Break down of Sandy Hook shooting....

Okay, what percentage of gun owners do you think aren't going to comply? I mean, you'll have a few nuts who will go the "Full Koresh" with the ATF, but frankly, that would probably just help the gun control forces. shit, we have THESE kinds of nuts out there?

At this point probably at least 65-70%. The wishy-washy gun owners have mostly given up their licenses and firearms already. Mist of us who remain armed don't intend to give them up quietly.
Then why don't you exhaust your energy on the real problem, mentally ill and criminals being freed in the first place.

These guys should had been locked up. That's the best way to keep them from guns.

We already lock up 2 million people in this country. Most other industrialized countries, the ones where they don't let civilians have guns- only lock up 30,000- 80,000. If locking them up was a solution, then we'd be the safest country in the industrialized world, not the most dangerous.

You progressives fantasize that you'll be able to someday eliminate guns altogether, when the fact of the matter is guns are basic technology that would easily be made on the black market if needed (being outlawed would indeed create that need). You idiots need to accept the fact that guns are here. If a gun owner is around a mentally ill/challenged individual then it that person needs to be held responsible for keeping the guns locked up and away from that person. You want to lay blame on everyone else who abides by the law, as opposed to the woman who neglected her duty as a gun owner and lax laws that let a maniac on the streets.

It's hardly a fantasy when other countries have either banned private gun ownership or severely limit it. Have they gotten rid of all guns and all gun deaths? No. Have they severely reduced the amount of gun violence? Yup!

The United Kingdom has 48 gun homicides a year. Japan has 11. Even Germany, where you can get guns with some special permits (about one gun for every five Germans) has only 258 gun homicides a year.

The US Has on average 11,500 gun homicides a year. Shit, we have on average 800 ACCIDENTAL gun deaths, usually proceeded by the most famous last words, 'Hold my beer!"

So saying "It can't be done' kind of ignores everyone who has already done it.

s0n......."gun nuts"???:ack-1::ack-1::disbelief:

You're the guy who has made 4,300 posts in the past 2 months!!! By any definition, that's a mental case. Its called OCD..........look it up...........Im not kidding.

And while Im at it, have to call big time attention in typical SPAMBOT fashion and say .........


Your gun statistics are bogus........a lie and as usual, backed up with what for a link?


So.....once again, am forced to display what not being a dick is...............

Harvard study concludes that gun control does not prevent murders other violent crime
It's hardly a fantasy when other countries have either banned private gun ownership or severely limit it. Have they gotten rid of all guns and all gun deaths? No. Have they severely reduced the amount of gun violence? Yup!

The United Kingdom has 48 gun homicides a year. Japan has 11. Even Germany, where you can get guns with some special permits (about one gun for every five Germans) has only 258 gun homicides a year.

The US Has on average 11,500 gun homicides a year. Shit, we have on average 800 ACCIDENTAL gun deaths, usually proceeded by the most famous last words, 'Hold my beer!"

So saying "It can't be done' kind of ignores everyone who has already done it.

It's a fantasy for two reasons.....

1. Those nations do not have a Constitution which allows for the ownership of firearms, and has for more than two centuries.

2. Those countries don't have an armed citizenry that is not going to give up their firearms without a fight (like the Brits and Aussies did).

American gun owners like myself will go to our graves before we give up our firearms, and we'll take Government pawns with us if necessary, to protect the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

You are exactly correct my friend..........and at least 74% of the country concurs with you >>>

Record number of Americans oppose handgun ban - The Washington Post

An unprecedented number by the way..........:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
I agree our mental health care system is a mess.

But guns are still too easy to get.

The clown who just shot 2 cops in NYC not only had a history of mental health issues, but he had 14 arrests on his jacket in 4 states. But he was still able to get a gun from somewhere.

But if these nut jobs can't get their hands on a gun all they have to do is go on line and make a bomb. 50 years ago we didn't have this type of thing happening with this type of frequency and there were still guns. We need to ask what's happened to our society that mass shootings keep happening. It's a completely different world even from when I was a kid.

The world isn't as bad as it used to be....all of the world use to be in a never ending state of have pockets of aggression, but more peace in more places.....

As to these shootings.....a combination of mental illness and media access.....those are the problems, not guns.....

I agree and disagree. You almost never had shootings like this when I was a kid. Actually I don't remember hearing about any of this type of thing at all until the term going postal was coined in the 80's.

I do however agree that mental illness and the media's unrelenting attention when one of these incidents happens are feeding some of what's going on. I also agree it's not the guns. We've had guns for a long time before this mass shooting crap began to happen with frequency. It's not the guns, it's us.

