Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
Why would you blame liberals when this is the America you wanted.
I might be willing to meet Leftists half way on this. Let's say we restrict access to high powered rifles in exchange for this: in cases of mass murders, due process is expedited. Jury is convened within one week, death penalty is meted out within one month.

Who's in?
How is the gun responsible?

It's not. But let's see if the Leftists are willing to bend at all.
Sorry Sue, no compromise on guns. Screw them all.

There won't have to be; they want to gun grab but won't budge an inch on the death penalty.

Are you interested in discussion or baiting?

I don't know, where do you stand on the death penalty for the El Paso killer?

Or do you just want to take guns away from people who are not the El Paso killer?
I might be willing to meet Leftists half way on this. Let's say we restrict access to high powered rifles in exchange for this: in cases of mass murders, due process is expedited. Jury is convened within one week, death penalty is meted out within one month.

Who's in?
I would be willing to restrict access to high powered guns but not expedite due process. Justice should not be rushed, to much can go wrong and has, historically. Any other options?
You do know that an AR 15 is not high powered don't you?

In fact it fires one of the most underpowered rounds available
They might. Do they have mass stabblings, with 18 stabbed, many of them to death, while they were shopping at Walmart?
I don’t know. I don’t read all the stories about bad people doing things, we live in a world with 8 billion people there’s too many of us on this planet and that means sometimes a piece of shit kills people. But there’s been a LOT of stabbings in England. To the point where they’ve asked people to turn in kitchen knives. Fucking kitchen knives are now something you’re supposed to fear when you leave your house in England. But at least there’s no guns though right?
That is not true. Nobody has been asked to hand over any kitchen knives. And knife murders are more common in the US than the UK.
There’s fucking deposit boxes around the city of London specifically for people put knives into. Any knives.
Its optional. Nobody is being compelled to do anything. Your sources have lied to you.
I never said they were you fucking moron the point was that it’s that bad that they’re even asking for people to give the city their knives. Because taking the guns away did NOTHING
We have a problem and it makes sense to get dangerous weapons off the street. And yet our knife killing rate is a fraction of yours.
You tried to make out the UK was drowning in knife crime but I have shown you that the US is much worse.The UK is much safer than the US because we take these things seriously and our politicians are not owned by the gun makers. Its not complicated mate.
Just seeing this reported.....details are not true or accurate yet....but the anti-gunners have jumped in already....

Police Claim Possible Multiple Shooters in El Paso Shopping Area
Idiot liberals don't realize that more guns make us safer.
If only Texas had concealed carry laws – good guys with guns would have prevented this.


Never mind.

Thoughts and prayers.
One this case anyway....El Paso is at the border.....And is at least 70% Prog socialist communist. Enjoy it. I know I am...the lake of fire...
I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
Why would you blame liberals when this is the America you wanted.

Tell me where you stand on the El Paso shooter and the death penalty and also abortion, then I'll tell you about killing the innocent v. the guilty and the "America I wanted", sweetheart
I don’t know. I don’t read all the stories about bad people doing things, we live in a world with 8 billion people there’s too many of us on this planet and that means sometimes a piece of shit kills people. But there’s been a LOT of stabbings in England. To the point where they’ve asked people to turn in kitchen knives. Fucking kitchen knives are now something you’re supposed to fear when you leave your house in England. But at least there’s no guns though right?
That is not true. Nobody has been asked to hand over any kitchen knives. And knife murders are more common in the US than the UK.
There’s fucking deposit boxes around the city of London specifically for people put knives into. Any knives.
Its optional. Nobody is being compelled to do anything. Your sources have lied to you.
I never said they were you fucking moron the point was that it’s that bad that they’re even asking for people to give the city their knives. Because taking the guns away did NOTHING
We have a problem and it makes sense to get dangerous weapons off the street. And yet our knife killing rate is a fraction of yours.
You tried to make out the UK was drowning in knife crime but I have shown you that the US is much worse.The UK is much safer than the US because we take these things seriously and our politicians are not owned by the gun makers. Its not complicated mate.

We don't care about the UK

Really no one does so tend to your own yard
My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families

May they rest assured that their rights to buy guns are still keeping them safe
Would if they would excersize their rights. They keep getting duped by the super-crats into believing that they will fly in like Spider-Man etc to save the day. Not going to happen.

Texas is one of the highest density states for guns

Thankfully, the shooter or shooters are still free to buy whatever gun is best suited to shoot up a shopping mall

God bless our second amendment freedoms
The 2nd will remain, but liberalism as an ideology may have a tougher time keeping memberships up once the punishment starts to meet with the crimes being committed in a modern day society. Not saying that liberals are the perps, but liberal compassion for the perps has got to change hopefully.

The reason I say this is because we all know who has moved our nation into a nation of gutless wonders who are screwed up in their thinking about who the good guy's are, and who the bad guys are these days. I mean when the liberals have some sort of worry about whether a henious criminal might feel pain when given the lethal injection for crimes committed, even though the perp never gave a damn about his victims at the times of their deaths, then we have a nation that has went over the edge.
I might be willing to meet Leftists half way on this. Let's say we restrict access to high powered rifles in exchange for this: in cases of mass murders, due process is expedited. Jury is convened within one week, death penalty is meted out within one month.

Who's in?
I would be willing to restrict access to high powered guns but not expedite due process. Justice should not be rushed, to much can go wrong and has, historically. Any other options?

