Boycott the Pope's Visit to USA

I do not hate Catholics at all, RW. I pray that the LORD will open their eyes and deliver them from the false teachings of Catholicism. It is very sad to see what is happening to them.

Here is the story on the Pope who had the Vatican order 60 pounds of specially blended coffee for his trip to the USA. He sounds more like one who desires to be treated as a King not a pauper.

Special coffee blend for Pope Francis - Business Insider

When Nespresso machines were being installed in the Vatican, word got out about Allen's company, and he was later contacted by a client connected to one of the pope's handlers.

Now Allen will be creating a signature mix just for Pope Francis, though he couldn't reveal what kind of beans it would include.

While Allen said won't be meeting the pope in person, he mentioned that he is thrilled about the opportunity.

The Pope must really love coffee. According to Eater, his favorite food and drinks include ice cream, dulce de leche cake, risotto, and of course, wine.

The diet of a poor man? I think not. Wake up, R.W. You've been duped.

You hate him over a stupid story about Coffee!
Are you that shallow?
60 pounds of specially blended coffee for a one week visit in the USA? You don't think that is a bit excessive? I'd call it MAJOR EXCESS. AND a waste of money! How many cases of wine did he order to be sent here for his one week stay? Specially made cakes? Etc? He's living like a King. Stop with the poor man story. You sound utterly ridiculous. The man is a deceiver. Open your eyes.
This video is about a former Roman Catholic who exposes the truth about Catholicism and the false doctrines it teaches.

I had been contemplating another trip to Rome this winter but since this Pope has sold off all the Vatican treasures and donated the money to the poor then there's little left to see.

Unless, of course, he's The Popocrit......
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60 pounds of specially blended coffee for a one week visit in the USA? You don't think that is a bit excessive? I'd call it MAJOR EXCESS. AND a waste of money! How many cases of wine did he order to be sent here for his one week stay? Specially made cakes? Etc? He's living like a King. Stop with the poor man story. You sound utterly ridiculous. The man is a deceiver. Open your eyes.

So if you believe that stuff you have no problem with your parents screaming in the flames of hell since they died catholics? Do they come to you in visions screaming in torment, why have you forsaken us!!! :FIREdevil:

If you go to the time line 14:38 of this video you see Daniel's vision of hell and his account of seeing a Pastor in hell who had stolen money from his congregation - these ones were in their bodies even as they were on earth but they were in great suffering and torment - shortly after the 14:38 mark you'll see his testimony of seeing people who were eating their own flesh and then vomiting it back up - those he was told were witches who on earth had eaten human flesh for demon powers but now in hell they were forced to eat their own flesh and vomit it up again and again. According to Daniels vision of hell you can see hell is quite a horrific place.
I had been contemplating another trip to Rome this winter but since this Pope has sold off all the Vatical treasures and donated the money to the poor then there's little left to see.

Unless, of course, he's The Popocrit......

The land, the Vatican bank accounts, the vast treasures - purchased with stolen money, the wealth of 6 1/2 million Jews slaughtered in the holocaust, and money that Catholics were tricked out of by believing they could buy their dead relatives out of Purgatory (does not exist) money they thought they were giving to the poor and ended up in the Vatican vault, money paid for tuitions for private Catholic college, Universities, all sitting in Vatican banks, money made off their hospitals, their secular pornography book business which was almost as big as Amazon, their dealings with the Mafia, filthy lucre that will rise up and testify against them in that day - all those who were involved - shall answer to God for this abomination called Catholicism. Pray for the people who became victims of this false religion that God will deliver them and that they will come to know Jesus Christ and His free gift of salvation.
60 pounds of specially blended coffee for a one week visit in the USA? You don't think that is a bit excessive? I'd call it MAJOR EXCESS. AND a waste of money! How many cases of wine did he order to be sent here for his one week stay? Specially made cakes? Etc? He's living like a King. Stop with the poor man story. You sound utterly ridiculous. The man is a deceiver. Open your eyes.
You are a stooge.

If you go to the time line 14:38 of this video you see Daniel's vision of hell and his account of seeing a Pastor in hell who had stolen money from his congregation - these ones were in their bodies even as they were on earth but they were in great suffering and torment - shortly after the 14:38 mark you'll see his testimony of seeing people who were eating their own flesh and then vomiting it back up - those he was told were witches who on earth had eaten human flesh for demon powers but now in hell they were forced to eat their own flesh and vomit it up again and again. According to Daniels vision of hell you can see hell is quite a horrific place.

I had been contemplating another trip to Rome this winter but since this Pope has sold off all the Vatical treasures and donated the money to the poor then there's little left to see.

