Boycott the Pope's Visit to USA

I think I have figured it out.

As someone who rejects the jesus as a man god, based on Hebrew scripture


I see two currents

one group has the religion that worships the bible and it should be called worshiping the man jesus (the fundys fall into this group)

On the other hand we have a current in christianity that try to follow the actual lessons and teaching of the man jesus , completely different from the first group

Which of Pope Francis' policies do you disagree with?

Policies? He is not a political leader nor is he a "world leader" no matter how many times others call him one, RW. He is a false prophet and a wolf in sheep's clothing. He is not the representative of God nor is he representing the true Church. The true Church is the Body of Christ irregardless of denomination. Wherever they may be!

If a church (any denomination or non denomination) preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ and teach from the King James Bible? That is a part of God's church. If they are teaching doctrines not taught in the bible (as Catholicism does) then that is not part of the church.
Reinhard Bonnke Video Documents Modern-Day Lazarus

Nigerian certified dead, but revived days later at evangelist's meeting

The dramatic documentary of a modern-day Lazarus has been released by international evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. The German preacher who has led crusades in Africa for 30 years says that the remarkable resurrection of Daniel Ekechukwu is so well-documented that no one can be unaffected by the report.

Bonnke's Christ for All Nations (CfAN) ministry has released a 45-minute video of Ekechukwu's testimony, and also reported at its Web site how the Nigerian pastor had been certified dead and injected with embalming fluids before reviving three days later at a Bonnke meeting.

Ekechukwu's wife was so sure that God would bring her husband back to life after he was fatally injured in an auto accident that she persuaded the local mortuary to allow her to take his body to the church where Bonnke was preaching.

There pastors lifted Ekechukwu from the coffin in which he had been laid, and were amazed when the man started to breathe again as they prayed for him. The CfAN video includes footage of Ekechukwu beginning to stir, and later returning to the mortuary where his body had been laid out.

The "Raised from the Dead" report, subtitled "A 21st Century Resurrection Story," features interviews with one of the doctors who certified Ekechukwu dead, and the mortician. "It's shocking," one of them tells the video team. "Seeing a dead man, someone that was once dead and is now is very shocking. To God all glory should go."

Nneka Ekechukwu says that when her husband was pronounced dead after last November's accident, she remembered promises God had given her that she would not suffer any more misfortune. "I said: 'This can't happen. I must do something, to prove God again.'"

On the third day after the accident, Ekechukwu's body was taken in its coffin to a church in Ontisha, where Bonnke was preaching at a service. The body was taken out of its coffin and put on a table in the church's conference center, where several pastors began to pray.

Reinhard Bonnke Video Documents Modern-Day Lazarus

Nigerian certified dead, but revived days later at evangelist's meeting

The dramatic documentary of a modern-day Lazarus has been released by international evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. The German preacher who has led crusades in Africa for 30 years says that the remarkable resurrection of Daniel Ekechukwu is so well-documented that no one can be unaffected by the report.

Bonnke's Christ for All Nations (CfAN) ministry has released a 45-minute video of Ekechukwu's testimony, and also reported at its Web site how the Nigerian pastor had been certified dead and injected with embalming fluids before reviving three days later at a Bonnke meeting.

Ekechukwu's wife was so sure that God would bring her husband back to life after he was fatally injured in an auto accident that she persuaded the local mortuary to allow her to take his body to the church where Bonnke was preaching.

There pastors lifted Ekechukwu from the coffin in which he had been laid, and were amazed when the man started to breathe again as they prayed for him. The CfAN video includes footage of Ekechukwu beginning to stir, and later returning to the mortuary where his body had been laid out.

The "Raised from the Dead" report, subtitled "A 21st Century Resurrection Story," features interviews with one of the doctors who certified Ekechukwu dead, and the mortician. "It's shocking," one of them tells the video team. "Seeing a dead man, someone that was once dead and is now is very shocking. To God all glory should go."

Nneka Ekechukwu says that when her husband was pronounced dead after last November's accident, she remembered promises God had given her that she would not suffer any more misfortune. "I said: 'This can't happen. I must do something, to prove God again.'"

On the third day after the accident, Ekechukwu's body was taken in its coffin to a church in Ontisha, where Bonnke was preaching at a service. The body was taken out of its coffin and put on a table in the church's conference center, where several pastors began to pray.