Not in this case. They have him dead to rights. If you want to grab guns under "emergency", then we should also expedite due process and the death penalty under "emergency" as a message to other would be mass murderers. You do this and survive, you will be killed in short order.

The problem is, yes, in this case everything you say. But what about the next...and the next?

I don’t oppose the death penalty out of any supposed sanctity for human life but because it’s application is inherently unjust and erratic, and innocent people do get killed. I agree there are those that absolutely deserve it. I would support life without parole as long as it was exactly that.
I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
You don’t think Russia interfered with our election?
I would be willing to restrict access to high powered guns but not expedite due process. Justice should not be rushed, to much can go wrong and has, historically. Any other options?

Since laws are effective in stopping these things, can't we just outlaw mass shootings? Just make it illegal to go shoot lots of people.

I mean, since laws really restrict those who do evil..
Here goes the morons on a GUN GRAB KICK again!!!!!!!!
What do you feel should be done?

- Quit demonizing boys so that they are programmed in public schools to become maladjusted mental cases.
- Quit drugging up boys with ADD drugs for just being boys.
- Get rid of gun free zones.
- Nationwide conceal carry permits for legal gun owners who have had training.
So INCEL is everyone else's fault?

I said no such thing. But thanks for sharing.
So you agree that INCEL terrorists have no one to blame but themselves?
My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families

May they rest assured that their rights to buy guns are still keeping them safe
Would if they would excersize their rights. They keep getting duped by the super-crats into believing that they will fly in like Spider-Man etc to save the day. Not going to happen.

Texas is one of the highest density states for guns

Thankfully, the shooter or shooters are still free to buy whatever gun is best suited to shoot up a shopping mall

God bless our second amendment freedoms
The 2nd will remain, but liberalism as an ideology may have a tougher time keeping memberships up once the punishment starts to meet with the crimes being committed in a modern day society. Not saying that liberals are the perps, but liberal compassion for the perps has got to change hopefully.

The reason I say this is because we all know who has moved our nation into a nation of gutless wonders who are screwed up in their thinking about who the good guy's are, and who the bad guys are these days. I mean when the liberals have some sort of worry about whether a henious criminal might feel pain when given the lethal injection for crimes committed, even though the perp never gave a damn about his victims at the times of their deaths, then we have a nation that has went over the edge.
Or we have a nation of people who are better than the perp,
I might be willing to meet Leftists half way on this. Let's say we restrict access to high powered rifles in exchange for this: in cases of mass murders, due process is expedited. Jury is convened within one week, death penalty is meted out within one month.

Who's in?
I would be willing to restrict access to high powered guns but not expedite due process. Justice should not be rushed, to much can go wrong and has, historically. Any other options?
You do know that an AR 15 is not high powered don't you?

In fact it fires one of the most underpowered rounds available
Got a nice tumble to it
Helpful in tearing up flesh
I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
You don’t think Russia interfered with our election?
No not really

How many fake votes did Putin cast? the wait......

If it is a MAGA hat wearing Trump supporter.....coverage will escalate and continue...

If it is a minority of some form...coverage will end....

If the shooter used an AR-15...coverage will continue....

If the shooter used any other gun...coverage will end.
So, serious question. The witness I heard being interviewed said she was hearing LOUD fireworks. I've heard people describe the pop-pop-pop as fireworks before, but she said LOUD. She said the shooter was wearing noise cancelling ear muffs.
So I'm guessing it was a pretty loud rifle? What kind would it have been?
Not relevant.
I would be willing to restrict access to high powered guns but not expedite due process. Justice should not be rushed, to much can go wrong and has, historically. Any other options?

Since laws are effective in stopping these things, can't we just outlaw mass shootings? Just make it illegal to go shoot lots of people.

I mean, since laws really restrict those who do evil..
So you think we should have no laws then?
Just seeing this reported.....details are not true or accurate yet....but the anti-gunners have jumped in already....

Police Claim Possible Multiple Shooters in El Paso Shopping Area
So..that's what is important..the wicked gun grabbers..not a even a pretense of shock or sorrow at the tragedy..but factoring in how this will fit into your agenda's narrative.
You are contemptible.

No, that would be you. We are for everyone being able to defend themselves. You are not. You demand that the weak and the infirm be victims for whatever asshole wants to abuse them.

You are still an idiot!
I'm firmly for the 2nd well as open carry and permit-less concealed carry. If you would just stop using your knee to jerk and tell you what to might actually get it right, from time to time.

I despise 2aguy because he's a mindless bot..who uses every tragedy to make the same tired points with the same old blue and red print. He is tiresome..and wrong..frequently lies and refuses to take a nuanced look at this issue or any other.

This is a tragedy...any normal human would react in shock and sorrow. Brainless hacks with zero sense of empathy excluded, of course.

But please, do continue to expound on my positions on this, or any other subject.

Or you could just ask..but civility such as that would appear to be missing from your repertoire.
I might be willing to meet Leftists half way on this. Let's say we restrict access to high powered rifles in exchange for this: in cases of mass murders, due process is expedited. Jury is convened within one week, death penalty is meted out within one month.

Who's in?
I would be willing to restrict access to high powered guns but not expedite due process. Justice should not be rushed, to much can go wrong and has, historically. Any other options?
You do know that an AR 15 is not high powered don't you?

In fact it fires one of the most underpowered rounds available
Got a nice tumble to it
Helpful in tearing up flesh

Like all underpowered bullets

Why do you think the mob likes the double tap head shot with a .22.
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