Unless, of course, he's The Popocrit......


the Vatican Palace

When I first saw the statement in Peter DeRosa's best seller, "Vicars of Christ" that the Vatican Palace had 11,000 rooms, I was sure that I had found a typographical error. Surely he meant to say 11 hundred, which would be enormous enough for a collection of buildings of different periods that cover some 13 1/2 acres (5.5 hectares). Since I had the author's email address, I thought he would welcome this find, if it hadn't already been brought to his attention.
This is how the author responded (within a few hours):

from: Peter De Rosa
To: Ray Dubuque
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004
Subject: 11,000 Rooms?
Dear Ray,
Some years back, with questions coming at me from all over the world aboutVicars of Christ, and having no secretary, I promised myself I would not answer any more questions about that book. If I did I would not be able to write any more. (And he has published several other books since). This is, therefore, by way of an exception to a golden rule!
I seem to remember I first came across a reference to the 11,000 rooms in Zola's novel Rome (1896). It is as much a guide book as a novel, in fact, a marvellously researched guidebook, better than most. I wondered if this was a slip of the pen.
In O Vatican (1984), Paul Hofmann, for 35 years the NYT foreign correspondent, writes, "Nobody seems to know exactly how many rooms the Vatican has, although 12,000 windows have been counted. There are certainly considerably more than 1,000 halls, chambers, chapels, etc."
In Pilgrim Walks in Rome (4th edition 1924), Paul Chandlery SJ writes: "The Vatican is a world in itself. Even those who have visited it can form a very insufficient idea of its immensity. It is not one palace, it is a collection of palaces (museums, art galleries etc) and about 11,000 rooms."
In Ave Roma Immortalis (1928) , F. Marion Crawford writes: "An American lady, on hearing that the Vatican is said to contain 11,000 rooms, threw up her hands and laughingly exclaimed, 'Think of the housemaids!' (In fact, no feminine influence there whatever).
Them, as they say, is me last words on the topic.

[ Now that's my idea of a scholar! Ray Dubuque ]According to The Pocket Guide to World History:
"Vatican. 1146 AD palace begun. 11,000 rooms; the world’s largest residence."
& the book, The Incredible Book of Vatican Facts and Papal Curiosities
by Nino Lo Bello
60 pounds of specially blended coffee for a one week visit in the USA? You don't think that is a bit excessive? I'd call it MAJOR EXCESS. AND a waste of money! How many cases of wine did he order to be sent here for his one week stay? Specially made cakes? Etc? He's living like a King. Stop with the poor man story. You sound utterly ridiculous. The man is a deceiver. Open your eyes.
First of bullshit detector is going off.
No way one man can drink through 60 lbs of coffee.

Secondly, that is about $600.
Not much to whine about
The Vatican Palace is the world's largest residence. Think about that for a few minutes and let it sink in.
60 pounds of specially blended coffee for a one week visit in the USA? You don't think that is a bit excessive? I'd call it MAJOR EXCESS. AND a waste of money! How many cases of wine did he order to be sent here for his one week stay? Specially made cakes? Etc? He's living like a King. Stop with the poor man story. You sound utterly ridiculous. The man is a deceiver. Open your eyes.
First of bullshit detector is going off.
No way one man can drink through 60 lbs of coffee.

Secondly, that is about $600.
Not much to whine about

Read the article. I posted the link. The Vatican ordered 60 POUNDS OF SPECIAL BLENDED COFFEE FOR HIS TRIP. Excess? You betcha! You're right. No way he could drink 60 pounds worth of coffee. How wasteful. Right?
The museums of the Vatican are filled with artwork by Giotto, Caravaggio, Michaelangelo, Leonardo, and Raphael among others. The libraries of the Vatican hold ancient manuscripts of the Bible and other literature – in some cases the only copy of a certain work. The buildings of the Vatican, especially St. Peter’s Basilica are ornamented with gold, silver, precious stones, and fine marble.What would be the value of these treasures? According to its official books, all of the artwork and the ornate, grand buildings (including the Sistine Chapel) are valued at 1 euro (which has gone up in a value slightly since it began as 1 U.S. dollar). That's the Vatican's way of saying "priceless", "mind-boggling" and "not for sale".



How could anyone doubt that the "Supreme Pontiffs" who were carried around in this sumptuous carriage, were the authentic representatives of Jesus of Nazareth, who (according to Matthew and Luke) said: "Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head."
John the Baptist explained that in order to be saved, "Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do likewise" (Luke 3:11)

the Vatican Palace
Pope's toilet is worth 50 million dollars? Who knew?

