Boycott the Pope's Visit to USA

There is only one church. It is the Roman Catholic Church!

All other churches are apostates created by Satan!

Renounce your Satanic church, and join God's only True Religion.

The Roman Catholic Church is the church of Satan. Unbeknownst to the people who attend the worship is to Lucifer. Not Jesus Christ of the Bible. It is a satanic cult. There is no salvation in the Roman Catholic religion. Those who remain in it will perish eternally in hell. There is no salvation in Catholicism. Listen to the former Catholic nuns, former priests, former members of Roman Catholicism who are serving Jesus Christ today. I've posted more than one video about it here. Educate yourselves. Your eternal life depends upon it. God loves you and he doesn't want you to be deceived.
Not sure why you object to the Pope.I'd love to meet him. I'd offer him a Book of Mormon and invite him to read it.
again you are the biggest false witness i have believe and follow a man who said jesus would appear on stage with him....jesus was a no follow and advocate for false prophets daily and i have called your lying ass on this many times...and yet you just keep coping and pasting.....

dont be trashing anyone else's religion when you follow false prophets
he claims to have raised the dead but when people where killed at one of his events ...he didnt raise them

A Rheinhard Bonnke video being sold for a minimum donation of $35 is being promoted in which the account of a Nigerian hyper Pentecostal pastor, Daniel Ekechukwu ("Eku"), being raised from the dead at a Bonnke meeting in Nigeria is portrayed complete with a medical testimony and mortuary testimony. The episode is being trumpeted by Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, and as usual, Elim's George Canty.

Pastor Raised from the Dead - Richard Bonnke
Reinhard Bonnke Video Documents Modern-Day Lazarus

Nigerian certified dead, but revived days later at evangelist's meeting

The dramatic documentary of a modern-day Lazarus has been released by international evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. The German preacher who has led crusades in Africa for 30 years says that the remarkable resurrection of Daniel Ekechukwu is so well-documented that no one can be unaffected by the report.

Bonnke's Christ for All Nations (CfAN) ministry has released a 45-minute video of Ekechukwu's testimony, and also reported at its Web site how the Nigerian pastor had been certified dead and injected with embalming fluids before reviving three days later at a Bonnke meeting.

Ekechukwu's wife was so sure that God would bring her husband back to life after he was fatally injured in an auto accident that she persuaded the local mortuary to allow her to take his body to the church where Bonnke was preaching.

There pastors lifted Ekechukwu from the coffin in which he had been laid, and were amazed when the man started to breathe again as they prayed for him. The CfAN video includes footage of Ekechukwu beginning to stir, and later returning to the mortuary where his body had been laid out.

The "Raised from the Dead" report, subtitled "A 21st Century Resurrection Story," features interviews with one of the doctors who certified Ekechukwu dead, and the mortician. "It's shocking," one of them tells the video team. "Seeing a dead man, someone that was once dead and is now is very shocking. To God all glory should go."

Nneka Ekechukwu says that when her husband was pronounced dead after last November's accident, she remembered promises God had given her that she would not suffer any more misfortune. "I said: 'This can't happen. I must do something, to prove God again.'"

On the third day after the accident, Ekechukwu's body was taken in its coffin to a church in Ontisha, where Bonnke was preaching at a service. The body was taken out of its coffin and put on a table in the church's conference center, where several pastors began to pray.

Reinhard Bonnke Video Documents Modern-Day Lazarus

Nigerian certified dead, but revived days later at evangelist's meeting

The dramatic documentary of a modern-day Lazarus has been released by international evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. The German preacher who has led crusades in Africa for 30 years says that the remarkable resurrection of Daniel Ekechukwu is so well-documented that no one can be unaffected by the report.

Bonnke's Christ for All Nations (CfAN) ministry has released a 45-minute video of Ekechukwu's testimony, and also reported at its Web site how the Nigerian pastor had been certified dead and injected with embalming fluids before reviving three days later at a Bonnke meeting.

