BREAKING: Active shooter in Midland/Odessa TX

Let the war begin...

For me I am not in a mood for any conflict and before you call me the name of a cat or the part of a woman private part you need to understand this old dog has fought too long.

America need to start discussing the society we live in and the fact many on the left use Sweden as their model they want without knowing the laws they have and the lack of a melting pot.

We must discuss the fact we put kids on pills because pathetic parents can not be bothered with raising their kids and Teachers can not be bother to handle a kid.

Also the violent society we depict in our entertainment add fuel to kids and adults using mental health medication and people on those drugs usually are delusional and our entertainment industry give them the idea it is cool to kill.

Then our 24/7/365 News cycle and unfiltered web glorifies these mentally deranged individuals causing others to believe they can have 15 minutes of fame which should be never allowed.

The fact is America is lost and the war is over before it ever began...

I know you Yell your Yell but fact is the backlash is coming and it will be harsh...

Our Civil Society has been virtually dismantled. What you mention are symptoms of destroying the bourgeois values:

Get married before you have children and strive to stay married for their sake.
Get the education you need for gainful employment, work hard, and avoid idleness.
Go the extra mile for your employer or client.
Be a patriot, ready to serve the country.
Be neighborly, civic-minded, and charitable.
Avoid coarse language in public.
Be respectful of authority.
Eschew substance abuse and crime.

Paying the price for breakdown of the country's bourgeois culture

Today I was in Bellville, Texas and was at the store and the politeness I saw was amazing compared to Houston...


Old German Families up there...

We have lost our way...

Well, even as society declines, some of us are still determined to live in a civil manner.

Very true.

I still hold a door open, stay thank you and tip my servers well when they do a good job.

Many millennials can not be bother just being Civil...

The Serbian I was with is a Millennial and she was screaming like a lunatic at a young lady at the counter because her coffee was not ready in the time she wanted...

I told her that sometime honey is better than the vinegar she was spewing and she did not even understand...

The generation gap on the fact Generation X messed up badly has caused great harm to this fine nation.
We tolerate, support, promote and excuse incivility at the highest levels now.

Not just one generation’s fault.
Blame the justice system in Illinois for that...

I grew up outside Chi-town and back in the day the saying was that minorities got less time for shooting their own than shooting a white guy and I bet it still holds true.

The shooting in Texas is a reminder the dangerous times we live in.

Sooner or later the left will win if this keep going...
Let the war begin...

For me I am not in a mood for any conflict and before you call me the name of a cat or the part of a woman private part you need to understand this old dog has fought too long.

America need to start discussing the society we live in and the fact many on the left use Sweden as their model they want without knowing the laws they have and the lack of a melting pot.

We must discuss the fact we put kids on pills because pathetic parents can not be bothered with raising their kids and Teachers can not be bother to handle a kid.

Also the violent society we depict in our entertainment add fuel to kids and adults using mental health medication and people on those drugs usually are delusional and our entertainment industry give them the idea it is cool to kill.

Then our 24/7/365 News cycle and unfiltered web glorifies these mentally deranged individuals causing others to believe they can have 15 minutes of fame which should be never allowed.

The fact is America is lost and the war is over before it ever began...

I know you Yell your Yell but fact is the backlash is coming and it will be harsh...

Our Civil Society has been virtually dismantled. What you mention are symptoms of destroying the bourgeois values:

Get married before you have children and strive to stay married for their sake.
Get the education you need for gainful employment, work hard, and avoid idleness.
Go the extra mile for your employer or client.
Be a patriot, ready to serve the country.
Be neighborly, civic-minded, and charitable.
Avoid coarse language in public.
Be respectful of authority.
Eschew substance abuse and crime.

Paying the price for breakdown of the country's bourgeois culture

Today I was in Bellville, Texas and was at the store and the politeness I saw was amazing compared to Houston...


Old German Families up there...

We have lost our way...

Well, even as society declines, some of us are still determined to live in a civil manner.

Around here I've noticed who exhibits it is mostly me and older blacks. It sort of makes sense because that's really all that used to be here.

I am Florida Man! :04: Mine and the older black people from here's culture is identical. Work, go to church on Sunday. Love your family. It ain't hard.
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That happens every day in Obama's and Hillary Clinton's Chicago..

Nothing new

Yes it does and by people that are usually not allow to own a firearm because of a criminal conviction...
Yet they are free...

Blame the justice system in Illinois for that...

I grew up outside Chi-town and back in the day the saying was that minorities got less time for shooting their own than shooting a white guy and I bet it still holds true.

The shooting in Texas is a reminder the dangerous times we live in.

Sooner or later the left will win if this keep going...
Let the war begin...

