Brave French Wage War Against Global Warming


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Much safer fighting fictitious monsters rather than the Islamic terrorists now taking over their nation.

And the French aren't even good at fighting mythical monsters.

And the French aren't even good at fighting mythical monsters.

They're not much good at fighting real ones either; on the bright side, at least the mythical ones won't come goose stepping down the Champs-Elysees after they kick the shit out of the French.
They elected a person who says that terrorism is just something that has to be accepted.

Well I don't know about you, but I am a bit more concerned about being blown to 100 pieces, than having to live in a climate that is 0.2 degrees warmer. The temporary increase of 200 degrees by the bombs of the terrorists are certainly a lot more of a concern.
You never hear the key question of questions ever asked:
Outstanding! And the libtards are shitting the sheets over the USA! Why dew libtards hate America?
You never hear the key question of questions ever asked:

We are in a period of excellent climate from a historical perspective, excellent from the standpoint of human needs, between ice ages not too hot not too cold and stable. Nothing we humans do will ensure that remains the case, the Earth's climate changes radically based on a number of factors outside of our control (the wobble of the Axis of the Planet, variable solar activity, the fact that the Sun continues to heat up as it ages, even the amount of cosmic rays hitting atmosphere, etc..,etc..,).

Of course the variations tend to take place over long (from a human perspective) periods of time so the best we can do is avoid doing anything that triggers a rapid destabilization of the climate and IMHO avoiding that will be a factor of invention and innovation from the PRIVATE sector, government is the absolute worst "solution" since history is pretty clear that government is only really good at two things, fleecing the citizenry of liberty and property and rampant bloodshed & destruction.

Heck if we leave it up to government we're likely to find ourselves living on a frozen snowball or eking out an existence under conditions remarkably similar to the European Dark Ages.;)
You never hear the key question of questions ever asked:

We are in a period of excellent climate from a historical perspective, excellent from the standpoint of human needs, between ice ages not too hot not too cold and stable. Nothing we humans do will ensure that remains the case, the Earth's climate changes radically based on a number of factors outside of our control (the wobble of the Axis of the Planet, variable solar activity, the fact that the Sun continues to heat up as it ages, even the amount of cosmic rays hitting atmosphere, etc..,etc..,).

Of course the variations tend to take place over long (from a human perspective) periods of time so the best we can do is avoid doing anything that triggers a rapid destabilization of the climate and IMHO avoiding that will be a factor of invention and innovation from the PRIVATE sector, government is the absolute worst "solution" since history is pretty clear that government is only really good at two things, fleecing the citizenry of liberty and property and rampant bloodshed & destruction.

Heck if we leave it up to government we're likely to find ourselves living on a frozen snowball or eking out an existence under conditions remarkably similar to the European Dark Ages.;)
The most prolific period of life on earth is when there was no ice in the polar regions.
You never hear the key question of questions ever asked:

We are in a period of excellent climate from a historical perspective, excellent from the standpoint of human needs, between ice ages not too hot not too cold and stable. Nothing we humans do will ensure that remains the case, the Earth's climate changes radically based on a number of factors outside of our control (the wobble of the Axis of the Planet, variable solar activity, the fact that the Sun continues to heat up as it ages, even the amount of cosmic rays hitting atmosphere, etc..,etc..,).

Of course the variations tend to take place over long (from a human perspective) periods of time so the best we can do is avoid doing anything that triggers a rapid destabilization of the climate and IMHO avoiding that will be a factor of invention and innovation from the PRIVATE sector, government is the absolute worst "solution" since history is pretty clear that government is only really good at two things, fleecing the citizenry of liberty and property and rampant bloodshed & destruction.

Heck if we leave it up to government we're likely to find ourselves living on a frozen snowball or eking out an existence under conditions remarkably similar to the European Dark Ages.;)
The most prolific period of life on earth is when there was no ice in the polar regions.
That's really irrelevant, we're not talking about life in general, we're talking about Human Civilization and how it has adapted to the current, stable and hospitable climate, a rapid shift or destabilization of the climate would definitely wreak havoc on modern civilization, civilization would likely adapt over the long term but in the short term dislocations would be widespread and very unpleasant for a great many people. So it's in the best interests of modern civilization that the current climate remain as it is for as long as possible.

Life on Earth will continue to thrive long after we Humans are gone (regardless of whatever environmental damage we do while we're here) because life is highly adaptable and even at it's worst the Earth is extremely hospitable to life, not to mention the planet is "self healing" over geological time scales.

The Cult of Climate Change claim about "saving the Planet" is ridiculous since the Planet doesn't need anyone to "save" it, it's perfectly capable of taking care of itself as it has done for 4.6 billion years.

"I’m tired of fuckin’ Earth Day, I’m tired of these self-righteous environmentalists, these white bourgeoise liberals who think the only thing wrong with this country is there aren’t enough bicycle paths. People trying to make the world safe for their Volvos. Besides, environmentalist don’t give a shit about the planet, they don’t care about the planet, not in the abstract they don’t, not in the abstract they don’t. You know what they’re interested in? A clean place to live. Their own habitat. They’re worried that someday in the future they might be personally inconvenienced. Narrow, unenlightened self-interest doesn’t impress me. Besides, there is nothing wrong with the planet, nothing wrong with the planet. The planet is fine. The people are fucked." -- George Carlin
The US can only exhibit climate leadership by following along with what everyone else is doing.
You never hear the key question of questions ever asked:

We are in a period of excellent climate from a historical perspective, excellent from the standpoint of human needs, between ice ages not too hot not too cold and stable. Nothing we humans do will ensure that remains the case, the Earth's climate changes radically based on a number of factors outside of our control (the wobble of the Axis of the Planet, variable solar activity, the fact that the Sun continues to heat up as it ages, even the amount of cosmic rays hitting atmosphere, etc..,etc..,).

