Brain dead girl moved to different hospital

Terri Schiavo was not dead. Jahai McMath is dead Terri Schiavo wasn't on life supporr either. . Apparently Jahai is starting to decompose.
Schivio was dead - her feeding tube kept her alive. Remove that life support and she died.

If food and water was withheld from you, you would assuredly die too. Is feeding someone life support? No.
Terri Schiavo was not dead. Jahai McMath is dead Terri Schiavo wasn't on life supporr either. . Apparently Jahai is starting to decompose.

Schivio was dead - her feeding tube kept her alive. Remove that life support and she died.
An autopsy revealed that Schiavo's brain had liquified ... that's dead.

Yet that liquefied brain functioned enough to keep a heart beating, lungs breathing and food digesting.

Unlike Jahai McMath whose brain can do none of those things. That's dead.
I recall everyone on the Right fought to keep Terri Schiavo on life support, including congressmen taking to the floor of congress.

Yes. We prefer people to not be killed in cruel ways. Especially when there is a major conflict of interest for the person making the decision.
Ok let's stop right here with the uninformed comments. She's not decomposing. If and I say if because none of the netspurts here knows, she would be in vasospasm. eventually this will cause her brain tissue to die. But lack of regulation hormones being produced with cause her heart to stop before that ever happens.
She's dead. Pull the fucking plug and 86 the fucking media-fueled melodrama.

Plain and simple.

I think that by now sadly there is nothing more to do.

doctors said so....

It'd be a good idea to pull fucking plug I think.

Let her soul go.
The new facility has "been very welcoming with open arms. They have beliefs just like ours," Sealey said. "They believe as we do...It's a place where she is going to get the treatment she deserves."

It's good to know that there are still folks out there who value human life. I applaud both the new facility and those who issued the donations.

They ( the new facility) believe they're gonna make a killing. No pun intended.
Terri Schiavo was not dead. Jahai McMath is dead Terri Schiavo wasn't on life supporr either. . Apparently Jahai is starting to decompose.
Schivio was dead - her feeding tube kept her alive. Remove that life support and she died.

If food and water was withheld from you, you would assuredly die too. Is feeding someone life support? No.

It is, if that feeding tube is the only thing keeping you alive.
Ok let's stop right here with the uninformed comments. She's not decomposing. If and I say if because none of the netspurts here knows, she would be in vasospasm. eventually this will cause her brain tissue to die. But lack of regulation hormones being produced with cause her heart to stop before that ever happens.

Jahi McMath: Family says brain-dead teen's body may be too deteriorated to save -

ven heroic efforts to sustain her, such as a ventilator, can backfire, said Slatkin.

"You're applying abnormal pressure to keep the lungs open and functioning, which creates small tears in the lining of the air sacs and bronchial tree, opening up the possibility of infection."

Every cell in the body is programmed to die, he noted. But the assault of stress hormones, immune dysfunction and massive inflammation accelerates death, he said.

In her court declaration, Children's Hospital Oakland pediatrician Flori laid out the clear indications that Jahi's body was deteriorating. The tissues under her skin were losing their elasticity, and her muscles were contracting. Her blood pressure spiked but was gradually declining. Blankets were needed to maintain a constant temperature.

"This deterioration became inevitable the moment she died," Flori said. "Additional and more dramatic signs of the body's deterioration will continue to manifest over time, regardless of any procedures and regardless of any heroic measures that any facility might attempt."

She's decomposing.

"She's being given antibiotics to help combat infections that have been growing while she was laying in the bed. She is being given some nutritional support. She's being given essential supplements such as potassium," said Christopher Dolan, the family attorney.

The 13-year-old was removed at about 8 p.m. Sunday night when a critical care ambulance pulled up to the back of Children's Hospital.

"She's there now actually in her new home, where she's going to be treated like the innocent little girl that she is and not like a deceased body the way Children's Hospital has been treating her," said Sealey.

"She's deceased and unfortunately a body, and this is in our court record in the court statements we filed on Friday, her body is deteriorating and that is a natural course of events when a person is deceased," said Children's Hospital spokesperson Melinda Krigel.

In papers filed in federal court by Children's Hospital, doctors say Jahi's body was unable to regulate temperature and they could not correct or improve the manifestations of "the post-mortem deterioration."

She's decomposing.
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i pulled the plug on my Dad !!!!

he had a living will that stated, NO artificial means of life support the hospital insisted he remain on minimal support which was Oxygen and an IV, Dad was in a deep coma and the team of Doctors told me there was little hope of him recovering from that due to to his age (95) and the severity of the hip surgery.

i had to get his lawyer and a judge to agree the IV and Oxy. was in FACT artificial means of life support, after the IV and Oxy. was removed i was sitting at his bed side holding his hand when i felt the life pass away, and i also felt the passing of his soul.., for about 5 seconds there was a feeling of the presence of a "guide" in the room, then there was just me and a dead body !!
Facility offers to care for girl declared brain dead

Well they got their victory, and now she is being moved. Inevitably this family will start getting donations to pay to keep the body of their daughter alive, because they sure as hell wont be able to afford it on their own. I say if we're gonna do this, lets do it right. If the family wants to keep her around, we should have a mech suit designed to walk their brain dead daughter around. That way they can go to the park with her, take her to the mall, etc. You wont be able to communicate with her, but she will be on display for everyone to look at. She would be a hit a comic con. We could probably recoup our losses by letting people take a picture with her at $100 a pop.

Seems like I've read you saying you're a "christian".

Naw ... can't be.
apparently none of you are parents....a parent will always hope ...simple as that

That may be true, but in the end she is nothing more than a living piece of taxidermy on display for the family. Also, within a couple years her tendons will begin to shrink, which will result in pulling her body permanently into the fetal position and turning her into a twisted form of her previous self. Keeping her around is just morbid.

Decerebrate and decorticate posturing begins immediately.
Related - Another beautiful little girl -

Hawaii girl, 3, dies after dental procedure

A 3-year-old Hawaii girl who suffered massive brain injuries last month after a dental procedure died late Friday, said an attorney for the child's family.

Earlier this week, the family of Finley Boyle, 3, filed a lawsuit against dentist Lilly Geyer and Island Dentistry for Children in Honolulu, alleging that the child was given incorrect dosages of sedatives and that the hospital staff was not properly trained for emergencies.

On Dec. 3, Ashley Boyle took her young daughter to Island Dentistry for extensive dental work, which the family states in court documents was recommended by Dr. Geyer.

The planned procedures included four root canals and multiple cavity fillings, according to the documents.

The Boyle family's attorney L. Richard Fried Jr. said Saturday that the child was given "grossly excessive" amounts of sedatives, went into cardiac arrest and later suffered brain damage.

The family charges that the staff was improperly trained for emergencies and failed to check the patient's vital signs for 26 minutes.

"It ended up being a massive overdose," said Fried

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