Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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We don't need thoughts and prayers bullshit - we need action to seriously address these problems!

A great start would be if you left the country....and take all your friends with. I hear there's awesome scenery around the polar caps.
Seriously. That's the answer to the problem. :113:

Why leave my Native American home place? Aren't you the invader?
this kid was all over the map ..politically

Not really a trumper ...or a real right winger

I think he is just a 'wigger'...A crazy person. Crazy people are unpredictable and no amount of psychoanalysis will lead us to a logical reason why he chose to murder 20 people and injure 26 more. That is why it is important that we completely overturn all gun restriction laws. Encourage carrying among the law abiding. Make guns part of everyday life....Bring them out of the closet. I guarantee you that this little bag of human debris would have either been too much of a coward to face armed people OR those armed people would have put a swift end to his gun tyranny which, IMO was exacerbated by our elected representatives who pander to gun grabbers.
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A wall can't keep out the evil within!
See what happens when a man can't get any pussy?

What do everyone of these shooters have in common? Nooooo not big bad pussy for the longest time.
I mean...look at that think he has seen a pussy up close and personal...let alone been in one?

Doubt me?
Show me one of these lone wolves who was gettin some ass on the reg. When have you seen an estranged wife or girlfriend interviewed after the fact?

Pussy...stops mass your job...give up that monkey.


I think we'll be finding out that this guy was alone, was feeling completely marginalized in a changing America, and unfortunately he acted out his feelings.
That is common for mass shooters who kill at random. Maybe in a kinder, more inclusion society, it would be different. Today we are just too divided with too many hated racial, ethnic, religious, and political stereotypes for mentally disturbed people to blame for their problems.

When I was a kid back in the 40's and 50's, these mass random shooting were almost nonexistent. Looking back at history priory to the 1960's, several things stand out. The few mass shooting we had were rarely random, the number killed was low compared to today, and they were usually years apart, not weeks, or months.

And we lived mostly in a monoculture, thus we got along together, and thus why we didn't have many incidents like this.
Banning those guns won’t do shit to curb gun violence, especially with an open border where illegal humans, drugs, and weapons are crossing every day thanks to Dems.
The experience of every developed nation shows differently. If you want to pretend Americans are different from all other humans, no one will be at all surprised.

Other such nations don’t have open borders, and don’t have many so-called “minorities”.

Thanks for playing.
Ignorant Americans are ignorant. That's why they're exceptional, they use irrelevant talking points they've been fed instead of actual knowledge.

It's really none of your business. Perhaps you should go hang out on another board closer to home.
Apparently some guy drove from Dallas to El Paso to shoot...wetbacks. Jesus...if the genius wanted to shoot mojados why didn't he just stay in Dallas, it's full of them.
What a disgusting post. This nut case mass murderer sees people like you with an attitude that illegals are less than human and he thinks it is OK to shoot them. You are complicit.
Change your pad and calm down Francis.
Everybody is a princess these days.
You are disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would be willing to restrict access to high powered guns but not expedite due process. Justice should not be rushed, to much can go wrong and has, historically. Any other options?

Not in this case. They have him dead to rights. If you want to grab guns under "emergency", then we should also expedite due process and the death penalty under "emergency" as a message to other would be mass murderers. You do this and survive, you will be killed in short order.

The problem is, yes, in this case everything you say. But what about the next...and the next?

I don’t oppose the death penalty out of any supposed sanctity for human life but because it’s application is inherently unjust and erratic, and innocent people do get killed. I agree there are those that absolutely deserve it. I would support life without parole as long as it was exactly that.

I am VERY cautious about the death penalty but they nabbed this guy on the scene and have videotape of him. So here again is what I'm saying: make an example of him as preventative if you are also going to grab guns. You can't think about the next right now; you must take every case as it comes.
You have a valid point, except that each case creates precedent. And we aren’t talking about gun grabbing are we? We are talking about resrptricting very specific types of guns, just as machine guns were restricted.
Define what you'd like to restrict?

It's not that easy.
I'd like to see the same definition... However, I'm sure "assault style" weapons/guns/firearms/rifles will be misused.
Hell's bells, I can take a bb gun and assault someone.
Assault is an action, not a weapon. Ffs
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Not in this case. They have him dead to rights. If you want to grab guns under "emergency", then we should also expedite due process and the death penalty under "emergency" as a message to other would be mass murderers. You do this and survive, you will be killed in short order.

The problem is, yes, in this case everything you say. But what about the next...and the next?

I don’t oppose the death penalty out of any supposed sanctity for human life but because it’s application is inherently unjust and erratic, and innocent people do get killed. I agree there are those that absolutely deserve it. I would support life without parole as long as it was exactly that.

I am VERY cautious about the death penalty but they nabbed this guy on the scene and have videotape of him. So here again is what I'm saying: make an example of him as preventative if you are also going to grab guns. You can't think about the next right now; you must take every case as it comes.
You have a valid point, except that each case creates precedent. And we aren’t talking about gun grabbing are we? We are talking about resrptricting very specific types of guns, just as machine guns were restricted.
Define what you'd like to restrict?

It's not that easy.
I'd like tonsee the same definition... However, I'm sure "assault style" weapons/guns/firearms/rifles will be misused.
Hell's bells, I can take a bb gun and assault someone.
Assault is an action, not a weapon. Ffs
Absolutely not you fricking idiot. An attack by a BB gun is completely different than an attack by an AR-15. That is why we need to outlaw AR-15.
Because they secured their borders and strictly regulate diversity.
What a load of exceptional whinging bullshit. What they do is strictly regulate firearms. Enjoy your massacres, you're going to have a lot of them.


