerably from a tax imposed on priests who kept a mistress.

Another source of income was granting privileges to rich men `to enable them to solace certain matrons in the absence of their husbands'.

It was in the area of indulgences that Sixtus showed a touch of genius. He was the first pontiff to decide that they could be applied to the dead. Even he was overwhelmed by their popularity.

Here was an infinite source of revenue that even his greediest predecessors had not dreamed of. It was breathtaking in its implications: the pope, creature of flesh and blood, had power over the regions of the dead.

Souls in torment for their misdemeanours could be released by his word, provided their pious relatives dipped into.their pockets. And which of them wouldn't if they had a spark of Christian decency? Widows and widowers, bereaved parents spent their all trying to get their loved ones out of Purgatory, painted in ever more lurid colours.

Praying for the dead was one thing, paying for them another.

Simple folk were led to believe that the pope, or those who came to their village and sold the pope's pardon, guaranteed their dead would go to heaven on the wings of indulgences. The potential for abuse was considerable. The sale of relics from the tenth century had been bad enough. . .

Martyr's bones, like oil, were not a renewable commodity, but indulgences were limitless and could be priced to suit every pocket. Nothing was required of the donor or recipient, not love or compassion or prayer or repentance - only money. No practice was ever more irreligious than this. The pope grew rich in the measure that the poor were duped.

Purgatory had no justification, whether in Scripture or in logic. Its real basis was papal avarice. An Englishman, Simon Fish, in A Supplicacyion for the Beggars, written in the year 1529, was to point that out irrefutably:

'There is not one word spoken of it in all holy Scripture, and also if the Pope with his pardons may for money deliver one soul hence, he may deliver him as well without money: if he may deliver one, he may deliver a thousand: if he may deliver a thousand, he may deliver them all; and so destroy purgatory: and then he is a cruel tyrant, without all charity, if he keep them there in prison and in pain, till men will give him money.'

In 1478, Sixtus published a Bull that did even more harm to the church. He sanctioned the Inquisition in Castile. It spread, literally, like fire. In 1482 two thousand heretics were burned in Andalusia alone.

Of Sixtus it was said that he `embodied the utmost possible concentration of human wickedness'. In Bishop Creighton's words, `he lowered the moral tone of (all of) Europe'. " (pp. 100-102)
The Vatican ordered 60 POUNDS OF SPECIAL BLENDED COFFEE FOR HIS TRIP. Excess? You betcha! You're right. No way he could drink 60 pounds worth of coffee. How wasteful. Right?

You think he travels alone, genius?
The Vatican ordered 60 POUNDS OF SPECIAL BLENDED COFFEE FOR HIS TRIP. Excess? You betcha! You're right. No way he could drink 60 pounds worth of coffee. How wasteful. Right?

You think he travels alone, genius?

It isn't for The Pope or his traveling companions. It is clearly an offering for Satan. Didn't you read the schedule I posted earlier? Sheesh!

The Vatican ordered 60 POUNDS OF SPECIAL BLENDED COFFEE FOR HIS TRIP. Excess? You betcha! You're right. No way he could drink 60 pounds worth of coffee. How wasteful. Right?

You think he travels alone, genius?

No cigar for you. I think it's obvious that the Vatican didn't need to buy 60 pounds of special blend coffee for a trip that is supposedly all of one week ( let's hope it is cut short!) and your attempts to help him save face are a fail. I think RW was looking for reinforcements, not a ball and chain, Unkotare.
60 pounds of specially blended coffee for a one week visit in the USA? You don't think that is a bit excessive? I'd call it MAJOR EXCESS. AND a waste of money! How many cases of wine did he order to be sent here for his one week stay? Specially made cakes? Etc? He's living like a King. Stop with the poor man story. You sound utterly ridiculous. The man is a deceiver. Open your eyes.
First of bullshit detector is going off.
No way one man can drink through 60 lbs of coffee.

Secondly, that is about $600.
Not much to whine about

Read the article. I posted the link. The Vatican ordered 60 POUNDS OF SPECIAL BLENDED COFFEE FOR HIS TRIP. Excess? You betcha! You're right. No way he could drink 60 pounds worth of coffee. How wasteful. Right?

