Breaking: Andrew McCabe out at FBI

I have not read a single bit of evidence that McCabe has done anything wrong

Obviously, that is contained in the four-page Memo to be released within the next 5 or 6 days. Otherwise, he would not have been canned the day after his boss read the memo.

As for McCabe having done nothing wrong, I guess you "missed" this little incident.

Clinton ally gave $500K to wife of FBI agent [Andrew McCabe] on email probe
By Daniel Halper

October 24, 2016 | 6:53am
Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime Clinton confidant, helped steer $675,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an FBI official who went on to lead the probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email system, according to a report.

The political action committee of McAuliffe, the Clinton loyalist, gave $467,500 to the state Senate campaign of the wife of Andrew McCabe, who is now deputy director of the FBI, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The report states Jill McCabe received an additional $207,788 from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is heavily influenced by McAuliffe.
Are we back into the early 1800's when everything a wife owns automatically goes to her husband?
She was running for office. She was a Dem. She received contribution from a Dem. Of course that Dem knew Clinton. What big campaign contributor among the Dems didn't?

The FBI didn't feel McCabe needed to recuse himself, so he didn't.

If the memo provides further information, fine.
then why are you clearing him without that memo?
I'm not "clearing" him. I'm just not seeing what is wrong there.
I have not read a single bit of evidence that McCabe has done anything wrong

Obviously, that is contained in the four-page Memo to be released within the next 5 or 6 days. Otherwise, he would not have been canned the day after his boss read the memo.

As for McCabe having done nothing wrong, I guess you "missed" this little incident.

Clinton ally gave $500K to wife of FBI agent [Andrew McCabe] on email probe
By Daniel Halper

October 24, 2016 | 6:53am
Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime Clinton confidant, helped steer $675,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an FBI official who went on to lead the probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email system, according to a report.

The political action committee of McAuliffe, the Clinton loyalist, gave $467,500 to the state Senate campaign of the wife of Andrew McCabe, who is now deputy director of the FBI, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The report states Jill McCabe received an additional $207,788 from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is heavily influenced by McAuliffe.

Dude....he wasn't canned. You are in a fantasy.

He's as close to canned as nearly impossible to fire gubmint parasites usually get.

No. Dummy. His retirement has been planned for months.

You sad widdle gullible dim bulb. If he were on track for a standard retirement, he'd still be working to facilitate the transition of his job duties.

But as he is just a political hack mole who was dug in to carry out the coup de Deep Etat, he's being shown the door now that he has been outed.
I have not read a single bit of evidence that McCabe has done anything wrong

Obviously, that is contained in the four-page Memo to be released within the next 5 or 6 days. Otherwise, he would not have been canned the day after his boss read the memo.

As for McCabe having done nothing wrong, I guess you "missed" this little incident.

Clinton ally gave $500K to wife of FBI agent [Andrew McCabe] on email probe
By Daniel Halper

October 24, 2016 | 6:53am
Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime Clinton confidant, helped steer $675,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an FBI official who went on to lead the probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email system, according to a report.

The political action committee of McAuliffe, the Clinton loyalist, gave $467,500 to the state Senate campaign of the wife of Andrew McCabe, who is now deputy director of the FBI, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The report states Jill McCabe received an additional $207,788 from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is heavily influenced by McAuliffe.
Are we back into the early 1800's when everything a wife owns automatically goes to her husband?
She was running for office. She was a Dem. She received contribution from a Dem. Of course that Dem knew Clinton. What big campaign contributor among the Dems didn't?

The FBI didn't feel McCabe needed to recuse himself, so he didn't.

If the memo provides further information, fine.
then why are you clearing him without that memo?
I'm not "clearing" him. I'm just not seeing what is wrong there.
and why I say you are naive.
I hope so, but I vaguely remember when Hoover turned the FBI into his personal blackmail center. Stuff can happen; you can never be sure they're behaving.

Yes he did; not unlike the Clinton's who had 900 confidential files delivered to the White House on specific people. The Clinton's denied knowing anything about it until the "mysteriously" showed up on a table in the private quarters of the Whitehouse.
Hillary Clinton is over, Markle. If the only way you can defend Trump is to slam Clinton, you got real problems, buddy.
He already has practice playing a stool sample.

CNN just announced that he got promoted to a Permanent Vacation and was awarded the distinguished Medal of Wall Mart Happy Face given to only the most courageous greeters!

They also said something about Orange is the new black but who pays attention to CNN anyways?

His supporters sound like Putin thugs more and more every day.

I have not read a single bit of evidence that McCabe has done anything wrong except get on the wrong side of Donald Trump for being married to a Democratic candidate for office and for being chosen by Comey, who Trump DID manage to fire. McCabe was cleared to remain on the Hillary investigation when his wife ran. He had nothing to do with her campaign except in the wild imaginations of conspiracy nuts; not that I've heard, anyway.
It is a crying shame what is happening to this country.

