BREAKING: Active shooter in Midland/Odessa TX

Here we go again. The day before Texas relaxes the gun regs on the very weapon that was probably used. He fired a semi auto rifle while driving. It was a high capacity, high rate of fire that could be fired one handed while he drove a vehicle. Anyone care to guess what that weapon probably is? Even with the Cops in direct pursuit all the way from the start, he still managed to kill 7 wounding 22 including 3 cops before they cornered him and killed him.

At Least 8 Dead, 20 Injured In Midland/Odessa Shooting, Suspect Killed; ‘Oh God, They’re Shooting Right There’
It was over a traffic violation, the guy was a fuck up. Don’t blame the firearm like some type of pussy
How many would have been shot if he didn`t have a firearm genius?
Bombs/vehicles are much more effective, proven in the Middle East...
And no fucked up frivolous gun control laws would’ve changed a thing you stupid ass motherfucker

No, but go try and buy your Nitrogen Fertilizer and Diesel without the proper permits and reasons to buy it in the first place. I never heard of an empty van blowing up a Federal Building.
where have yu been threads already started and the count is 5 plus the shooter.

I did a search and came up with nothing. And the question here is, would this have been possible in some of the other states with current gun laws in place? Should Texas continue lessening their current gun laws even more like they will the very next day? Should the AR be allowed to be openly displayed in public including in the Schools and public gatherings?

Or, since he used a stolen Mail Truck, should Mail Trucks be banned instead.

As of about a half an hour ago, the body count went up to 7.
View attachment 276980
If you liberals wouldn't cater to all the Looney people, instead of getting them the help they need. This kinda stuff wouldn't happen as often.

And only a loon would post that. If it quacks like a duck.
The Fake News bots are twisting the whole story up like the Fake News. This is more about backing our law enforcement. It all started with him running from the police.

Fake news? You mean the local news station I quoted? You mean the fact that it started out as a routine traffic stop? You mean the fact he was shooting with one hand while driving with the other? You mean the fact that he was firing a high capacity and high fire rate weapon and could reload one handed? Newsflash: There is only ONE Rifle that fits that description. And the news specifically stated it was a Rifle. Let me guess, like your Rump, any time facts get in the way of your agenda it's fake news.

YOU are fake news.

Wait is this your angle about "gun zone's"? Cause this is about mental health. How's yours? Cause Fake News and Fake News bots constantly use tragedies like this to politicize. Sad!

My sanity is just fine according to the Mental Health at the VA. Can you say the same? I am just stating facts. Just because the facts contradict your agenda doesn't make it fake news. Facts are Facts. Rump, is that you?

And when your computer malfunctions, you wouldn't be able to go buy another one and you wouldn't be on here spreading the manure you spread. Might be worth it.

Who uses a computer?

Phones work faster
Very poor reporting on this one. Read several and none detail how a running gun battle kills and injures so many.
It was over a traffic violation, the guy was a fuck up. Don’t blame the firearm like some type of pussy
How many would have been shot if he didn`t have a firearm genius?

Didn't he have a car? Aren't cars used in about 30 times the number of homicides than guns? About a thousand times the number of homicides than so called assault rifles? He would have done what they do in France, and just run people over.
More people are killed by lawnmowers every year in the country than people using ARs to kill people. And no one in this country has an right to lawnmower ownership...

People kill people not firearms… Firearms have no control over people
in 2017 5977 pedestrians were hit and killed by a vehicle while 403 people were killed with a rifle.

And that doesn't even include the big one, vehicular manslaughter.

Vehicular Manslaughter: The Global Epidemic of Traffic Deaths
That includes manslaughter but it doesn't include vehicle crashes with other vehicles.
where have yu been threads already started and the count is 5 plus the shooter.

I did a search and came up with nothing. And the question here is, would this have been possible in some of the other states with current gun laws in place? Should Texas continue lessening their current gun laws even more like they will the very next day? Should the AR be allowed to be openly displayed in public including in the Schools and public gatherings?

Or, since he used a stolen Mail Truck, should Mail Trucks be banned instead.

As of about a half an hour ago, the body count went up to 7.
View attachment 276980
If you liberals wouldn't cater to all the Looney people, instead of getting them the help they need. This kinda stuff wouldn't happen as often.

And only a loon would post that. If it quacks like a duck.

