Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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Anti-gunners are already on the job......


Likely no citizens were armed at the time of the they had to wait for police to arrive....

We will see what information comes out....

Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI]

Of all the active shooter events there were 33 at which an armed citizen was present. Of those, Armed Citizens were successful at stopping the Active shooter 75.8% of the time (25 incidents) and were successful in reducing the loss of life in an additional 18.2% (6) of incidents. In only 2 of the 33 incidents (6.1%) was the Armed Citizen(s) not helpful in any way in stopping the active shooter or reducing the loss of life.

Thus the headline of our report that Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events.

In the 2 incidents at which the armed citizen “failed” to stop or slow the active shooter, one is the previously mentioned incident with hunters. The other is an incident in which the CCWer was shot in the back in a Las Vegas Walmart when he failed to identify that there were 2 Active Shooters involved in the attack. He neglected to identify the one that shot him in the back while he was trying to ambush the other perpetrator.

We also decided to look at the breakdown of events that took place in gun free zones and the relative death toll from events in gun free zones vs non-gun-free zones.

Of the 283 incidents in our data pool, we were unable to identify if the event took place in a gun-free zone in a large number (41%) of the events. Most of the events took place at a business, church, home, or other places at which as a rule of law it is not a gun free zone but potentially could have been declared one by the property owner. Without any information in the FBI study or any indication one way or the other from the news reports, we have indicated that event with a question mark.

If you look at all of the Active Shooter events (pie chart on the top) you see that for those which we have the information, almost twice as many took place in gun free zones than not; but realistically the vast majority of those for which we have no information (indicated as ?) are probably NOT gun free zones.

If you isolate just the events at which 8 or more people were killed the data paints a different picture (pie chart on the bottom). In these incidents, 77.8% took place in a gun-free zone suggesting that gun free zones lead to a higher death rate vs active shooter events in general


One of the final metrics we thought was important to consider is the potential tendency for armed citizens to injure or kill innocent people in their attempt to “save the day.” A common point in political discussions is to point out the lack of training of most armed citizens and the decrease in safety inherent in their presence during violent encounters.

As you can see below, however, at the 33 incidents at which Armed Citizens were present, there were zero situations at which the Armed Citizen injured or killed an innocent person. It never happened.
Meanwhile countries with strong gun control are not having regular mass shootings.
True. In England they turned to stabbings. Do you know why? Because murderers gonna murder :thup:
They might. Do they have mass stabblings, with 18 stabbed, many of them to death, while they were shopping at Walmart?
2014 Kunming attack - Wikipedia

Doesn't really help, does it?
I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
You don’t think Russia interfered with our election?
------------------------------------------------ I think that Russians and lots of others TRIED to mess with USA Elections and its been going on for years as messing with USA Elections is their job . The job of the USA is too guard against any foreign influence in USA Elections whenever it happens RWinger .
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I might be willing to meet Leftists half way on this. Let's say we restrict access to high powered rifles in exchange for this: in cases of mass murders, due process is expedited. Jury is convened within one week, death penalty is meted out within one month.

Who's in?
I would be willing to restrict access to high powered guns but not expedite due process. Justice should not be rushed, to much can go wrong and has, historically. Any other options?

Not in this case. They have him dead to rights. If you want to grab guns under "emergency", then we should also expedite due process and the death penalty under "emergency" as a message to other would be mass murderers. You do this and survive, you will be killed in short order.

The problem is, yes, in this case everything you say. But what about the next...and the next?

I don’t oppose the death penalty out of any supposed sanctity for human life but because it’s application is inherently unjust and erratic, and innocent people do get killed. I agree there are those that absolutely deserve it. I would support life without parole as long as it was exactly that.

I am VERY cautious about the death penalty but they nabbed this guy on the scene and have videotape of him. So here again is what I'm saying: make an example of him as preventative if you are also going to grab guns. You can't think about the next right now; you must take every case as it comes.
I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
You don’t think Russia interfered with our election?
------------------------------------------------ I think that Russians and lots of others TRIED to mess with USA Elections and its been going on for yearsas messing with USA Elections is their job . The job of the USA is too guard against any foreign influence in USA Elections whenever it happens RWinger .
Hey we try to interfere in the elections of other countries too

turnabout is fair play
I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
Why would you blame liberals when this is the America you wanted.

Tell me where you stand on the El Paso shooter and the death penalty and also abortion, then I'll tell you about killing the innocent v. the guilty and the "America I wanted", sweetheart
T's & P's
I would be willing to restrict access to high powered guns but not expedite due process. Justice should not be rushed, to much can go wrong and has, historically. Any other options?

Since laws are effective in stopping these things, can't we just outlaw mass shootings? Just make it illegal to go shoot lots of people.

I mean, since laws really restrict those who do evil..
So you think we should have no laws then?

You said that punishing the law abiding and ending civil rights is the way to stop mass shootings. Since you demand that mass shooters will follow those laws, why wouldn't they follow laws not to shoot people?