For me I am not in a mood for any conflict and before you call me the name of a cat or the part of a woman private part you need to understand this old dog has fought too long.

America need to start discussing the society we live in and the fact many on the left use Sweden as their model they want without knowing the laws they have and the lack of a melting pot.

We must discuss the fact we put kids on pills because pathetic parents can not be bothered with raising their kids and Teachers can not be bother to handle a kid.

Also the violent society we depict in our entertainment add fuel to kids and adults using mental health medication and people on those drugs usually are delusional and our entertainment industry give them the idea it is cool to kill.

Then our 24/7/365 News cycle and unfiltered web glorifies these mentally deranged individuals causing others to believe they can have 15 minutes of fame which should be never allowed.

The fact is America is lost and the war is over before it ever began...

I know you Yell your Yell but fact is the backlash is coming and it will be harsh...

"The fact is America is lost and the war is over before it ever began"...

Yes, and if Trump isn't reelected it is going to be sooner than later.
For me I am not in a mood for any conflict and before you call me the name of a cat or the part of a woman private part you need to understand this old dog has fought too long.

America need to start discussing the society we live in and the fact many on the left use Sweden as their model they want without knowing the laws they have and the lack of a melting pot.

We must discuss the fact we put kids on pills because pathetic parents can not be bothered with raising their kids and Teachers can not be bother to handle a kid.

Also the violent society we depict in our entertainment add fuel to kids and adults using mental health medication and people on those drugs usually are delusional and our entertainment industry give them the idea it is cool to kill.

Then our 24/7/365 News cycle and unfiltered web glorifies these mentally deranged individuals causing others to believe they can have 15 minutes of fame which should be never allowed.

The fact is America is lost and the war is over before it ever began...

I know you Yell your Yell but fact is the backlash is coming and it will be harsh...

Our Civil Society has been virtually dismantled. What you mention are symptoms of destroying the bourgeois values:

Get married before you have children and strive to stay married for their sake.
Get the education you need for gainful employment, work hard, and avoid idleness.
Go the extra mile for your employer or client.
Be a patriot, ready to serve the country.
Be neighborly, civic-minded, and charitable.
Avoid coarse language in public.
Be respectful of authority.
Eschew substance abuse and crime.

Paying the price for breakdown of the country's bourgeois culture

Today I was in Bellville, Texas and was at the store and the politeness I saw was amazing compared to Houston...


Old German Families up there...

We have lost our way...

Well, even as society declines, some of us are still determined to live in a civil manner.

Very true.

I still hold a door open, stay thank you and tip my servers well when they do a good job.

Many millennials can not be bother just being Civil...

The Serbian I was with is a Millennial and she was screaming like a lunatic at a young lady at the counter because her coffee was not ready in the time she wanted...

I told her that sometime honey is better than the vinegar she was spewing and she did not even understand...

The generation gap on the fact Generation X messed up badly has caused great harm to this fine nation.
We tolerate, support, promote and excuse incivility at the highest levels now.

Not just one generation’s fault.

No, my aunt and Uncle that raised me would have knocked my teeth out even in adulthood, so Generation X caused a shift with trying to feel good and promote everyone is special.

I am sorry Coyote but some of us still hold true to how we were raised and believe me love I am an ass when needed but I also know when to be civil.

Many Millennials lack social skills and the generations after them are worst...
For me I am not in a mood for any conflict and before you call me the name of a cat or the part of a woman private part you need to understand this old dog has fought too long.

America need to start discussing the society we live in and the fact many on the left use Sweden as their model they want without knowing the laws they have and the lack of a melting pot.

We must discuss the fact we put kids on pills because pathetic parents can not be bothered with raising their kids and Teachers can not be bother to handle a kid.

Also the violent society we depict in our entertainment add fuel to kids and adults using mental health medication and people on those drugs usually are delusional and our entertainment industry give them the idea it is cool to kill.

Then our 24/7/365 News cycle and unfiltered web glorifies these mentally deranged individuals causing others to believe they can have 15 minutes of fame which should be never allowed.

The fact is America is lost and the war is over before it ever began...

I know you Yell your Yell but fact is the backlash is coming and it will be harsh...

Our Civil Society has been virtually dismantled. What you mention are symptoms of destroying the bourgeois values:

Get married before you have children and strive to stay married for their sake.
Get the education you need for gainful employment, work hard, and avoid idleness.
Go the extra mile for your employer or client.
Be a patriot, ready to serve the country.
Be neighborly, civic-minded, and charitable.
Avoid coarse language in public.
Be respectful of authority.
Eschew substance abuse and crime.

