Break down of Sandy Hook shooting....

Guy, the level of panic is evidence that the media loves fear mongering.

These mass shootings account for less than 1% of the gun deaths. And in every case, the shooter is either dead or captured. Why does anyone panic? Your chances of being struck by lightning are greater than your changes of being killed in one of the mass shootings. If you panic it is your own fault for allowing your fears to be manipulated.

Guy, your boys at Fox News were predicting the fucking Zombie Apocolypse because one guy died of Ebola. (Oh, Nancy, we don't have you to protect us!!!)

And, no, we have 32,000 gun deaths a year. We only have about 35-50 people killed by lightning a year.

Did I say that you have a better chance of being KILLED by lightning than of dying of gunshot? No, I did not. Your attempts to change the statement and move the goal posts is hilarious.

Approximately 400 people per year are struck by lightning. How many people are killed in these mass shootings you are so focused on?

Derailling the thread by discussing Fox News is nonsense. Yes, that was an example of fear mongering. But it really is not relevant to the topic. But I'm glad you watch Fox News and were able to share that. I don't watch them at all.
Our society is formed by our system of gov't. The basis of that is the US Constitution. Now you can bluster & blow about society turning against gun ownership. The answer is simple. Amend the US Constitution. Oh wait, you haven't got NEARLY enough votes for that, have you? In fact, there is not even a majority against private gun ownership. You might be able to muster a slight majority in certain specific areas, like high cap. magazines, but not for a gun ban. If you think differently, you are delusional.

Guy, we don't have to amend the constitution. (Although I'm personally for throwing the current one out and starting all over again.)

Changing minds is a drawn out process. BUt look how quickly we changed minds on gay marriage.

When the lies of the NRA are exposed, you guys are toast.

There have been groups trying to ban private ownership of guns and limit concealed carry permits since the 1960. How is it working for you so far?
Approximately 400 people per year are struck by lightning. How many people are killed in these mass shootings you are so focused on?

Too. Fucking. Many.

And that's the end of the discussion, as far as I'm concerned. We could stop mass shootings. Easily. Just make sure crazy people can't get guns. Every other industrialize country has figured it out, which is why they have maybe one mass shooting a decade while we have a couple every year.
Approximately 400 people per year are struck by lightning. How many people are killed in these mass shootings you are so focused on?

Too. Fucking. Many.

And that's the end of the discussion, as far as I'm concerned. We could stop mass shootings. Easily. Just make sure crazy people can't get guns. Every other industrialize country has figured it out, which is why they have maybe one mass shooting a decade while we have a couple every year.

We figured it out too. You anti-gun folks wanted background checks thru a central database. You claimed it would reduce crimes. Now you are pissing and moaning that it doesn't. But the REASON it doesn't is that you don't want to force mental health professionals to report dangerous patients. Put their names in the database and it will reduce the mass shooting crimes.

Of course, since they only account for around 1% or less of the gun murders, it won't have much effect.

You want guns banned. We get that. But it will not happen in our lifetime or our children's lifetime. You may as well get used to that.
Approximately 400 people per year are struck by lightning. How many people are killed in these mass shootings you are so focused on?

Too. Fucking. Many.

And that's the end of the discussion, as far as I'm concerned. We could stop mass shootings. Easily. Just make sure crazy people can't get guns. Every other industrialize country has figured it out, which is why they have maybe one mass shooting a decade while we have a couple every year.

Tough shit on you s0n!!

Only mental case's think banning guns will stop mass murders.:up:
Hey Winter......every time I see that avatar pic, Im thinking someday I'd like to be right there having a cold beer and good cigar with you!!!

I am always ready to enjoy a frosty brew and a good cigar. That particular pic was taken in Chattanooga while we were fishing in the TN River. Did that 4 or 5 afternoons a week for 3 years. Good times!

As a matter of fact, I am going to pick up a few good cigars today. I'll need them when Bama rolls over Ohio State later tonight!
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We figured it out too. You anti-gun folks wanted background checks thru a central database. You claimed it would reduce crimes. Now you are pissing and moaning that it doesn't. But the REASON it doesn't is that you don't want to force mental health professionals to report dangerous patients. Put their names in the database and it will reduce the mass shooting crimes.

Well, no, guy, when the gun sellers aren't really checking that hard, it's kind of pointless to have a national data base.

Background checks don't happen for 40% of gun sales due to private sales and gun show loopholes. The net isn't tight enough.

Thing was, the media found out these guys were nuts within hours of the shootings. the gun sellers just don't care when this shows up in their store.


when they've got a pile of this.


So simple solution. You sold the gun used in a mass shooting. You go to jail for the rest of your life, and lose everything you have. We make a complete fucking example out of you and break you as a human being.