Or maybe your real target is just to end civil rights.... :dunno:
I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
You don’t think Russia interfered with our election?

I'm going to respond to this ONCE, and once only. In insipid ads, yes. To the extent it required fawning, unending media coverage wall to wall for TWO YEARS, absolutely not.

In fact that is shameful and is why no one trusts the MSM anymore
That is not true. Nobody has been asked to hand over any kitchen knives. And knife murders are more common in the US than the UK.
There’s fucking deposit boxes around the city of London specifically for people put knives into. Any knives.
Its optional. Nobody is being compelled to do anything. Your sources have lied to you.
I never said they were you fucking moron the point was that it’s that bad that they’re even asking for people to give the city their knives. Because taking the guns away did NOTHING
We have a problem and it makes sense to get dangerous weapons off the street. And yet our knife killing rate is a fraction of yours.
You tried to make out the UK was drowning in knife crime but I have shown you that the US is much worse.The UK is much safer than the US because we take these things seriously and our politicians are not owned by the gun makers. Its not complicated mate.

We don't care about the UK

Really no one does so tend to your own yard
If we don't care, why do CRCs keep bringing it up in comparison to us.
I would be willing to restrict access to high powered guns but not expedite due process. Justice should not be rushed, to much can go wrong and has, historically. Any other options?

Since laws are effective in stopping these things, can't we just outlaw mass shootings? Just make it illegal to go shoot lots of people.

I mean, since laws really restrict those who do evil..
So you think we should have no laws then?

You said that punishing the law abiding and ending civil rights is the way to stop mass shootings. Since you demand that mass shooters will follow those laws, why wouldn't they follow laws not to shoot people?

Or maybe your real target is just to end civil rights.... :dunno:
I think we should end drunk driving by revoking everyone's drivers licenses
I might be willing to meet Leftists half way on this. Let's say we restrict access to high powered rifles in exchange for this: in cases of mass murders, due process is expedited. Jury is convened within one week, death penalty is meted out within one month.

Who's in?
I would be willing to restrict access to high powered guns but not expedite due process. Justice should not be rushed, to much can go wrong and has, historically. Any other options?

Not in this case. They have him dead to rights. If you want to grab guns under "emergency", then we should also expedite due process and the death penalty under "emergency" as a message to other would be mass murderers. You do this and survive, you will be killed in short order.

The problem is, yes, in this case everything you say. But what about the next...and the next?

I don’t oppose the death penalty out of any supposed sanctity for human life but because it’s application is inherently unjust and erratic, and innocent people do get killed. I agree there are those that absolutely deserve it. I would support life without parole as long as it was exactly that.
The death penalty would see the innocent killed.There are many cases in the UK of terrorists who were jailed and subsequently found to be innocent. They would have been executed under the death penalty.

I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
Why would you blame liberals when this is the America you wanted.

Tell me where you stand on the El Paso shooter and the death penalty and also abortion, then I'll tell you about killing the innocent v. the guilty and the "America I wanted", sweetheart
T's & P's

Thoughts are ridiculous

Prayers are powerful, even more powerful than "policy"

What you really want to say is "POLICY" if that will solve human woe. But listen, we know this is your religion. Good luck with that, is all I can say.
There’s fucking deposit boxes around the city of London specifically for people put knives into. Any knives.
Its optional. Nobody is being compelled to do anything. Your sources have lied to you.
I never said they were you fucking moron the point was that it’s that bad that they’re even asking for people to give the city their knives. Because taking the guns away did NOTHING
We have a problem and it makes sense to get dangerous weapons off the street. And yet our knife killing rate is a fraction of yours.
You tried to make out the UK was drowning in knife crime but I have shown you that the US is much worse.The UK is much safer than the US because we take these things seriously and our politicians are not owned by the gun makers. Its not complicated mate.

We don't care about the UK

Really no one does so tend to your own yard
If we don't care, why do CRCs keep bringing it up in comparison to us.

Because you people keep saying that UK has a low murder rate and the only reason is because of their gun laws.

I don't give a rat's or any other rodent's ass what goes on in the UK
I might be willing to meet Leftists half way on this. Let's say we restrict access to high powered rifles in exchange for this: in cases of mass murders, due process is expedited. Jury is convened within one week, death penalty is meted out within one month.

Who's in?
I would be willing to restrict access to high powered guns but not expedite due process. Justice should not be rushed, to much can go wrong and has, historically. Any other options?

Not in this case. They have him dead to rights. If you want to grab guns under "emergency", then we should also expedite due process and the death penalty under "emergency" as a message to other would be mass murderers. You do this and survive, you will be killed in short order.

The problem is, yes, in this case everything you say. But what about the next...and the next?

I don’t oppose the death penalty out of any supposed sanctity for human life but because it’s application is inherently unjust and erratic, and innocent people do get killed. I agree there are those that absolutely deserve it. I would support life without parole as long as it was exactly that.