Yep, its us, not the guns. Russia has some of the strictest gun laws on the planet, yet their murder rate is twice ours. When someone wants to kill, they find a way.

Take any of the industrialized nations that JOEB131 is talking about. With exception of Germany and France (one had Hitler thing, the other had revolution), most of them are still monarchies with democratic governments, but if you look deep enough you'll see they have social classes that are still kinda same like in feudalism. Yes, they have police and armies but also kings, lords, barons and pleb classes with all in their roles.

Okay, couple of points, because it's clear that you didn't learn history in your Home-Skule. Germany didn't get rid of its Kaiser because of Hitler, it got rid of him because they lost WWI. The French had Kings and Emperors after their revolution. The last Monarch was toppled after they lost a war to Germany in 1870. and, yes, while they still have "Titles', those things to go actors and shit now. I should also point out that Italy, Austria and a few other countries there are also Monarch free.

Man, I love right wingers. They are all so shit ignorant. It's like that episode of the Beverly Hillbillies where they inherited a castle and Jethro was looking for all the Serfs.

Moving right along.

If you ask people of those countries, most of them would say that only police and army should have weapons to defend them with. Why? Because they are literal plebeians and that's how their society is triggered out of it. There are so many similarities between them and feudalism that question is if they ever left that phase. Here in US, people are at least expected to be independent and caring for themselves. The gun above fireplace still define our independence as a man.

No, most of them would say that because, really, the two reasons why you clowns give for owning guns are kind of silly. A gun is more likely to kill a member of your household than a bad guy, and the government is always, always going to be better armed than you are.

After all, how many of those industrializes nations today are capable to defend themselves from outside aggression? How many people of those nations would be able to defend themselves from their own governments. They're not even able to start a revolution anymore. All they can do is bitch...

Well, first, as we are seeing in the Ukraine, military aggression today is a losing proposition. We also should have figured this out in Iraq. The costs of invading another country far outweighs any benefit of invading it. Their ability to defend themselves from their own government is the same as ours. Not much. You see, here's the thing. Even the worst governments survive because they have the tacit support of their people. The "Good Germans" never show up. They fight to the last man for Hitler.

Sorry, man, bitterly clinging to your gun might give you the illusion of freedom, but the reality is, you stupid rednecks already swapped your freedom out to multi-national corporations. Because George W. Bush was right with Jesus.

Well, if you actually believe your last statement, we need guns more than ever, since it is plain you believe our government to be corrupt.

Is that about right?

The United Kingdom has 48 gun homicides a year.

and twice the violent crime rate.....they surrender their right to stop rape, robbery, stabbings and beatings.....but they have the NHS to patch them up.....

And no one was able to stop it.........notice people just standing around like sheep....bah, bah......but.....they have traded a false sense of security for daily abuse by violent criminals......and, if they are really unlucky, their government will one day become like Mexico and be unwilling, or unable to protect them from even worse daily crimes.....
Okay, Jethro, if you really think those are helpful for someone who doesn't have a job or insurance, you are cracked. Do you really think that an unemployed person can afford $500 a month for Cobra, or the thousands of dollars a visit to the emergency room costs?

Nope I wasn't talking about COBRA payment. I was talking about what law says. Look it up and come back.

nice job cherry picking numbers. Tilden is a Technical High school, and it's performance is higher than the CPS on average. The average in Chicago overall is $13,078.

Also kind of hard to really use a term like 'operating cost" when you are talking about security in an inner city school.

Great, Lets look at the whole district. Here is a link for Chicago Public School District. With average operating cost of around $13,000 per student, elementary schools rank in bottom 4%, high schools rank in bottom 3% in the country. Cherry picking, eh?
Before we get into specifics, can you prove that today in US we don't allow black to vote? And btw, in UK, only those who registered to vote and have their polling card/number are allowed to vote.

Well, Jethro, what you do you think the voter ID Movement is all about? How come your side didn't start whining about it until Obama got elected? Who do you think they are trying to keep from voting?

It isn't because there really is rampant voter fraud. Bush's Justice Department investigated and found that wasn't happening.

If not a trouble, please explain how showing ID stops anyone from voting?

Second, isn't interesting that left is against voter photo ID requirement, but supports let's say Social Security photo ID.

Third, industrialized nations, such as Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada all have photo ID requirement to vote. I don't hear you bitching about them now.
Nope I wasn't talking about COBRA payment. I was talking about what law says. Look it up and come back.

Laws that are nice, but don't work in the real world with real people. Next.

Great, Lets look at the whole district. Here is a link for Chicago Public School District. With average operating cost of around $13,000 per student, elementary schools rank in bottom 4%, high schools rank in bottom 3% in the country. Cherry picking, eh?