Of course the variations tend to take place over long (from a human perspective) periods of time so the best we can do is avoid doing anything that triggers a rapid destabilization of the climate and IMHO avoiding that will be a factor of invention and innovation from the PRIVATE sector, government is the absolute worst "solution" since history is pretty clear that government is only really good at two things, fleecing the citizenry of liberty and property and rampant bloodshed & destruction.

Heck if we leave it up to government we're likely to find ourselves living on a frozen snowball or eking out an existence under conditions remarkably similar to the European Dark Ages.;)
The most prolific period of life on earth is when there was no ice in the polar regions.
That's really irrelevant, we're not talking about life in general, we're talking about Human Civilization and how it has adapted to the current, stable and hospitable climate, a rapid shift or destabilization of the climate would definitely wreak havoc on modern civilization, civilization would likely adapt over the long term but in the short term dislocations would be widespread and very unpleasant for a great many people. So it's in the best interests of modern civilization that the current climate remain as it is for as long as possible.

Life on Earth will continue to thrive long after we Humans are gone (regardless of whatever environmental damage we do while we're here) because life is highly adaptable and even at it's worst the Earth is extremely hospitable to life, not to mention the planet is "self healing" over geological time scales.

The Cult of Climate Change claim about "saving the Planet" is ridiculous since the Planet doesn't need anyone to "save" it, it's perfectly capable of taking care of itself as it has done for 4.6 billion years.

"I’m tired of fuckin’ Earth Day, I’m tired of these self-righteous environmentalists, these white bourgeoise liberals who think the only thing wrong with this country is there aren’t enough bicycle paths. People trying to make the world safe for their Volvos. Besides, environmentalist don’t give a shit about the planet, they don’t care about the planet, not in the abstract they don’t, not in the abstract they don’t. You know what they’re interested in? A clean place to live. Their own habitat. They’re worried that someday in the future they might be personally inconvenienced. Narrow, unenlightened self-interest doesn’t impress me. Besides, there is nothing wrong with the planet, nothing wrong with the planet. The planet is fine. The people are fucked." -- George Carlin
Yet no one even talks of spending a dime on adapting and all the usual suspects still fly their private jets around the world to attend climate conferences.
If Trump believes climate change is a hoax, why did he offer to open negotiations that could lead to rejoining the accords?
You never hear the key question of questions ever asked:

We are in a period of excellent climate from a historical perspective, excellent from the standpoint of human needs, between ice ages not too hot not too cold and stable. Nothing we humans do will ensure that remains the case, the Earth's climate changes radically based on a number of factors outside of our control (the wobble of the Axis of the Planet, variable solar activity, the fact that the Sun continues to heat up as it ages, even the amount of cosmic rays hitting atmosphere, etc..,etc..,).

Of course the variations tend to take place over long (from a human perspective) periods of time so the best we can do is avoid doing anything that triggers a rapid destabilization of the climate and IMHO avoiding that will be a factor of invention and innovation from the PRIVATE sector, government is the absolute worst "solution" since history is pretty clear that government is only really good at two things, fleecing the citizenry of liberty and property and rampant bloodshed & destruction.

Heck if we leave it up to government we're likely to find ourselves living on a frozen snowball or eking out an existence under conditions remarkably similar to the European Dark Ages.;)
The most prolific period of life on earth is when there was no ice in the polar regions.
That's really irrelevant, we're not talking about life in general, we're talking about Human Civilization and how it has adapted to the current, stable and hospitable climate, a rapid shift or destabilization of the climate would definitely wreak havoc on modern civilization, civilization would likely adapt over the long term but in the short term dislocations would be widespread and very unpleasant for a great many people. So it's in the best interests of modern civilization that the current climate remain as it is for as long as possible.

Life on Earth will continue to thrive long after we Humans are gone (regardless of whatever environmental damage we do while we're here) because life is highly adaptable and even at it's worst the Earth is extremely hospitable to life, not to mention the planet is "self healing" over geological time scales.

The Cult of Climate Change claim about "saving the Planet" is ridiculous since the Planet doesn't need anyone to "save" it, it's perfectly capable of taking care of itself as it has done for 4.6 billion years.

"I’m tired of fuckin’ Earth Day, I’m tired of these self-righteous environmentalists, these white bourgeoise liberals who think the only thing wrong with this country is there aren’t enough bicycle paths. People trying to make the world safe for their Volvos. Besides, environmentalist don’t give a shit about the planet, they don’t care about the planet, not in the abstract they don’t, not in the abstract they don’t. You know what they’re interested in? A clean place to live. Their own habitat. They’re worried that someday in the future they might be personally inconvenienced. Narrow, unenlightened self-interest doesn’t impress me. Besides, there is nothing wrong with the planet, nothing wrong with the planet. The planet is fine. The people are fucked." -- George Carlin
Yet no one even talks of spending a dime on adapting and all the usual suspects still fly their private jets around the world to attend climate conferences.

We don't need to spend anything on "adapting", technology is and will continue to evolve in way that's not only adaptive and standard of living enhancing but also profitable over the long haul, just let the market do what it does best without the heavy, self serving hands of politicians and bureaucrats getting in its way.

As far as the "usual suspects" go, yes they're the ultimate hypocrites but one must keep in mind that for the most part they don't give a damn about the climate, they're only interested in using it as a pretext to fleece the common folk and increase their own power and prestige, so in a way Trump was right, it is a "hoax" or more accurately a scam and all the useful idiots that run around jabbering about how we need government to "fix" the climate are the marks.

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