When you think this is normal, you're the problem.
No. It is not clear. You couldn't wait to jump the gun and rush right into an event which you do not know anything about so that you could listen to yourself.
Disir, what more does brain need to know to comment on gun control? The mass shooter had a rifle in his car (according to the police). He shot a cop, hijacked a mail truck and randomly shot others as he drove by them. He killed six, injured twenty-some others and was eventually shot himelf by the police.
What more does brain need to know to comment on gun control in this country? What extenuating circumstances would take the easy availability of guns out of the equation? Mental health? lol He may have been nuts but he still had a rifle.
Well, it would be nice if he had some knowledge on how to operate a rifle before he comments. Do you realize how hard it is to operate a vehicle and shoot a rifle at the same time and actually hit a target??
I was thinking that myself. But that is what they said he did. Do you think he may have stopped to aim?
Stop to shoot people why other people are after you with guns?
So on a new thread, he's saying only one rifle would allow you to do that--an AR.
It's taking them a long time to break his name and the details. Must be having trouble finding his next of kin.
They are already identifying victims They know who the shooter is I suspect he doesn't fit the narrative.
Here we go again. The day before Texas relaxes the gun regs on the very weapon that was probably used. He fired a semi auto rifle while driving. It was a high capacity, high rate of fire that could be fired one handed while he drove a vehicle. Anyone care to guess what that weapon probably is? Even with the Cops in direct pursuit all the way from the start, he still managed to kill 7 wounding 22 including 3 cops before they cornered him and killed him.

At Least 8 Dead, 20 Injured In Midland/Odessa Shooting, Suspect Killed; ‘Oh God, They’re Shooting Right There’
It was over a traffic violation, the guy was a fuck up. Don’t blame the firearm like some type of pussy
How many would have been shot if he didn`t have a firearm genius?

Didn't he have a car? Aren't cars used in about 30 times the number of homicides than guns? About a thousand times the number of homicides than so called assault rifles? He would have done what they do in France, and just run people over.
More people are killed by lawnmowers every year in the country than people using ARs to kill people. And no one in this country has an right to lawnmower ownership...

People kill people not firearms… Firearms have no control over people
in 2017 5977 pedestrians were hit and killed by a vehicle while 403 people were killed with a rifle.

In 2018, 387 people were killed in mass shootings alone (that's 4 or more people killed in a single shooting). Considering there have been more than 40,000 gun deaths in the US in 2018 alone, you can bet that the total number easily exceeds your measly 5977.
where have yu been threads already started and the count is 5 plus the shooter.

I did a search and came up with nothing. And the question here is, would this have been possible in some of the other states with current gun laws in place? Should Texas continue lessening their current gun laws even more like they will the very next day? Should the AR be allowed to be openly displayed in public including in the Schools and public gatherings?

Or, since he used a stolen Mail Truck, should Mail Trucks be banned instead.

As of about a half an hour ago, the body count went up to 7.
View attachment 276980
If you liberals wouldn't cater to all the Looney people, instead of getting them the help they need. This kinda stuff wouldn't happen as often.

And only a loon would post that. If it quacks like a duck.
View attachment 276988
When you think this is normal, you're the problem.
Just think that kinda behavior, just because you lost an election.
Here we go again. The day before Texas relaxes the gun regs on the very weapon that was probably used. He fired a semi auto rifle while driving. It was a high capacity, high rate of fire that could be fired one handed while he drove a vehicle. Anyone care to guess what that weapon probably is? Even with the Cops in direct pursuit all the way from the start, he still managed to kill 7 wounding 22 including 3 cops before they cornered him and killed him.

At Least 8 Dead, 20 Injured In Midland/Odessa Shooting, Suspect Killed; ‘Oh God, They’re Shooting Right There’
It was over a traffic violation, the guy was a fuck up. Don’t blame the firearm like some type of pussy
How many would have been shot if he didn`t have a firearm genius?
Bombs/vehicles are much more effective, proven in the Middle East...
And no fucked up frivolous gun control laws would’ve changed a thing you stupid ass motherfucker

No, but go try and buy your Nitrogen Fertilizer and Diesel without the proper permits and reasons to buy it in the first place. I never heard of an empty van blowing up a Federal Building.

Children died..

Dont go there

Or I will flame the fuck out of you
It was over a traffic violation, the guy was a fuck up. Don’t blame the firearm like some type of pussy
How many would have been shot if he didn`t have a firearm genius?

Didn't he have a car? Aren't cars used in about 30 times the number of homicides than guns? About a thousand times the number of homicides than so called assault rifles? He would have done what they do in France, and just run people over.
More people are killed by lawnmowers every year in the country than people using ARs to kill people. And no one in this country has an right to lawnmower ownership...

People kill people not firearms… Firearms have no control over people
in 2017 5977 pedestrians were hit and killed by a vehicle while 403 people were killed with a rifle.