Yes, that story is true. The man was a Pastor, his car hit a tree and he died. The entire village knew of his death, some gave testimony of his having been dead for three days. Including the morgue where his body had been. There is nothing to question.

God raised him from the dead after his wife took his corpse to where Bonke' was preaching. He was not carried into the meeting. He was prayed for in a separate place by born again Christians who believed the Bible which teaches us that the dead can be raised up to life, the sick healed, the demon possessed and those involved in witchcraft can be forgiven and delivered of the demons that possess them and are trying to take them to hell. If you had faith in God and would call upon him yourself, you'd be amazed at what he could do for you too.

You should listen to his testimony, Strollingbones. He went to hell, you know. He was in sin when he died and he went to hell. Had his wife not believed in the power of prayer he would have stayed there. Thank God for praying Christian wives. As for his having gone to hell? It is proof that Hebrews 10:26 was a warning to believers.

Here is his testimony. He had the same problem you did, Strollingbones. Anger and unforgiveness towards others. That is what sent him to hell. The sin of Anger and unforgiveness towards others. It's going to send you to hell too if you do not repent and call upon the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness.

So hospitals and morgues should have dead people rising everyday! Just get a bunch of fundies to pray over the corpse of another dead fundy!! And Tah da!!!
now i will say this..she claims not to follow hinn and he is the one who said jesus would appear on stage....

but hinn is a pentecostal too

I attended his church in 1989-90 and from what I hear he moved his church to Texas. I have never visited the church in Texas and could not say what he has preached. Unless you've been there or have a video - neither could you.

Which of Pope Francis' policies do you disagree with?

Policies? He is not a political leader nor is he a "world leader" no matter how many times others call him one, RW. He is a false prophet and a wolf in sheep's clothing. He is not the representative of God nor is he representing the true Church. The true Church is the Body of Christ irregardless of denomination. Wherever they may be!

If a church (any denomination or non denomination) preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ and teach from the King James Bible? That is a part of God's church. If they are teaching doctrines not taught in the bible (as Catholicism does) then that is not part of the church.

What has he said or done that you object to?

Please explain
now i will say this..she claims not to follow hinn and he is the one who said jesus would appear on stage....

but hinn is a pentecostal too

I attended his church in 1989-90 and from what I hear he moved his church to Texas. I have never visited the church in Texas and could not say what he has preached. Unless you've been there or have a video - neither could you.
So as you can see from the video, the Mortician points out the documentation in the Mortuary book records. The wife, others give testimony of Daniel having been dead for 3 days, how can anyone question this miracle? Yet those who hate God and deny His power will continue to deny a miracle even when it is documented and right in front of them with the person who was dead giving the testimony!!!!

Do any of you really believe a Pastor would want to give a testimony such as this if it had not happened? No. The fear of the LORD compels this man to speak the truth. The many, many eyewitnesses to his having been risen from the dead is testimony enough. But with the testimony of both he and his wife? It's a powerful testimony.

Jesus warned, if any man was angry in his own house he was in danger of the fires of hell. That includes Christians. Even Pastors. Yes. On the matter of forgiveness? If you do not forgive others who have sinned against you? You will not be forgiven of your own sins. What shall you do then if you are miserable and bitter and unable to forgive people who have offended you? If you have not Christ - ask Jesus - Lord, I do not want to go to hell. I repent of my rebellion (rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft) and ask you to forgive these people through me. I am not able to do it alone I need you to forgive them through me. I do not want to go to hell, LORD. Please forgive these people through me. By an act of my will I choose to forgive them and I ask you to bless them, Jesus. Then receive the LORD into your heart as you repent of your sins and pray as it is written in Romans 10:9,10. Do not wait to come to the LORD. Come to Him when He is dealing with your heart.

How can you know that the LORD is dealing with you? The Scriptures will make you angry. You will be offended by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, you will feel its power convicting you that you are not right with God. This is a sign that God is dealing with your heart and letting you know that you are perishing. That if you do not come to Jesus you will be in hell suffering for all eternity. Today is the day of Salvation. Come to Jesus Christ today. Do not perish in hell because of your unforgiveness and hatred of others. Do not let sin destroy you. Call on Jesus and he will help you.

