Breaking: Biden Fails To Comply With House Oversight Committee Investigation Into Top-Secret Docs After Promising "Highest Standards In Transparency"

Biden took the documents while he was still Vice President. That was legal.

Anything he had could be declassified, legally, by the VP while he was VP, per the EO that multiple people have linked to in that thread.

Trump took the documents while he was President. That was legal.

Anything he had could be declassified, legally, by the President, while he was President.

In both cases, once they left office, neither had any power to classify or declassify and both were required to return the documents to NARA.

In both cases, there is also no evidence anything was declassified and they can’t retroactively declassify anything when they are out of office.

There is also no evidence Trump declassified anything, it wasn’t even his first claim. First it was he didn’t have any documents, then that they were planted, and finally he had magically declassified them with a thought.

Yes, he isn’t lying about declassifying them.

Who is claiming they were declassified? Far as I can tell, they weren’t.

More stupid talk.
Yes your talk is more ignorant than stupid though.
And if they weren't declassified that is a big time felony given their classification.
Yes your talk is more ignorant than stupid though.
And if they weren't declassified that is a big time felony given their classification.
That depends on intent, and given there is no evidence of any documents being declassified with either Trump or Biden, intent will determine whether or not they committed a felony.

Maybe if you read law you might not look so ignorant.
That depends on intent, and given there is no evidence of any documents being declassified with either Trump or Biden, intent will determine whether or not they committed a felony.

Maybe if you read law you might not look so ignorant.
Again, I did read it. The two cases are totally different, one is a true criminal and that's the one you are defending.
No surprise there, Dims hate thee law and break it at every chance. If nothing else you are consistent.
Poopeypants is a crook and all your ilk knows it. Why is he claiming he has no idea why any of these were found where they were?
Likely because it was due to carelessness that they were inadvertently included with his personal files. That two officials have been found with unsecured highly classified material they were not supposed to retain us kind of jaw dropping and makes you wonder what else is out there and how sloppy we’ve gotten in monitoring and securing this sort of material.
Likely because it was due to carelessness that they were inadvertently included with his personal files. That two officials have been found with unsecured highly classified material they were not supposed to retain us kind of jaw dropping and makes you wonder what else is out there and how sloppy we’ve gotten in monitoring and securing this sort of material.
And Hunter and his groupies having access to daddy's secret room had nothing to do with 10% kickbacks either.
All presidents take documents when they leave and have for a long time. Dims made a big deal out of it and now Pinochijoe got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Pushback should be expected.
And Hunter and his groupies having access to daddy's secret room had nothing to do with 10% kickbacks either.
Let’s stick to facts and not unsupported opinion.

All presidents take documents when they leave and have for a long time.

They are only supposed to take personal documents, and while there might be dispute over what is or isn’t personal, I have never heard of classified material being in that category. So now it is ok because ”they all do it”?

If they intentionally do it, it’s a crime. If it’s unintentional, it’s reckless and dangerous. Neither looks very good when you consider the level of classification that some of these documents are.

Dims made a big deal out of it and now Pinochijoe got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Pushback should be expected.

And Republicans made a big deal of excusing and defending it. And unlike Republicans, I am not seeing that strident defense that the Republicans put up. Seems the Dems are demanding answers where you guys wouldn’t, or at least drowned out those who did.
Let’s stick to facts and not unsupported opinion.

They are only supposed to take personal documents, and while there might be dispute over what is or isn’t personal, I have never heard of classified material being in that category. So now it is ok because ”they all do it”?

If they intentionally do it, it’s a crime. If it’s unintentional, it’s reckless and dangerous. Neither looks very good when you consider the level of classification that some of these documents are.

And Republicans made a big deal of excusing and defending it. And unlike Republicans, I am not seeing that strident defense that the Republicans put up. Seems the Dems are demanding answers where you guys wouldn’t, or at least drowned out those who did.
Are you looking in a mirror when you say that?
Can’t address any of the points eh? You’ve already failed.
Ive addressed all the points. Biden is a criminal on many fronts and everyone knows it, this is just icing on the cake.
By the way, why are you Dims setting him up now? Or are you claiming his own lawyers who reported this are really GOP plants?
You'll be gobbing up a taste of Trump's ass thru an orange jumpsuit once Jack Smith is done, that's where those indictments are, assface. And wait till N.Y. is done with his sorry ass.

More ass obsession from an uninformed moron. Smith will do nothing. And you’ll scream about how you want Trump’s ass some more. Continue your tantrum.
Garland put a special counsel on it because he knows the SOL has expired. But he can make the case that he treated both Biden and Trump equally. Since the SOL has not expired on Trump, HIS ASS GETS INDICTED. You done been played.
Unless the material in question has declassified there isn't a statue of limitations.
More ass obsession from an uninformed moron. Smith will do nothing. And you’ll scream about how you want Trump’s ass some more. Continue your tantrum.
Smith just supeoned a bunch of Trump's mob including the Kraken nut. But keep thinking he'll do nothing if it will help to end the night sweats you're having over your assbuddy Trump.
That depends on intent, and given there is no evidence of any documents being declassified with either Trump or Biden, intent will determine whether or not they committed a felony.

Maybe if you read law you might not look so ignorant.
Intent means nothing moron. Xiden stole documents and had them in a garage in a home Hunter claims is his. Maybe if you ever accepted reality you might not look like the ignorant asshole you are.
Under an Obama-era executive order, vice presidents have the authority to classify and declassify documents — just like presidents. In January 2023, after news broke that federal documents pertaining to U.S. President Joe Biden's tenure as vice president were uncovered at his former office and Delaware home, critics pushed the erroneous notion that he didn't have the authority, while serving under Obama, to declassify those files. Nonetheless, the matter was irrelevant to the U.S. Department of Justice's review of Biden's handling of such files.
Well, that changes everything.
So Biden was legally able to declassify any Top Secret documents.
That means they were "vetted", right next to the Corvette.
Trump's handling of "sensitive" documents is now dwarfed by the maleficence of the crocked demented LEFT pilfering our Treasury and poisoning our upcoming young kids exposed to this constant bombardment of false narratives .

That EO is news to me, and despicable how Biden skated around with it in pirouette fashion just like Hillary being too dumb to know she broke the law; Comey said so.

Ooops, he didn't mean it.

Wrong Executive Order 13526 signed by Obama states that unless the documents are reviewed for declassification the statue of limitations is 25 years.
Well, that changes everything.
So Biden was legally able to declassify any Top Secret documents.

That means they were "vetted", right next to the Corvette.

What are you talking about?

Trump's handling of "sensitive" documents is now dwarfed by the maleficence of the crocked demented LEFT pilfering our Treasury and poisoning our upcoming young kids exposed to this constant bombardment of false narratives .
WTF are you talking about?

That EO is news to me, and despicable how Biden skated around with it in pirouette fashion just like Hillary being too dumb to know she broke the law; Comey said so.
People can be dumb, careless and reckless. What was Trump’s excuse?

Ooops, he didn't mean it.

:dunno: They’ve only just started the investigation.

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