Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

The rioters later arrested, said they broke in to the Capitol because Trump sent them to do it....THEY took his words to mean that....

Of course they said that, they were idiots trying to weasel out of a crime.
Trump said his 1/6 speech on the Ellipse was perfect, more perfect than his phone call with Zelensky..... :rolleyes:

Okay. The fact remains that I did not get the idea that his speech was perfect from him and I never thought that anyway.
Police have no legal requirement to inform you you're breaking the law unless they're detaining you.

If you're robbing a bank and there's a cop there who, for whatever reason, appeases you instead of arresting you; when you're arrested at a later date, you won't escape justice by saying, the cop led me to believe it was ok to rob the bank.
I never suggested anything like that. i only said I thought it odd that they didn’t do or say anything (that I know of) to dissuade them or ask them to leave even after they got in and calmed down.
Obviously Mars/Wrigley made the homely M&M’s ( complete with ugly unflattering block heeled shoes) to appease you lefties
since you narcissists need to see yourself in everything.

Is that how you weirdos see yourself? Homely and unappealing? Inquiring minds want to know.
I have no idea why they changed the cartoon character's appearance. But I am certainly not offended by the lack of sexiness of the green M&M. But Carlson obviously is.
Your ignorance of the facts and the news is your ignorance, not mine.

Paul Manafort, with his long history of working for Russia, became Trump's UNPAID campaign manager, then COLLUDED with Russian intelligence, giving them raw polling data.

Paul Manafort admitted doing this.

Tell me why that's not collusion.

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Fuck you, that was ALL typical protocol you asshole.
Get back to chopsticks on your Casio.
That was an exaggeration. The point is, the cops inside did nothing to stop or dissuade the mob, even after they got inside and calmed down.

You also saw the people in the building mingling and chatting with the cops.

You didn’t see all of them doing this and you also saw them sitting at desks.

I have no reason to be ashamed because I wasn’t there.

When it happened I was pissed about it. I knew it was wrong but at the same time I don’t see a coordinated effort to take the Capital building or steal the election.
Some may have had this motive but most did not. In any case, no one actually engaged in insurrection activity once inside.

You tell ‘em Buster.
So after the Trumpers rioted at the Capitol (lets not forget its was all based on lies of election fraud that never happened), attacked cops, beat cops, broke into the Capitol, attacked cops some more, literally overthrew the cops and took the building by force, then ran threw the building in combat vest with zip ties like wanna be bad asses chanting Hang Mike Pence and looking to kill Pelosi,
THEN after all of that when they completely controlled the building they were then peaceful, all because the cops conceded power to the insurrectionists in order to prevent more deaths and violence, that somehow makes everything fine because the insurrectionists were "mingling" with cops after they took control of the building ???!?!?!?!

Yea nice try. You conveniently ignore the fact that these insurrectionists attacked and beat cops and literally took the Capitol building by use of force and violence, making it an insurrection.
You people will fabricate any bullshit possible in order to avoid accepting responsibility for anything in life.
So after the Trumpers rioted at the Capitol (lets not forget its was all based on lies of election fraud that never happened), attacked cops, beat cops, broke into the Capitol, attacked cops some more, literally overthrew the cops and took the building by force, then ran threw the building in combat vest with zip ties like wanna be bad asses chanting Hang Mike Pence and looking to kill Pelosi,
THEN after all of that when they completely controlled the building they were then peaceful, all because the cops conceded power to the insurrectionists in order to prevent more deaths and violence, that somehow makes everything fine because the insurrectionists were "mingling" with cops after they took control of the building ???!?!?!?!

Yea nice try. You conveniently ignore the fact that these insurrectionists attacked and beat cops and literally took the Capitol building by use of force and violence, making it an insurrection.
You people will fabricate any bullshit possible in order to avoid accepting responsibility for anything in life.

Translation: "I watched none of the video".


Translation: "I watched none of the video".


I guess when you have no valid reply you just make shit up

Too bad we saw all the videos of the MAGA trash rioting at th Capitol, attacking and beating cops, breaking into the Capitol, overthrowing cops inside the building, then rampaging through the building shouting hang mike pence and kill Pelosi.

You people are the trash of America and your pathetic attempt to downplay the jan 6th Insurrection failed, just like your pathetic attempt to cry election fraud then the courts all rejected Trump's fake evidence, you people have a bad history of denying reality, because you are so ashamed of what you have done

I guess when you have no valid reply you just make shit up

Too bad we saw all the videos of the MAGA trash rioting at th Capitol, attacking and beating cops, breaking into the Capitol, overthrowing cops inside the building, then rampaging through the building shouting hang mike pence and kill Pelosi.

