Break down of Sandy Hook shooting....

Spambot still wishes someone would pay attention to it.

Maybe if it added some content instead of keep repeating the same things.

There is good content in that article. Perhaps if you acknowledged other people's points instead of simply dismissing them as "gun nutter" writing, you might actually be able to have a productive dialogue.
I think there is definately a cultural differance, not a biological one. But because the cultural difference happens to be also racial, people tend to ignore it in fear of being labeled "racist".

No, guy, it's not a cultural or an racial difference. It's an economic and political one. Minorities tend to be poorer and don't have the access to the economic mainstream whites have. Therefore crime and welfare are their only alternative. Well, I guess compared to starving.

"Crime and welfare are their only alternative"? Are you kidding? It may be an economic difference, but that is only because their cultural differences put them there. Just look at the thug rap culture that is worshiped in those communities. The message is to spend all your money on idiotic materal stuff that makes you look good. Being a "nerd" and studying your ass off to learn something isn't something they respect. I know plenty of people that grew up poor in high crime areas, but they made the choice to do something constructive with their lives, that envolves picking up a book and learning something, rather than buying a bunch of bling bling and investing in nothing. There is no reason every single kid in any given hood can't do the same. But it doesn't happen because of peer pressure of the Thug culture, and because liars like you make them believe the have "no other alternative" than a life of crime and welfare because they're family is poor.
"Crime and welfare are their only alternative"? Are you kidding? It may be an economic difference, but that is only because their cultural differences put them there. Just look at the thug rap culture that is worshiped in those communities. The message is to spend all your money on idiotic materal stuff that makes you look good. Being a "nerd" and studying your ass off to learn something isn't something they respect. I know plenty of people that grew up poor in high crime areas, but they made the choice to do something constructive with their lives, that envolves picking up a book and learning something, rather than buying a bunch of bling bling and investing in nothing. There is no reason every single kid in any given hood can't do the same. But it doesn't happen because of peer pressure of the Thug culture, and because liars like you make them believe the have "no other alternative" than a life of crime and welfare because they're family is poor.

You know what, guy, I already gave Jethro the "Clueless White Guy of the Year" Award. If you want to be considered for next year, you can post this kind of shit tomorrow.

Being a nerd and studying your ass off doesn't help all that much if you still can't get a job.

They did a test a few years back. Identical resumes sent to employers. some of them had "White" names like "John Smith" and some had black names like "Jamal Washington". And surprise, surprise, "John" got more call backs for interviews.
There is good content in that article. Perhaps if you acknowledged other people's points instead of simply dismissing them as "gun nutter" writing, you might actually be able to have a productive dialogue.

Spambot repeats gun nut talking points that fly in the face of reality.

What points fly in the face of reality? Have you read the article?
There is good content in that article. Perhaps if you acknowledged other people's points instead of simply dismissing them as "gun nutter" writing, you might actually be able to have a productive dialogue.

Spambot repeats gun nut talking points that fly in the face of reality.

What points fly in the face of reality? Have you read the article?

Yeah, I think I read it one of the first 500 times he spammed it. IT was pretty stupid then, and it's pretty stupid now.

Reality check- Every other industrialized country has gun control. They have less crime, less murder, less police and less prisons.
There is good content in that article. Perhaps if you acknowledged other people's points instead of simply dismissing them as "gun nutter" writing, you might actually be able to have a productive dialogue.

Spambot repeats gun nut talking points that fly in the face of reality.

Spambot posts up links of actual research conducted by major academic institutions that decimate the k00k rants of gun grabber k00ks and NOT speculation/conjecture/philosophy that nobody cares about.:coffee:

And the way.........what the fuck is up with 4,500 posts in the past two months?:wtf::wtf::uhh: And Im a nut?:tongue-44:
Reality check- Every other industrialized country has gun control. They have less crime, less murder, less police and less prisons.

They also have NO morals and NO way to protect themselves from their Socialist or Communist Governments. I'll take a couple thousand dead people (most of whom are sub-human in my mind) over that every day of the week and twice on Sundays.
There is good content in that article. Perhaps if you acknowledged other people's points instead of simply dismissing them as "gun nutter" writing, you might actually be able to have a productive dialogue.

Spambot repeats gun nut talking points that fly in the face of reality.

What points fly in the face of reality? Have you read the article?

Yeah, I think I read it one of the first 500 times he spammed it. IT was pretty stupid then, and it's pretty stupid now.

Reality check- Every other industrialized country has gun control. They have less crime, less murder, less police and less prisons.

LOL! And you call him names for posting the same shit over and over? That claim has been slapped down several times. For its failure to recognize cultural differences (you ignore them unless they favor your view) and for missing the fact that other industrialized nations do, in fact, have murder rates that are high.
Reality check- Every other industrialized country has gun control. They have less crime, less murder, less police and less prisons.

They also have NO morals and NO way to protect themselves from their Socialist or Communist Governments. I'll take a couple thousand dead people (most of whom are sub-human in my mind) over that every day of the week and twice on Sundays.

