BREAKING: Cuck Kevin McCarthy: “We’re Not Going to Impeach Joe Biden”

Wouldn't it be great, if in a final act of defiance, the MAGA Republicans all took part in a huge self-immolation on the steps of the Capitol? This conflagration would be epic, and never forgotten as staying true to ones values, right to the fiery end.
How about aborting all democrats that no one could afford, like Stacy Abrams wants to do?
Republicans will predictably throw their base under the bus when they take power.

There's not a nickel's worth of difference between the party-of-one when it comes to meaningful policy. Not one nickel's worth. Not at that level of politics.

Until the majority of the electorate overcomes the so-called lesser of two evils indoctrination, it will remain largely the blame for the sad state of affairs. The reason the Majority is always wrong is because it never thinks outside of the box. It's self-contained in a cess pool of its own making because it's been trained that trying something different is a waste when you can just keep having more of the same.

It's why it's so important to get local.
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And they looked like the stupid assholes that they are in doing so.
A more fruitful line of attack would be to force the tin horn despots Mayorkis and Garland from their positions...Then the Laptop from Hell needs a thorough public airing.
Impeachments take a week or two, the term is 2-years.
There is plenty of time to do all of the above.

What would impeaching Mayorkis and Garland do? You won't get 67 senate votes for either.
That would be instant death to any Republican wins in the midterm. Nothing to impeach him on.....that isn't a snipe hunt. :)
There's no stomach for it. It would be seen as a partisan undertaking and confirm the fact that Republicans have absolutely NOTHING of substance. (But most of us have known this for decades now).
Have you ever been on a real Snipe hunt?
Have you ever been on a real Snipe hunt? the 70's.

But, we have a few updated examples if you like.

1) Benghazi
2) IRS
3) Obama's Birth Certificate
4) Hunter Biden's Laptop
5) Durham's "investigation"....a real doozy of one. :)

Those are just the ones straight off the top of my head.
McCarthy is an idiot to make such a statement. Biden needs to be impeached simply as a message, regardless of reason. The only way to damage impeachment as a leftist political tool is to mock the process. Do nothing and prove that impeachment is just a liberal weapon that every future Republican faces. Hopefully this stupid comment knocks McCarthy out of the running for Speaker.
We're usually on the same page on issues but not this time. McCarthy is taking the right road here.

What makes us better than Democrats if instead of focusing on the American people and what they most need Congress to do or blocking bad legislation, we spend mega dollars, time, energy impeaching a President that isn't the problem and won't change a thing? That we are unlikely to have a sufficient senate majority to convict? We would be accused of being politically vindictive and it would likely cost us seats in 2024 and also the White House.

Also impeach Biden and we get Harris who would likely be even worse since she is equally incompetent but isn't suffering from dementia and might call her own shots here and there. The deep state would still be running the government. And God only knows who she would name as Vice President.

Far better to have a bigger voice with GOP majorities in the House and Senate and allow Biden to keep promoting the weaknesses and harm in the Democrat policies and whatever vision they put out there.
So what will you run on in 2024 if you don't impeach Joe Biden for his wrongdoing?

Nothing. A "do nothing" party made up of DC clowns.

At least by impeaching Biden for REAL CRIMES, you'd show that wrongdoing has real consequences. Those impeachments would energize the GOP base and attract more indys to the party of "Law and Order".
McCarthy would have been better to keep his mouth shut than to signal that there are no consequences for the illegal and traitorous actions of the left. What a traitorous cowardly cuck RINO he is.

“McCarthy, asked if anyone within the administration has engaged in conduct that would cause him to consider impeachment, said: ‘I don’t see it before me right now.’”

Imagine actually having charges before you start impeachment proceedings?
How many other sexual abusers in the GOP will he have the opportunity to NOT report?
What sexual abusers?? Joe Biden? "I was 30, she was 12..."

p.s. If you are hinting at Jim Jordan & college wrestlers? They are grown were saying?


Sounds like good advice to me. Look what you end up with if Biden is impeached.
Impeachment of Joseph Stolen would be a waste of time and effort, since the Senate won't remove him.

McCarthy needs to be run out on a rail for a lot of reasons....This isn't one of them.
Amusing to watch how quickly you tards can turn on your own.
Anyone who deviates from your whacko script.
So what will you run on in 2024 if you don't impeach Joe Biden for his wrongdoing?

Nothing. A "do nothing" party made up of DC clowns.

At least by impeaching Biden for REAL CRIMES, you'd show that wrongdoing has real consequences. Those impeachments would energize the GOP base and attract more indys to the party of "Law and Order".
You run on stopping the invasion at the border as much as possible as well as all the physical and property violence/damage/loss, tons of dangerous illegal drugs, child and sex trafficking, and the inhumane enticements for people to make a dangerous journey and the wrongness of requiring the taxpayers to pay for it.

You run on fixing the supply chain, stopping as much insane spending as possible that is driving inflation ever higher, stopping draining of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, restoring energy independence as much as possible, making permanent tax policies that are benefitting all demographics, and if Biden's handlers have him veto all that, you scream it from the rooftops so that we can get a GOP President who will sign the legislation in 2024.

You don't waste time, energy, and dollars on political vengeance that won't help anything and will likely make things worse, will make the GOP look no better than vindictive Democrats, and lose us congressional seats.
McCarthy would have been better to keep his mouth shut than to signal that there are no consequences for the illegal and traitorous actions of the left. What a traitorous cowardly cuck RINO he is.

He is thinking of practical consequences. If Biden is impeached and removed, we get Kamala Harris as President. Holy shit! Would that be an improvement??

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