Oldlady, usually I stick for ya, but not this time. There is Democratic blood in the water, and all the Leftists are insisting nobody is bleeding, and YOU are buying it!

Seriously, what is wrong with you!

It has been laid out in video after video what was done by these people, but they had no evidence. That is what SESSIONS has been doing, just in case anyone was wondering. This is NOT the collusion/delusion, this is overstepping by OUR law enforcement officials!

I mean, come on Oldlady-----------> Nunez is accused of something, AFTER he seen the evidence. He temporarily steps down, and everything is thrown out against him as basically MALICIOUS. Don't you smell something there?

I promise you that the memo is not the end of this; oh no it isn't. And when the whole story comes out, you are going to be PISSED, and you know why? BECAUSE THE DEMOCRATS PLAYED you, and all their supporters, that is why!
When it all comes out I'll be glad if wrong doers are caught. I want fairly presented, corroborated facts, though. I have no idea what you are referring to about Nunez, and I haven't been paying attention to all the buzz about the "memo." I'll let PBS Newshour and CBS and the NYT sort it out and tell me. Then I'll listen to what Fox has to say. I'm not going to get caught up in a lot of conjecture about this. Sorry.

Well if you are going to listen to what fox has to say, I guess you will. It nothing I'm sure.

The odds are pretty high that McCabe will play stool pigeon.
I hope so, but I vaguely remember when Hoover turned the FBI into his personal blackmail center. Stuff can happen; you can never be sure they're behaving.

Yes he did; not unlike the Clinton's who had 900 confidential files delivered to the White House on specific people. The Clinton's denied knowing anything about it until the "mysteriously" showed up on a table in the private quarters of the Whitehouse.
Hillary Clinton is over, Markle. If the only way you can defend Trump is to slam Clinton, you got real problems, buddy.
we want her arrested. sorry, criminals are expected to be punished in our country. where is it you're from?
Take a leave, traitor. Going on "vacation" until he retires.

Yep. Saw Andy at the airport just this morning heading out for some well-deserved peace and relaxation. Hi Andy! Don't let that memo hit you in the ass on the way out!


Glug Glug goes the swamp. The nuclear clock is now at 2 minutes to midnight! Time has nearly run out for the Left to find Trump guilty of a parking ticket before the shit really hits the fan for Hilldabarry and the whole stinking tribe at Camp DNC. Really SUCKS, don't it?
Breaking News Leak:
New York Times. Andrew McCabe Steps Down as F.B.I. Deputy Director Under Pressure
(I believe it)

You guys are right--not "fired," though.
WASHINGTON — Andrew G. McCabe abruptly stepped down on Monday as the F.B.I.’s deputy director after months of withering criticism from President Trump, telling friends he felt pressure from head of the bureau to leave, according to two people close to Mr. McCabe.

Though Mr. McCabe’s retirement had been widely expected soon, his departure was nevertheless sudden. As recently as last week, Mr. McCabe had told people he hoped to stay until he was eligible to retire in mid-March. Instead, Mr. McCabe made his intentions known to colleagues on Monday, an American official said, and will immediately go on leave.

In a recent conversation, Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I. director, raised concerns about a forthcoming inspector general report examining the actions of Mr. McCabe and other senior F.B.I. officials during the 2016 presidential campaign, when the bureau was investigating both Hillary Clinton’s email use and the Trump campaign’s connections to Russia. In that discussion, according to one former law enforcement official close to Mr. McCabe, Mr. Wray suggested moving Mr. McCabe into another job, which would have been a demotion.

Instead, the former official said, Mr. McCabe chose to leave.
I hope so, but I vaguely remember when Hoover turned the FBI into his personal blackmail center. Stuff can happen; you can never be sure they're behaving.

Yes he did; not unlike the Clinton's who had 900 confidential files delivered to the White House on specific people. The Clinton's denied knowing anything about it until the "mysteriously" showed up on a table in the private quarters of the Whitehouse.
Hillary Clinton is over, Markle. If the only way you can defend Trump is to slam Clinton, you got real problems, buddy.
To this day, there are feeble attempts to slam Trump with Obama's record which is getting increasingly more absurd with every day as America is becoming great again.

Stop the hypocrisy! Understand what is failure and what is success and reject the former while embrassing the latter.
What's "cute" is all of the liberals on this board that now claim they didn't support or vote for Hillary!

You're all the same people who claim that you're really moderates whenever liberals get a black eye on an issue. Have enough backbone to admit WHO and WHAT you are, Doc...either that or do some soul searching on whether you really should BE a liberal anymore!