Ekechukwu's wife was so sure that God would bring her husband back to life after he was fatally injured in an auto accident that she persuaded the local mortuary to allow her to take his body to the church where Bonnke was preaching.

There pastors lifted Ekechukwu from the coffin in which he had been laid, and were amazed when the man started to breathe again as they prayed for him. The CfAN video includes footage of Ekechukwu beginning to stir, and later returning to the mortuary where his body had been laid out.

The "Raised from the Dead" report, subtitled "A 21st Century Resurrection Story," features interviews with one of the doctors who certified Ekechukwu dead, and the mortician. "It's shocking," one of them tells the video team. "Seeing a dead man, someone that was once dead and is now is very shocking. To God all glory should go."

Nneka Ekechukwu says that when her husband was pronounced dead after last November's accident, she remembered promises God had given her that she would not suffer any more misfortune. "I said: 'This can't happen. I must do something, to prove God again.'"

On the third day after the accident, Ekechukwu's body was taken in its coffin to a church in Ontisha, where Bonnke was preaching at a service. The body was taken out of its coffin and put on a table in the church's conference center, where several pastors began to pray.
If he comes? Ignore him and do not show up for this nonsense. He isn't a world leader. He isn't a spokesman for God. He is a false prophet. Have nothing to do with him.

The bible is clear that those who do not bring the Doctrine of Jesus Christ we are not to receive into our own home. We are to have nothing to do with them. So turn off your televisions, I phones, computers and ignore the news if he still insists on forcing himself on Americans.

This dog and pony show they are putting on for him is an utter disgrace considering that the Obama administration did not do any thing even close for our true friend and ally - the leader of Israel - Benjamin Netanyahu. My advice to Americans? Stay Home. Boycott this Pope's Visit to America. Pray for a torrential downpour every where he goes! Amen? Amen!

This is his official schedule! As if this son of hell is royalty? He represents himself, Satan and a NWO. He does not represent the Lord Jesus Christ, he is not an ambassador for Jesus Christ and he does not preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing and those with eyes to see and ears to hear should warn their friends, co-workers, loved ones to avoid him like the plague.

General Schedule of Pope Francis U.S.Visit 2015

Pope Francis Visits Washington D.C.
  • Tuesday, September 22, 2015
    • 4pm: Pope Francis arrives in D.C. at Joint Base Andrews at 4 p.m.
  • Wednesday, September 23, 2015
    • 9:15 a.m: White House Welcoming Ceremony and personal meeting with President Barack Obama
    • 11:00 a.m. Papal Parade along the Ellipse and the National Mall
    • 11:30 a.m: Midday Prayer with U.S. bishops at Saint Matthew’s Cathedral in D.C.
    • 4:15 p.m: Junipero Serra Canonization Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
  • Thursday, September 24, 2015
    • 9:20 a.m: Arrival at Capitol
    • 10 a.m. Speech to the Senate and House of Representatives (Joint Session of Congress)
    • 11 a.m. Brief appearance on West Front of Capitol
    • 11:15 a.m: Visit to St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in D.C. and Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington
    • 4 p.m: Departure for New York from Joint Base Andrews (D.C.)
    • 5 p.m. Arrival at John F. Kennedy International Airport (New York)
    • 6:45 p.m. Evening prayer at St. Patrick’s Cathedral (New York)
    • _____________________
    • This man is not a world leader and he does not represent Christianity. This is obscene to say the very least. I pray to God the weather is so bad he has to cancel.


It's the end of the world!!!

Not even close. First the prophecy about Israel is going to be fulfilled. 2/3's of all the Jews will be killed in the future with only 1 part remaining (in Israel) and I believe that prophecy is in direct relation to the anti-Christ. We'll see how well you like the Roman System after that news comes to fruition, Stat. You trust what you shouldn't because you do not trust Who you should with your entire life (God Almighty). You'll learn.


