BREAKING: Active shooter in Midland/Odessa TX

Which takes me back to 1966, the Texas Tower sniper/shooter. This was the first of its kind I can find. This guy was a typical Texan and loved his mother and family, an ex Marine and sharpshooter. Like Lee Harvey Oswald. Who could have predicted the dark turn either took? Whitman had a brain tumor, what Oswald's excuse was, is anyone's guess.
and your point? no one should lose their civil rights because something might happen.
We are walking on the razors edge between a civil right and being an insipid enabler. I am not a liberal, I am a neoconservative. And this shit, pains me...

Bullshit she is nice
You have me mistaken for someone who gives a fuck. When you insinuate rights are dependent on what someone might or might not do is bullshit.
I have contributed to this board since 2011. Monetarily and just by my sheer presence, I wasn't born yesterday. I have seen posters come and go, accuse me of being anything or everything they hate, and then they vanish. But I Am still here. The ghost in the machine.

I'd rathe be a Ghost in the Shell.

If they had kept him in jail, he wouldn't have been able to shoot anyone today.
Which takes me back to 1966, the Texas Tower sniper/shooter. This was the first of its kind I can find. This guy was a typical Texan and loved his mother and family, an ex Marine and sharpshooter. Like Lee Harvey Oswald. Who could have predicted the dark turn either took? Whitman had a brain tumor, what Oswald's excuse was, is anyone's guess.
and your point? no one should lose their civil rights because something might happen.
We are walking on the razors edge between a civil right and being an insipid enabler. I am not a liberal, I am a neoconservative. And this shit, pains me...

Bullshit she is nice
You have me mistaken for someone who gives a fuck. When you insinuate rights are dependent on what someone might or might not do is bullshit.

Oh, puh-leeeze...just stop it.
No, you are right. You are a douche.

Why thank you... Coming from someone like you is a compliment...

Now don't you have a thread to write about how Donald Trump is the reason for the mass shooting in Tejas?

That happens every day in Obama's and Hillary Clinton's Chicago..

Nothing new

Yes it does and by people that are usually not allow to own a firearm because of a criminal conviction...
Yet they are free...

Blame the justice system in Illinois for that...

I grew up outside Chi-town and back in the day the saying was that minorities got less time for shooting their own than shooting a white guy and I bet it still holds true.

The shooting in Texas is a reminder the dangerous times we live in.

Sooner or later the left will win if this keep going...
Let the war begin...
Retards can't figure it out yet but when ass hole democrats want to gun grab they will get those states that red have the shootings just oooopsie take place so all the leftist assholes go on a gun grab frenzy until sooner or later the pussies get ur guns..
it's working so well in nChicago and CA LMFAO gawd ur idiots !!
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and your point? no one should lose their civil rights because something might happen.
We are walking on the razors edge between a civil right and being an insipid enabler. I am not a liberal, I am a neoconservative. And this shit, pains me...

Bullshit she is nice
You have me mistaken for someone who gives a fuck. When you insinuate rights are dependent on what someone might or might not do is bullshit.

Oh, puh-leeeze...just stop it.
I will not
No, you are right. You are a douche.

Why thank you... Coming from someone like you is a compliment...

Now don't you have a thread to write about how Donald Trump is the reason for the mass shooting in Tejas?

That happens every day in Obama's and Hillary Clinton's Chicago..

Nothing new

Yes it does and by people that are usually not allow to own a firearm because of a criminal conviction...

Well, how do they get firearms if they have a criminal conviction?

By stealing, a purchase from a legal seller or owner, given to them by a friend or relative, or purchased for them by someone else.

That's cool and all, but I like my guns to be forged.
I do not mean to sound like a douche but I am sure I know why Home Depot was hit.

Many undocumented workers sit around those stores and once all is known it is most likely for that reason.

I know I will bashed for this and I hope I am wrong as hell and will apologize if I am...

No, you are right. You are a douche.

Why thank you... Coming from someone like you is a compliment...

Now don't you have a thread to write about how Donald Trump is the reason for the mass shooting in Tejas?

That happens every day in Obama's and Hillary Clinton's Chicago..

Nothing new

Yes it does and by people that are usually not allow to own a firearm because of a criminal conviction...

Well, how do they get firearms if they have a criminal conviction?

