Break down of Sandy Hook shooting....

You get voter i.d. for free...they have programs where they will come to your home......and when the democrats enacted poll taxes, literacy tests and lynchings to prevent blacks from was Republicans making them stop.....

republicans didn't do jack shit. Pretty much after Lincoln got shot, republicans stopped caring. Until they figured out that they could play on the anxieties of white folks little problems to get them to vote against their own economic interests.

In any event, voter ID is just voter suppression. There's no evidence that there's any widespread voter fraud, this is just to keep them darkies from voting and you know it.
Laws that are nice, but don't work in the real world with real people. Next.

Oh, another dodge. What doesn't work with real people?

Well, so instead of a meager $3000 difference, we are talking about an $8000 difference.

But let's not even go there. Fact is, when you are dealing with a larger district, you are often dealing with more kids with special needs, more kids with family issues, more needs for security. So, yeah, the inequality goes a long way more than the 60% more they spend on the kid from Evanston.

You're still comparing it to Evanston where residents pay much higher property taxes.

I gave you another district where operating cost per student cost much less yet yields better results. Apple to apples, perhaps? Nah, another dodge.
Oh, another dodge. What doesn't work with real people?

Real people who can't go the emergency room because they can't afford the expensive treatment, dumbass.

Part of my travails with my medical insurance started when I slipped on a patch of ice and had to go to an Emergency room. the cost was $1800 in 2007 money. All the did for me was take an x-ray, gave me a pair of crutches and a shot of a painkiller. Absolutely fucking worthless, the lot of it. (It actually took very expensive surgery to get my knee right.)

Now, if I hadn't had insurance, no way i could have afforded an $1800 hit to my budget back then, much less something more serious.

Yes, NOT HAVING INSURANCE means not having health coverage. I'm sorry you shitheads don't get that.

You're still comparing it to Evanston where residents pay much higher property taxes.

I gave you another district where operating cost per student cost much less yet yields better results. Apple to apples, perhaps? Nah, another dodge.

Well, no, you really didn't. Point is, rich kids get good schools, poor kids get bad schools.

If everyone had to go to the same schools, bet you the schools WOULD get better.
Again, they didn't shoot black people and hang them when they just asked for the right to vote. So no.

We corrected those issues long time ago, thru war and constitutionally. What's the issue now?

Of course, the ID requirement is an attempt to prevent poor people from voting. Not everyone can afford $30.00 for an ID if they don't drive.

Those who cannot afford $30 fee for having ID most likely are receiving some kind of gov't assistance. In order to get assistance they must have an ID. You're pissing into wind.

Beside, some states are offering free ID.
and twice the violent crime rate.....they surrender their right to stop rape, robbery, stabbings and beatings.....but they have the NHS to patch them up.....

Horseshit. The thing is, the UK reports things as violent crimes that we don't. Their crime rate is actually much lower than ours. As is their need to lock people up.

The thing is, you always have some excuse when facts are not in your favor.

The thing is, you have no argument.
You get voter i.d. for free...they have programs where they will come to your home......and when the democrats enacted poll taxes, literacy tests and lynchings to prevent blacks from was Republicans making them stop.....

republicans didn't do jack shit. Pretty much after Lincoln got shot, republicans stopped caring. Until they figured out that they could play on the anxieties of white folks little problems to get them to vote against their own economic interests.

In any event, voter ID is just voter suppression. There's no evidence that there's any widespread voter fraud, this is just to keep them darkies from voting and you know it.

How does it prevent them from voting? Explain.
We corrected those issues long time ago, thru war and constitutionally. What's the issue now?

We did? Wow, are you angling for the "Clueless White Guy of 2014" Award. Only one day left.

Those who cannot afford $30 fee for having ID most likely are receiving some kind of gov't assistance. In order to get assistance they must have an ID. You're pissing into wind.

Beside, some states are offering free ID.

And some aren't. And some folks don't carry their ID with them all the time. This is about voter supression, not voter integrity, and you guys know it.
Real people who can't go the emergency room because they can't afford the expensive treatment, dumbass.

Part of my travails with my medical insurance started when I slipped on a patch of ice and had to go to an Emergency room. the cost was $1800 in 2007 money. All the did for me was take an x-ray, gave me a pair of crutches and a shot of a painkiller. Absolutely fucking worthless, the lot of it. (It actually took very expensive surgery to get my knee right.)