We are all gonna die!!!

Oh, noes!!!!
If he comes? Ignore him and do not show up for this nonsense. He isn't a world leader. He isn't a spokesman for God. He is a false prophet. Have nothing to do with him.

The bible is clear that those who do not bring the Doctrine of Jesus Christ we are not to receive into our own home. We are to have nothing to do with them. So turn off your televisions, I phones, computers and ignore the news if he still insists on forcing himself on Americans.

This dog and pony show they are putting on for him is an utter disgrace considering that the Obama administration did not do any thing even close for our true friend and ally - the leader of Israel - Benjamin Netanyahu. My advice to Americans? Stay Home. Boycott this Pope's Visit to America. Pray for a torrential downpour every where he goes! Amen? Amen!

This is his official schedule! As if this son of hell is royalty? He represents himself, Satan and a NWO. He does not represent the Lord Jesus Christ, he is not an ambassador for Jesus Christ and he does not preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing and those with eyes to see and ears to hear should warn their friends, co-workers, loved ones to avoid him like the plague.

General Schedule of Pope Francis U.S.Visit 2015

Pope Francis Visits Washington D.C.
  • Tuesday, September 22, 2015
    • 4pm: Pope Francis arrives in D.C. at Joint Base Andrews at 4 p.m.
  • Wednesday, September 23, 2015
    • 9:15 a.m: White House Welcoming Ceremony and personal meeting with President Barack Obama
    • 11:00 a.m. Papal Parade along the Ellipse and the National Mall
    • 11:30 a.m: Midday Prayer with U.S. bishops at Saint Matthew’s Cathedral in D.C.
    • 4:15 p.m: Junipero Serra Canonization Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
  • Thursday, September 24, 2015
    • 9:20 a.m: Arrival at Capitol
    • 10 a.m. Speech to the Senate and House of Representatives (Joint Session of Congress)
    • 11 a.m. Brief appearance on West Front of Capitol
    • 11:15 a.m: Visit to St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in D.C. and Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington
    • 4 p.m: Departure for New York from Joint Base Andrews (D.C.)
    • 5 p.m. Arrival at John F. Kennedy International Airport (New York)
    • 6:45 p.m. Evening prayer at St. Patrick’s Cathedral (New York)
    • _____________________
    • This man is not a world leader and he does not represent Christianity. This is obscene to say the very least. I pray to God the weather is so bad he has to cancel.
I am hoping we can make an open Petition to ask a "Holy Father" to Inquire into the moral rectitude of our elected representatives, bearing True Witness instead of False Witness to our own laws in Order to be able to grateful to an almighty god.
now i will say this..she claims not to follow hinn and he is the one who said jesus would appear on stage....

but hinn is a pentecostal too
Jeri claims to have worked for Hinn at his shows and she defends him

I never told you or anyone else I worked for Benny Hinn at his Crusades, Guno. I never attended any of Benny's Crusades or traveled with his ministry. I was a member of his church in 1989 - 90 and taught Sunday School there. I was part of his prayer meetings on Saturday morning and no one was paid to pray at those prayer meetings. Perhaps you have me confused with someone else? Any thing is possible.
Jere, thank you so much for your honesty above.

That explains so very much.
Reinhard Bonnke Video Documents Modern-Day Lazarus

Nigerian certified dead, but revived days later at evangelist's meeting

The dramatic documentary of a modern-day Lazarus has been released by international evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. The German preacher who has led crusades in Africa for 30 years says that the remarkable resurrection of Daniel Ekechukwu is so well-documented that no one can be unaffected by the report.

Bonnke's Christ for All Nations (CfAN) ministry has released a 45-minute video of Ekechukwu's testimony, and also reported at its Web site how the Nigerian pastor had been certified dead and injected with embalming fluids before reviving three days later at a Bonnke meeting.

Ekechukwu's wife was so sure that God would bring her husband back to life after he was fatally injured in an auto accident that she persuaded the local mortuary to allow her to take his body to the church where Bonnke was preaching.