Which of Pope Francis' policies do you disagree with?

Policies? He is not a political leader nor is he a "world leader" no matter how many times others call him one, RW. He is a false prophet and a wolf in sheep's clothing. He is not the representative of God nor is he representing the true Church. The true Church is the Body of Christ irregardless of denomination. Wherever they may be!

If a church (any denomination or non denomination) preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ and teach from the King James Bible? That is a part of God's church. If they are teaching doctrines not taught in the bible (as Catholicism does) then that is not part of the church.

What has he said or done that you object to?

Please explain

He is a false teacher who is leading millions of souls to hell by telling them lies such as atheists can go to heaven by their good works (impossible), that there is salvation in the mother of Christ (there isn't) that there is no such thing as a literal hell (there is). What the Pope teaches is contrary to the Written Word of God. He is an enemy of Jesus Christ and people should not listen to him. They should have nothing to do with him.

Which of Pope Francis' policies do you disagree with?

Policies? He is not a political leader nor is he a "world leader" no matter how many times others call him one, RW. He is a false prophet and a wolf in sheep's clothing. He is not the representative of God nor is he representing the true Church. The true Church is the Body of Christ irregardless of denomination. Wherever they may be!

If a church (any denomination or non denomination) preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ and teach from the King James Bible? That is a part of God's church. If they are teaching doctrines not taught in the bible (as Catholicism does) then that is not part of the church.

What has he said or done that you object to?

Please explain

He is a false teacher who is leading millions of souls to hell by telling them lies such as atheists can go to heaven by their good works (impossible), that there is salvation in the mother of Christ (there isn't) that there is no such thing as a literal hell (there is). What the Pope teaches is contrary to the Written Word of God. He is an enemy of Jesus Christ and people should not listen to him. They should have nothing to do with him.
What about what he teaches is contrary to the beliefs of Christ?

His renouncing wealth? Simple lifestyle? Advocacy of the poor?

Does that make him a false teacher?
Reinhard Bonnke Video Documents Modern-Day Lazarus

Nigerian certified dead, but revived days later at evangelist's meeting

The dramatic documentary of a modern-day Lazarus has been released by international evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. The German preacher who has led crusades in Africa for 30 years says that the remarkable resurrection of Daniel Ekechukwu is so well-documented that no one can be unaffected by the report.

Bonnke's Christ for All Nations (CfAN) ministry has released a 45-minute video of Ekechukwu's testimony, and also reported at its Web site how the Nigerian pastor had been certified dead and injected with embalming fluids before reviving three days later at a Bonnke meeting.

Ekechukwu's wife was so sure that God would bring her husband back to life after he was fatally injured in an auto accident that she persuaded the local mortuary to allow her to take his body to the church where Bonnke was preaching.

There pastors lifted Ekechukwu from the coffin in which he had been laid, and were amazed when the man started to breathe again as they prayed for him. The CfAN video includes footage of Ekechukwu beginning to stir, and later returning to the mortuary where his body had been laid out.

The "Raised from the Dead" report, subtitled "A 21st Century Resurrection Story," features interviews with one of the doctors who certified Ekechukwu dead, and the mortician. "It's shocking," one of them tells the video team. "Seeing a dead man, someone that was once dead and is now is very shocking. To God all glory should go."

Nneka Ekechukwu says that when her husband was pronounced dead after last November's accident, she remembered promises God had given her that she would not suffer any more misfortune. "I said: 'This can't happen. I must do something, to prove God again.'"

On the third day after the accident, Ekechukwu's body was taken in its coffin to a church in Ontisha, where Bonnke was preaching at a service. The body was taken out of its coffin and put on a table in the church's conference center, where several pastors began to pray.

Reinhard Bonnke Video Documents Modern-Day Lazarus

Nigerian certified dead, but revived days later at evangelist's meeting

The dramatic documentary of a modern-day Lazarus has been released by international evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. The German preacher who has led crusades in Africa for 30 years says that the remarkable resurrection of Daniel Ekechukwu is so well-documented that no one can be unaffected by the report.

