Bragg Campaigned On Pursuing Trump

/-----/ Thank you SassyIrishLass
From your praised opinion piece...

No, Bragg did not specifically pledge, "If elected, I will indict Donald J. Trump."
From your praised opinion piece...

No, Bragg did not specifically pledge, "If elected, I will indict Donald J. Trump."
/------/ Funny how you parse the words for democRATs, but give wide latitude for anything Orange Man Bad.
No, Bragg did not specifically pledge, "If elected, I will indict Donald J. Trump." But he promised to pursue Trump and hold him "accountable," which is liberal code for going after Trump in any way possible.
It was opposition research,....


'Opposition research' her lawyer took to the FBI at her request and was used later as the basis for Obama's / the failed attempted coup against Trump...

Oh, honey, no...that dog won't hunt.

/------/ Funny how you parse the words for democRATs, but give wide latitude for anything Orange Man Bad.
No, Bragg did not specifically pledge, "If elected, I will indict Donald J. Trump." But he promised to pursue Trump and hold him "accountable," which is liberal code for going after Trump in any way possible.
SOOO, He should have said in his Democratic primary race,


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'Opposition research' her lawyer took to the FBI at her request and was used later as the basis for Obama's / the failed attempted coup against Trump...

Oh, honey, no...that dog won't hunt.

The investigation in to Russian interference came months before the dossier....

And I thought McCain brought it to the fbi?
There it is people

Looks like it worked. Hopefully he gave his campaign strategists a bonus.
Both Biden and Bragg have in writing their goal to “get Trump” and prevent him from running again

I guarantee this trial will go on until late 2024 and there will be state and federal efforts to disqualify him from being on the ballot due to “charges against him”?
There it is people

And Trump ran on 'LOCK HER UP"


And just look who's under felony indictment.

Promises Made Promises Kept

Remember that beside getting Trump they want to get All self sustaining, thinking Americans. They consider all of us a threat as evidenced by the 1/6 pursuits against all Trump supporters.
where in the Constitution does it say that?

Understanding the 6th Amendment - US Constitution -

Because under United States law an individual is "innocent until proven guilty", it is important for those facing accusations or allegations of a crime to be provided with specific rights. The Sixth Amendment provides for six distinct rights under its provisions: 1) Speedy Trial 2) Public Trial 3) Impartial Jury 4) Notice of Accusation

Understanding the 6th Amendment - US Constitution -

Because under United States law an individual is "innocent until proven guilty", it is important for those facing accusations or allegations of a crime to be provided with specific rights. The Sixth Amendment provides for six distinct rights under its provisions: 1) Speedy Trial 2) Public Trial 3) Impartial Jury 4) Notice of Accusation
But….but…but….the words are too black and that’s racist
Soros doesn't know him, or know of him....

Try again!
Soros gave indirectly to Bragg through several foundations, that’s his MO. The fact that he denies he gave directly to Bragg is nothing but a cover story and flies in the face of your story about him not knowing about Bragg….’try again.’

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