Break down of Sandy Hook shooting....

Winter.....15 years ago today, I spent the day on 10 North at the local SUNY Hospital on special assignment with a client of mine who had a nervous breakdown. While on the floor, there was a long haired middle aged man walking around the floor talking to people and telling them he was Jesus. Went on and on about the CIA and FBI!!! Told me he was Jesus.

Trying to have a logical conversation with Joe B is always going to be as fruitful as my brief talk with this Jesus guy I met on the crazy ward in the hospital. Like the Jesus guy, its in the cyclical thinking.......what a psychiatrist once said to me was a "setting screws issue". Brain anatomy wise, its a serotonin uptake problem. People with a serious mental can talk for 100 years and its in one ear and out the other. Its called OCD.........falls under the umbrella of depression. A pathology in the area of thought processing. Im in the field for 30 years so I can see it 1,000 miles away. That why all I do is make fun of him. Without a good pharmalogical aid, nothing will change for this this time next year, he will fast be approaching 100,000 posts. Shit is pretty damn debilitating.
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So you NEED freedom of speech? You NEED freedom of religion? You NEED the right to gather peaceably?

I could do without freedom of religion. I htink the sooner we out grow religion the better. But yeah, those other things are needed so people can express themselves politically.

You having a gun to make up for your itty-bitty pecker is not needed. It's not like you are actually going to ever join a well-regulated militia.
Dip shit....Bush was a drinker...he didn't use drugs...even democrat asshole, Lanny Davis said Bush didn't use cocaine and he was in the fraternity with him....

And Bush made up the drill dates...just like I did, when I missed a monthly training period.....

He didn't miss one MUTA. He missed a years worth. More to the point, he was an officer.

As for Dubya's drug use.

The Bush Cocaine Chronicles Complicity and Cover-up John Seery

What amazes me is that here we are, six years into Bush's presidency, and the press still refuses to treat the longstanding stories about Bush's cocaine use with the severity and scrutiny that such charges surely deserve, given the high level stakes involved. The issue is no longer simply how and why Bush has successfully dodged the topic for his entire political career. The story now should be why the press has treated him with kid gloves for so long.

On one part of this story, Bush's record is perfectly clear: in every political campaign he has ever waged, he has skillfully evaded "the cocaine question," probably in much the same way that he avoided appearing for his drug test while serving in the National Guard.

For those who are not members of the National Guard...even for members who are pilots of the Air Guard, each year you attend drills once a month....usually Saturday and Sunday, sometimes starting on a Friday night. Each year you attend 2 weeks of annual training on a regular military base or fort...we would go to Fort McCoy, when it was active, and Camp Grayling Michigan. So that is about 38 days of training, not including Friday nights....when I missed a drill date...I made it up.....Bush said he made up his days.....

No story....even for a pilot....I have even had guys just quit the guard....stop attending drills and nothing happened to it was a non story from the start....

No surprise the democrats failed to tell the truth....
For those who are not members of the National Guard...even for members who are pilots of the Air Guard, each year you attend drills once a month....usually Saturday and Sunday, sometimes starting on a Friday night. Each year you attend 2 weeks of annual training on a regular military base or fort...we would go to Fort McCoy, when it was active, and Camp Grayling Michigan. So that is about 38 days of training, not including Friday nights....when I missed a drill date...I made it up.....Bush said he made up his days.....

Guy, I was with the ILARNG for a number of years. I know how it's played.

First, no one would let you miss a YEAR'S worth of drills. (Or as they were called, UTA- Unit Training Assemblies). Action would be taken to either remove you from the rolls or correct your behavior, and yes, it would have been a much bigger deal if it had been an officer.

And, no, an officer who didn't show up for drills for over a year, refused to take his mandetory physical, and had his flight status revoked really does indicate a serious issue.

Now, yeah, the period this happened in, when the draft ended, and the National Guard had people who had joined to avoid the draft - professional athletes, sons of the rich and politicians - got out in droves while returning veterans from Vietnam filled the ranks.

But logically, it's a lot more apparent that Bush had some issues at that point, and because of his family's prominance, he got a pass that your average guardsman would not have gotten.