Bonnke's Christ for All Nations (CfAN) ministry has released a 45-minute video of Ekechukwu's testimony, and also reported at its Web site how the Nigerian pastor had been certified dead and injected with embalming fluids before reviving three days later at a Bonnke meeting.

Ekechukwu's wife was so sure that God would bring her husband back to life after he was fatally injured in an auto accident that she persuaded the local mortuary to allow her to take his body to the church where Bonnke was preaching.

There pastors lifted Ekechukwu from the coffin in which he had been laid, and were amazed when the man started to breathe again as they prayed for him. The CfAN video includes footage of Ekechukwu beginning to stir, and later returning to the mortuary where his body had been laid out.

The "Raised from the Dead" report, subtitled "A 21st Century Resurrection Story," features interviews with one of the doctors who certified Ekechukwu dead, and the mortician. "It's shocking," one of them tells the video team. "Seeing a dead man, someone that was once dead and is now is very shocking. To God all glory should go."

Nneka Ekechukwu says that when her husband was pronounced dead after last November's accident, she remembered promises God had given her that she would not suffer any more misfortune. "I said: 'This can't happen. I must do something, to prove God again.'"

On the third day after the accident, Ekechukwu's body was taken in its coffin to a church in Ontisha, where Bonnke was preaching at a service. The body was taken out of its coffin and put on a table in the church's conference center, where several pastors began to pray.

Yes, that story is true. The man was a Pastor, his car hit a tree and he died. The entire village knew of his death, some gave testimony of his having been dead for three days. Including the morgue where his body had been. There is nothing to question.

God raised him from the dead after his wife took his corpse to where Bonke' was preaching. He was not carried into the meeting. He was prayed for in a separate place by born again Christians who believed the Bible which teaches us that the dead can be raised up to life, the sick healed, the demon possessed and those involved in witchcraft can be forgiven and delivered of the demons that possess them and are trying to take them to hell. If you had faith in God and would call upon him yourself, you'd be amazed at what he could do for you too.

You should listen to his testimony, Strollingbones. He went to hell, you know. He was in sin when he died and he went to hell. Had his wife not believed in the power of prayer he would have stayed there. Thank God for praying Christian wives. As for his having gone to hell? It is proof that Hebrews 10:26 was a warning to believers.

Here is his testimony. He had the same problem you did, Strollingbones. Anger and unforgiveness towards others. That is what sent him to hell. The sin of Anger and unforgiveness towards others. It's going to send you to hell too if you do not repent and call upon the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness.

So hospitals and morgues should have dead people rising everyday! Just get a bunch of fundies to pray over the corpse of another dead fundy!! And Tah da!!!

Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. He did not go to a morgue or a hospital and raise multitudes from the dead. This miracle was a sign and a warning to the world that hell is real and that those who have unforgiveness in their hearts, hatred for others will be in hell. Hell is a literal place. You should watch the entire video. You need to understand what the LORD is speaking to the people now. Time is running out. If you leave this earth without Jesus Christ, you're being Jewish will not keep you out of hell. There is no salvation outside of Jesus Christ. As Jesus told the Jewish religious leader, Nicodemus, You must be born again. See John Chapter 3.
Reinhard Bonnke Video Documents Modern-Day Lazarus

Nigerian certified dead, but revived days later at evangelist's meeting

The dramatic documentary of a modern-day Lazarus has been released by international evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. The German preacher who has led crusades in Africa for 30 years says that the remarkable resurrection of Daniel Ekechukwu is so well-documented that no one can be unaffected by the report.

Bonnke's Christ for All Nations (CfAN) ministry has released a 45-minute video of Ekechukwu's testimony, and also reported at its Web site how the Nigerian pastor had been certified dead and injected with embalming fluids before reviving three days later at a Bonnke meeting.

Ekechukwu's wife was so sure that God would bring her husband back to life after he was fatally injured in an auto accident that she persuaded the local mortuary to allow her to take his body to the church where Bonnke was preaching.

There pastors lifted Ekechukwu from the coffin in which he had been laid, and were amazed when the man started to breathe again as they prayed for him. The CfAN video includes footage of Ekechukwu beginning to stir, and later returning to the mortuary where his body had been laid out.