Now, if I hadn't had insurance, no way i could have afforded an $1800 hit to my budget back then, much less something more serious.

Yes, NOT HAVING INSURANCE means not having health coverage. I'm sorry you shitheads don't get that.

To your first sentence, if you wanna have a discussion, you have to stop calling people names.

To your last sentence, its a lie. Insurance or no insurance, ER has to provide you a service. Thats what COBRA law, among the other things, is about.

Well, no, you really didn't. Point is, rich kids get good schools, poor kids get bad schools.

If everyone had to go to the same schools, bet you the schools WOULD get better.

Lying again, eh? I did provide you with another district numbers. You just didn't care what they say and you keep blabbering. And dodging. Just so you can't say I didn't provide links, here they are again.

Utica Community Schools $10,500 per student, rank top 20%
Chicago Public Schools $13,500 per student, rank bottom 4%.

Ah, please explain how would schools get better.
And some aren't. And some folks don't carry their ID with them all the time.
Really, you know that for a fact.

Well, folks should carry their ID all the time. At least when they go to vote once a year, or when they're cashing out their welfare checks twice a month.

This is about voter supression, not voter integrity, and you guys know it.

You claim it is, so prove it.

You tried with ID is expensive and that didn't work. They you tried with some people don't carry ID, and I don't think that excuse worked neither. Try again. You can do better. Time for race card? Oh, wait...
Then why don't you exhaust your energy on the real problem, mentally ill and criminals being freed in the first place.

These guys should had been locked up. That's the best way to keep them from guns.

We already lock up 2 million people in this country. Most other industrialized countries, the ones where they don't let civilians have guns- only lock up 30,000- 80,000. If locking them up was a solution, then we'd be the safest country in the industrialized world, not the most dangerous.

You progressives fantasize that you'll be able to someday eliminate guns altogether, when the fact of the matter is guns are basic technology that would easily be made on the black market if needed (being outlawed would indeed create that need). You idiots need to accept the fact that guns are here. If a gun owner is around a mentally ill/challenged individual then it that person needs to be held responsible for keeping the guns locked up and away from that person. You want to lay blame on everyone else who abides by the law, as opposed to the woman who neglected her duty as a gun owner and lax laws that let a maniac on the streets.

It's hardly a fantasy when other countries have either banned private gun ownership or severely limit it. Have they gotten rid of all guns and all gun deaths? No. Have they severely reduced the amount of gun violence? Yup!

The United Kingdom has 48 gun homicides a year. Japan has 11. Even Germany, where you can get guns with some special permits (about one gun for every five Germans) has only 258 gun homicides a year.

The US Has on average 11,500 gun homicides a year. Shit, we have on average 800 ACCIDENTAL gun deaths, usually proceeded by the most famous last words, 'Hold my beer!"

So saying "It can't be done' kind of ignores everyone who has already done it.

Again, you progressives keep comparing the entire United States to a few select countries. None of the countries you have mentioned have large percentages of minorities in their population. When you look at violence including "gun violence" in the US, take out all the gang banger blacks and Latinos and you'll find that our numbers do not differ from those Europeon countries at all. It's funny how the progressive race baiters always want to look at race when it suits them, but point out statistical FACTS about them and they make excuses. There are Europeon countries that have a very high rate of gun ownership yet do not have many deaths as a result. So that arguement doesn't hold. If you want to address the "gun" problem in America you better address the problems in the black and Latino communities that are the major cause of it statistically. Maybe those cultures just aren't suited to be gun owners, I don't know. But I do know that law abiding Americans who can handle owning a gun shouldn't have to give up their right just because a bunch of idiots want to play wannabe gangster in the hood.
Then why don't you exhaust your energy on the real problem, mentally ill and criminals being freed in the first place.

These guys should had been locked up. That's the best way to keep them from guns.

We already lock up 2 million people in this country. Most other industrialized countries, the ones where they don't let civilians have guns- only lock up 30,000- 80,000. If locking them up was a solution, then we'd be the safest country in the industrialized world, not the most dangerous.

You progressives fantasize that you'll be able to someday eliminate guns altogether, when the fact of the matter is guns are basic technology that would easily be made on the black market if needed (being outlawed would indeed create that need). You idiots need to accept the fact that guns are here. If a gun owner is around a mentally ill/challenged individual then it that person needs to be held responsible for keeping the guns locked up and away from that person. You want to lay blame on everyone else who abides by the law, as opposed to the woman who neglected her duty as a gun owner and lax laws that let a maniac on the streets.

