Break down of Sandy Hook shooting....

There are 65 million gun owners and 300 million guns in the US. We have +/- 9,000 murders a year and 700 - 800 accidental shooting deaths. That means 99.986% of gun owners are not involved with any murder or accidental shooting death.

Even if you add in all the things you want to throw in to make the numbers more sensationalistic, like the suicides, it is still a tiny percentage. If you look at 9,000 gun murders, 800 accidental shooting deaths, 78,000 gun related injuries, and 20,000 gun suicides, that only accounts for 0.16% of the gun owners in this country. 99.84% of gun owners are not involved in any of that. Oh, and that is only if all of those numbers concern legal gun owners. I doubt the murders come close to that.

We recall millions of baby seats when ONE baby dies. I frankly don't care how small a fraction it is, it's still too fucking many.

You guys have proven you have no intent to self-regulate. So it's about time someone did, because, frankly, I'm tired of seeing kids wheeled out of schools in body bags.
There are 65 million gun owners and 300 million guns in the US. We have +/- 9,000 murders a year and 700 - 800 accidental shooting deaths. That means 99.986% of gun owners are not involved with any murder or accidental shooting death.

Even if you add in all the things you want to throw in to make the numbers more sensationalistic, like the suicides, it is still a tiny percentage. If you look at 9,000 gun murders, 800 accidental shooting deaths, 78,000 gun related injuries, and 20,000 gun suicides, that only accounts for 0.16% of the gun owners in this country. 99.84% of gun owners are not involved in any of that. Oh, and that is only if all of those numbers concern legal gun owners. I doubt the murders come close to that.

We recall millions of baby seats when ONE baby dies. I frankly don't care how small a fraction it is, it's still too fucking many.

You guys have proven you have no intent to self-regulate. So it's about time someone did, because, frankly, I'm tired of seeing kids wheeled out of schools in body bags.

Great, so push for better mental health programs and better reporting to the background check database.

Oh, as we recall millions of baby seats when one dies ONLY if it is the fault of the baby seat. If some idiot doesn't install it right you don't recall anything. If someone doesn't strap the baby in the carseat you don't recall them. And if someone beats someone with a carseat, you don't recall anything. You prosecute the person who doesn't strap the carseat in right, doesn't strap the baby in, or commits a violent act.
sure...tell that to Dr, Ben Carson....tell that to Dr. Walter Williams, General Colin Powell, Dr. Thomas Sowell......or any other successful person who grew up poor but fought their way is racists like you joe who try their best to keep minorities, uneducated, hopless and fits your world view........

General Powell has acknowledged that affrimative action was a big help in his career. Carson, Williams and Sowell are a bunch of Uncle Toms, so who cares what they think?

Of course they are.....considering Powell was helped by....repbulicans....and then turned his back on them.....
Great, so push for better mental health programs and better reporting to the background check database.

Oh, as we recall millions of baby seats when one dies ONLY if it is the fault of the baby seat. If some idiot doesn't install it right you don't recall anything. If someone doesn't strap the baby in the carseat you don't recall them. And if someone beats someone with a carseat, you don't recall anything. You prosecute the person who doesn't strap the carseat in right, doesn't strap the baby in, or commits a violent act.

If something is designed to kill, it's just as wrong as something that was designed badly.

Sorry, no good reason for YOU to have a gun.
Of course they are.....considering Powell was helped by....repbulicans....and then turned his back on them.....

Well, Powell actually did stuff like "Serve his country" unlike characters like Limbaugh (cyst on his ass) Bush (National Guard posting he never showed up for) and Cheney (bullshit student deferments.)

That puts them up above the Stepenfetchit triplets, whose main function in life is to go in front of audiences of white people and say, "Yeah, we sho be shiftless, boss!"
Of course they are.....considering Powell was helped by....repbulicans....and then turned his back on them.....

Well, Powell actually did stuff like "Serve his country" unlike characters like Limbaugh (cyst on his ass) Bush (National Guard posting he never showed up for) and Cheney (bullshit student deferments.)

That puts them up above the Stepenfetchit triplets, whose main function in life is to go in front of audiences of white people and say, "Yeah, we sho be shiftless, boss!"

You are a are a democrat....the party of racists....

Having served in the National Guard I know exactly what happened with Bush...but don't let the truth get in the way of a liberal lie....
You are a are a democrat....the party of racists....

