Brain dead girl moved to different hospital

There have been cases where people declared "Brain Dead" have made full recoveries.

Again, regardless of this girl's prognosis, leaving her in the hospital where the negligence of staff put her in a vegetative state to start with was a bad idea. They had a vested interest in pulling the plug.

It would probably be better to put her into another hospital, and have another set of doctors be the ones to work on the parents to bring them around.

But in the meantime, no one is really being hurt by keeping her plugged in.


Link please!

Here guy, I'll use one of your own heroes... Michelle Malkin

The Gifts of Jahi | RealClearPolitics

There are plenty of reasons to question the medical establishment’s handling of catastrophic cases involving brain injury and “brain death.” In 2008, doctors were dead certain that 21-year-old Zack Dunlop was legally deceased after a horrible ATV accident. Tests showed there was no blood flow to his brain. His hospital issued a death notice. Authorities prepared to harvest his organs. But family members were not convinced. A cousin who happened to be a nurse tested Zack’s reflexes on his own one last time as the hospital swooped in. The “brain dead” “body” responded. Forty-eight days later, the supposedly impossible happened: “Brain dead” Zack Dunlop walked out of the hospital and lived to tell about his miraculous recovery on The Today Show.

The immense pressure Jahi’s family faces to give up and give in reminded me of another child written off by medical and governmental officials: Haleigh Poutre. She’s the miracle child who was nearly beaten to death by her barbaric stepfather. Hooked to a ventilator in a comatose state, she was then nearly condemned to death by Massachusetts medical experts and the state’s criminally negligent child-welfare bureaucracy, which hastily declared her to be in a hopeless vegetative state and wanted to pull the plug on her life.

The “experts” were wrong. Haleigh breathed on her own; a caring team of therapists nursed her back to health. Soon she was brushing her hair and feeding herself. She lived to testify against her abusive stepfather, now behind bars. Her survival is a stark warning against blind, yielding trust in Big Nanny and Big Medicine.

The experts were wrong, the kid wasn't brain dead.

Try again in showing a case were a "brain dead" individual made a full recovery because this was a huge fail.
So the dead don't need to be frozen or embalmed to not decompose?

Not if the body is maintained by machinery. They can be kept for months. The hospital got what it wanted, a waiver. Now if the parents do decide to sue, the hospital has a waiver of liability. Maybe the family can shift blame to the new facility, although that's doubtful.

Maybe the donations that are coming in outweigh the rather paltry sum the family might recover in a malpractice suit. After attorney fees and costs, in a lawsuit the family might walk away with $100,000, they have that in donations already.
So the dead don't need to be frozen or embalmed to not decompose?

Not if the body is maintained by machinery. They can be kept for months. The hospital got what it wanted, a waiver. Now if the parents do decide to sue, the hospital has a waiver of liability. Maybe the family can shift blame to the new facility, although that's doubtful.

Maybe the donations that are coming in outweigh the rather paltry sum the family might recover in a malpractice suit. After attorney fees and costs, in a lawsuit the family might walk away with $100,000, they have that in donations already.

And the coroner has issued a death certificate. That corpse is off the books.
So because she's dead soneone could go into where she is and slit her throat and only face trespassing charges since you can murder or assault someone who is dead?
Well there are laws about that kind of stuff. Pervert morticians made those happen.
I recall everyone on the Right fought to keep Terri Schiavo on life support, including congressmen taking to the floor of congress.
Terri Schiavo was not dead. Jahai McMath is dead Terri Schiavo wasn't on life supporr either. . Apparently Jahai is starting to decompose.
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In the future they will probably be able to remain people but will they? Where will organs come from? Grow them?
I am afraid that this girl is being turned into a family moneymaker the way Trayvon Martin has been turned into a cash cow.

The dead black kid charities are springing up like daisies in May.
The new facility has "been very welcoming with open arms. They have beliefs just like ours," Sealey said. "They believe as we do...It's a place where she is going to get the treatment she deserves."

It's good to know that there are still folks out there who value human life. I applaud both the new facility and those who issued the donations.
This really will be quite interesting. How far will decomposition get before the bury her to
cover up the stink? I'll bet the family claims she's smiling as rigor pulls her lips back.

And now no more medical malpractice claim either. Not that this family would have gotten much, if anything.
Terri Schiavo was not dead. Jahai McMath is dead Terri Schiavo wasn't on life supporr either. . Apparently Jahai is starting to decompose.

Schivio was dead - her feeding tube kept her alive. Remove that life support and she died.

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