Well, so instead of a meager $3000 difference, we are talking about an $8000 difference.

But let's not even go there. Fact is, when you are dealing with a larger district, you are often dealing with more kids with special needs, more kids with family issues, more needs for security. So, yeah, the inequality goes a long way more than the 60% more they spend on the kid from Evanston.
If not a trouble, please explain how showing ID stops anyone from voting?

Second, isn't interesting that left is against voter photo ID requirement, but supports let's say Social Security photo ID.

Third, industrialized nations, such as Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada all have photo ID requirement to vote. I don't hear you bitching about them now.

Again, they didn't shoot black people and hang them when they just asked for the right to vote. So no.

Of course, the ID requirement is an attempt to prevent poor people from voting. Not everyone can afford $30.00 for an ID if they don't drive.
At this point probably at least 65-70%. The wishy-washy gun owners have mostly given up their licenses and firearms already. Mist of us who remain armed don't intend to give them up quietly.

If you guys were brave you wouldn't need guns compensate.

Joe.....normally it is immature, teenage males who are constantly talking about their reproductive old are you?

And considering that I and others have tried to have normal conversations with you....could you grow up a would make you seem more mature than you actually seem to be......
and twice the violent crime rate.....they surrender their right to stop rape, robbery, stabbings and beatings.....but they have the NHS to patch them up.....

Horseshit. The thing is, the UK reports things as violent crimes that we don't. Their crime rate is actually much lower than ours. As is their need to lock people up.
Joe.....normally it is immature, teenage males who are constantly talking about their reproductive old are you?

And considering that I and others have tried to have normal conversations with you....could you grow up a would make you seem more mature than you actually seem to be......

I call them as I see them. YOu gun nuts are all about making up for your "shortcomings".
If not a trouble, please explain how showing ID stops anyone from voting?

Second, isn't interesting that left is against voter photo ID requirement, but supports let's say Social Security photo ID.

Third, industrialized nations, such as Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada all have photo ID requirement to vote. I don't hear you bitching about them now.

Again, they didn't shoot black people and hang them when they just asked for the right to vote. So no.

Of course, the ID requirement is an attempt to prevent poor people from voting. Not everyone can afford $30.00 for an ID if they don't drive.

You get voter i.d. for free...they have programs where they will come to your home......and when the democrats enacted poll taxes, literacy tests and lynchings to prevent blacks from was Republicans making them stop.....
Then why don't you exhaust your energy on the real problem, mentally ill and criminals being freed in the first place.

These guys should had been locked up. That's the best way to keep them from guns.

We already lock up 2 million people in this country. Most other industrialized countries, the ones where they don't let civilians have guns- only lock up 30,000- 80,000. If locking them up was a solution, then we'd be the safest country in the industrialized world, not the most dangerous.

You progressives fantasize that you'll be able to someday eliminate guns altogether, when the fact of the matter is guns are basic technology that would easily be made on the black market if needed (being outlawed would indeed create that need). You idiots need to accept the fact that guns are here. If a gun owner is around a mentally ill/challenged individual then it that person needs to be held responsible for keeping the guns locked up and away from that person. You want to lay blame on everyone else who abides by the law, as opposed to the woman who neglected her duty as a gun owner and lax laws that let a maniac on the streets.

It's hardly a fantasy when other countries have either banned private gun ownership or severely limit it. Have they gotten rid of all guns and all gun deaths? No. Have they severely reduced the amount of gun violence? Yup!

The United Kingdom has 48 gun homicides a year. Japan has 11. Even Germany, where you can get guns with some special permits (about one gun for every five Germans) has only 258 gun homicides a year.

The US Has on average 11,500 gun homicides a year. Shit, we have on average 800 ACCIDENTAL gun deaths, usually proceeded by the most famous last words, 'Hold my beer!"

So saying "It can't be done' kind of ignores everyone who has already done it.

s0n......."gun nuts"???:ack-1::ack-1::disbelief:

You're the guy who has made 4,300 posts in the past 2 months!!! By any definition, that's a mental case. Its called OCD..........look it up...........Im not kidding.

And while Im at it, have to call big time attention in typical SPAMBOT fashion and say .........


Your gun statistics are bogus........a lie and as usual, backed up with what for a link?


So.....once again, am forced to display what not being a dick is...............

Harvard study concludes that gun control does not prevent murders other violent crime

How exactly do you figure pulling somebody's number of posts makes any kind of point? You tried the same shit with me.

How exactly do you figure an endless stream of dancing emoticons and the word DICK real big makes any kind of point?

How exactly do you figure posting a 4-second video called "Ha gay" over and over and over and over and over makes any kind of point?

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