I am VERY cautious about the death penalty but they nabbed this guy on the scene and have videotape of him. So here again is what I'm saying: make an example of him as preventative if you are also going to grab guns. You can't think about the next right now; you must take every case as it comes.
You have a valid point, except that each case creates precedent. And we aren’t talking about gun grabbing are we? We are talking about resrptricting very specific types of guns, just as machine guns were restricted.
I would be willing to restrict access to high powered guns but not expedite due process. Justice should not be rushed, to much can go wrong and has, historically. Any other options?

Since laws are effective in stopping these things, can't we just outlaw mass shootings? Just make it illegal to go shoot lots of people.

I mean, since laws really restrict those who do evil..
So you think we should have no laws then?

You said that punishing the law abiding and ending civil rights is the way to stop mass shootings. Since you demand that mass shooters will follow those laws, why wouldn't they follow laws not to shoot people?

Or maybe your real target is just to end civil rights.... :dunno:
I think we should end drunk driving by revoking everyone's drivers licenses

Trust me, democrats DESPERATELY want to end private ownership of cars.
I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
You don’t think Russia interfered with our election?

I'm going to respond to this ONCE, and once only. In insipid ads, yes. To the extent it required fawning, unending media coverage wall to wall for TWO YEARS, absolutely not.

In fact that is shameful and is why no one trusts the MSM anymore
Wait...what are you blaming the press for again?....
I would be willing to restrict access to high powered guns but not expedite due process. Justice should not be rushed, to much can go wrong and has, historically. Any other options?

Since laws are effective in stopping these things, can't we just outlaw mass shootings? Just make it illegal to go shoot lots of people.

I mean, since laws really restrict those who do evil..
So you think we should have no laws then?

You said that punishing the law abiding and ending civil rights is the way to stop mass shootings. Since you demand that mass shooters will follow those laws, why wouldn't they follow laws not to shoot people?

Or maybe your real target is just to end civil rights.... :dunno:
I think we should end drunk driving by revoking everyone's drivers licenses

Trust me, democrats DESPERATELY want to end private ownership of cars.
Oh...this ought to be good....where does that fresh craziness come from?
I might be willing to meet Leftists half way on this. Let's say we restrict access to high powered rifles in exchange for this: in cases of mass murders, due process is expedited. Jury is convened within one week, death penalty is meted out within one month.

Who's in?
I would be willing to restrict access to high powered guns but not expedite due process. Justice should not be rushed, to much can go wrong and has, historically. Any other options?

Not in this case. They have him dead to rights. If you want to grab guns under "emergency", then we should also expedite due process and the death penalty under "emergency" as a message to other would be mass murderers. You do this and survive, you will be killed in short order.

The problem is, yes, in this case everything you say. But what about the next...and the next?

I don’t oppose the death penalty out of any supposed sanctity for human life but because it’s application is inherently unjust and erratic, and innocent people do get killed. I agree there are those that absolutely deserve it. I would support life without parole as long as it was exactly that.

I am VERY cautious about the death penalty but they nabbed this guy on the scene and have videotape of him. So here again is what I'm saying: make an example of him as preventative if you are also going to grab guns. You can't think about the next right now; you must take every case as it comes.
You have a valid point, except that each case creates precedent. And we aren’t talking about gun grabbing are we? We are talking about resrptricting very specific types of guns, just as machine guns were restricted.

Interestingly, any gun you restrict by law could in fact violate the second amendment. I'm not happy about it, you aren't happy about it. It's the law.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families

May they rest assured that their rights to buy guns are still keeping them safe
Would if they would excersize their rights. They keep getting duped by the super-crats into believing that they will fly in like Spider-Man etc to save the day. Not going to happen.

Texas is one of the highest density states for guns

Thankfully, the shooter or shooters are still free to buy whatever gun is best suited to shoot up a shopping mall

God bless our second amendment freedoms
The 2nd will remain, but liberalism as an ideology may have a tougher time keeping memberships up once the punishment starts to meet with the crimes being committed in a modern day society. Not saying that liberals are the perps, but liberal compassion for the perps has got to change hopefully.

The reason I say this is because we all know who has moved our nation into a nation of gutless wonders who are screwed up in their thinking about who the good guy's are, and who the bad guys are these days. I mean when the liberals have some sort of worry about whether a henious criminal might feel pain when given the lethal injection for crimes committed, even though the perp never gave a damn about his victims at the times of their deaths, then we have a nation that has went over the edge.
Or we have a nation of people who are better than the perp,
Eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. Swaying from this has led to this very thing we have today.

Yes we must get it right, and when we do it's stand down time for the liberals who don't have the stomach to do the right thing.
I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
You don’t think Russia interfered with our election?

I'm going to respond to this ONCE, and once only. In insipid ads, yes. To the extent it required fawning, unending media coverage wall to wall for TWO YEARS, absolutely not.

In fact that is shameful and is why no one trusts the MSM anymore
Wait...what are you blaming the press for again?....
If the economy ever tanks you will see what we blame them for. Just watched the Sgt. of the El Paso police. Ahh the old soft shoe. We know nuthinn! We will get the facts at some point. Ineptitude.
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