Having served in the National Guard I know exactly what happened with Bush...but don't let the truth get in the way of a liberal lie...

I've served in the National Guard, too. When I was in during the 1980's, they still talked about the good old days when all the rich assholes bribed recruiters to avoid going to Vietnam. Of course, Dubya couldn't even THAT low standard, he was too strung out on coke most of the time to show up for drills.
You are a are a democrat....the party of racists....

Maybe you should go down to the hood and ask black folks what htey think of Carson and Sowell. It would be amusing.

They wouldn't relate...Carson and Sowell escaped the democrats....the minorities in the "hood" are still trapped by the former slave owners, the democrats....
You are a are a democrat....the party of racists....

Having served in the National Guard I know exactly what happened with Bush...but don't let the truth get in the way of a liberal lie...

I've served in the National Guard, too. When I was in during the 1980's, they still talked about the good old days when all the rich assholes bribed recruiters to avoid going to Vietnam. Of course, Dubya couldn't even THAT low standard, he was too strung out on coke most of the time to show up for drills.

Dip shit....Bush was a drinker...he didn't use drugs...even democrat asshole, Lanny Davis said Bush didn't use cocaine and he was in the fraternity with him....

And Bush made up the drill dates...just like I did, when I missed a monthly training period.....
They wouldn't relate...Carson and Sowell escaped the democrats....the minorities in the "hood" are still trapped by the former slave owners, the democrats....

Uh, huh. Right. It's the democrats. not 400 years of racism and the fact that most of the decisions are made by white people.

I guess they figure if they keep shining the right shoes, they'll get ahead.
Dip shit....Bush was a drinker...he didn't use drugs...even democrat asshole, Lanny Davis said Bush didn't use cocaine and he was in the fraternity with him....

And Bush made up the drill dates...just like I did, when I missed a monthly training period.....

He didn't miss one MUTA. He missed a years worth. More to the point, he was an officer.

As for Dubya's drug use.

The Bush Cocaine Chronicles Complicity and Cover-up John Seery

What amazes me is that here we are, six years into Bush's presidency, and the press still refuses to treat the longstanding stories about Bush's cocaine use with the severity and scrutiny that such charges surely deserve, given the high level stakes involved. The issue is no longer simply how and why Bush has successfully dodged the topic for his entire political career. The story now should be why the press has treated him with kid gloves for so long.

On one part of this story, Bush's record is perfectly clear: in every political campaign he has ever waged, he has skillfully evaded "the cocaine question," probably in much the same way that he avoided appearing for his drug test while serving in the National Guard.
Great, so push for better mental health programs and better reporting to the background check database.

Oh, as we recall millions of baby seats when one dies ONLY if it is the fault of the baby seat. If some idiot doesn't install it right you don't recall anything. If someone doesn't strap the baby in the carseat you don't recall them. And if someone beats someone with a carseat, you don't recall anything. You prosecute the person who doesn't strap the carseat in right, doesn't strap the baby in, or commits a violent act.

If something is designed to kill, it's just as wrong as something that was designed badly.

Sorry, no good reason for YOU to have a gun.

Yes, there are plenty of good reasons. Hunting, target shooting, defense, varmint removal and just to own a piece of history. But the thing that must gall you the most is that freedom is not based on what someone needs.
You are a are a democrat....the party of racists....

Maybe you should go down to the hood and ask black folks what htey think of Carson and Sowell. It would be amusing.

People who fail never think highly of people who succeeded.

You can say a lot of things about Sowell and Carson. But they are successful people who worked their way out of poverty and became what they wanted. They sacrificed to get where they wanted to be. Whether they are popular in the ghetto has no relevance.
Yes, there are plenty of good reasons. Hunting, target shooting, defense, varmint removal and just to own a piece of history. But the thing that must gall you the most is that freedom is not based on what someone needs.

All freedoms are based on "needs", guy. FOr instance, you might want to run down the street completely naked, but most of us don't need to see the tiny junk you are compensating for.

You might want to shoot small animals or compensate for your tiny pecker, but most of us don't think it's worth they 32,000 deaths and 78,000 injuries your fetish causes.
People who fail never think highly of people who succeeded.

You can say a lot of things about Sowell and Carson. But they are successful people who worked their way out of poverty and became what they wanted. They sacrificed to get where they wanted to be. Whether they are popular in the ghetto has no relevance.