That is not what it said
It was a story about a company that prepared a special blend for the popes visit. Not who ordered it

The pope is a guest in our country, I expect he would be wined and dined

I'm still waiting Jeri...

What has the pope said or done that you consider non Christian?
Save the coffee bullshit

We're finished. I've made my point very well and you know it. Choose to ignore the facts if you will but I have presented them already, RW.
You have made it very clear what a shameful, bitter person you are

No true Christian would have anything to do with you

Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. That is the promise. Does the truth about this false prophet upset you this badly? It's hard to tell because your usual diatribe of 4 letter words mocking Scripture and Christians who quote from it is missing from this post of yours. As for what any true Christian would do? You'll have to read the Bible to find out.
I think it's obvious.....

You've proven here very clearly that you are incapable of "thinking" rationally, so any product of your diseased melon is not worth taking seriously.

No, what I've proven is that I am not lowering my standards to meet yours, Unkotare. You can insult me all your wish, the truth is still the truth and I will stand by the truth no matter how "unpopular" it is for the rest of you.
This Jewish Rabbi reveals some disturbing news from the Vatican website. This is what he found. It does appear the Jewish Rabbis in Israel do not trust this Pope either. Interesting report:

Published on Jul 25, 2015
Stunning evidence has been uncovered in a Papal Decree that Pope Francis signed in September 2013 giving him supreme power over everyone.
Rabbi Steven Ben De Noon mentions this news also - anyone heard about this yet?

Pope Francis makes a law..destroys every Corporation in the world | Alternative


The Vatican created a world trust using the birth certificate to capture the value of each individual’s future productive energy. Each state, province and country in the fiat monetary system, contributes their people’s value to this world trust identified by the SS, SIN or EIN numbers (for example) maintained in the Vatican registry. Corporations worldwide (individuals became corporate fictions through their birth certificate) are connected to the Vatican through law (Vatican to Crown to BAR to laws to judge to people) and through money (Vatican birth accounts value to IMF to Treasury (Federal Reserve) to banks to people (loans) to judges (administration) and sheriffs (confiscation).

Judges administer the birth trust account in court matters favoring the court and the banks, acting as the presumed “beneficiary” since they have not properly advised the “true beneficiary” of their own trust. Judges, attorneys, bankers, lawmakers, law enforcement and all public officials (servants) are now held personally liable for their confiscation of true beneficiary’s homes, cars, money and assets; false imprisonment, deception, harassment, and conversion of the true beneficiary’s trust funds.

First of bullshit detector is going off.
No way one man can drink through 60 lbs of coffee.

Secondly, that is about $600.
Not much to whine about

Read the article. I posted the link. The Vatican ordered 60 POUNDS OF SPECIAL BLENDED COFFEE FOR HIS TRIP. Excess? You betcha! You're right. No way he could drink 60 pounds worth of coffee. How wasteful. Right?

That is not what it said
It was a story about a company that prepared a special blend for the popes visit. Not who ordered it

The pope is a guest in our country, I expect he would be wined and dined

I'm still waiting Jeri...

What has the pope said or done that you consider non Christian?
Save the coffee bullshit

We're finished. I've made my point very well and you know it. Choose to ignore the facts if you will but I have presented them already, RW.
You have made it very clear what a shameful, bitter person you are

No true Christian would have anything to do with you

Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. That is the promise. Does the truth about this false prophet upset you this badly? It's hard to tell because your usual diatribe of 4 letter words mocking Scripture and Christians who quote from it is missing from this post of yours. As for what any true Christian would do? You'll have to read the Bible to find out.
No, seriously Jeri

Real Christians are repulsed by you and they say it often

You are not what Jesus intended for a Christian.....I think he is cool with the Pope



In our times, the common good is increasingly threatened by transnational organized crime, the improper use of the markets and of the economy, as well as by terrorism.

It is therefore necessary for the international community to adopt adequate legal instruments to prevent and counter criminal activities, by promoting international judicial cooperation on criminal matters.

In ratifying numerous international conventions in these areas, and acting also on behalf of Vatican City State, the Holy See has constantly maintained that such agreements are effective means to prevent criminal activities that threaten human dignity, the common good and peace.