It's hardly a fantasy when other countries have either banned private gun ownership or severely limit it. Have they gotten rid of all guns and all gun deaths? No. Have they severely reduced the amount of gun violence? Yup!

The United Kingdom has 48 gun homicides a year. Japan has 11. Even Germany, where you can get guns with some special permits (about one gun for every five Germans) has only 258 gun homicides a year.

The US Has on average 11,500 gun homicides a year. Shit, we have on average 800 ACCIDENTAL gun deaths, usually proceeded by the most famous last words, 'Hold my beer!"

So saying "It can't be done' kind of ignores everyone who has already done it.

Again, you progressives keep comparing the entire United States to a few select countries. None of the countries you have mentioned have large percentages of minorities in their population. When you look at violence including "gun violence" in the US, take out all the gang banger blacks and Latinos and you'll find that our numbers do not differ from those Europeon countries at all. It's funny how the progressive race baiters always want to look at race when it suits them, but point out statistical FACTS about them and they make excuses. There are Europeon countries that have a very high rate of gun ownership yet do not have many deaths as a result. So that arguement doesn't hold. If you want to address the "gun" problem in America you better address the problems in the black and Latino communities that are the major cause of it statistically. Maybe those cultures just aren't suited to be gun owners, I don't know. But I do know that law abiding Americans who can handle owning a gun shouldn't have to give up their right just because a bunch of idiots want to play wannabe gangster in the hood.

You act like there is some biological imperative driving minorities in crime, rather than the fact that they grow up poor with little opportunity for advancement, in a society where large factions treat them as criminals from a young age, and yes, have extremely easy access to weapons compared to other countries.
Then why don't you exhaust your energy on the real problem, mentally ill and criminals being freed in the first place.

These guys should had been locked up. That's the best way to keep them from guns.

We already lock up 2 million people in this country. Most other industrialized countries, the ones where they don't let civilians have guns- only lock up 30,000- 80,000. If locking them up was a solution, then we'd be the safest country in the industrialized world, not the most dangerous.

You progressives fantasize that you'll be able to someday eliminate guns altogether, when the fact of the matter is guns are basic technology that would easily be made on the black market if needed (being outlawed would indeed create that need). You idiots need to accept the fact that guns are here. If a gun owner is around a mentally ill/challenged individual then it that person needs to be held responsible for keeping the guns locked up and away from that person. You want to lay blame on everyone else who abides by the law, as opposed to the woman who neglected her duty as a gun owner and lax laws that let a maniac on the streets.

It's hardly a fantasy when other countries have either banned private gun ownership or severely limit it. Have they gotten rid of all guns and all gun deaths? No. Have they severely reduced the amount of gun violence? Yup!

The United Kingdom has 48 gun homicides a year. Japan has 11. Even Germany, where you can get guns with some special permits (about one gun for every five Germans) has only 258 gun homicides a year.

The US Has on average 11,500 gun homicides a year. Shit, we have on average 800 ACCIDENTAL gun deaths, usually proceeded by the most famous last words, 'Hold my beer!"

So saying "It can't be done' kind of ignores everyone who has already done it.

Again, you progressives keep comparing the entire United States to a few select countries. None of the countries you have mentioned have large percentages of minorities in their population. When you look at violence including "gun violence" in the US, take out all the gang banger blacks and Latinos and you'll find that our numbers do not differ from those Europeon countries at all. It's funny how the progressive race baiters always want to look at race when it suits them, but point out statistical FACTS about them and they make excuses. There are Europeon countries that have a very high rate of gun ownership yet do not have many deaths as a result. So that arguement doesn't hold. If you want to address the "gun" problem in America you better address the problems in the black and Latino communities that are the major cause of it statistically. Maybe those cultures just aren't suited to be gun owners, I don't know. But I do know that law abiding Americans who can handle owning a gun shouldn't have to give up their right just because a bunch of idiots want to play wannabe gangster in the hood.

You act like there is some biological imperative driving minorities in crime, rather than the fact that they grow up poor with little opportunity for advancement, in a society where large factions treat them as criminals from a young age, and yes, have extremely easy access to weapons compared to other countries.