Paying the price for breakdown of the country's bourgeois culture

Today I was in Bellville, Texas and was at the store and the politeness I saw was amazing compared to Houston...


Old German Families up there...

We have lost our way...

Well, even as society declines, some of us are still determined to live in a civil manner.

Very true.

I still hold a door open, stay thank you and tip my servers well when they do a good job.

Many millennials can not be bother just being Civil...

The Serbian I was with is a Millennial and she was screaming like a lunatic at a young lady at the counter because her coffee was not ready in the time she wanted...

I told her that sometime honey is better than the vinegar she was spewing and she did not even understand...

The generation gap on the fact Generation X messed up badly has caused great harm to this fine nation.
We tolerate, support, promote and excuse incivility at the highest levels now.

Not just one generation’s fault.

The cops killed his dumb ass..
So stand down
I don't think the shooter today was Roy Daniel Garza - he was
Our Civil Society has been virtually dismantled. What you mention are symptoms of destroying the bourgeois values:

Get married before you have children and strive to stay married for their sake.
Get the education you need for gainful employment, work hard, and avoid idleness.
Go the extra mile for your employer or client.
Be a patriot, ready to serve the country.
Be neighborly, civic-minded, and charitable.
Avoid coarse language in public.
Be respectful of authority.
Eschew substance abuse and crime.

Paying the price for breakdown of the country's bourgeois culture

Today I was in Bellville, Texas and was at the store and the politeness I saw was amazing compared to Houston...


Old German Families up there...

We have lost our way...

Well, even as society declines, some of us are still determined to live in a civil manner.

Very true.

I still hold a door open, stay thank you and tip my servers well when they do a good job.

Many millennials can not be bother just being Civil...

The Serbian I was with is a Millennial and she was screaming like a lunatic at a young lady at the counter because her coffee was not ready in the time she wanted...

I told her that sometime honey is better than the vinegar she was spewing and she did not even understand...

The generation gap on the fact Generation X messed up badly has caused great harm to this fine nation.
We tolerate, support, promote and excuse incivility at the highest levels now.

Not just one generation’s fault.

No, my aunt and Uncle that raised me would have knocked my teeth out even in adulthood, so Generation X caused a shift with trying to feel good and promote everyone is special.

I am sorry Coyote but some of still hold true to how we were raised and believe me love I am an ass when needed but I also know when to be civil.

Many Millennials lack social skills and the generations after them are worst...

Social Media has had an incredibly negative impact on Millennials; I don't see GenX as being the biggest problem - they are in their late 30s to mid 50s now. The kids who grew up with the hideous examples of unfiltered garbage on Social Media - with the huge peer pressure to "conform" are fluxored. Add the AD/HD drug cocktail used to keep them passive in school, and we have a totally messed up generation.
Yes it does and by people that are usually not allow to own a firearm because of a criminal conviction...
Yet they are free...

Blame the justice system in Illinois for that...

I grew up outside Chi-town and back in the day the saying was that minorities got less time for shooting their own than shooting a white guy and I bet it still holds true.

The shooting in Texas is a reminder the dangerous times we live in.

Sooner or later the left will win if this keep going...
Let the war begin...

For me I am not in a mood for any conflict and before you call me the name of a cat or the part of a woman private part you need to understand this old dog has fought too long.

America need to start discussing the society we live in and the fact many on the left use Sweden as their model they want without knowing the laws they have and the lack of a melting pot.

We must discuss the fact we put kids on pills because pathetic parents can not be bothered with raising their kids and Teachers can not be bother to handle a kid.

Also the violent society we depict in our entertainment add fuel to kids and adults using mental health medication and people on those drugs usually are delusional and our entertainment industry give them the idea it is cool to kill.

Then our 24/7/365 News cycle and unfiltered web glorifies these mentally deranged individuals causing others to believe they can have 15 minutes of fame which should be never allowed.

The fact is America is lost and the war is over before it ever began...

I know you Yell your Yell but fact is the backlash is coming and it will be harsh...

"The fact is America is lost and the war is over before it ever began"...

Yes, and if Trump isn't reelected it is going to be sooner than later.

Trump is the last person that should lead any charge on morality see his entire life has been lacking it.

No politician should lead us and we must start at home and learn to be parents and role models for our kids.

Politicians no matter which party are flawed and let me be very clear lack morals most of the time as the sell you how pious they are!
I will not

Of course you won't. You'd rather be an asshole...but it is your only talent, so I can grok while you feel compelled to indulge it.
You can call me an asshole all you want but I was right in what I said.

Yes, you were quite right in noting that you do not give a fuck. So what else is new?
that's irrelevant she was making the case for banning ar15s you can sit by and let it pass because you think she's nice but I will not.