With a view to renewing the Apostolic See’s commitment to cooperate to these ends, by means of this Apostolic Letter issuedMotu Proprio, I establish that:

1. The competent Judicial Authorities of Vatican City State shall also exercise penal jurisdiction over:

a) crimes committed against the security, the fundamental interests or the patrimony of the Holy See;

b) crimes referred to:

- in Vatican City State Law No. VIII, of 11 July 2013, containing Supplementary Norms on Criminal Law Matters;

- in Vatican City State Law No. IX, of 11 July 2013, containing Amendments to the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code;

when such crimes are committed by the persons referred to in paragraph 3 below, in the exercise of their functions;

c) any other crime whose prosecution is required by an international agreement ratified by the Holy See, if the perpetrator is physically present in the territory of Vatican City State and has not been extradited.

2. The crimes referred to in paragraph 1 are to be judged pursuant to the criminal law in force in Vatican City State at the time of their commission, without prejudice to the general principles of the legal system on the temporal application of criminal laws.

3. For the purposes of Vatican criminal law, the following persons are deemed “public officials”:

a) members, officials and personnel of the various organs of the Roman Curia and of the Institutions connected to it.

b) papal legates and diplomatic personnel of the Holy See.

c) those persons who serve as representatives, managers or directors, as well as persons who even de factomanage or exercise control over the entities directly dependent on the Holy See and listed in the registry of canonical juridical persons kept by the Governorate of Vatican City State;

d) any other person holding an administrative or judicial mandate in the Holy See, permanent or temporary, paid or unpaid, irrespective of that person’s seniority.

4. The jurisdiction referred to in paragraph 1 comprises also the administrative liability of juridical persons arising from crimes, as regulated by Vatican City State laws.

5. When the same matters are prosecuted in other States, the provisions in force in Vatican City State on concurrent jurisdiction shall apply.

6. The content of article 23 of Law No. CXIX of 21 November 1987, which approves the Judicial Order of Vatican City Stateremains in force.

This I decide and establish, anything to the contrary notwithstanding.

I establish that this Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio will be promulgated by its publication in L’Osservatore Romano, entering into force on 1 September 2013.

Given in Rome, at the Apostolic Palace, on 11 July 2013, the first of my Pontificate.


Apostolic Letter Issued Motu Proprio On the Jurisdiction of Judicial Authorities of Vatican City State in Criminal Matters (11 July 2013) | Francis
As Rabbi Steven DeNoon points out in his video (which I posted here ) they are calling Francis "the Supreme Pontiff" on this document - which means he is to be above all other Popes before him. Interesting. Isn't it?
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Read the article. I posted the link. The Vatican ordered 60 POUNDS OF SPECIAL BLENDED COFFEE FOR HIS TRIP. Excess? You betcha! You're right. No way he could drink 60 pounds worth of coffee. How wasteful. Right?

That is not what it said
It was a story about a company that prepared a special blend for the popes visit. Not who ordered it

The pope is a guest in our country, I expect he would be wined and dined

I'm still waiting Jeri...

What has the pope said or done that you consider non Christian?
Save the coffee bullshit

We're finished. I've made my point very well and you know it. Choose to ignore the facts if you will but I have presented them already, RW.
You have made it very clear what a shameful, bitter person you are

No true Christian would have anything to do with you

Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. That is the promise. Does the truth about this false prophet upset you this badly? It's hard to tell because your usual diatribe of 4 letter words mocking Scripture and Christians who quote from it is missing from this post of yours. As for what any true Christian would do? You'll have to read the Bible to find out.
No, seriously Jeri

Real Christians are repulsed by you and they say it often

You are not what Jesus intended for a Christian.....I think he is cool with the Pope
Your problem is you are thinking with a reprobate mind. You need a mind renewed by Jesus Christ. You need to be born again. What is born of the flesh is flesh. What is born of the Spirit is spirit.
That is not what it said
It was a story about a company that prepared a special blend for the popes visit. Not who ordered it

The pope is a guest in our country, I expect he would be wined and dined

I'm still waiting Jeri...