By stealing, a purchase from a legal seller or owner, given to them by a friend or relative, or purchased for them by someone else.
How is that my fault traitor?

That guy's probably still locked up, right?

No, he's the shooter today. They let him out on appeal after he tried to kill two cops who were trying to arrest him for a parole violation. He never should have been set free.

WTF?! This doesn't happen in my state. Okay, you're waiting for an appeal? Back up the road you go!
Sounds like a failure of the corrections system in Texas. We could give them and LA lessons baby. Oh, this is bad!
I like guns. I am a conservative now. I would NEVER own a gun My father back in say 1972 almost shot me. It was traumatic, he had what they call now, PTSD, and had a WWII survivors guilt thing and
Putting the known crazy ones in a safe place is a decent start.

Adam Lanza and Nikolas Cruz should have already been in Mental hospitals.
You can thank the conservative prophet Ronnie Raygun for that.

No, you can blame the public for demanding that mental hospitals be closed.
I keep seeing the ghost or Ronald Regan here. Regan shut down the mental health system. And then John Lennon was shot to death. no, not stabbed, not poisoned. By a mentally ill man. What rational connection is there to a any mass shooting? I am open here....

That is prog spin. The public demanded that mental hospitals be closed due to the horrible conditions and ways that "inconvenient" people were dumped into them.

Simple statements ^^^ like this are an example of arrogance and ignorance:

A brief history of mental health care in California

Ronald Reagan's shameful legacy: Violence, the homeless, mental illness


LIVERPOOL, England — No two people are exactly alike. Therefore, attempting to classify each unique individual’s mental health issues into neat categories just doesn’t work. That’s the claim coming out of the United Kingdom that is sure to ruffle some psychologists’ feathers.

Study: Psychiatric Diagnoses Are 'Scientifically Meaningless' In Treating Mental Health - Study Finds


More people are being diagnosed with mental illnesses than ever before. Multiple factors can be attributed to this rise; many people blame the popularity of social media and increased screen time, but it is also worth considering that in today’s day and age more people may be willing to admit they are having mental health issues in the first place. Whatever the reason, it is generally believed that a psychiatric diagnosis is the first step to recovery.

That’s why a new study conducted at the University of Liverpool has raised eyebrows by concluding that psychiatric diagnoses are “scientifically meaningless,” and worthless as tools to accurately identify and address mental distress at an individual level.
I like guns. I am a conservative now. I would NEVER own a gun My father back in say 1972 almost shot me. It was traumatic, he had what they call now, PTSD, and had a WWII survivors guilt thing and
You can thank the conservative prophet Ronnie Raygun for that.

No, you can blame the public for demanding that mental hospitals be closed.
I keep seeing the ghost or Ronald Regan here. Regan shut down the mental health system. And then John Lennon was shot to death. no, not stabbed, not poisoned. By a mentally ill man. What rational connection is there to a any mass shooting? I am open here....

That is prog spin. The public demanded that mental hospitals be closed due to the horrible conditions and ways that "inconvenient" people were dumped into them.

Simple statements ^^^ like this are an example of arrogance and ignorance:

A brief history of mental health care in California

Ronald Reagan's shameful legacy: Violence, the homeless, mental illness


LIVERPOOL, England — No two people are exactly alike. Therefore, attempting to classify each unique individual’s mental health issues into neat categories just doesn’t work. That’s the claim coming out of the United Kingdom that is sure to ruffle some psychologists’ feathers.

Study: Psychiatric Diagnoses Are 'Scientifically Meaningless' In Treating Mental Health - Study Finds


More people are being diagnosed with mental illnesses than ever before. Multiple factors can be attributed to this rise; many people blame the popularity of social media and increased screen time, but it is also worth considering that in today’s day and age more people may be willing to admit they are having mental health issues in the first place. Whatever the reason, it is generally believed that a psychiatric diagnosis is the first step to recovery.

That’s why a new study conducted at the University of Liverpool has raised eyebrows by concluding that psychiatric diagnoses are “scientifically meaningless,” and worthless as tools to accurately identify and address mental distress at an individual level.

Jesus christ..

They get it

Well, he has quite a history - he was convicted of shooting two Odessa police officers in 2015 - and then appealed....