No, she wasn't. She made the case that we have a problem with mentally ill people.
Her beginning point was when she said
"We are walking on the razors edge between a civil right and being an insipid enabler"
She's saying on what someone may or may not do. You can let that shit pass but I will not.
Which takes me back to 1966, the Texas Tower sniper/shooter. This was the first of its kind I can find. This guy was a typical Texan and loved his mother and family, an ex Marine and sharpshooter. Like Lee Harvey Oswald. Who could have predicted the dark turn either took? Whitman had a brain tumor, what Oswald's excuse was, is anyone's guess.
and your point? no one should lose their civil rights because something might happen.
We are walking on the razors edge between a civil right and being an insipid enabler. I am not a liberal, I am a neoconservative. And this shit, pains me...
Did Texas magically transport itself to Chicago, Chicago, Chicago. This is downright sick. People are dying.
Our Civil Society has been virtually dismantled. What you mention are symptoms of destroying the bourgeois values:

Get married before you have children and strive to stay married for their sake.
Get the education you need for gainful employment, work hard, and avoid idleness.
Go the extra mile for your employer or client.
Be a patriot, ready to serve the country.
Be neighborly, civic-minded, and charitable.
Avoid coarse language in public.
Be respectful of authority.
Eschew substance abuse and crime.

Paying the price for breakdown of the country's bourgeois culture

Today I was in Bellville, Texas and was at the store and the politeness I saw was amazing compared to Houston...


Old German Families up there...

We have lost our way...

Well, even as society declines, some of us are still determined to live in a civil manner.

Very true.

I still hold a door open, stay thank you and tip my servers well when they do a good job.

Many millennials can not be bother just being Civil...

The Serbian I was with is a Millennial and she was screaming like a lunatic at a young lady at the counter because her coffee was not ready in the time she wanted...

I told her that sometime honey is better than the vinegar she was spewing and she did not even understand...

The generation gap on the fact Generation X messed up badly has caused great harm to this fine nation.
We tolerate, support, promote and excuse incivility at the highest levels now.

Not just one generation’s fault.

The cops killed his dumb ass..
So stand down
Its over
When I contribute to the USMB, its under Anonymous. Because I am afraid my identity as the Real Silver shroud might be revealed.
We already know you
HMM, no on second thought you don't know squat. Next week or 6 months from now? Nobody will remember your name here. I actually give money to this board. And you? I feel sorry for the moderators. I really do.
I know this sounds simplistic but when you have a borderline loner who feels he has nothing left to lose and he combines that state of mind with suicidal tendencies and massive amounts of legal and illegal drugs in his system and after playing stimulating violent video games where death is the goal absent of any have yourself a timebomb who wants to commit suicide by mass murder because he is enraged and out of his mind. And so he finds gun-free zones and becomes a legend in his own mind while others are dead or in agony writhing around on the floor bleeding out unless help comes.

I love owning my own gun and am considering getting a permit to carry. I used to be a very good shot during target practice but need to hone up. I am tired of looking over my shoulder in the supermarket in this leftist radical climate I must reside in unless I move to Switzerland.
This recent killer in texas was wearing a MAGA hat You think he was a leftist?
Of course you won't. You'd rather be an asshole...but it is your only talent, so I can grok while you feel compelled to indulge it.
You can call me an asshole all you want but I was right in what I said.

Yes, you were quite right in noting that you do not give a fuck. So what else is new?
that's irrelevant she was making the case for banning ar15s you can sit by and let it pass because you think she's nice but I will not.

No, she wasn't. She made the case that we have a problem with mentally ill people.
Her beginning point was when she said
"We are walking on the razors edge between a civil right and being an insipid enabler"
She's saying on what someone may or may not do. You can let that shit pass but I will not.
Which takes me back to 1966, the Texas Tower sniper/shooter. This was the first of its kind I can find. This guy was a typical Texan and loved his mother and family, an ex Marine and sharpshooter. Like Lee Harvey Oswald. Who could have predicted the dark turn either took? Whitman had a brain tumor, what Oswald's excuse was, is anyone's guess.
and your point? no one should lose their civil rights because something might happen.
We are walking on the razors edge between a civil right and being an insipid enabler. I am not a liberal, I am a neoconservative. And this shit, pains me...

Wow - if you got that she was advocating for banning AR15s from that, you are really pinning the bogometer. She was describing the dilemma we are in as a society.
I don't think the shooter today was Roy Daniel Garza - he was
Today I was in Bellville, Texas and was at the store and the politeness I saw was amazing compared to Houston...


Old German Families up there...

We have lost our way...

Well, even as society declines, some of us are still determined to live in a civil manner.