Please find me a link that would indicate that I like or voted for Hillary.
I've defended her against 30 years of bogus investigations coming up with bupkis as they relate to RW obsession.
That's about it - GO!! :)
I hope so, but I vaguely remember when Hoover turned the FBI into his personal blackmail center. Stuff can happen; you can never be sure they're behaving.

Yes he did; not unlike the Clinton's who had 900 confidential files delivered to the White House on specific people. The Clinton's denied knowing anything about it until the "mysteriously" showed up on a table in the private quarters of the Whitehouse.
Hillary Clinton is over, Markle. If the only way you can defend Trump is to slam Clinton, you got real problems, buddy.
To this day, there are feeble attempts to slam Trump with Obama's record which is getting increasingly more absurd with every day as America is becoming great again.

Stop the hypocrisy! Understand what is failure and what is success and reject the former while embrassing the latter.
Breaking News Leak:
New York Times. Andrew McCabe Steps Down as F.B.I. Deputy Director Under Pressure
(I believe it)

You guys are right--not "fired," though.
WASHINGTON — Andrew G. McCabe abruptly stepped down on Monday as the F.B.I.’s deputy director after months of withering criticism from President Trump, telling friends he felt pressure from head of the bureau to leave, according to two people close to Mr. McCabe.

Though Mr. McCabe’s retirement had been widely expected soon, his departure was nevertheless sudden. As recently as last week, Mr. McCabe had told people he hoped to stay until he was eligible to retire in mid-March. Instead, Mr. McCabe made his intentions known to colleagues on Monday, an American official said, and will immediately go on leave.

In a recent conversation, Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I. director, raised concerns about a forthcoming inspector general report examining the actions of Mr. McCabe and other senior F.B.I. officials during the 2016 presidential campaign, when the bureau was investigating both Hillary Clinton’s email use and the Trump campaign’s connections to Russia. In that discussion, according to one former law enforcement official close to Mr. McCabe, Mr. Wray suggested moving Mr. McCabe into another job, which would have been a demotion.

Instead, the former official said, Mr. McCabe chose to leave.
Jerry Jones has never fired a head coach of the Dallas Cowboys.

They always "resign" in a press conference.


McScum should not be eligible to retire with benefits in March!

That traitor belongs behind bars !

The corruption of the people in the past Administration is stupefying!
Can you even imagine rightwingers allowing Bill Clinton while under investigation threaten to fire Kenneth Starr or the Director overseeing the investigation of him or the FBI Director or deputy FBI director??

Your god is a crook, the real deal....
His supporters sound like Putin thugs more and more every day.

I have not read a single bit of evidence that McCabe has done anything wrong except get on the wrong side of Donald Trump for being married to a Democratic candidate for office and for being chosen by Comey, who Trump DID manage to fire. McCabe was cleared to remain on the Hillary investigation when his wife ran. He had nothing to do with her campaign except in the wild imaginations of conspiracy nuts; not that I've heard, anyway.
It is a crying shame what is happening to this country.

Oldlady, usually I stick for ya, but not this time. There is Democratic blood in the water, and all the Leftists are insisting nobody is bleeding, and YOU are buying it!

Seriously, what is wrong with you!

It has been laid out in video after video what was done by these people, but they had no evidence. That is what SESSIONS has been doing, just in case anyone was wondering. This is NOT the collusion/delusion, this is overstepping by OUR law enforcement officials!

I mean, come on Oldlady-----------> Nunez is accused of something, AFTER he seen the evidence. He temporarily steps down, and everything is thrown out against him as basically MALICIOUS. Don't you smell something there?

I promise you that the memo is not the end of this; oh no it isn't. And when the whole story comes out, you are going to be PISSED, and you know why? BECAUSE THE DEMOCRATS PLAYED you, and all their supporters, that is why!
Nunez has not seen the underlying evidence, according to Adam Schiff, his staff allegedly did....

and how is that you expect us to Trust a man who has done nothing but played games with this investigation and done nothing at all but to try to squash it, WHEN HE WAS ON TRUMP'S TRANSITION TEAM?



you are claiming McCabe was biased because his wife is a Democrat,

YET you expect us to trust Nunes when he was on the Trump campaign transition team?

And he did not follow any protocol of bringing up this faux evidence...did not bring it to the House intel committee to investigate, where both Dems and Repubs on the intelligence committee could investigate and give some sort of assurance that this is not just ANOTHER GIMMICK of Nunes's?

It was done this way, because they do not want THE TRUTH....nor do they care about the truth, they only care about the mindless Trumpbots believing the hearsay. and they do by golly believe it, even before seeing even a nano drop of evidence.....


me thinks your head is so far up the Trumpster, you are blind as a bat....
Can you even imagine rightwingers allowing Bill Clinton while under investigation threaten to fire Kenneth Starr or the Director overseeing the investigation of him or the FBI Director or deputy FBI director??