It's easier to rob the store then find the job, right?
Then why don't you exhaust your energy on the real problem, mentally ill and criminals being freed in the first place.

These guys should had been locked up. That's the best way to keep them from guns.

We already lock up 2 million people in this country. Most other industrialized countries, the ones where they don't let civilians have guns- only lock up 30,000- 80,000. If locking them up was a solution, then we'd be the safest country in the industrialized world, not the most dangerous.

You progressives fantasize that you'll be able to someday eliminate guns altogether, when the fact of the matter is guns are basic technology that would easily be made on the black market if needed (being outlawed would indeed create that need). You idiots need to accept the fact that guns are here. If a gun owner is around a mentally ill/challenged individual then it that person needs to be held responsible for keeping the guns locked up and away from that person. You want to lay blame on everyone else who abides by the law, as opposed to the woman who neglected her duty as a gun owner and lax laws that let a maniac on the streets.

It's hardly a fantasy when other countries have either banned private gun ownership or severely limit it. Have they gotten rid of all guns and all gun deaths? No. Have they severely reduced the amount of gun violence? Yup!

The United Kingdom has 48 gun homicides a year. Japan has 11. Even Germany, where you can get guns with some special permits (about one gun for every five Germans) has only 258 gun homicides a year.

The US Has on average 11,500 gun homicides a year. Shit, we have on average 800 ACCIDENTAL gun deaths, usually proceeded by the most famous last words, 'Hold my beer!"

So saying "It can't be done' kind of ignores everyone who has already done it.

Again, you progressives keep comparing the entire United States to a few select countries. None of the countries you have mentioned have large percentages of minorities in their population. When you look at violence including "gun violence" in the US, take out all the gang banger blacks and Latinos and you'll find that our numbers do not differ from those Europeon countries at all. It's funny how the progressive race baiters always want to look at race when it suits them, but point out statistical FACTS about them and they make excuses. There are Europeon countries that have a very high rate of gun ownership yet do not have many deaths as a result. So that arguement doesn't hold. If you want to address the "gun" problem in America you better address the problems in the black and Latino communities that are the major cause of it statistically. Maybe those cultures just aren't suited to be gun owners, I don't know. But I do know that law abiding Americans who can handle owning a gun shouldn't have to give up their right just because a bunch of idiots want to play wannabe gangster in the hood.

You act like there is some biological imperative driving minorities in crime, rather than the fact that they grow up poor with little opportunity for advancement, in a society where large factions treat them as criminals from a young age, and yes, have extremely easy access to weapons compared to other countries.

I think there is definately a cultural differance, not a biological one. But because the cultural difference happens to be also racial, people tend to ignore it in fear of being labeled "racist".
To your first sentence, if you wanna have a discussion, you have to stop calling people names.

To your last sentence, its a lie. Insurance or no insurance, ER has to provide you a service. Thats what COBRA law, among the other things, is about.

I think you are confusing COBRA (where your employer has to extend your insurance after they fire you at a cost that you really can't afford without a job) with EMELTA (the one that says Emergency Rooms can't turn people away.)

Neither really works in the real world. Yeah, you can show up at a Emergency Room and get socked with thousands of dollars in debt that you can't afford. But they only are required to keep you from dying. That's hardly a fix to the problem.


Lying again, eh? I did provide you with another district numbers. You just didn't care what they say and you keep blabbering. And dodging. Just so you can't say I didn't provide links, here they are again.

Yeah, it's easy to CHERRY PICK numbers. this Utica is a small district with very few Special Needs or English as Second Language students.
Really, you know that for a fact.

Well, folks should carry their ID all the time. At least when they go to vote once a year, or when they're cashing out their welfare checks twice a month.

Yeah, you should carry your papers at all time. "Zur Papers, Please!!!" Oh, wait, that kind of is the reality of living in a lot of poor neighborhoods like Furgeson.

And the "Clueless White Guy of the Year Award" goes to....
I think there is definately a cultural differance, not a biological one. But because the cultural difference happens to be also racial, people tend to ignore it in fear of being labeled "racist".

No, guy, it's not a cultural or an racial difference. It's an economic and political one. Minorities tend to be poorer and don't have the access to the economic mainstream whites have. Therefore crime and welfare are their only alternative. Well, I guess compared to starving.

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