There pastors lifted Ekechukwu from the coffin in which he had been laid, and were amazed when the man started to breathe again as they prayed for him. The CfAN video includes footage of Ekechukwu beginning to stir, and later returning to the mortuary where his body had been laid out.

The "Raised from the Dead" report, subtitled "A 21st Century Resurrection Story," features interviews with one of the doctors who certified Ekechukwu dead, and the mortician. "It's shocking," one of them tells the video team. "Seeing a dead man, someone that was once dead and is now is very shocking. To God all glory should go."

Nneka Ekechukwu says that when her husband was pronounced dead after last November's accident, she remembered promises God had given her that she would not suffer any more misfortune. "I said: 'This can't happen. I must do something, to prove God again.'"

On the third day after the accident, Ekechukwu's body was taken in its coffin to a church in Ontisha, where Bonnke was preaching at a service. The body was taken out of its coffin and put on a table in the church's conference center, where several pastors began to pray.

Reinhard Bonnke Video Documents Modern-Day Lazarus

Nigerian certified dead, but revived days later at evangelist's meeting

The dramatic documentary of a modern-day Lazarus has been released by international evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. The German preacher who has led crusades in Africa for 30 years says that the remarkable resurrection of Daniel Ekechukwu is so well-documented that no one can be unaffected by the report.

Bonnke's Christ for All Nations (CfAN) ministry has released a 45-minute video of Ekechukwu's testimony, and also reported at its Web site how the Nigerian pastor had been certified dead and injected with embalming fluids before reviving three days later at a Bonnke meeting.

Ekechukwu's wife was so sure that God would bring her husband back to life after he was fatally injured in an auto accident that she persuaded the local mortuary to allow her to take his body to the church where Bonnke was preaching.

There pastors lifted Ekechukwu from the coffin in which he had been laid, and were amazed when the man started to breathe again as they prayed for him. The CfAN video includes footage of Ekechukwu beginning to stir, and later returning to the mortuary where his body had been laid out.

The "Raised from the Dead" report, subtitled "A 21st Century Resurrection Story," features interviews with one of the doctors who certified Ekechukwu dead, and the mortician. "It's shocking," one of them tells the video team. "Seeing a dead man, someone that was once dead and is now is very shocking. To God all glory should go."

Nneka Ekechukwu says that when her husband was pronounced dead after last November's accident, she remembered promises God had given her that she would not suffer any more misfortune. "I said: 'This can't happen. I must do something, to prove God again.'"

On the third day after the accident, Ekechukwu's body was taken in its coffin to a church in Ontisha, where Bonnke was preaching at a service. The body was taken out of its coffin and put on a table in the church's conference center, where several pastors began to pray.

Yes, that story is true. The man was a Pastor, his car hit a tree and he died. The entire village knew of his death, some gave testimony of his having been dead for three days. Including the morgue where his body had been. There is nothing to question.

God raised him from the dead after his wife took his corpse to where Bonke' was preaching. He was not carried into the meeting. He was prayed for in a separate place by born again Christians who believed the Bible which teaches us that the dead can be raised up to life, the sick healed, the demon possessed and those involved in witchcraft can be forgiven and delivered of the demons that possess them and are trying to take them to hell. If you had faith in God and would call upon him yourself, you'd be amazed at what he could do for you too.

You should listen to his testimony, Strollingbones. He went to hell, you know. He was in sin when he died and he went to hell. Had his wife not believed in the power of prayer he would have stayed there. Thank God for praying Christian wives. As for his having gone to hell? It is proof that Hebrews 10:26 was a warning to believers.

Here is his testimony. He had the same problem you did, Strollingbones. Anger and unforgiveness towards others - in his case it was his wife. That is what sent him to hell. The sin of Anger and unforgiveness towards others. It's going to send you to hell too if you do not repent and call upon the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness.

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