In 2018, 387 people were killed in mass shootings alone (that's 4 or more people killed in a single shooting). Considering there have been more than 40,000 gun deaths in the US in 2018 alone, you can bet that the total number easily exceeds your measly 5977.
identify the weapon used in those so called mass shootings
This reeks to high heaven. They cover it up when it is a leftist nut job... but boy.... if he is a Trumper he would have been branded by now

How many would have been shot if he didn`t have a firearm genius?

Didn't he have a car? Aren't cars used in about 30 times the number of homicides than guns? About a thousand times the number of homicides than so called assault rifles? He would have done what they do in France, and just run people over.
More people are killed by lawnmowers every year in the country than people using ARs to kill people. And no one in this country has an right to lawnmower ownership...

People kill people not firearms… Firearms have no control over people
in 2017 5977 pedestrians were hit and killed by a vehicle while 403 people were killed with a rifle.

In 2018, 387 people were killed in mass shootings alone (that's 4 or more people killed in a single shooting). Considering there have been more than 40,000 gun deaths in the US in 2018 alone, you can bet that the total number easily exceeds your measly 5977.
identify the weapon used in those so called mass shootings

All but one with a body count of over 12 belongs to the AR. The only exception was one Battle Trained Marine with a Semi Auto Pistol with multiple mags and a skill set far beyond any person that confronted him. Imagine what he could have done had he been able to pick up an AR in a 30 minute buy at his nearest Gun Shop with nothing more than a Background Check or, worse, no background check at all.
Disir, what more does brain need to know to comment on gun control? The mass shooter had a rifle in his car (according to the police). He shot a cop, hijacked a mail truck and randomly shot others as he drove by them. He killed six, injured twenty-some others and was eventually shot himelf by the police.
What more does brain need to know to comment on gun control in this country? What extenuating circumstances would take the easy availability of guns out of the equation? Mental health? lol He may have been nuts but he still had a rifle.
Well, it would be nice if he had some knowledge on how to operate a rifle before he comments. Do you realize how hard it is to operate a vehicle and shoot a rifle at the same time and actually hit a target??
I was thinking that myself. But that is what they said he did. Do you think he may have stopped to aim?
Stop to shoot people why other people are after you with guns?
So on a new thread, he's saying only one rifle would allow you to do that--an AR.
It's taking them a long time to break his name and the details. Must be having trouble finding his next of kin.
They are already identifying victims They know who the shooter is I suspect he doesn't fit the narrative.
A white male in his 30's doesn't fit the narrative?
Here we go again. The day before Texas relaxes the gun regs on the very weapon that was probably used. He fired a semi auto rifle while driving. It was a high capacity, high rate of fire that could be fired one handed while he drove a vehicle. Anyone care to guess what that weapon probably is? Even with the Cops in direct pursuit all the way from the start, he still managed to kill 7 wounding 22 including 3 cops before they cornered him and killed him.

At Least 8 Dead, 20 Injured In Midland/Odessa Shooting, Suspect Killed; ‘Oh God, They’re Shooting Right There’
It was over a traffic violation, the guy was a fuck up. Don’t blame the firearm like some type of pussy
How many would have been shot if he didn`t have a firearm genius?
Bombs/vehicles are much more effective, proven in the Middle East...
And no fucked up frivolous gun control laws would’ve changed a thing you stupid ass motherfucker

No, but go try and buy your Nitrogen Fertilizer and Diesel without the proper permits and reasons to buy it in the first place. I never heard of an empty van blowing up a Federal Building.
People don’t use vehicles to kill other people… That’s major breaking news
Here we go again. The day before Texas relaxes the gun regs on the very weapon that was probably used. He fired a semi auto rifle while driving. It was a high capacity, high rate of fire that could be fired one handed while he drove a vehicle. Anyone care to guess what that weapon probably is? Even with the Cops in direct pursuit all the way from the start, he still managed to kill 7 wounding 22 including 3 cops before they cornered him and killed him.

At Least 8 Dead, 20 Injured In Midland/Odessa Shooting, Suspect Killed; ‘Oh God, They’re Shooting Right There’
It was over a traffic violation, the guy was a fuck up. Don’t blame the firearm like some type of pussy
How many would have been shot if he didn`t have a firearm genius?
Bombs/vehicles are much more effective, proven in the Middle East...
And no fucked up frivolous gun control laws would’ve changed a thing you stupid ass motherfucker

No, but go try and buy your Nitrogen Fertilizer and Diesel without the proper permits and reasons to buy it in the first place. I never heard of an empty van blowing up a Federal Building.
People don’t use vehicles to kill other people… That’s major breaking news

I would ask why you brought it up but I know the reason. You learned it from the Rump where you try and veer us away from the real issues.

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