Going to...? What am I saying?
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The problem is, yes, in this case everything you say. But what about the next...and the next?

I don’t oppose the death penalty out of any supposed sanctity for human life but because it’s application is inherently unjust and erratic, and innocent people do get killed. I agree there are those that absolutely deserve it. I would support life without parole as long as it was exactly that.

I am VERY cautious about the death penalty but they nabbed this guy on the scene and have videotape of him. So here again is what I'm saying: make an example of him as preventative if you are also going to grab guns. You can't think about the next right now; you must take every case as it comes.
You have a valid point, except that each case creates precedent. And we aren’t talking about gun grabbing are we? We are talking about resrptricting very specific types of guns, just as machine guns were restricted.
Define what you'd like to restrict?

It's not that easy.
I'd like tonsee the same definition... However, I'm sure "assault style" weapons/guns/firearms/rifles will be misused.
Hell's bells, I can take a bb gun and assault someone.
Assault is an action, not a weapon. Ffs
Absolutely not you fricking idiot. An attack by a BB gun is completely different than an attack by an AR-15. That is why we need to outlaw AR-15.

Get a fucking dictionary fumbduck. Maybe, just maybe you'll learn the difference between an adjective and a noun, but then again...maybe not.
There is almost no correlation between gun ownership and homicide rates. It’s been proven over and over. Idaho has one of the highest gun ownership rates in the country, yet the lowest homicide rates, as do countries like Switzerland.
Bullshit. Around half of US homicides are committed with handguns. Too, homicide rates are not firearms homicide rates.
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Define what you'd like to restrict?

It's not that easy.
It's very easy. Semi automatic centrefire rifles which will accept large capacity removeable magazines - [edit...over five rounds, just so you know what that means]. I've given that definition to you at least three times, you pretend to ignore it because it is too effective. Handguns too, if you want the homicide rate to come down.
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Then maybe you would like living in the UK where they have a fraction of the US population but Stabbing deaths are at record highs. UK national crisis.
Perhaps you'd prefer your throat slit to a bullet to the head? Or maybe you'd enjoy being run over by a truck more?
Ummm...Assaulted with a swimming pool for me, thanks. I hear they can be pretty dangerous while one is shopping in a mall.
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Define what you'd like to restrict?

It's not that easy.
It's very easy. Semi automatic rifles which will accept large capacity removeable magazines. I've given that definition to you at least three times, you pretend to ignore it because it is too effective. Handguns too, if you want the homicide rate to come down.
You take those away from the vast majority of law abiding cictzens and watch the crime rate skyrocket. Bad people do bad things. It's a fact of life, punishing the law abiding for the sake of criminal activity only punishes those doing the right thing. To think otherwise is a fallacy.
You nor I should be punished just because someone else went off the deep end. No it doesn't make it any better for the lost loved ones, but we should not be punished for the crimes of a loon.
All you people want to blame politicians. As a result nothing will change. Yall fight over the second amendment instead of the underlying problems.

Real racism in out midst
Mental health

Both should be confronted. This is what REAL racism looks like. Someone in this individuals life should have intervened and tried to steer him back onto a good path.
There is nothing wrong with being pissed off about our immigration mess. There is A LOT WRONG with acting on it with violence

Again- the main problem. Someone this crazy was able to get a combat weapon.

That's the problem.
Well he was of legal age, now what?
You take those away from the vast majority of law abiding cictzens and watch the crime rate skyrocket. Bad people do bad things.
As opposed to the experience of just about every developed nation. As though a mechanical action weapon won't be sufficient for the hordes of zombies your imagination casts up. It's ludicrous to state you need an assault style rifle for self defence. Unless one is consumed by paranoid fear. Besides, weren't they marketed as 'sporting rifles', for a good joke, hoho.
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'In decades' Their rate of mass killings must be really low. Wonder why.

Because they secured their borders and strictly regulate diversity.

Now you know. Any more questions?

Strictly regulate diversity? That's funny.
They’re laughing their asses off in El Paso about now...

Who? The white racists who are fearful of soon becoming a minority?

Whites are already a minority. Whites only make up about 10% of the world population.
Perhaps because they happen so rarely? As though 'Darwin shooting' wasn't mentioned.

Then maybe you would like living in the UK where they have a fraction of the US population but Stabbing deaths are at record highs. UK national crisis.
Perhaps you'd prefer your throat slit to a bullet to the head? Or maybe you'd enjoy being run over by a truck more?

Rarely? You mean rarely reported. Gun violence happens EVERYWHERE. Sspecially where the left is in power or has influence.
You people try to make it sound as if the USA has some kind of monopoly on violence.

After all, crazy people in other countries use more than guns to harm others.
Knife killing in the UK is a lot less than in the US. So he would be a lot safer than living in the crazy US.
So violent that our homicide rate is 4-5X higher than countries with strong gun control.
And your solution is to disarm the population ? Looks like that is precisely why so many were killed and wounded. Why was no one armed, and shooting back at the shooter ? thereby save lives (as occured in 2002 in Los Angeles Airport when the shooter -Hesham Mohamed Hadayet- was shot dead, after killing only 2 people)

2002 Los Angeles International Airport shooting - Wikipedia
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