Bravo Angola - Angola Bans Islam and Closes All Mosques!!!

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Apr 22, 2007
Finally a country sees the death cult of Islam for what it is! It's a threat that needs to be fought against. Angola is the first official country to ban it and close all their mosques. I believe Myanmar is next!

The liberal douche bags will say oh the humanity! A worthless African country giving into Islamophobia. They will say this despite the fact that Islam is destroying the West and every country it infests! They will say it's the same as what the NAZIs did to the Jews. That's a weak red herring and false metaphors. Regardless of the rhetoric, the Jews did assimilate, they didn't seek to take over and transform the country and they were no threat! Islam is already transforming the West, they seek to control and fundamentally change every country they touch and they are a true and major threat to the world!

But I digress, bravo Angola and godspeed!

Angola bans Islam and shuts down all mosques | Mail Online
Angola has reportedly declared Islam illegal and ordered for all of the country’s mosques to be closed down.

Minister of culture Rosa Cruz e Silva said that mosques in the largely Christian country would be closed until further notice.
Bravo Angola - Angola Bans Islam and Closes All Mosques!!!

Fortunately we live in the United States, where such violations of religious liberty are prohibited by the First Amendment and its case law, and where religious liberty is protected from the hate and ignorance exhibited by the likes of the OP.
Bravo Angola - Angola Bans Islam and Closes All Mosques!!!

Fortunately we live in the United States, where such violations of religious liberty are prohibited by the First Amendment and its case law, and where religious liberty is protected from the hate and ignorance exhibited by the likes of the OP.
Yet idiots like you oppose the one true God being preached in schools and Gov't. offices. Hypocrites. Good for Angola, ban the satan worshipers.
Muslims do not worship Satan..................

Allah is the Arabic word for "God"; Muslims hold the Old Testament, and part of the New Testament as the word of of Allah. Abraham is acknowledged as a prophet of God, among other Old Testment figures.

I wouldn't go quite THAT far.
The Koran itself testifies it's belief in Musar (Moses) and that the Torah he received from God (Allah) is valid.
HOWEVER, the Koran itself testifies that no current copy of the Torah can be trusted due to corruptions in the text over several hundred years of exile.

Mohammed was illiterate and is thus is trusted by billions of Muslims that the current "versions" of the Torah can't be trusted.
He was lucky in that the overwhelming majority of his followers were illiterate and thus didn't check out whether or not his "fact" was fact or the bullshit it actually was.

And that, my friend, is just ONE reason why the Koran is a hunk of bullshit.
Angola should probably worry a little more about the fact they're one of the most backward third world nations on Earth, and less about whether 1% of their population deserves freedom of religion.

But it is amazing to see how much Conservatives seem to have with the leaders of third-world tin-pot shitholes
Let's watch and see if God smiles on them and makes them a prosperous and just place.
Islam is much more than just a religion because of Sharia Law....

sharia not only governs religious conduct but it also governs secular law....

sharia also governs politics and economics...

Angola was smart to ban this governmental system from their country at 1% before it became a problem too big to what is currently happening in many European countries....
Religion is personal. It can't be eliminated. It can be "banned" but -- that's just a law.
Such laws tend to incite interest in the banned substance and create an underground for it.

In the article:
>> Along with Islam, which is a religion associated with less than 1 per cent of the population of 19 million, 194 other &#8216;sects&#8217; have been banned in the nation, where more than half the population is Christian. <<

The wages of theocracy.
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