Roy Daniel Garza, 29, was sentenced to life in prison following his conviction in connection with the shooting of two Odessa police officers, Cpl. Cory Wester and Sgt. Pedro “Pete” Gonzalez during a nine-hour standoff at Clayton Manor Townhomes on Dec. 23, 2015. He was convicted and sentenced by a jury in the 161st District Court of Judge John Smith.

Garza surrendered to officers after the apartment he had been hiding in was destroyed by gunfire, gas canisters and an armored personnel carrier which had broken through the front wall.

Following his conviction, Garza’s former court-appointed lawyer, Michael McLeaish, filed a notice of appeal stating Garza wanted to appeal his conviction, and two weeks after that, a motion for a new trial was filed.

The reason Garza’s appeal was granted was because of new evidence that had been uncovered which favored the defense.

The defendant’s motion states on Dec. 15, Assistant District Attorney Michael Munk sent Garza’s counsel a letter disclosing forensic evidence relating to Wester’s vest previously unknown to the defense.

“At trial, the State argued to the jury that the hole was an alleged projectile exit hole which supported the State’s theory of Defendant’s guilt,” the document stated. “In contrast, the manufacture of the ballistic vest expressly disagreed with the State’s argument.”...

Garza appealing attempted capital murder conviction
His death sentence for this little episode might preclude his appeal.

It's shocking that he was released after attempting to murder two police officers. His victims today have the government as an accomplice.
Well, releasing a crazy man from prison who has a history of shooting people up wasn't the best idea, but when threatened with a bazillion-dollar lawsuit, some small towns just want to wash their hands of the whole thing and hope that the offender learned his lesson when he is released. This time, it didn't work. My hunch is the man is schizophrenic who does not take his meds, and there was no one around to make him take his medicine if he was so treated. That too was a huge mistake, particularly if he was on some kind of parole agreement. I've been updating a post with incomplete sentences in it for the past 20 minutes. Have they all been accounted for with the death toll at 5? I sure hope the victims got good care. It's hard when there are so many in such wide open spaces.
We are walking on the razors edge between a civil right and being an insipid enabler. I am not a liberal, I am a neoconservative. And this shit, pains me...

Bullshit she is nice
You have me mistaken for someone who gives a fuck. When you insinuate rights are dependent on what someone might or might not do is bullshit.

Oh, puh-leeeze...just stop it.
I will not

Of course you won't. You'd rather be an asshole...but it is your only talent, so I can grok while you feel compelled to indulge it.

That guy's probably still locked up, right?

No, he's the shooter today. They let him out on appeal after he tried to kill two cops who were trying to arrest him for a parole violation. He never should have been set free.

WTF?! This doesn't happen in my state. Okay, you're waiting for an appeal? Back up the road you go!
Sounds like a failure of the corrections system in Texas. We could give them and LA lessons baby. Oh, this is bad!

Your still alive..

What does that tell you?
Why thank you... Coming from someone like you is a compliment...

Now don't you have a thread to write about how Donald Trump is the reason for the mass shooting in Tejas?

That happens every day in Obama's and Hillary Clinton's Chicago..

Nothing new

Yes it does and by people that are usually not allow to own a firearm because of a criminal conviction...
Yet they are free...

Blame the justice system in Illinois for that...

I grew up outside Chi-town and back in the day the saying was that minorities got less time for shooting their own than shooting a white guy and I bet it still holds true.

The shooting in Texas is a reminder the dangerous times we live in.

Sooner or later the left will win if this keep going...
Let the war begin...

For me I am not in a mood for any conflict and before you call me the name of a cat or the part of a woman private part you need to understand this old dog has fought too long.

America need to start discussing the society we live in and the fact many on the left use Sweden as their model they want without knowing the laws they have and the lack of a melting pot.

We must discuss the fact we put kids on pills because pathetic parents can not be bothered with raising their kids and Teachers can not be bother to handle a kid.

Also the violent society we depict in our entertainment add fuel to kids and adults using mental health medication and people on those drugs usually are delusional and our entertainment industry give them the idea it is cool to kill.

Then our 24/7/365 News cycle and unfiltered web glorifies these mentally deranged individuals causing others to believe they can have 15 minutes of fame which should be never allowed.

The fact is America is lost and the war is over before it ever began...

I know you Yell your Yell but fact is the backlash is coming and it will be harsh...

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