What has the pope said or done that you consider non Christian?
Save the coffee bullshit

We're finished. I've made my point very well and you know it. Choose to ignore the facts if you will but I have presented them already, RW.
You have made it very clear what a shameful, bitter person you are

No true Christian would have anything to do with you

Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. That is the promise. Does the truth about this false prophet upset you this badly? It's hard to tell because your usual diatribe of 4 letter words mocking Scripture and Christians who quote from it is missing from this post of yours. As for what any true Christian would do? You'll have to read the Bible to find out.
No, seriously Jeri

Real Christians are repulsed by you and they say it often

You are not what Jesus intended for a Christian.....I think he is cool with the Pope
Your problem is you are thinking with a reprobate mind. You need a mind renewed by Jesus Christ. You need to be born again. What is born of the flesh is flesh. What is born of the Spirit is spirit.

I'm sorry Jeri...but you need to be reborn

This time without all the hate

I am an atheist, and I am a better Christian than you
Here the document itself spells it out for you. This is announcing the Pope as the most powerful Supreme ruler - over all other governments, rulers, presidents, kings, queens, his authority is announced in this document to be supreme above all. Dangerous? You better believe he is!
Explanation as to what is going on -

Importance of Motu Propria

The Importance of Motu Propria by Pope Francis

According to the New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia, Motu Propria in Latin stands for “of his own accord” and is the name given to an official decree by a Pope personally in his capacity and office as supreme sovereign pontiff and not in his capacity as the apostolic leader and teacher of the Universal Church. To put it more bluntly, a Motu Propria is the highest form of legal instrument on the planet in accordance to its provenance, influence and structure to the Western-Roman world, over riding anything that could be issued by the United Nations, the Inner and Middle Temple, the Crown of Great Britain or any other Monarch and indeed by any head of state or body politic. If you are a member of the United Nations, or recognized by the United States or the United Kingdom or have a bank account anywhere on the planet, then a Motu Propria is the highest legal instrument, no question.
In the case of the Motu Propria issued by Pope Francis on July 11th 2013, it is an instrument of several functions and layers.

In the first instance, it may be legally construed to apply to the local matters of the administration of the Holy See.

In the second instance, the document relates to the fact that the Holy See is the underpinning to the whole global system of law, therefore anyone holding an office anywhere in the world is also subject to these limits and that immunity no longer applies.

Thirdly, we see the Holy See and the Universal Church clearly separating itself from the nihilist world of the professional elite who continue, to be proven time and time again, to be criminally insane, bark raving mad and with no desire to do anything honorable until they are torn from power by anyone, any body who cares for the law.

The age of the Roman Cult, as first formed in the 11th Century and that hijacked the Catholic Church first formed by the Carolingians in the 8th Century, then the Holly Christian Empire or Byzantine Church by the 13th Century and the world at large by the 16th Century ceased to exist around March 14th 2013 upon the election of Pope Francis.

This document issued by Pope Francis is historic on multiple levels, but most significant above all others in that it recognizes the supremecy of the Golden Rule, the same teaching ascribed to Jesus Christ and the intimate connection to the Rule of Law, that all are subject to the rule of law, no one is above the law.

Freedom In Action - Papal Decree

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We're finished. I've made my point very well and you know it. Choose to ignore the facts if you will but I have presented them already, RW.
You have made it very clear what a shameful, bitter person you are

No true Christian would have anything to do with you

Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. That is the promise. Does the truth about this false prophet upset you this badly? It's hard to tell because your usual diatribe of 4 letter words mocking Scripture and Christians who quote from it is missing from this post of yours. As for what any true Christian would do? You'll have to read the Bible to find out.
No, seriously Jeri

Real Christians are repulsed by you and they say it often

You are not what Jesus intended for a Christian.....I think he is cool with the Pope
Your problem is you are thinking with a reprobate mind. You need a mind renewed by Jesus Christ. You need to be born again. What is born of the flesh is flesh. What is born of the Spirit is spirit.

I'm sorry Jeri...but you need to be reborn

This time without all the hate

I hate evil. I hate Satan and his kingdom. I do not hate human beings - I pray for them to be saved and their names written in the Lambs Book of Life. You are the self confessed atheist who hates God and his followers. You have made it clear more than once your hatred of Christians - specifically me - and your vile language although missing on this thread - is evidence of the condition of your heart. You need Jesus, Rightwinger. If you die in your sleep without repenting of your sins and calling on the Lord for salvation, you'll be in hell. It isn't worth the meager pay and accolades from evil men that you've sold your soul for.

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