BREAKING: Amazon is kicking Parler off AWS, its web hosting service, which will take them offline until it finds a new host

Funny thing, I just tried to log onto gab and a screen came up " checking your browser, this is automatic, you will be redirected to your website in 5 seconds" then the something happen screen came up. Not good.

I did too and same thing except I received a message "site under maintenance"
Yep, the purge is real.

They told us to "build our own facebook/twitter" if we didn't' like their rules. So we did, now they changed the goalposts and said "build your own everything."

Next they'll prevent us from using the fiber-optic cables.

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He should have thought this out when he put the site together. He has the Mercer's they can put their own platform and server's together instead of sucking off other's.

Sucking off? They pay for that, just like 99.9999999999% of all other companies do.

This might shock you as welfare loving commie, but conservatives and business owners actually pay for things.
They told us to "build our own facebook/twitter" if we didn't' like their rules. So we did, now they changed the goalposts and said "build your own everything."
We didn't tell you to use it to plan an insurgency.

There's a helicopter waiting for you.
You gonna keep with the empty threats or are you gonna respond to my post?

You wouldn't take a free ride on a helicopter for all future transportation needs?
Son, because of what I do for a living I actually have access to some choppers.

Do you?

I seriously doubt it.

Now quit with the empty threats.

How long belong you fly your chopper into Trump Tower to signal your communist virtues?
They aren't mine, you fuckin' idiot, I messed them from time to time. Along with pilots.
Yep, the purge is real.

They told us to "build our own facebook/twitter" if we didn't' like their rules. So we did, now they changed the goalposts and said "build your own everything."

Next they'll prevent us from using the fiber-optic cables.

View attachment 440604
The thread premise is a lie – there is no ‘purge.’

‘“AWS provides technology and services to customers across the political spectrum, and we continue to respect Parler’s right to determine for itself what content it will allow on its site,” the Amazon notice to Parler said in part. “However, we cannot provide services to a customer that is unable to effectively identify and remove content that encourages or incites violence against others. Because Parler cannot comply with our terms of service and poses a very real risk to public safety, we plan to suspend Parler’s account effective Sunday, January 10th, at 11:59 PM PST.”’

The service was discontinued because Parler violated the terms of service, no goalposts were moved.
They do the exact same thing to USMB which is why it is against the TOS here.
I see several issues...

Amazon is a private company so it can do what it likes, for one.

Are they and these other tech giants preventing people from setting up new host sites? Everything is so intertwined these days.

Should anyone be forced to host entities calling for/promoting insurgency and political overthrow in the name of free speech? Parler, apparently removed Lin Wood's posts calling for Pence to be executed. Good? Bad? When stuff like that gains enough of a following to push people to act, like we saw this past week, and we have a President openly supporting it...what then?
1. Parler said they will setup their own site, so we'll see if they can keep it running
2. Who is calling for an insurgency? The DC chant was "stop the steal", it was a protest about voter fraud.
3. If it was an insurgency they would have had guns instead of flags.
4. I agree that calls to violence need to be filtered out.
5. Trump supported what? He called for "a peaceful transition", but wants voter fraud reduced in future elections.
1. Good, they should, it's the way the free market system works.
2. You can use all the cute buzzwords you want, but in the end, it was an insurgency trying to overturn an election.
3. They did have guns, and there is no requirement for an insurgency to be armed with guns. The policeman was killed by being bashed over the head with a fire extinguisher.
4. Agree
5. You mean he called for a peaceful transition AFTER his mob violated the his behest? Really? How many hours later was that? How many hours did it take him to do or say ANYTHING while Congress and his Vice President were under seige by HIS mob? Is there anything you will hold him accountable for?
Billions of taxpayer dollars are funding these platforms. They're in violation of the first amendment. You know its bad when the leftist ACLU is calling out these tech companies for violations of the 1a.

You and the ACLU are wrong it's not the government who is censoring you it's private or public companies which is their right. You do believe in rights don't you?
Wow. This is heavy. This is fascism. Thanks libs.
Not fascism. Common sense.
How is shutting Parler down not fascism.
Its blatant censorship, while still allowing China, Iran, and the other crazies around the world their anti-American speech?!
Parler is now a national treasure that will be supported by many of the 71m...
You used it to plot insurrection. That's a crime. They should be shut down with prejudice and all their user data should be confiscated.
What insurrection? That was a protest. The chant was "stop the steal".
If rioting is a crime, why wasn't antifa and BLM prosecuted for their riots this past summer?
If democrats didn't have a double-standard they wouldn't have any.
So stop whining about "insurrection", here is what a real insurrection looks like, with Russian tanks firing on their Congress, remember?
Billions of taxpayer dollars are funding these platforms. They're in violation of the first amendment. You know its bad when the leftist ACLU is calling out these tech companies for violations of the 1a.

You and the ACLU are wrong it's not the government who is censoring you it's private or public companies which is their right. You do believe in rights don't you?