Nobody has any way of protecting themselves from bad governments. Bad governments usually happen because the vast majority of the people support them. And usually, when they take out and shoot the dissenters, it was usually because the majority just got tired of the dissenter's bullshit.
LOL! And you call him names for posting the same shit over and over? That claim has been slapped down several times. For its failure to recognize cultural differences (you ignore them unless they favor your view) and for missing the fact that other industrialized nations do, in fact, have murder rates that are high.

No, they really don't. We had 16,000 murders (11,500 with guns). Of the other six G-7 nations, not a one of them hits 1000 murders a year.
"Crime and welfare are their only alternative"? Are you kidding? It may be an economic difference, but that is only because their cultural differences put them there. Just look at the thug rap culture that is worshiped in those communities. The message is to spend all your money on idiotic materal stuff that makes you look good. Being a "nerd" and studying your ass off to learn something isn't something they respect. I know plenty of people that grew up poor in high crime areas, but they made the choice to do something constructive with their lives, that envolves picking up a book and learning something, rather than buying a bunch of bling bling and investing in nothing. There is no reason every single kid in any given hood can't do the same. But it doesn't happen because of peer pressure of the Thug culture, and because liars like you make them believe the have "no other alternative" than a life of crime and welfare because they're family is poor.

You know what, guy, I already gave Jethro the "Clueless White Guy of the Year" Award. If you want to be considered for next year, you can post this kind of shit tomorrow.

Being a nerd and studying your ass off doesn't help all that much if you still can't get a job.

They did a test a few years back. Identical resumes sent to employers. some of them had "White" names like "John Smith" and some had black names like "Jamal Washington". And surprise, surprise, "John" got more call backs for interviews.

Yea Joe, I am sure there are plenty of black kids that have studied their asses off, but resort to violence only because they can't find a job. Maybe the "Clueless White Guy of the Year Award" should just be called the "JoeB Award". It's the Progressive racists like you that want minorities to believe they can't accomplish anything or get out of a bad situation because their poor, or because of their skin color. Yes, minorities will probably have to put up with dealing with idiot racists that think they shouldn't be applying for a job because their "only alternative" is being a criminal or on welfare.
The Harvard study attempts to answer the question of whether or not banning firearms would reduce murders and suicides. Researchers looked at crime data from several European countries and found that countries with HIGHER gun ownership often had LOWER murder rates.
Russia, for example, enforces very strict gun control on its people, but its murder rate remains quite high. In fact, the murder rate in Russia is four times higher than in the “gun-ridden” United States, cites the study. ”Homicide results suggest that where guns are scarce other weapons are substituted in killings.” In other words, the elimination of guns does not eliminate murder, and in the case of gun-controlled Russia, murder rates are quite high.
The study revealed several European countries with significant gun ownership, like Norway, Finland, Germany and France – had remarkably low murder rates. Contrast that with Luxembourg, “where handguns are totally banned and ownership of any kind of gun is minimal, had a murder rate nine times higher than Germany in 2002.”
The study found no evidence to suggest that the availability of guns contributes to higher murder rates anywhere in the world. ”Of course, it may be speculated that murder rates around the world would be higher if guns were more available. But there is simply no evidence to support this.”

Harvard study concludes that gun control does not prevent murders other violent crime

You get voter i.d. for free...they have programs where they will come to your home......and when the democrats enacted poll taxes, literacy tests and lynchings to prevent blacks from was Republicans making them stop.....

republicans didn't do jack shit. Pretty much after Lincoln got shot, republicans stopped caring. Until they figured out that they could play on the anxieties of white folks little problems to get them to vote against their own economic interests.

In any event, voter ID is just voter suppression. There's no evidence that there's any widespread voter fraud, this is just to keep them darkies from voting and you know it.

Hmm. It appears you don't think much of "darkies". Hell, you don't even think they are smart enough to jump thru a hoop to vote.

With friends like you...

Yea Joe, I am sure there are plenty of black kids that have studied their asses off, but resort to violence only because they can't find a job. Maybe the "Clueless White Guy of the Year Award" should just be called the "JoeB Award". It's the Progressive racists like you that want minorities to believe they can't accomplish anything or get out of a bad situation because their poor, or because of their skin color. Yes, minorities will probably have to put up with dealing with idiot racists that think they shouldn't be applying for a job because their "only alternative" is being a criminal or on welfare.

Hey, I'd be all for having a system where you get a job the minute you ask for one, we will find something for you to do.

But frankly, the closest we got to that was in the Clinton years, and the rich HATED IT! They had to pay people good salaries for entry level positions!

The reality is, it's a hell of a lot harder getting a job in this country if you are a minority. Period.
The thing is, you always have some excuse when facts are not in your favor.

The thing is, you have no argument.

NO, I actually bother to research the issues, rather than repeat debunked NRA talking points.

The NRA talking points? Crime is at near historic lows, with more guns in society now than 20, 30, or 40 years ago.

Our own government is the one compiling the numbers. If you actually research these issues, and conclude that guns are somehow the problem, you are going to have to share your thought process's with us to help us understand.

Because, based on the totality of evidence, you are wrong.


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