The "Raised from the Dead" report, subtitled "A 21st Century Resurrection Story," features interviews with one of the doctors who certified Ekechukwu dead, and the mortician. "It's shocking," one of them tells the video team. "Seeing a dead man, someone that was once dead and is now is very shocking. To God all glory should go."

Nneka Ekechukwu says that when her husband was pronounced dead after last November's accident, she remembered promises God had given her that she would not suffer any more misfortune. "I said: 'This can't happen. I must do something, to prove God again.'"

On the third day after the accident, Ekechukwu's body was taken in its coffin to a church in Ontisha, where Bonnke was preaching at a service. The body was taken out of its coffin and put on a table in the church's conference center, where several pastors began to pray.

Reinhard Bonnke Video Documents Modern-Day Lazarus

Nigerian certified dead, but revived days later at evangelist's meeting

The dramatic documentary of a modern-day Lazarus has been released by international evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. The German preacher who has led crusades in Africa for 30 years says that the remarkable resurrection of Daniel Ekechukwu is so well-documented that no one can be unaffected by the report.

Bonnke's Christ for All Nations (CfAN) ministry has released a 45-minute video of Ekechukwu's testimony, and also reported at its Web site how the Nigerian pastor had been certified dead and injected with embalming fluids before reviving three days later at a Bonnke meeting.

Ekechukwu's wife was so sure that God would bring her husband back to life after he was fatally injured in an auto accident that she persuaded the local mortuary to allow her to take his body to the church where Bonnke was preaching.

There pastors lifted Ekechukwu from the coffin in which he had been laid, and were amazed when the man started to breathe again as they prayed for him. The CfAN video includes footage of Ekechukwu beginning to stir, and later returning to the mortuary where his body had been laid out.

The "Raised from the Dead" report, subtitled "A 21st Century Resurrection Story," features interviews with one of the doctors who certified Ekechukwu dead, and the mortician. "It's shocking," one of them tells the video team. "Seeing a dead man, someone that was once dead and is now is very shocking. To God all glory should go."

Nneka Ekechukwu says that when her husband was pronounced dead after last November's accident, she remembered promises God had given her that she would not suffer any more misfortune. "I said: 'This can't happen. I must do something, to prove God again.'"

On the third day after the accident, Ekechukwu's body was taken in its coffin to a church in Ontisha, where Bonnke was preaching at a service. The body was taken out of its coffin and put on a table in the church's conference center, where several pastors began to pray.

Yes, that story is true. The man was a Pastor, his car hit a tree and he died. The entire village knew of his death, some gave testimony of his having been dead for three days. Including the morgue where his body had been. There is nothing to question.

God raised him from the dead after his wife took his corpse to where Bonke' was preaching. He was not carried into the meeting. He was prayed for in a separate place by born again Christians who believed the Bible which teaches us that the dead can be raised up to life, the sick healed, the demon possessed and those involved in witchcraft can be forgiven and delivered of the demons that possess them and are trying to take them to hell. If you had faith in God and would call upon him yourself, you'd be amazed at what he could do for you too.

You should listen to his testimony, Strollingbones. He went to hell, you know. He was in sin when he died and he went to hell. Had his wife not believed in the power of prayer he would have stayed there. Thank God for praying Christian wives. As for his having gone to hell? It is proof that Hebrews 10:26 was a warning to believers.

Here is his testimony. He had the same problem you did, Strollingbones. Anger and unforgiveness towards others. That is what sent him to hell. The sin of Anger and unforgiveness towards others. It's going to send you to hell too if you do not repent and call upon the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness.

So hospitals and morgues should have dead people rising everyday! Just get a bunch of fundies to pray over the corpse of another dead fundy!! And Tah da!!!

Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. He did not go to a morgue or a hospital and raise multitudes from the dead. This miracle was a sign and a warning to the world that hell is real and that those who have unforgiveness in their hearts, hatred for others will be in hell. Hell is a literal place. You should watch the entire video. You need to understand what the LORD is speaking to the people now. Time is running out. If you leave this earth without Jesus Christ, you're being Jewish will not keep you out of hell. There is no salvation outside of Jesus Christ. As Jesus told the Jewish religious leader, Nicodemus, You must be born again. See John Chapter 3.

But you claimed your conman fundy raised someone from the dead at his gospel traveling freak show

Which of Pope Francis' policies do you disagree with?

