Brazil mandates 20% of govt jobs must go to blacks

[ Facts are as soon as whitey moves out of the position of being able to dictate things, mysteriously Black people excel. Practically everyone knows this but insecure white men.


The board keeps asking you why didn't that happen in the congo or zimbabwe or South Africa?

Dont assign the board your ignorance. You keep asking why it didnt happen even though facts have you looking like the slow thinking moron you are.

Go google Great Zimbabwe and the Shona people. Your primary education did you a great disservice. It has exposed you for the low level. low intelligence, genetically inferior, inbred white trash you are.
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[ Facts are as soon as whitey moves out of the position of being able to dictate things, mysteriously Black people excel. Practically everyone knows this but insecure white men.


The board keeps asking you why didn't that happen in the congo or zimbabwe or South Africa?

The board isn't asking anything, you are.

How stupid of you to assume that every Black person has some insight into the internal politics and history of every Black group of people in the world.

Actually South African blacks are doing quite well now that the burden of racist apartied policies aren't holding them back.

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Naturally, these white-hating bigots call this law a way to FIGHT racism and promote equality!!!!

Brazil: 20% of public sector jobs reserved for Blacks. | White GeNOcide Project

• June 16, 2014 •

In Brazil, a new law has been passed that legally requires 20% of the public sector jobs to be for Black people

The president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, passed the law because she believes it will stop “racial discrimination“. “This is a victory against racial discrimination achieved through the implementation of government policies” she said. "From now on, 20 percent of the federal executive vacancies are reserved for blacks“.

Minister for Racial Equality, Luiza Bairros, supports this law on the grounds that it is necessary to make people equal.

Well, they always say 20% of your people take 80% of your time

Just saying


Finally people are ascending to the place their intellect can take them.
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