Every once in a while a Pope emerges whose conscience is bothered by the extravagance of his church's wealth. One such pope was John Paul the First, who once revealed in a public audience in 1978:

“. . . this morning, I flushed my toilet with a solid gold lever edged with diamonds and at this very moment, bishops and cardinals are using a bathroom on the second floor of the papal palace which trappings, I am told, would draw more than fifty million dollars at auction . . . Believe me, one day, we who live in opulence, while so many are dying because they have nothing, will have to answer to Jesus as to why we have not carried out His instruction, ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself.’ We, the clergy of the Church together with our congregations, who substitute gold and pomp and ceremony in place of Christ’s instruction, who judge our masquerade of singing His praises to be more precious than human life, will have the most to explain.”
"Avoiding the pomp and pageantry that traditionally surrounded the installation of a pontiff, he took his office in a small private setting witnessed by the minimum number of Church prelates required and by his family and close friends, including the housekeeper who had served him so faithfully at Vittorio Veneto. Outside, a huge crowd, which had filled St. Peter's Square, kept its eyes watchfully on the balcony anxiously awaiting his first blessing as pontiff. But no one appeared; Luciani had chosen not to display himself from the royal balcony as all the others had done before him. Rather, he had chosen to walk among them.
In taking his place as the leader of the Roman Catholic Church with far less ceremony than that which had accompanied his installation as a common bishop twenty years earlier, he had begun to demolish the majestic image of the papacy. He refused to be crowned with the gold and jewel encrusted St. Stephen's Crown, which had been the focal point of previous coronations. In fact, there was no coronation at all. . . His peers, the cardinals, the crown princes of the Church, felt much of their own regency endangered. Whereas the rank-and-file and the hierarchy of the Church saw in the St. Stephen Crown a symbol of royalty, Luciani saw something much different. He saw in it the right to a good and healthy life for a thousand children who would otherwise starve to death, and that's exactly what he intended to do with it.
In his first executive action, he ordered a complete review of the Church's finances, including a tally of all of its worldwide liquid assets. In fact John Paul, who had a background in finance, participated in the internal audit of the Vatican Bank himself. . . About this same time, Luciani invited a number of art dealers to Rome for the purpose of obtaining appraisals of some of the art treasures of the Vatican Museum and the Sistine Chapel. It is also known that during his short reign he permitted a large real estate firm from Milan to survey the sprawling papal estate at the Castel Gandolfo on the outskirts of Rome. The Castel Gandolfo housed not only the papal summer residence but included four other majestic palaces and gardens that were enjoyed by European cardinals and bishops when vacationing there. Actually it was a luxury resort city in itself. "the Vatican Palace

It is a shame that he didn't realize what God was showing him. The Roman Catholic religion is a false religion. He should have left and never looked back.
60 pounds of specially blended coffee for a one week visit in the USA? You don't think that is a bit excessive? I'd call it MAJOR EXCESS. AND a waste of money! How many cases of wine did he order to be sent here for his one week stay? Specially made cakes? Etc? He's living like a King. Stop with the poor man story. You sound utterly ridiculous. The man is a deceiver. Open your eyes.
First of bullshit detector is going off.
No way one man can drink through 60 lbs of coffee.

Secondly, that is about $600.
Not much to whine about

Read the article. I posted the link. The Vatican ordered 60 POUNDS OF SPECIAL BLENDED COFFEE FOR HIS TRIP. Excess? You betcha! You're right. No way he could drink 60 pounds worth of coffee. How wasteful. Right?

That is not what it said
It was a story about a company that prepared a special blend for the popes visit. Not who ordered it

The pope is a guest in our country, I expect he would be wined and dined

I'm still waiting Jeri...

What has the pope said or done that you consider non Christian?
Save the coffee bullshit
60 pounds of specially blended coffee for a one week visit in the USA? You don't think that is a bit excessive? I'd call it MAJOR EXCESS. AND a waste of money! How many cases of wine did he order to be sent here for his one week stay? Specially made cakes? Etc? He's living like a King. Stop with the poor man story. You sound utterly ridiculous. The man is a deceiver. Open your eyes.
First of bullshit detector is going off.
No way one man can drink through 60 lbs of coffee.

Secondly, that is about $600.
Not much to whine about

Read the article. I posted the link. The Vatican ordered 60 POUNDS OF SPECIAL BLENDED COFFEE FOR HIS TRIP. Excess? You betcha! You're right. No way he could drink 60 pounds worth of coffee. How wasteful. Right?

That is not what it said
It was a story about a company that prepared a special blend for the popes visit. Not who ordered it

The pope is a guest in our country, I expect he would be wined and dined

I'm still waiting Jeri...

What has the pope said or done that you consider non Christian?
Save the coffee bullshit

We're finished. I've made my point very well and you know it. Choose to ignore the facts if you will but I have presented them already, RW.

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