Your god is a crook, the real deal....
His supporters sound like Putin thugs more and more every day.

I have not read a single bit of evidence that McCabe has done anything wrong except get on the wrong side of Donald Trump for being married to a Democratic candidate for office and for being chosen by Comey, who Trump DID manage to fire. McCabe was cleared to remain on the Hillary investigation when his wife ran. He had nothing to do with her campaign except in the wild imaginations of conspiracy nuts; not that I've heard, anyway.
It is a crying shame what is happening to this country.

Oldlady, usually I stick for ya, but not this time. There is Democratic blood in the water, and all the Leftists are insisting nobody is bleeding, and YOU are buying it!

Seriously, what is wrong with you!

It has been laid out in video after video what was done by these people, but they had no evidence. That is what SESSIONS has been doing, just in case anyone was wondering. This is NOT the collusion/delusion, this is overstepping by OUR law enforcement officials!

I mean, come on Oldlady-----------> Nunez is accused of something, AFTER he seen the evidence. He temporarily steps down, and everything is thrown out against him as basically MALICIOUS. Don't you smell something there?

I promise you that the memo is not the end of this; oh no it isn't. And when the whole story comes out, you are going to be PISSED, and you know why? BECAUSE THE DEMOCRATS PLAYED you, and all their supporters, that is why!
Nunez has not seen the underlying evidence, according to Adam Schiff, his staff allegedly did....

and how is that you expect us to Trust a man who has done nothing but played games with this investigation and done nothing at all but to try to squash it, WHEN HE WAS ON TRUMP'S TRANSITION TEAM?



you are claiming McCabe was biased because his wife is a Democrat,

YET you expect us to trust Nunes when he was on the Trump campaign transition team?

And he did not follow any protocol of bringing up this faux evidence...did not bring it to the House intel committee to investigate, where both Dems and Repubs on the intelligence committee could investigate and give some sort of assurance that this is not just ANOTHER GIMMICK of Nunes's?

It was done this way, because they do not want THE TRUTH....nor do they care about the truth, they only care about the mindless Trumpbots believing the hearsay. and they do by golly believe it, even before seeing even a nano drop of evidence.....


me thinks your head is so far up the Trumpster, you are blind as a bat....
Stop getting your panties bunched up and just wait for the memo! Seems fair, right?
Can you even imagine rightwingers allowing Bill Clinton while under investigation threaten to fire Kenneth Starr or the Director overseeing the investigation of him or the FBI Director or deputy FBI director??

Your god is a crook, the real deal....
His supporters sound like Putin thugs more and more every day.

I have not read a single bit of evidence that McCabe has done anything wrong except get on the wrong side of Donald Trump for being married to a Democratic candidate for office and for being chosen by Comey, who Trump DID manage to fire. McCabe was cleared to remain on the Hillary investigation when his wife ran. He had nothing to do with her campaign except in the wild imaginations of conspiracy nuts; not that I've heard, anyway.
It is a crying shame what is happening to this country.

Oldlady, usually I stick for ya, but not this time. There is Democratic blood in the water, and all the Leftists are insisting nobody is bleeding, and YOU are buying it!

Seriously, what is wrong with you!

It has been laid out in video after video what was done by these people, but they had no evidence. That is what SESSIONS has been doing, just in case anyone was wondering. This is NOT the collusion/delusion, this is overstepping by OUR law enforcement officials!

I mean, come on Oldlady-----------> Nunez is accused of something, AFTER he seen the evidence. He temporarily steps down, and everything is thrown out against him as basically MALICIOUS. Don't you smell something there?

I promise you that the memo is not the end of this; oh no it isn't. And when the whole story comes out, you are going to be PISSED, and you know why? BECAUSE THE DEMOCRATS PLAYED you, and all their supporters, that is why!
Nunez has not seen the underlying evidence, according to Adam Schiff, his staff allegedly did....

and how is that you expect us to Trust a man who has done nothing but played games with this investigation and done nothing at all but to try to squash it, WHEN HE WAS ON TRUMP'S TRANSITION TEAM?



you are claiming McCabe was biased because his wife is a Democrat,

YET you expect us to trust Nunes when he was on the Trump campaign transition team?

And he did not follow any protocol of bringing up this faux evidence...did not bring it to the House intel committee to investigate, where both Dems and Repubs on the intelligence committee could investigate and give some sort of assurance that this is not just ANOTHER GIMMICK of Nunes's?

It was done this way, because they do not want THE TRUTH....nor do they care about the truth, they only care about the mindless Trumpbots believing the hearsay. and they do by golly believe it, even before seeing even a nano drop of evidence.....


me thinks your head is so far up the Trumpster, you are blind as a bat....

Well, if they release an opinion piece, I am with you. But if they release it with evidence, then what do you say? You with fixing this problem or not?

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