Very true.

I still hold a door open, stay thank you and tip my servers well when they do a good job.

Many millennials can not be bother just being Civil...

The Serbian I was with is a Millennial and she was screaming like a lunatic at a young lady at the counter because her coffee was not ready in the time she wanted...

I told her that sometime honey is better than the vinegar she was spewing and she did not even understand...

The generation gap on the fact Generation X messed up badly has caused great harm to this fine nation.
We tolerate, support, promote and excuse incivility at the highest levels now.

Not just one generation’s fault.

No, my aunt and Uncle that raised me would have knocked my teeth out even in adulthood, so Generation X caused a shift with trying to feel good and promote everyone is special.

I am sorry Coyote but some of still hold true to how we were raised and believe me love I am an ass when needed but I also know when to be civil.

Many Millennials lack social skills and the generations after them are worst...

Social Media has had an incredibly negative impact on Millennials; I don't see GenX as being the biggest problem - they are in their late 30s to mid 50s now. The kids who grew up with the hideous examples of unfiltered garbage on Social Media - with the huge peer pressure to "conform" are fluxored. Add the AD/HD drug cocktail used to keep them passive in school, and we have a totally messed up generation.

And the parents of the Millennials are Generation X that put their kids on those drugs because they could not be bothered to parent...

And then the social media crisis is true and again the parent is the issue...

I know you can not police all the time but a parent need to parent but then the State screws it up saying the kid civil liberties are being denied and tell you they must have the internet and your kid is disruptive so put them on the pill.

So many factors cause this...
Our Civil Society has been virtually dismantled. What you mention are symptoms of destroying the bourgeois values:

Get married before you have children and strive to stay married for their sake.
Get the education you need for gainful employment, work hard, and avoid idleness.
Go the extra mile for your employer or client.
Be a patriot, ready to serve the country.
Be neighborly, civic-minded, and charitable.
Avoid coarse language in public.
Be respectful of authority.
Eschew substance abuse and crime.

Paying the price for breakdown of the country's bourgeois culture

Today I was in Bellville, Texas and was at the store and the politeness I saw was amazing compared to Houston...


Old German Families up there...

We have lost our way...

Well, even as society declines, some of us are still determined to live in a civil manner.

Very true.

I still hold a door open, stay thank you and tip my servers well when they do a good job.

Many millennials can not be bother just being Civil...

The Serbian I was with is a Millennial and she was screaming like a lunatic at a young lady at the counter because her coffee was not ready in the time she wanted...

I told her that sometime honey is better than the vinegar she was spewing and she did not even understand...

The generation gap on the fact Generation X messed up badly has caused great harm to this fine nation.
We tolerate, support, promote and excuse incivility at the highest levels now.

Not just one generation’s fault.

No, my aunt and Uncle that raised me would have knocked my teeth out even in adulthood, so Generation X caused a shift with trying to feel good and promote everyone is special.

I am sorry Coyote but some of us still hold true to how we were raised and believe me love I am an ass when needed but I also know when to be civil.

Many Millennials lack social skills and the generations after them are worst...
Why then do we tolerate this behavior from prominent people? You and are probably of a generation.
You can call me an asshole all you want but I was right in what I said.

Yes, you were quite right in noting that you do not give a fuck. So what else is new?
that's irrelevant she was making the case for banning ar15s you can sit by and let it pass because you think she's nice but I will not.

No, she wasn't. She made the case that we have a problem with mentally ill people.
Her beginning point was when she said
"We are walking on the razors edge between a civil right and being an insipid enabler"
She's saying on what someone may or may not do. You can let that shit pass but I will not.
Which takes me back to 1966, the Texas Tower sniper/shooter. This was the first of its kind I can find. This guy was a typical Texan and loved his mother and family, an ex Marine and sharpshooter. Like Lee Harvey Oswald. Who could have predicted the dark turn either took? Whitman had a brain tumor, what Oswald's excuse was, is anyone's guess.
and your point? no one should lose their civil rights because something might happen.
We are walking on the razors edge between a civil right and being an insipid enabler. I am not a liberal, I am a neoconservative. And this shit, pains me...

Wow - if you got that she was advocating for banning AR15s from that, you are really pinning the bogometer. She was describing the dilemma we are in as a society.
It was an opening and I cut it off.
When I contribute to the USMB, its under Anonymous. Because I am afraid my identity as the Real Silver shroud might be revealed.
We already know you
HMM, no on second thought you don't know squat. Next week or 6 months from now? Nobody will remember your name here. I actually give money to this board. And you? I feel sorry for the moderators. I really do.
I have 50,000 posts
You dumb bitch

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