BREAKING! 74% of Voters Say Joe Biden Should Debate His Democrat Challengers

Debate who? RFK? Why further his mental illness?

He sure made Trump look stupid at the last debates. Of course, making Trump look stupid in a debate is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Republicans go from saying "why should Trump show up to the Republican debates?" to "Biden's a pussy for not debating Trump".
Republicans go from saying "why should Trump show up to the Republican debates?" to "Biden's a pussy for not debating Trump".

Trumpkins don't know what to think about anything until Trump tells them. And as always, it's one standard for Trump, and another for everyone he's running against.

Republicans are running the best and the brightest of the Republican Party to try to unseat Trump, and only RFK is running against Biden. RFK can't even defend his statements in the House, much less on a national debate stage.

Trumpkins don't know what to think about anything until Trump tells them. And as always, it's one standard for Trump, and another for everyone he's running against.

Republicans are running the best and the brightest of the Republican Party to try to unseat Trump, and only RFK is running against Biden. RFK can't even defend his statements in the House, much less on a national debate stage.

And it's funny Republicans are pushing RFK Jr when he says this

according to Kennedy, the pandemic resulted in a "$4.4 trillion shift in wealth from the American middle class to this new oligarchy that we created – 500 new billionaires with the lockdowns, and the billionaires that we already had increased their wealth by 30%". Kennedy has also stated that the American government is dominated by corporate power; he said the Environmental Protection Agency was run by the "oil industry, the coal industry and the pesticide industry", and described the Food and Drug Administration as overly dominated by "Big Pharma".[147]

Additionally, he has stated his belief that "systematic" erosion of the middle class is taking place, remarking in a 2023 interview with UnHerd that American politicians have "been systematically hollowing out the American middle class, and printing money to make billionaires richer". He stated that the financial industry and the military–industrial complex are funded at the expense of the American middle class.[147] Kennedy sees a "vibrant middle class" as the backbone of the economy and stated that the economy has deteriorated because the middle class has become poorer.[148] In an interview with Andrew Serwer, Kennedy remarked that the gap between rich and poor in the United States had become too great and said, "the very wealthy people should pay more taxes and corporations". He also expressed his support for the wealth tax plan of Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren, which would impose an annual tax of 2% on every dollar of a household's net worth over $50 million and a tax of 6% on every dollar of net worth over $1 billion.
And it's funny Republicans are pushing RFK Jr when he says this

according to Kennedy, the pandemic resulted in a "$4.4 trillion shift in wealth from the American middle class to this new oligarchy that we created – 500 new billionaires with the lockdowns, and the billionaires that we already had increased their wealth by 30%". Kennedy has also stated that the American government is dominated by corporate power; he said the Environmental Protection Agency was run by the "oil industry, the coal industry and the pesticide industry", and described the Food and Drug Administration as overly dominated by "Big Pharma".[147]

Additionally, he has stated his belief that "systematic" erosion of the middle class is taking place, remarking in a 2023 interview with UnHerd that American politicians have "been systematically hollowing out the American middle class, and printing money to make billionaires richer". He stated that the financial industry and the military–industrial complex are funded at the expense of the American middle class.[147] Kennedy sees a "vibrant middle class" as the backbone of the economy and stated that the economy has deteriorated because the middle class has become poorer.[148] In an interview with Andrew Serwer, Kennedy remarked that the gap between rich and poor in the United States had become too great and said, "the very wealthy people should pay more taxes and corporations". He also expressed his support for the wealth tax plan of Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren, which would impose an annual tax of 2% on every dollar of a household's net worth over $50 million and a tax of 6% on every dollar of net worth over $1 billion.

That doesn't mean he's mentally stable or sane. He's also expressed belief in insane conspiracy theories regarding vaccines, and other medical hoaxes, as well as being virulently racist and anti-Semetic.

RFK Jr.'s own family has expressed serious concerns for his mental health.

That doesn't mean he's mentally stable or sane. He's also expressed belief in insane conspiracy theories regarding vaccines, and other medical hoaxes, as well as being virulently racist and anti-Semetic.

RFK Jr.'s own family has expressed serious concerns for his mental health.

The same guys who say they aren't republicans but they love Trump, love this guy too. He's a conspiracy theorist but says what a lot of us believe. The rich need to pay more taxes and control out gov too much.
The Dems are between a rock and a hard place:

If they don’t allow Biden to debate while the majority of voters want it, it shows how desperate they are to hide his confused, demented state, or…

They DO allow Biden to debate, and show the world why they were trying to get out of it.
Eh…I’m not so sure. Let’s be honest here, Biden was able to hold his own in the last debates, and he has spells where he is completely coherent and on point. Something tells me if he debated, he’d be ok. I don’t know why he goes from one extreme to another, some days he can’t seem to find his words…some days he’s just fine.

I think if he debated, he would probably have one of the good days…
Eh…I’m not so sure. Let’s be honest here, Biden was able to hold his own in the last debates, and he has spells where he is completely coherent and on point. Something tells me if he debated, he’d be ok. I don’t know why he goes from one extreme to another, some days he can’t seem to find his words…some days he’s just fine.

I think if he debated, he would probably have one of the good days…
Keep in mind that he “held his own” three years ago, and his cognitive decline has been very noticeable since then…..and we still have a year to go. I think he will be even more of a disaster by then.
The same guys who say they aren't republicans but they love Trump, love this guy too. He's a conspiracy theorist but says what a lot of us believe. The rich need to pay more taxes and control out gov too much.

I believe all of those things too, the difference being that I live in a country where the people are getting a much better shake because even our Conversatives are capable of governing, albeit badly.

Our middle class is growing because our tax dollars are spent on our PEOPLE, not on pork for the district, or tax cuts for the wealthy, but then our tax code is skewed to support low income taxpayers, not in wage subsidies for our largest corporations.

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