Had they not taken billions from the govt, you would have a point. Otherwise, you don't.
It must be kinda embarrassing. What this shows is the tech companies are more powerful than the GOP. For years Trump and the GOP threatened them. They did nothing but they did constantly threaten them.


Payback is a bitch.
Wow. This is heavy. This is fascism. Thanks libs.
Wrong, this is a lie.

‘Fascism’ is a political dogma the sole purview of politicians and government in the context of the public sector.

Private entities cannot be ‘fascist’ because they’re not government and lack the authority of government.

This is the act of a private company doing what it believes to be best for business.

Such is the right’s hypocrisy: conservatives are supposed to be advocates of private sector autonomy and doing what’s best for business.
Don't you think this puts them in the category of publisher now. They are regulating content now and are not a free exchange of thought.
It's just business.

Now why is that such an unsatisfying answer? It was good enough all the other times big business exercised it's outsized power in America. Conservatives fought hard to make sure the people have no power over big business, smug in the certain knowledge that big business would always support them. Sucks for republicans that the Trumpbots turned out to be so terribly bad for business.
Wow. This is heavy. This is fascism. Thanks libs.
Not fascism. Common sense.
How is shutting Parler down not fascism.
Its blatant censorship, while still allowing China, Iran, and the other crazies around the world their anti-American speech?!
Parler is now a national treasure that will be supported by many of the 71m...
You used it to plot insurrection. That's a crime. They should be shut down with prejudice and all their user data should be confiscated.
They used it to protest a corrupt government stealing an election......
This is a lie – there was no ‘corruption,’ the election was not ‘stolen.’

It was used to incite treason, violence, and an attack on America’s democracy.
There is no purge.

What's going on is that ALL free people and organization are CONDEMNING the atrocious events of Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 at our nation's Capital.

All those weeping and waiting and caterwauling over this are on the WRONG side of history.

Not to mention you WILL be rooted out of decent society.



Insurgents chant "HANG MIKE PENCE" - Will you condemn that also here and now?


The proper solution is to bring him before a military tribunal and let justice be done the American way.

Cool, that's the way they do it in Russia, NoKo, Hungary and Turkey!
Yep, the purge is real.

They told us to "build our own facebook/twitter" if we didn't' like their rules. So we did, now they changed the goalposts and said "build your own everything."

Next they'll prevent us from using the fiber-optic cables.

View attachment 440604
The thread premise is a lie – there is no ‘purge.’

‘“AWS provides technology and services to customers across the political spectrum, and we continue to respect Parler’s right to determine for itself what content it will allow on its site,” the Amazon notice to Parler said in part. “However, we cannot provide services to a customer that is unable to effectively identify and remove content that encourages or incites violence against others. Because Parler cannot comply with our terms of service and poses a very real risk to public safety, we plan to suspend Parler’s account effective Sunday, January 10th, at 11:59 PM PST.”’

The service was discontinued because Parler violated the terms of service, no goalposts were moved.

John has long hair
The sun is green
John has long hair
The sun is green
THIS is the Deepstate. Amazon, Google, and Apple are indeed cancelling free speech. And it's breaking news, all right, that Amazon has just joined the effort. They think we are on the edge of civil war now that the whites are finally fighting back. And I think they are right. They think that civil war would be bad for their businesses -- and boy, is that right!

Is Parler fomenting insurrection? Probably, widely, from what I've seen reported here. I'm not on it ----- yet. It may be harder to silence and cancel people who are sick of all the socialist control culture than they think. It certainly never worked against the Gutenberg printing press.

The thing about a huge sudden new improvement in human communication is that it turns out what people really want to talk about is how much they hate each other and want to kill each other. This is normal. At least, maybe some of you don't like that, but -- yeah, it's totally normal for the human species.
Funny thing, I just tried to log onto gab and a screen came up " checking your browser, this is automatic, you will be redirected to your website in 5 seconds" then the something happen screen came up. Not good.

I did too and same thing except I received a message "site under maintenance"
Deluged I imagine. I will wait a few days before signing up. Twitter needs to be boycotted. The bearded, mirthless creep needs a lesson.
I see several issues...

Amazon is a private company so it can do what it likes, for one.

Are they and these other tech giants preventing people from setting up new host sites? Everything is so intertwined these days.

Should anyone be forced to host entities calling for/promoting insurgency and political overthrow in the name of free speech? Parler, apparently removed Lin Wood's posts calling for Pence to be executed. Good? Bad? When stuff like that gains enough of a following to push people to act, like we saw this past week, and we have a President openly supporting it...what then?
should people be allowed to keep lying about what parler is doing so you feel better about doing it?

FB and Twitter tell you they can't stop people doing that on their platform, but parler must?

so damn tired of the hypocrisy.
Only a full fledged war will end it. The sorry bastards won't stop shitting on people.

Ironically, up until this moment, you have controlled most of the political process. You have most of the governors, state legislatures, you had the Executive and the Senate, but that's not good enough. You don't like the results of THIS election, so you no longer want to play by the rules which have been in place for some 250 years.
that's just funny as fuck.

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