No story....even for a pilot....I have even had guys just quit the guard....stop attending drills and nothing happened to it was a non story from the start....

But, guy there was a big difference between the period i was in (During the 1980's) when, yeah, if you didn't show up, all they could do was separate you from the Guard and put you into the IRR (Individual Ready Reserve)

Back in the 1960's and early 1970's, if you didn't fulfill your Guard obligations, they threw you over to the regular forces and they sent your ass to Vietnam.

Now, the date when Bush did this - 1972 and 1973, the war was winding down, and he probably figured he could get away with it because the whole system was falling off the rails. But the guy didn't do his duty.

So you NEED freedom of speech? You NEED freedom of religion? You NEED the right to gather peaceably?

I could do without freedom of religion. I htink the sooner we out grow religion the better. But yeah, those other things are needed so people can express themselves politically.

You having a gun to make up for your itty-bitty pecker is not needed. It's not like you are actually going to ever join a well-regulated militia.

So the rights that matter are the ones YOU think matter? lmao

I'm available if there is a need. And quit obsessing over my penis.
So the rights that matter are the ones YOU think matter? lmao

I'm available if there is a need. And quit obsessing over my penis.

Guy, I've explained this to you. There are no "rights". There are only privileges the rest of society thinks you should have.

Any fool who thinks he has "rights" needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942".

No, what we have is a general concensus of what is reasonable. Posting "Obama Sucks" is reasonable, putting up a billboard with child porn on it isn't. Just because the first Amendment says "Freedom of Speech", there's limits to what people will tolerate.

The thing is, you can claim you have a right to a gun, but eventually, people are just going to get sick and tired of watching small children being wheeled out to the meat wagon because some nut was able to get a gun.
So the rights that matter are the ones YOU think matter? lmao

I'm available if there is a need. And quit obsessing over my penis.

Guy, I've explained this to you. There are no "rights". There are only privileges the rest of society thinks you should have.

Any fool who thinks he has "rights" needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942".

No, what we have is a general concensus of what is reasonable. Posting "Obama Sucks" is reasonable, putting up a billboard with child porn on it isn't. Just because the first Amendment says "Freedom of Speech", there's limits to what people will tolerate.

The thing is, you can claim you have a right to a gun, but eventually, people are just going to get sick and tired of watching small children being wheeled out to the meat wagon because some nut was able to get a gun.

You keep making the same claim. And yet, since we started showing these pics you claim will change things, little or nothing has changed.

I have rights. I have never claimed that they cannot be abridged, based on my own actions (like felons not owning guns or not being able to yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater). But they are rights based on the fundamental principles of our gov't and society. Are they always followed and allowed? No. That does not make them nonexistent.
So the rights that matter are the ones YOU think matter? lmao

I'm available if there is a need. And quit obsessing over my penis.

Guy, I've explained this to you. There are no "rights". There are only privileges the rest of society thinks you should have.

Any fool who thinks he has "rights" needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942".

No, what we have is a general concensus of what is reasonable. Posting "Obama Sucks" is reasonable, putting up a billboard with child porn on it isn't. Just because the first Amendment says "Freedom of Speech", there's limits to what people will tolerate.

The thing is, you can claim you have a right to a gun, but eventually, people are just going to get sick and tired of watching small children being wheeled out to the meat wagon because some nut was able to get a gun.

You keep making the same claim. And yet, since we started showing these pics you claim will change things, little or nothing has changed.

I have rights. I have never claimed that they cannot be abridged, based on my own actions (like felons not owning guns or not being able to yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater). But they are rights based on the fundamental principles of our gov't and society. Are they always followed and allowed? No. That does not make them nonexistent.

Winter......look at his last ability to think on the margin. Just the fact that everything he states is put in such a manner like its mainstream thinking is beyond laughable.
I have rights. I have never claimed that they cannot be abridged, based on my own actions (like felons not owning guns or not being able to yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater). But they are rights based on the fundamental principles of our gov't and society. Are they always followed and allowed? No. That does not make them nonexistent.

NO, it makes them what society allows.

If society turned violently against gun ownership, do you think you'd have the right to keep a gun for very long?
You keep making the same claim. And yet, since we started showing these pics you claim will change things, little or nothing has changed.