Policies? He is not a political leader nor is he a "world leader" no matter how many times others call him one, RW. He is a false prophet and a wolf in sheep's clothing. He is not the representative of God nor is he representing the true Church. The true Church is the Body of Christ irregardless of denomination. Wherever they may be!

If a church (any denomination or non denomination) preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ and teach from the King James Bible? That is a part of God's church. If they are teaching doctrines not taught in the bible (as Catholicism does) then that is not part of the church.

What has he said or done that you object to?

Please explain

He is a false teacher who is leading millions of souls to hell by telling them lies such as atheists can go to heaven by their good works (impossible), that there is salvation in the mother of Christ (there isn't) that there is no such thing as a literal hell (there is). What the Pope teaches is contrary to the Written Word of God. He is an enemy of Jesus Christ and people should not listen to him. They should have nothing to do with him.
What about what he teaches is contrary to the beliefs of Christ?

His renouncing wealth? Simple lifestyle? Advocacy of the poor?

Does that make him a false teacher?

Trillions in the Vatican banks and treasures beyond measure and you say he has renounced wealth? Are you serious? He has access to more money that the Rothschilds, the Gates, and the Solvay family combined most likely! TRILLIONS. With a "T". The Roman Catholic Empire has amassed a fortune beyond your imagination!

He ordered 60 pounds of "specially blended coffee" to be flown here for his stay of one week and you call that simple?

Advocacy for the poor? Let the Roman Catholic Church give back the treasures they stole from the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. the vast treasure of gold they stole via train During WWII and still hold today, the billions in treasures and gold and land they stole from the Jews during WWII through their Catholic son, Hitler, the trillions in wealth - let them give it all away, get out of the politics business, shut the doors, and go home and mind their own business, buy a King James Bible and follow Jesus.

The hypocrisy is too much. Wake up, RW. This Pope is a power hungry, wolf in sheep's clothing.
Reinhard Bonnke Video Documents Modern-Day Lazarus

Nigerian certified dead, but revived days later at evangelist's meeting

The dramatic documentary of a modern-day Lazarus has been released by international evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. The German preacher who has led crusades in Africa for 30 years says that the remarkable resurrection of Daniel Ekechukwu is so well-documented that no one can be unaffected by the report.

Bonnke's Christ for All Nations (CfAN) ministry has released a 45-minute video of Ekechukwu's testimony, and also reported at its Web site how the Nigerian pastor had been certified dead and injected with embalming fluids before reviving three days later at a Bonnke meeting.

Ekechukwu's wife was so sure that God would bring her husband back to life after he was fatally injured in an auto accident that she persuaded the local mortuary to allow her to take his body to the church where Bonnke was preaching.

There pastors lifted Ekechukwu from the coffin in which he had been laid, and were amazed when the man started to breathe again as they prayed for him. The CfAN video includes footage of Ekechukwu beginning to stir, and later returning to the mortuary where his body had been laid out.

The "Raised from the Dead" report, subtitled "A 21st Century Resurrection Story," features interviews with one of the doctors who certified Ekechukwu dead, and the mortician. "It's shocking," one of them tells the video team. "Seeing a dead man, someone that was once dead and is now is very shocking. To God all glory should go."

Nneka Ekechukwu says that when her husband was pronounced dead after last November's accident, she remembered promises God had given her that she would not suffer any more misfortune. "I said: 'This can't happen. I must do something, to prove God again.'"

On the third day after the accident, Ekechukwu's body was taken in its coffin to a church in Ontisha, where Bonnke was preaching at a service. The body was taken out of its coffin and put on a table in the church's conference center, where several pastors began to pray.

Reinhard Bonnke Video Documents Modern-Day Lazarus

Nigerian certified dead, but revived days later at evangelist's meeting

The dramatic documentary of a modern-day Lazarus has been released by international evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. The German preacher who has led crusades in Africa for 30 years says that the remarkable resurrection of Daniel Ekechukwu is so well-documented that no one can be unaffected by the report.

Bonnke's Christ for All Nations (CfAN) ministry has released a 45-minute video of Ekechukwu's testimony, and also reported at its Web site how the Nigerian pastor had been certified dead and injected with embalming fluids before reviving three days later at a Bonnke meeting.