Sowell and Carson succeeded because someone gave them a hand up, something Right Wingers never want to admit.

Yeah, I guess they did sacrifice something. They sacrificed their integrity telling stupid racist crackers how shiftless the rest of the blacks are.
Yes, there are plenty of good reasons. Hunting, target shooting, defense, varmint removal and just to own a piece of history. But the thing that must gall you the most is that freedom is not based on what someone needs.

All freedoms are based on "needs", guy. FOr instance, you might want to run down the street completely naked, but most of us don't need to see the tiny junk you are compensating for.

You might want to shoot small animals or compensate for your tiny pecker, but most of us don't think it's worth they 32,000 deaths and 78,000 injuries your fetish causes.


So you NEED freedom of speech? You NEED freedom of religion? You NEED the right to gather peaceably?

And I shoot small animals and large animals. I am the only predator left for many species. Your ignorance aside, you NEED hunters to pay for state conservation funds and limit populations of various animals.
Governments that commit mass murder agree with you Joe....just ask those student 43 student teachers in Mexico.....

You mean the ones who were killed because a drug cartel using American Guns took them out?

Oh, BTW, Mexico has a "Right to bear Arms". so they aren't a gun control country, really.

American guns......given to them by obama and promote gun control in the United the cost of hundreds of dead Mexican citizens....but you can't pass gun control in the United States if you don't generate dead victims....
Remember...guns don't kill people...people kill people. Stop blaming the guns.
You are a are a democrat....the party of racists....

Maybe you should go down to the hood and ask black folks what htey think of Carson and Sowell. It would be amusing.

People who fail never think highly of people who succeeded.

You can say a lot of things about Sowell and Carson. But they are successful people who worked their way out of poverty and became what they wanted. They sacrificed to get where they wanted to be. Whether they are popular in the ghetto has no relevance.

Winter........about 15 years ago, I e-mailed Sowell via his e-mail contact through Heartland........he e-mailed me back and actually wrote a few paragraphs. Ask me how thrilled I was? His video debates are epic.........decimates the progressive with facts leaving the progressive sitting in his chair like he's got his thumb up his ass and a clown suit on!! Classic stuff.............check it out on YouTube one time!!!
Heres Sowell's article this week on all the race crap going on in the recent police/blacks usual, identifies the line of total lies thrown out by the progressives in the Martin, Brown and Staten Island cases...........brilliant stuff by Sowell as usual. Makes the progressives look exactly like what they are: frauds.

As Sowell points the progressives in 2014, facts are obsolete............

Are Facts Obsolete?
Thomas Sowell | Dec 30, 2014

Some of us, who are old enough to remember the old television police series "Dragnet," may remember Sgt. Joe Friday saying, "Just the facts, ma'am." But that would be completely out of place today. Facts are becoming obsolete, as recent events have demonstrated.

What matters today is how well you can concoct a story that fits people's preconceptions and arouses their emotions. Politicians like New York mayor Bill de Blasio, professional demagogues like Al Sharpton and innumerable irresponsible people in the media have shown that they have great talent in promoting a lynch mob atmosphere toward the police.
Grand juries that examine hard facts live in a different world from mobs who listen to rhetoric and politicians who cater to the mobs.

During the controversy over the death of Trayvon Martin, for example, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus said that George Zimmerman had tracked Trayvon Martin down and shot him like a dog. The fact is that Zimmerman did not have to track down Trayvon Martin, who was sitting right on top of him, punching him till his face was bloody.

After the death of Michael Brown, members of the Congressional Black Caucus stood up in Congress, with their hands held up, saying "don't shoot." Although there were some who claimed that this is what Michael Brown said and did, there were other witnesses -- all black, by the way -- who said that Brown was charging toward the policeman when he was shot.
What was decisive was not what either set of witnesses said, but what the autopsy revealed, an autopsy involving three sets of forensic experts, including one representing Michael Brown's family. Witnesses can lie but the physical facts don't lie, even if politicians, mobs and the media prefer to take lies seriously.

The death of Eric Garner has likewise spawned stories having little relationship to facts. The story is that Garner died because a chokehold stopped his breathing. But Garner did not die with a policeman choking him.

He died later, in an ambulance where his heart stopped. He had a long medical history of various diseases, as well as a long criminal history. No doubt the stress of his capture did not do him any good, and he might well still be alive if he had not resisted arrest. But that was his choice.

( continued........... ) >>>

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