You people are the trash of America and your pathetic attempt to downplay the jan 6th Insurrection failed, just like your pathetic attempt to cry election fraud then the courts all rejected Trump's fake evidence, you people have a bad history of denying reality, because you are so ashamed of what you have done

Translation: "I didn't watch the video. Quit picking on me. Here, let me sling some shit. That'll make me feel better about myself."

You vote for the same party that put Americans in concentration camps and blocked every anti-lynching bill the Republicans authored.

Did you want me so say goodbye, or your more traditional Sieg Heil????
Disingenuous. It's confounding how you claim the liberal Republican party of the past that championed liberal ideas should be a credit to the modern conservative republican party when all the conservative opposition to those liberal ideas are now the entirety of the conservative republican party. Hilarious that people blind themselves to the truth for some misplaced allegiance to a party. Twisting history is what youre left to doing. Pathetic and anti-intellectual. If you are a champion of liberal ideas like opposition to concentration camps, anti-lynching bills then you are a liberal and have no use for the modern republican party.

Antil lynching opposed by modern republican conservatives

Concentration camps implemented by modern republican conservatives
Just saw clips of libs complaining that Tucker cherry picked J6 videos.
I don't remember them complaining when the J6 committee did the same thing
The J6 Committee set out to prove that Donald J. Trump was (and is) responsible for the deadly insurgency on Jan 6th, 2021.
That is all.
They did that.
The video's they selected proved that.

Tucker Carlson is doing something different.
He is gaslighting his viewers telling them to believe in some altered reality.
Trying to convince people that little snippets of carefully selected footage taken that day which don't happen to show the fury of the violent mob are the real representation of what happened that day.

But see, that's insulting because you (we) already know otherwise.
Thanks to the J6 Committee investigation we've already seen the REAL mob on video.

Tucker is lying....and ALMOST everyone realizes it.

Translation: "I didn't watch the video. Quit picking on me. Here, let me sling some shit. That'll make me feel better about myself."

Translation: You are so ashamed of the actions of your people, the Trumpers for rioted on Jan 6th and beat cops, that you need some bullshit and lies to feel better about yourself and your unquestioned loyalty to Trump and the GOP.

I have video evidence of your people rioting and beating cops, you have nothing.
You claimed the Capital was being overrun by violent insurrectionists, but these for cops had time to give a guided tour, Simp.

Something isn’t adding up.
While you wonder why things dont add up 500+ criminals have pled guilty to crimes because they were videoed committing crimes with another 500 in process. The fact that there were times they werent committing crimes is not germane.
You claimed the Capital was being overrun by violent insurrectionists, but these for cops had time to give a guided tour, Simp.

Something isn’t adding up.
Yea you are getting played and trying to change the narrative threw selective editing.

Yea the trumpers rioted at the Capitol, attacked and beat cops, overthrew the cops by violent force, took control of the building, then after they had control of the bulding acted peacefully.

The violent insurrection doesn't look so bad if you don;t watch all the violence and attacks and beating and only watch the end when the trash trumpers are just walking threw the building, after they took control of the building.

You got played yet again
I said these videos don't refute the ones shown by the J6 committee. That in no way equates to me saying I don't want Carlson to air them.
Why did the J6 Clown Show edit the videos they showed, Simp?
While you wonder why things dont add up 500+ criminals have pled guilty to crimes because they were videoed committing crimes with another 500 in process. The fact that there were times they werent committing crimes is not germane.
500? How many for trespassing and the like?

You claimed THOUSANDS of violent insurrectionists, Simp.
Yea you are getting played and trying to change the narrative threw selective editing.

Yea the trumpers rioted at the Capitol, attacked and beat cops, overthrew the cops by violent force, took control of the building, then after they had control of the bulding acted peacefully.

The violent insurrection doesn't look so bad if you don;t watch all the violence and attacks and beating and only watch the end when the trash trumpers are just walking threw the building, after they took control of the building.

You got played yet again
I am? How am I getting played, and exactly what did I edit, liar?
Translation: You are so ashamed of the actions of your people, the Trumpers for rioted on Jan 6th and beat cops, that you need some bullshit and lies to feel better about yourself and your unquestioned loyalty to Trump and the GOP.

I have video evidence of your people rioting and beating cops, you have nothing.

You didn't watch any of the scary video that would have shown you what you didn't already believe.




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