Ekechukwu's wife was so sure that God would bring her husband back to life after he was fatally injured in an auto accident that she persuaded the local mortuary to allow her to take his body to the church where Bonnke was preaching.

There pastors lifted Ekechukwu from the coffin in which he had been laid, and were amazed when the man started to breathe again as they prayed for him. The CfAN video includes footage of Ekechukwu beginning to stir, and later returning to the mortuary where his body had been laid out.

The "Raised from the Dead" report, subtitled "A 21st Century Resurrection Story," features interviews with one of the doctors who certified Ekechukwu dead, and the mortician. "It's shocking," one of them tells the video team. "Seeing a dead man, someone that was once dead and is now is very shocking. To God all glory should go."

Nneka Ekechukwu says that when her husband was pronounced dead after last November's accident, she remembered promises God had given her that she would not suffer any more misfortune. "I said: 'This can't happen. I must do something, to prove God again.'"

On the third day after the accident, Ekechukwu's body was taken in its coffin to a church in Ontisha, where Bonnke was preaching at a service. The body was taken out of its coffin and put on a table in the church's conference center, where several pastors began to pray.

Yes, that story is true. The man was a Pastor, his car hit a tree and he died. The entire village knew of his death, some gave testimony of his having been dead for three days. Including the morgue where his body had been. There is nothing to question.

God raised him from the dead after his wife took his corpse to where Bonke' was preaching. He was not carried into the meeting. He was prayed for in a separate place by born again Christians who believed the Bible which teaches us that the dead can be raised up to life, the sick healed, the demon possessed and those involved in witchcraft can be forgiven and delivered of the demons that possess them and are trying to take them to hell. If you had faith in God and would call upon him yourself, you'd be amazed at what he could do for you too.

You should listen to his testimony, Strollingbones. He went to hell, you know. He was in sin when he died and he went to hell. Had his wife not believed in the power of prayer he would have stayed there. Thank God for praying Christian wives. As for his having gone to hell? It is proof that Hebrews 10:26 was a warning to believers.

Here is his testimony. He had the same problem you did, Strollingbones. Anger and unforgiveness towards others. That is what sent him to hell. The sin of Anger and unforgiveness towards others. It's going to send you to hell too if you do not repent and call upon the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness.

So hospitals and morgues should have dead people rising everyday! Just get a bunch of fundies to pray over the corpse of another dead fundy!! And Tah da!!!

Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. He did not go to a morgue or a hospital and raise multitudes from the dead. This miracle was a sign and a warning to the world that hell is real and that those who have unforgiveness in their hearts, hatred for others will be in hell. Hell is a literal place. You should watch the entire video. You need to understand what the LORD is speaking to the people now. Time is running out. If you leave this earth without Jesus Christ, you're being Jewish will not keep you out of hell. There is no salvation outside of Jesus Christ. As Jesus told the Jewish religious leader, Nicodemus, You must be born again. See John Chapter 3.

But you claimed your conman fundy raised someone from the dead at his gospel traveling freak show

Reinhardt Bonke' did not raise anyone from the dead. Jesus raised that man from the dead through the prayers of the people. It isn't the first time, that was the norm during the early church - read the book of Act and Hebrews, Guno.

Which of Pope Francis' policies do you disagree with?

Policies? He is not a political leader nor is he a "world leader" no matter how many times others call him one, RW. He is a false prophet and a wolf in sheep's clothing. He is not the representative of God nor is he representing the true Church. The true Church is the Body of Christ irregardless of denomination. Wherever they may be!

If a church (any denomination or non denomination) preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ and teach from the King James Bible? That is a part of God's church. If they are teaching doctrines not taught in the bible (as Catholicism does) then that is not part of the church.

What has he said or done that you object to?

Please explain

He is a false teacher who is leading millions of souls to hell by telling them lies such as atheists can go to heaven by their good works (impossible), that there is salvation in the mother of Christ (there isn't) that there is no such thing as a literal hell (there is). What the Pope teaches is contrary to the Written Word of God. He is an enemy of Jesus Christ and people should not listen to him. They should have nothing to do with him.
What about what he teaches is contrary to the beliefs of Christ?

His renouncing wealth? Simple lifestyle? Advocacy of the poor?