And the next guy WILL think twice.
We figured it out too. You anti-gun folks wanted background checks thru a central database. You claimed it would reduce crimes. Now you are pissing and moaning that it doesn't. But the REASON it doesn't is that you don't want to force mental health professionals to report dangerous patients. Put their names in the database and it will reduce the mass shooting crimes.

Well, no, guy, when the gun sellers aren't really checking that hard, it's kind of pointless to have a national data base.

Background checks don't happen for 40% of gun sales due to private sales and gun show loopholes. The net isn't tight enough.

Thing was, the media found out these guys were nuts within hours of the shootings. the gun sellers just don't care when this shows up in their store.


when they've got a pile of this.


So simple solution. You sold the gun used in a mass shooting. You go to jail for the rest of your life, and lose everything you have. We make a complete fucking example out of you and break you as a human being.

And the next guy WILL think twice.

Yeah, the people came out of the woodwork to report that they were crazy AFTER the shootings. Where were they before?

And no, as long as the gun sellers get federal approval for the sales, there will beno jail time. Your plan is a joke, even to other anti-gun nuts. In fact, a few have even claimed it is just you trolling. It will never happen.
We figured it out too. You anti-gun folks wanted background checks thru a central database. You claimed it would reduce crimes. Now you are pissing and moaning that it doesn't. But the REASON it doesn't is that you don't want to force mental health professionals to report dangerous patients. Put their names in the database and it will reduce the mass shooting crimes.

Well, no, guy, when the gun sellers aren't really checking that hard, it's kind of pointless to have a national data base.

Background checks don't happen for 40% of gun sales due to private sales and gun show loopholes. The net isn't tight enough.

Thing was, the media found out these guys were nuts within hours of the shootings. the gun sellers just don't care when this shows up in their store.


when they've got a pile of this.


So simple solution. You sold the gun used in a mass shooting. You go to jail for the rest of your life, and lose everything you have. We make a complete fucking example out of you and break you as a human being.

And the next guy WILL think twice.

The national database is only pointless if the reporting is not done. It certainly is more effective than a local database, since the people who know the lunatics are crazy don't say anything anyway.
We figured it out too. You anti-gun folks wanted background checks thru a central database. You claimed it would reduce crimes. Now you are pissing and moaning that it doesn't. But the REASON it doesn't is that you don't want to force mental health professionals to report dangerous patients. Put their names in the database and it will reduce the mass shooting crimes.

Well, no, guy, when the gun sellers aren't really checking that hard, it's kind of pointless to have a national data base.

Background checks don't happen for 40% of gun sales due to private sales and gun show loopholes. The net isn't tight enough.

Thing was, the media found out these guys were nuts within hours of the shootings. the gun sellers just don't care when this shows up in their store.


when they've got a pile of this.


So simple solution. You sold the gun used in a mass shooting. You go to jail for the rest of your life, and lose everything you have. We make a complete fucking example out of you and break you as a human being.

And the next guy WILL think twice.


What a mental case.

Thinks more gun laws would stop lunatics from being able to get a gun. This is why I never debate this nut......the only thing that makes any sense is to make fun of a k00k.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Hey Winter.....good luck to your Crimson Tide!!!

Maybe some day I come down south and I'll look you who knew? I can bring some Cubans down and it'll be legal!!! Thought I saw that you hunt......maybe you can show me the ropes. I do a lot of time at the local gun range but never went out in the woods to hunt........

Took this pic a few days ago.......a couple of my toys. The second from the top is a Savage Axis in .243....Im a pretty lousy shot but this one helps me out. Right out of the box it was accurate.........only one I have used out to 200 yards.


My fav is not even in the Savage 17HMR plinker. Nasty little round that is...........could shoot it all day where the others, I get bored after a little while.

Hey Winter.....your Crimson Tide is down 3-0......:wtf:
Hey Winter.....good luck to your Crimson Tide!!!

Maybe some day I come down south and I'll look you who knew? I can bring some Cubans down and it'll be legal!!! Thought I saw that you hunt......maybe you can show me the ropes. I do a lot of time at the local gun range but never went out in the woods to hunt........

Took this pic a few days ago.......a couple of my toys. The second from the top is a Savage Axis in .243....Im a pretty lousy shot but this one helps me out. Right out of the box it was accurate.........only one I have used out to 200 yards.

[/URL]']My fav is not even in the Savage 17HMR plinker. Nasty little round that is...........could shoot it all day where the others, I get bored after a little while.
[/URL]']Hey Winter.....your Crimson Tide is down 3-0......:wtf:[/URL]

It got better. Then it got a lot worse. Oh well, next season....

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