Guy, the level of panic every time there is a mass shooting by you guys is evidence you are losing the argument.

Heck, the NRA was willing to cut a deal with Obama after Sandy Hook.

Sandy Hook Shooting Sparks Gun Sales Surge
Posted: 12/17/2012 5:40 pm EST Updated: 12/18/2012 6:19 pm EST

Hey s0n.....there is a "Twilight Zone" special running all day on cable today!!!! Every year on New Years Day. Perfect timing s0n!!!

Sandy Hook Shooting Sparks Gun Sales Surge
You keep making the same claim. And yet, since we started showing these pics you claim will change things, little or nothing has changed.

Guy, the level of panic every time there is a mass shooting by you guys is evidence you are losing the argument.

Heck, the NRA was willing to cut a deal with Obama after Sandy Hook.

Guy, the level of panic is evidence that the media loves fear mongering.

These mass shootings account for less than 1% of the gun deaths. And in every case, the shooter is either dead or captured. Why does anyone panic? Your chances of being struck by lightning are greater than your changes of being killed in one of the mass shootings. If you panic it is your own fault for allowing your fears to be manipulated.
I have rights. I have never claimed that they cannot be abridged, based on my own actions (like felons not owning guns or not being able to yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater). But they are rights based on the fundamental principles of our gov't and society. Are they always followed and allowed? No. That does not make them nonexistent.

If society turned violently against gun ownership, ?

LMAO....operative term being "if"................

Meanwhile, in the land of Realville ( not Bumfook :coffee: ).........guns have NEVER been as popular!!

Record number of Americans oppose handgun ban - The Washington Post
I have rights. I have never claimed that they cannot be abridged, based on my own actions (like felons not owning guns or not being able to yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater). But they are rights based on the fundamental principles of our gov't and society. Are they always followed and allowed? No. That does not make them nonexistent.

NO, it makes them what society allows.

If society turned violently against gun ownership, do you think you'd have the right to keep a gun for very long?

Our society is formed by our system of gov't. The basis of that is the US Constitution. Now you can bluster & blow about society turning against gun ownership. The answer is simple. Amend the US Constitution. Oh wait, you haven't got NEARLY enough votes for that, have you? In fact, there is not even a majority against private gun ownership. You might be able to muster a slight majority in certain specific areas, like high cap. magazines, but not for a gun ban. If you think differently, you are delusional.
Guy, the level of panic is evidence that the media loves fear mongering.

These mass shootings account for less than 1% of the gun deaths. And in every case, the shooter is either dead or captured. Why does anyone panic? Your chances of being struck by lightning are greater than your changes of being killed in one of the mass shootings. If you panic it is your own fault for allowing your fears to be manipulated.

Guy, your boys at Fox News were predicting the fucking Zombie Apocolypse because one guy died of Ebola. (Oh, Nancy, we don't have you to protect us!!!)

And, no, we have 32,000 gun deaths a year. We only have about 35-50 people killed by lightning a year.
Spambot is sad everyone ignores it.

He burns your arguments with regularity. That you try and dismiss him without addressing his points shows your inability to do so.

The readers of this thread listen. And most of them laugh at your "Spambot is sad everyone ignores it" attempts to save face.
Our society is formed by our system of gov't. The basis of that is the US Constitution. Now you can bluster & blow about society turning against gun ownership. The answer is simple. Amend the US Constitution. Oh wait, you haven't got NEARLY enough votes for that, have you? In fact, there is not even a majority against private gun ownership. You might be able to muster a slight majority in certain specific areas, like high cap. magazines, but not for a gun ban. If you think differently, you are delusional.

Guy, we don't have to amend the constitution. (Although I'm personally for throwing the current one out and starting all over again.)

Changing minds is a drawn out process. BUt look how quickly we changed minds on gay marriage.

When the lies of the NRA are exposed, you guys are toast.
He burns your arguments with regularity. That you try and dismiss him without addressing his points shows your inability to do so.

The readers of this thread listen. And most of them laugh at your "Spambot is sad everyone ignores it" attempts to save face.

Guy, everyone ignores Spambot, even the people who agree with him. If I didn't take the time to mock him, we'd barely know he was participating in the thread.

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