Does that make him a false teacher?

Trillions in the Vatican banks and treasures beyond measure and you say he has renounced wealth? Are you serious?

He ordered 60 pounds of "specially blended coffee" to be flown here for his stay of one week and you call that simple?

Advocacy for the poor? Let the Roman Catholic Church give back the treasures they stole from the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. the vast treasure of gold they stole via train During WWII and still hold today, the billions in treasures and gold and land they stole from the Jews during WWII through their Catholic son, Hitler, the trillions in wealth - let them give it all away, get out of the politics business, shut the doors, and go home and mind their own business, buy a King James Bible and follow Jesus.

The hypocrisy is too much. Wake up, RW. This Pope is a power hungry, wolf in sheep's clothing.
The pope had the option of living in the Vatican palace, instead he chose a simple apartment. If given the chance, he would give the churches money to the poor

I get it you hate Catholics.....But what about the pope as a person do you hate?

What has the pope said or done that you disagree with?
Save me from another I hate Catholics diatribe. What do you hate about the pope?
Policies? He is not a political leader nor is he a "world leader" no matter how many times others call him one, RW. He is a false prophet and a wolf in sheep's clothing. He is not the representative of God nor is he representing the true Church. The true Church is the Body of Christ irregardless of denomination. Wherever they may be!

If a church (any denomination or non denomination) preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ and teach from the King James Bible? That is a part of God's church. If they are teaching doctrines not taught in the bible (as Catholicism does) then that is not part of the church.

What has he said or done that you object to?

Please explain

He is a false teacher who is leading millions of souls to hell by telling them lies such as atheists can go to heaven by their good works (impossible), that there is salvation in the mother of Christ (there isn't) that there is no such thing as a literal hell (there is). What the Pope teaches is contrary to the Written Word of God. He is an enemy of Jesus Christ and people should not listen to him. They should have nothing to do with him.
What about what he teaches is contrary to the beliefs of Christ?

His renouncing wealth? Simple lifestyle? Advocacy of the poor?

Does that make him a false teacher?

Trillions in the Vatican banks and treasures beyond measure and you say he has renounced wealth? Are you serious?

He ordered 60 pounds of "specially blended coffee" to be flown here for his stay of one week and you call that simple?

Advocacy for the poor? Let the Roman Catholic Church give back the treasures they stole from the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. the vast treasure of gold they stole via train During WWII and still hold today, the billions in treasures and gold and land they stole from the Jews during WWII through their Catholic son, Hitler, the trillions in wealth - let them give it all away, get out of the politics business, shut the doors, and go home and mind their own business, buy a King James Bible and follow Jesus.

The hypocrisy is too much. Wake up, RW. This Pope is a power hungry, wolf in sheep's clothing.
The pope had the option of living in the Vatican palace, instead he chose a simple apartment. If given the chance, he would give the churches money to the poor

I get it you hate Catholics.....But what about the pope as a person do you hate?

What has the pope said or done that you disagree with?
Save me from another I hate Catholics diatribe. What do you hate about the pope?

Jeri says she was a spawn of catholics and grew up catholic and now she is literally just following her man gods orders, she has no problem with her parents now burning in her fundy hell

Like 14:26
“If any man come to Me and hate not his father and mother, and wife and children, ... “If you come to me but will not leave your family, you cannot be my follower.
I do not hate Catholics at all, RW. I pray that the LORD will open their eyes and deliver them from the false teachings of Catholicism. It is very sad to see what is happening to them.

Here is the story on the Pope who had the Vatican order 60 pounds of specially blended coffee for his trip to the USA. He sounds more like one who desires to be treated as a King not a pauper.

Special coffee blend for Pope Francis - Business Insider

When Nespresso machines were being installed in the Vatican, word got out about Allen's company, and he was later contacted by a client connected to one of the pope's handlers.

Now Allen will be creating a signature mix just for Pope Francis, though he couldn't reveal what kind of beans it would include.

While Allen said won't be meeting the pope in person, he mentioned that he is thrilled about the opportunity.

The Pope must really love coffee. According to Eater, his favorite food and drinks include ice cream, dulce de leche cake, risotto, and of course, wine.

The diet of a poor man? I think not. Wake up, R.W. You've been duped.

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